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Clairvoyant psychic - is it related to Awakened Kundalini ?

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Hello friends,I was reading about Clairvoyant psychic and read that there are some among us who have a deep empathic ability. They can enter

a room and sense either what has taken place or what will take place.

They can sense if a person is happy or sad. These are

inherent qualities present within all of us. However, the psychic has

developed these qualities either consciously or unconsciously.

There are therefore, different names for certain specific psychic

abilities. A Clairaudient psychic is someone who hears things. A

Clairvoyant psychic is one who sees things.

Psychic predictions therefore can often be quite startling and

clear and may provide an individual with a lot of insights into a



It has also been said, that these abilities are the function of a

certain chakra within our body. The third-eye chakra for instance gives

one the capacity for clairvoyance. If the chakra has become activated,

a person will begin to possess these capabilities.Anyone has experienced this kind of feelings after awakening of their Kundalini ?Regards,...Sukhi...

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This is one of the things that has increased for me for sure.

I always was very telepathic with people close to me (as many are naturally,

perhaps we all are but some do not acknowledge it)...

I have begun having dreams of future events directly linked to myself and

friends, not often but more often then before.

I get flashes in my mind and feelings and knowings often.

My ability comes mainly through repetitive thoughts and feelings.

e.g. 1 minute before the phone rings I think of the person calling me then ring

ring, they call me. (maybe telepathy more then psychic?)

e.g. before the earthquake hit my home town the day before I was drawn to read

something about earthquakes and wrote on my facebook page " i feel as if the

earth is shifting " .

I don't always know I am channeling info as it feels so natural.

I call it intuition.


Love e x x x


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Sukhi, thank you for your comments, I have not awakened my K yet..

but have been experiencing intuition, for people I get pictures

in my mind, numbers which some have related to birthdates, colours

flowers, and feelings of the person. At times I have had what

I can only describe as a type of message for a person, its all very

new and was going to ask chrism about these experiences.

When I 'get' things for people I wonder whether to give it or not..

I was feeling a tad overwhelmed but now am trying to remain in a state

of grace where I feel blessed acknowledge what I get send it love

and gratitude and let it go. Should someone wish for a reading or more

then I would ask for help for the highest good of the person and

meditate for them.

Its all very new and would love to hear of your experiences and

advice. Its hard to put into words but am sure many will be able to


with love and light







, Sukhvinder

<sukhvinus wrote:


> Hello friends,


> I was reading about Clairvoyant psychic and read that there are some

among us who have a deep empathic ability. They can enter

> a room and sense either what has taken place or what will take place.

> They can sense if a person is happy or sad. These are

> inherent qualities present within all of us. However, the psychic has

> developed these qualities either consciously or unconsciously.



> There are therefore, different names for certain specific psychic

> abilities. A Clairaudient psychic is someone who hears things. A

> Clairvoyant psychic is one who sees things.



> Psychic predictions therefore can often be quite startling and

> clear and may provide an individual with a lot of insights into a

> situation.




> It has also been said, that these abilities are the function of a

> certain chakra within our body. The third-eye chakra for instance gives

> one the capacity for clairvoyance. If the chakra has become activated,

> a person will begin to possess these capabilities.


> Anyone has experienced this kind of feelings after awakening of

their Kundalini ?


> Regards,

> ...Sukhi...


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Hello Sukhi! I have always had psychic abilities, but there has been a definite increase since my K started to awaken. I now receive much more visually than I used to and I have developed medium abilities as well.

I'm not sure what the reason is that you are asking this question, but we are not supposed to focus on the siddhis, they are a side effect of the K not the reason to seek it. I think if our ego came into play or we were really after these abilities for self importance or personal gain, they might be withheld and/or could hold up our spiritual progress.


, Sukhvinder <sukhvinus wrote:>> Hello friends,> > I was reading about Clairvoyant psychic and read that there are some among us who have a deep empathic ability. They can enter> a room and sense either what has taken place or what will take place.> They can sense if a person is happy or sad. These are> inherent qualities present within all of us. However, the psychic has> developed these qualities either consciously or unconsciously. > > > There are therefore, different names for certain specific psychic> abilities. A Clairaudient psychic is someone who hears things. A> Clairvoyant psychic is one who sees things.> > > Psychic predictions therefore can often be quite startling and> clear and may provide an individual with a lot of insights into a> situation.> > > > It has also been said, that these abilities are the function of a> certain chakra within our body. The third-eye chakra for instance gives> one the capacity for clairvoyance. If the chakra has become activated,> a person will begin to possess these capabilities.> > Anyone has experienced this kind of feelings after awakening of their Kundalini ?> > Regards,> ...Sukhi...>

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I hear voices sometimes. Even a two way conversation. I am not for

sure but I think it is coming from people in my neighborhood. The

funniest one so far has been. This guy in an angry voice

said, " where's my money? " and this other person ansewred and

said, " Dude! I don't know where your money is. " Not really so funny

writing it down, but it was funny to me when it came through my



The best one of all is when I heard my grandkids giggling before they

were even born. That one was a gift that help me survive a really

horrible year.




, Sukhvinder

<sukhvinus wrote:


> Hello friends,


> I was reading about Clairvoyant psychic and read that there are

some among us who have a deep empathic ability. They can enter

> a room and sense either what has taken place or what will take


> They can sense if a person is happy or sad. These are

> inherent qualities present within all of us. However, the psychic


> developed these qualities either consciously or unconsciously.



> There are therefore, different names for certain specific psychic

> abilities. A Clairaudient psychic is someone who hears things. A

> Clairvoyant psychic is one who sees things.



> Psychic predictions therefore can often be quite startling and

> clear and may provide an individual with a lot of insights into a

> situation.




> It has also been said, that these abilities are the function of a

> certain chakra within our body. The third-eye chakra for instance


> one the capacity for clairvoyance. If the chakra has become


> a person will begin to possess these capabilities.


> Anyone has experienced this kind of feelings after awakening of

their Kundalini ?


> Regards,

> ...Sukhi...


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