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Count me in also! I give my permission for both - the Scatterfield &

Shaktipat. ty




1a. Re: The Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2008 - Chrism

Posted by: " gypsyeyes_101 " gypsyeyes_101 gypsyeyes_101

Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:48 pm ((PDT))


Dearest Chrism,


Please count me in as well ~ I give my permission for the Scatterfield

and Shaktipat and am in practice of the exercises ~ Thank you! Angelina


, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Count me in also dear Teacher,

> I give my permission for Scatterfield and Shaktipat.

> i am in practice of the safeties and trying my very best to be the

best I can be :-))

> Gratitude and love

> elektra x x x


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2a. Re: Humour/Amusement

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:14 pm ((PDT))


Just makes me think of the saying " lighten up " .... says a lot about laughter

and its affects.

also makes me think of " en-lighten-ment " .

Taking things " lightly " .

love e x x x


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3a. Re: Entities in dreams?

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:20 pm ((PDT))


I have cetainly learnt a lot recently through constant attack from

" visitors " in my dreams, what it has brought me is deeper realisation of my

own divine power and a lack of fear of such things, the first time it

happened I got a little worried and flustered and depressed, now, it doesnt

affect my emotional balance or upset me, its like falling asleep with a

mosquito in the room, not scary at all, just need the right reppellent and

I've found a few.

It has been an eye opener for me and I am happy to have experienced it for

future benefit, I have learnt more control in my dreams which is a bonus.


Love e x x x


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3b. Re: Entities in dreams?

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:20 pm ((PDT))


I have cetainly learnt a lot recently through constant attack from

" visitors " in my dreams, what it has brought me is deeper realisation of my

own divine power and a lack of fear of such things, the first time it

happened I got a little worried and flustered and depressed, now, it doesnt

affect my emotional balance or upset me, its like falling asleep with a

mosquito in the room, not scary at all, just need the right reppellent and

I've found a few.

It has been an eye opener for me and I am happy to have experienced it for

future benefit, I have learnt more control in my dreams which is a bonus.


Love e x x x


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3c. Re: Entities in dreams?

Posted by: " alayafire " ari.reza alayafire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:16 am ((PDT))


I still have the dream entity, that pretends to be my Mother.

My Mother died two months ago.

I see her from behind, and I run after her, but she always runs

deeper into the darkness.

I do catch her , and when I do, I find the dream entity.

Usually I become lucid at this point and destroy the entire dream


Then I sulk broodingly in the dark.









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3d. Re: Entities in dreams?

Posted by: " bruce_oom " bruce_oom bruce_oom

Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:48 am ((PDT))


Hi all..


Just some comments on the entities in dreams...I have had dreams

where guardians have literally pulled things off my back and put them

in glass jars...and as they have been pulled off, my body becomes

very distorted..


and then others where I am in a room full of entities and spirits

with my higher self, and I know that I am protected..


however, a lot of the entities or forces that have attacked or scared

me have been my own shadow elements that have been repressed and

shoved away. An example was a dream I had of a black demon raping a

girl I loved, and who had left the country. I was terrified and held

up a cross for protection and awoke in a cold terrified sweat.. then

did dreamwork where I identified with the control and possession

qualities of the monster. Almost all dreams I do shadow work where I

associate with the qualities of the 'enemy' I am afraid of...and so

keep finding my opposites...and that usually solves the problems of

visitors coming back...


I dont know what everyone thinks about this, but i have noticed on

the posts that there isnt much talk about shadow work...and I have

found i have to always temporarily be 'the dark side' before I can

move on...K was very skillful at bringing all my fears into

existance.. I like teh analogy of a movie; all eyes are on the main

actor, yet when an extra comes on and plays a small part, which is

important for the movie to continue, all attention is on the extra,

and then attention goes back to the main actor...







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4. 136 cute animals

Posted by: " Shahin " sh1963sh sh1963sh

Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:25 pm ((PDT))


Hi all loving people


I uploaded lots of cute animals photos to my web server here:




file is (8.5 mega bytes)


Some of them are so fluffy that some of you softer people might start

crying by watching them. Keep the paper tissue handy :)


Have a happy day








Messages in this topic (1)



5a. Searching for answers

Posted by: " rick_c_2525 " rick_c_2525 rick_c_2525

Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:48 pm ((PDT))




It was suggested to me that I join this group because of what I have been

posting on the

OBE newsletter message board. Rather than write it all over again, I will

simply copy and

paste the portion that is relevant. Keep in mind that I have no experience

with any

terminology or philosophies associated with any of this. I wasn't even

aware anyone

discussed anything like this, and have been on my own for the last

twenty-six years.


I have been experiencing this since I was 12 years old. I'm 38 now and have

seen and felt

things that I've never seen described on any of these sites. When I first

experienced this at

12, I was really frightened and had no idea what was going on. Nobody could


what I was trying to describe to them. Everyone thought it was really


As time

went on, I began to realize that I could control myself in this state and

learned how to

wake myself up. I was not afraid because i knew that nothing bad could


to me...or

so I thought. Around the time I turned 20, things took a drastic turn. I


control of my

of the OBE's and began to encounter things that I didn't want any part of. I

began to be

able to walk around my room although not voluntarily. I heard voices and was


several times by things that I can only describe as energy that looked like


shape of a

man without a face...just a shadow. When it would attack me, it would lunge


me, and

as soon as it struck me, I would feel like I was being hit by a lightning


I felt a very

powerful electric shock that made my body rock. This started to happen



night for about a year, and some of it started to cross over into my


awake life.

This is the part where I should mention that I do not have any psychological

problems, nor

do I use drugs, suffer from delusions, or any sort of depression. I'm a


guy with a

normal life and family. I am very perceptive of my surroundings and of other

people, and

I'm often the person who is sought for advice. So now back my experiences.

After most

of the episodes that I just described, I would get a phone call that would

simply hang-up

as soon as I answered. This was before the *69 days, so I could never find


where the

calls were coming from. Only once did someone answer the phone, and it was a


screaming bloody murder in spanish, begging for help because someone was



break into her house. Then she hung up and I never heard from her again.


that very

scary year, I stopped having OBE's for quite sometime. When they did occur



mild and calm again. When I was married I told my wife about them, and she


got to

see it happening to me. You see, I can fall into an OBE with my eyes wide


and can

see everyone around me...but that's not all I see. I can partially move my


and my

hands, blink and roll my eyes, and with a little effort even speak. Although

I've entered

this state in my sleep, I can also enter it while I am awake. In the last

couple of years I

have experienced being touched while I lay in bed before I fall asleep. That

has been kind

of freaky since I'm not even in an OBE at the time. I just feel a hand


come to rest on

my back, which of course makes me jump! But the OBE's have taken a new



again. You see now I feel the presence of something with me when they occur.


something does not feel like a good thing. The feeling that I get in the OBE

now is that

this thing is trying to pull me out of my body against my will. I feel like


is trying to enter

my body at the same time. But since I am in control of my portion, I do not

fear it. I am

able to fight it and out muscle it and push it away. I even verbalize during

these " fights "

and tell it that it can't harm me and I reach out and dare it to let me get


hold of it. I

decided to write because it wouldn't let me sleep tonight and it verbally

responded to me

today. When I told it to go away and let me sleep, it clearly said " no " . I

have spoken to

others who have experienced OBE's and no one has ever been able to even come

close to

the experiences that I have. I view some of these sites and sometimes think

that many of

the writings here are a little misleading. I don't think many of people who

experience this

know what they're dealing with. There are a lot of things out there that are

not peaceful

and seem to want to cause harm. I will say that these experiences have

enlightened me,

given me great perception, and taken away many fears. I am a God fearing and


person and I believe that since there's a God, there is also a devil, and a


of stuff in

between. I can't prove it, but I believe that what I'm seeing is a lot of


in between






Messages in this topic (4)


5b. Re: Searching for answers - Hello Rick

Posted by: " chrism "

Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:51 pm ((PDT))


Hello Rick, here is the same response I gave to you on the OBE forum


Quite the rockity ride you have had Rick. I have had some similar

experiences. Certainly not exactly the same but similar. I will

suggest that you may be having some bi-location events if you are

sharing consciousness while being out and in at the same time.

Taking it out of an easily explained linear format.


All I can tell you really is that it is a very big aquarium. There

is much discarnate consciousness and they have interaction that

perceptive and sensitive individuals can experience as direct

contact on flesh in waking hours.


It would be appropriate to also suggest the Kundalini to you as this

is a route that you will most likely be partaking of from what I

read of your experiences.


So I will respond to the parts of your experience specifically.


The entities that are trying to pull you out of the body. Is it your

feeling that they want to replace you in the body?


As you are in communication with them, have they told you anything

of the agenda? Have you been able to discern this on your own?


Much of this sounds very pre-Kundalini to me as I had experiences

with these types but not with having my " self " pulled forcefully

out. I had direct in the physical encounters with them.


Didn't need to go OBE at all, just needed to start to meditate and I

was getting the large voltage shocks to the back. Really strong

shocks that had definite voltage characteristics. Scary stuff!


Didn't take too much of this for me to know something wasn't right.


I had direct waking contact with dark pyramid shaped, gaseous,

shadow consciousness. They would attack me in the dawn hours. Not

asleep though as the attempted incursion would awaken me and cause

me to see what was sitting on me. Or near me.


I would shout and wave my arms through them and they move off a bit

and wait. And I would sit there and watch them waiting and then they

would move right over and attack again but with a feeling of anger

and rage. Feels like viscous or thick cobwebs.

I couldn't think of anything else to do but play some Tibetan

chants. That did it. Never saw that one again. The " shockers " have

consciousness and for me they would attack from behind. So I never

saw them but as you know feeling them isnt a problem.


I knew when they were coming as some part of me could feel their

presence and I would just " know " . I changed my spiritual practice. I

knew that there is a rule of valence or of frequency radiations. I

knew I had Kundalini and felt they may be after that. This was early

in the Kundalini for me. So about 13 or 14 years ago.


I began to use service for others as an expression of spirituality.

I was also in Hell at these times I should mention. I didn't want to

go to sleep because I would inevitably go straight to a hell zone.

Where many unfortunate activities would take place and at that time

I was floundering about what to do and where to go for help. I was

in a full on panic with no one to turn to mode. Having worked in the

medical field there was no way I would mention this to a medical

practitioner of any kind! Certainly not my family. So I was alone.


I should also mention that I had been able to perceive and see and

interact with discarnate entities since a very young child and they

scared the snot out of me even as a child (though some were very

nice) and I prayed and prayed for it to go away. After thirteen

years it did. During my teens I was in relative peace.


Anyway as I began to practice spirituality from a love based and

service based platform I began to experience a degree of control

over the Hell Zones (at least my choices in them) and of the

interdimensional daytime encounters.


As Claudia mentioned fear is a big deal and some of them do actually

consume the energetic frequencies of fear and do their level best to

initiate it in us in order to harvest that exudate from us.


Being pulled from the body will generate copious amounts of fear.


You already have an entity surfing and feeding upon your energetic

body Rick that much is obvious. No worries as there are ways to sour

the milk.


Anyway as I began to move out of a fear based response and this took

time. My interactions began to lessen. I do not get shocked anymore.

The Kundalini continued its rise and is now in a very strong

expression compared to those days gone by. Now I try to continue the

service based platform in ways that help people perhaps such as

yourself become more familiar to that energetic aspect of

themselves. The Kundalini aspect. - Anyway my story as it pertains

to yours in the quick and dirty form. - blessings to you Rick -











Messages in this topic (4)


5c. Re: Searching for answers

Posted by: " Claudia " newtfoodbowl newtfoodbowl

Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:34 am ((PDT))


Welcome, Rick!


I hope that you will find our little family to be the loving support

that the rest of us have found here. You will see that many of us

are not strangers to entitites, and hopefully other members'

experiences will help you with your own situation.


I see that no one has mentioned yet The Safeties. Here is a link:




They can also be found in the files section of the group's home

page. As you will see, they describe what we consider basically a

good way to live life....being loving and forgiving and helpful to

others. As you begin to incorporate these practices into your daily

life, you may find that you will begin to have some positive changes

in your interactions with your bothersome entities in addition to

bringing you into a place of greater spiritual balance....although it

is obvious that you are already doing a great job of staying in

spiritual balance within the context of your day-to-day life even in

light of the challenges you have been given.


I'm glad that you decided to join us and learn about Kundalini. I

have a feeling that you will be glad that you did.


Blessings & love,



, " rick_c_2525 "

<rick_c_2525 wrote:


> Hi,


> It was suggested to me that I join this group because of what I

have been posting on the

> OBE newsletter message board. Rather than write it all over again,

I will simply copy and

> paste the portion that is relevant. Keep in mind that I have no

experience with any

> terminology or philosophies associated with any of this. I wasn't

even aware anyone

> discussed anything like this, and have been on my own for the last

twenty-six years.


> I have been experiencing this since I was 12 years old. I'm 38 now

and have

> seen and felt

> things that I've never seen described on any of these sites. When I


> experienced this at

> 12, I was really frightened and had no idea what was going on.

Nobody could

> explain

> what I was trying to describe to them. Everyone thought it was

really strange.

> As time

> went on, I began to realize that I could control myself in this

state and

> learned how to

> wake myself up. I was not afraid because i knew that nothing bad

could happen

> to me...or

> so I thought. Around the time I turned 20, things took a drastic

turn. I lost

> control of my

> of the OBE's and began to encounter things that I didn't want any

part of. I

> began to be

> able to walk around my room although not voluntarily. I heard

voices and was

> attacked

> several times by things that I can only describe as energy that

looked like the

> shape of a

> man without a face...just a shadow. When it would attack me, it

would lunge at

> me, and

> as soon as it struck me, I would feel like I was being hit by a

lightning bolt.

> I felt a very

> powerful electric shock that made my body rock. This started to

happen almost

> every

> night for about a year, and some of it started to cross over into

my everyday

> awake life.

> This is the part where I should mention that I do not have any


> problems, nor

> do I use drugs, suffer from delusions, or any sort of depression.

I'm a normal

> guy with a

> normal life and family. I am very perceptive of my surroundings and

of other

> people, and

> I'm often the person who is sought for advice. So now back my


> After most

> of the episodes that I just described, I would get a phone call

that would

> simply hang-up

> as soon as I answered. This was before the *69 days, so I could

never find out

> where the

> calls were coming from. Only once did someone answer the phone, and

it was a

> woman

> screaming bloody murder in spanish, begging for help because

someone was trying

> to

> break into her house. Then she hung up and I never heard from her

again. After

> that very

> scary year, I stopped having OBE's for quite sometime. When they

did occur they

> were

> mild and calm again. When I was married I told my wife about them,

and she even

> got to

> see it happening to me. You see, I can fall into an OBE with my

eyes wide open

> and can

> see everyone around me...but that's not all I see. I can partially

move my feet

> and my

> hands, blink and roll my eyes, and with a little effort even speak.


> I've entered

> this state in my sleep, I can also enter it while I am awake. In

the last

> couple of years I

> have experienced being touched while I lay in bed before I fall

asleep. That

> has been kind

> of freaky since I'm not even in an OBE at the time. I just feel a

hand gently

> come to rest on

> my back, which of course makes me jump! But the OBE's have taken a

new course

> once

> again. You see now I feel the presence of something with me when

they occur.

> This

> something does not feel like a good thing. The feeling that I get

in the OBE

> now is that

> this thing is trying to pull me out of my body against my will. I

feel like it

> is trying to enter

> my body at the same time. But since I am in control of my portion,

I do not

> fear it. I am

> able to fight it and out muscle it and push it away. I even

verbalize during

> these " fights "

> and tell it that it can't harm me and I reach out and dare it to

let me get a

> hold of it. I

> decided to write because it wouldn't let me sleep tonight and it


> responded to me

> today. When I told it to go away and let me sleep, it clearly

said " no " . I

> have spoken to

> others who have experienced OBE's and no one has ever been able to

even come

> close to

> the experiences that I have. I view some of these sites and

sometimes think

> that many of

> the writings here are a little misleading. I don't think many of

people who

> experience this

> know what they're dealing with. There are a lot of things out there

that are

> not peaceful

> and seem to want to cause harm. I will say that these experiences


> enlightened me,

> given me great perception, and taken away many fears. I am a God

fearing and

> believing

> person and I believe that since there's a God, there is also a

devil, and a lot

> of stuff in

> between. I can't prove it, but I believe that what I'm seeing is a

lot of that

> in between

> stuff






Messages in this topic (4)


5d. Re: Searching for answers

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:21 am ((PDT))


Hi Rick, welcome to the group.

Sounds like you've had your hands full for quite some years, remarkable that

you kept it together and didn't give in to fear, I take my hat off to you.

I have sometimes felt a tap on my shoulder from an invisible " friend " , heard

whispers, seen shadows, felt a force lifting me out of my body when I was

OBE and had entity experiences...... you are not alone at all.


So glad to meet you and read your intro

love elektra x x x


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6. Entity activations

Posted by: " chrism "

Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:59 am ((PDT))


Sometimes an entity or group of them can have act as activation

initiators. I got some pretty harsh shocks from some of them and it is

not out of the realm of possibility that these were indeed a form of

stimulant for the Kundalini.


I still do not recommend contact with them if it can be avoided. Stay

in the middle of the river and paddle over to neither shore. -






Messages in this topic (1)



7a. Kriyas - my turn

Posted by: " Bill " astronutski astronutski

Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:43 am ((PDT))


Hey all,

I have a quick question regarding kriyas, which it appears I am starting,

the last three nights.


Last night was the biggest yet, and all involved only my shoulders and arms.

I am under the impression that they can become quite violent, whole body

jerks and thrashes, but so far so good. My question is, since mine only

involved my shoulders and arms, does this mean I've passed most of the lower

body kriyas? Do they move upward similar to the rising snake? Or is this

just wishful thinking?


Also, please, I think I need some mental support here. I have read about

it, my sister had some pretty rough nights with it, but since I wasn't haing

any I mistakenly thought either one of two things.... a) that they just

hadn't happened to me yet, and 2) that somehow I was pretty 'clean' and was

just going to bypass this phase, like nothing or not much needed corrected.

Not trying to sound arrogant, but #2 did cross my mind more of a kind of

hopeful way.


Last night when they came, VERY shortly after laying down, first a couple

shoulder twitches, then a pretty big two shoulder whopper, my shoulders

pushed down really hard, towards my legs, real quick then back. I just

relaxed, surrendered to it, not fighting it, as I had read from you all, but

I gotta be honest, it scared the crap out of me. Then I thought, oh crap,

don't be afraid, no fear, don't go there, and then I tried as best I could

to relax and just accept whatever God wanted. I fell asleep shortly after

praying my butt off, lol.


Love and Light,








Messages in this topic (3)


7b. Re: Kriyas - my turn

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:03 am ((PDT))


From what I understand of Kriyas :

a. they can come to any part of the body at any time and do not follow a set


b. they are not a sign of inbalance or a need to correct anything they are

just a natural part of the kundalini process.


I think you did well to surrender, don't over analyze this, just allow it

and give thanks for the blessings you are receiving.


love elektra x x x


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7c. Re: Kriyas - my turn

Posted by: " Sarita " sarita1969 saritadreaming

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:43 am ((PDT))



Hiya there Bill! I'm sure will correct me if I'm wrong, but I

don't think the Kriyas are about things that need to be dealt with. I

think they are more of a physical manifestation on our body due to the

K. Just like we go through mental adjustments, we go through physical

ones as well.


I have had kriyas in my legs, arms, face, eyelid (very annoying, lol)

and sometimes full body. The full body ones for me were like shivering

in the cold, except it wasn't cold. It was an automatic thing and the

first time I tried to fight it. Not a good idea! It wasn't exactly

painful, but I soon got the message to quit fighting and surrender. As

soon as I did I drifted to sleep. My husband is used to my weirdnesses

by now and it doesn't phase him.







, Bill

<astronutski wrote:


> Hey all,

> I have a quick question regarding kriyas, which it appears I am

starting, the last three nights.


> Last night was the biggest yet, and all involved only my shoulders and

arms. I am under the impression that they can become quite violent,

whole body jerks and thrashes, but so far so good. My question is, since

mine only involved my shoulders and arms, does this mean I've passed

most of the lower body kriyas? Do they move upward similar to the rising

snake? Or is this just wishful thinking?


> Also, please, I think I need some mental support here. I have read

about it, my sister had some pretty rough nights with it, but since I

wasn't haing any I mistakenly thought either one of two things.... a)

that they just hadn't happened to me yet, and 2) that somehow I was

pretty 'clean' and was just going to bypass this phase, like nothing or

not much needed corrected. Not trying to sound arrogant, but #2 did

cross my mind more of a kind of hopeful way.


> Last night when they came, VERY shortly after laying down, first a

couple shoulder twitches, then a pretty big two shoulder whopper, my

shoulders pushed down really hard, towards my legs, real quick then

back. I just relaxed, surrendered to it, not fighting it, as I had read

from you all, but I gotta be honest, it scared the crap out of me. Then

I thought, oh crap, don't be afraid, no fear, don't go there, and then I

tried as best I could to relax and just accept whatever God wanted. I

fell asleep shortly after praying my butt off, lol.


> Love and Light,

> Bill





Messages in this topic (3)



8a. Dreamed about two huge birth control pill cases !?

Posted by: " ntaroiu " lsirca ntaroiu

Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:46 am ((PDT))


I had this dream this morning and I was in this building and there

was me and this man sitting down at a table.On the table there were 2

birth control pill cases,one dark purple and one brown and I was

telling this guy that they are huge,lol.There was a group of people in

the same room but further away.Yieks !I've never dreamed about birth

control pills.Strange,very strange!!!






Messages in this topic (2)


8b. Re: Dreamed about two huge birth control pill cases !?

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:15 am ((PDT))


It makes me think of the matrix

" do you want the blue pill or the red pill? "

through the rabbit hole?

love elektra x x x


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9. Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2008

Posted by: " stagspurling " stag stagspurling

Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:12 am ((PDT))



I request to be included in the

Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat and

give permission for the scatterfield.

I observe the safeties with particular

attention to emotional balancing.


Also,tomorrow marks the

one year anniversary of

acceptance into the KAS1 group.

I am honored to be a part of this

international intentional community

and thank and send blessings to

everyone here.


I would like to express my heartfelt

gratitude to for his teachings,

wisdom, kindness and compassion.










Messages in this topic (1)



10. Kundalini - Chi - Superpowers

Posted by: " xrewindx " samsond xrewindx

Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:35 am ((PDT))


I stumbled upon the John Chang video today (you can find a link in the

links section), and it was followed by a thread about his abilities.

I decided to post one comment i found very interesting for newbies who

want to activate to gain superpowers. Using other words, it all come

back to the safeties.





The author signed " Nobody knows "


I have been studying for a very long time, it seems. Since I was very

young. I have seen ki demonstrations, chi-gung demonstrations, etc..

The exercises are available for anyone that wants to spend the time to

do them and learn how to master them to the highest levels. Tai Chi

forms are available online, yogic breath training can be found on

line. You don't need any more info than that. Even if a master crushed

a one ton stone every day in front of you with the fist of one hand,

it wouldn't make any difference to your abilities. All he, or John C,

has done is show you that it is possible. It is still all on you to

figure it out and do it.


What you can't find on line is the understanding of how and why these

things are possible. So you turn to John or others and sit at their

feet in hopes of some of what they have learned will rub off on you.

You forget that John had to teach himself and you have to also.


Its like the scene in " The Life of Brian " where Brian is pursued by a

crowd who is trying their best to deify him but do not actually

understand what Brian is up to and why he is running away. They

stopped listening inside and heard what Brian was saying as he

disguised himself as a soothsayer and pursued him for knowlege. It was

so futile that it was funny but that is what many of you on this

thread are doing. You are missing the point..


You can train to be able to miraculously turn on an LED or you can

train so that whatever makes that possible works to your benefit on

demand in any situation where you feel that you need it even without

your conscious thought. Its already there and working anyway.. If you

train for that general benefit rather than to knock over a brick with

your chi from ten feet away, then you are gaining an understanding

into what these skills are really about.


These abilities find their roots in ancient shamanic practices and if

you focus on the depth of training that makes you a strong healer,

certain abilities will manifest of their own accord. You need to eat

well, surrender egotistical manifestations, focus on compassion and

healing and practice seriously every day.


The miraculous will manifest regardless of what it is you are doing if

you do it diligently enough. That is what growth is and that is why we

acknowlege people who are good at so many things. They have taken

their skills to a very high level be it martial arts, painting,

cooking, or whatever. If one practices diligently one ends up with a

" spiritual " practice that can demonstrate tangible and sublime results.


This knowlege disqualifies those that aren't prepared because they

can't handle it even if they can recognize it - and often an

unprepared mind can't even see what is happening right in front of its

own nose.


Many of these physical/martial abilities are tricks of leverage

combined with a high skill level, like many of the more commonly known

Aikido demonstrations of so-called " Ki " like the unbending arm or

making oneself " heavy " . The proper techniques for doing this end up

being reduced to simple physical principles. And yes there are strong

and bona fide Aikido expressions of ki.. If you can't see that it is a

matter of physics, then how can you recognize chi, ki, qi when it is

really active in front of you?


Notice that when John C is pushing a chopstick through a board he is

using all the correct leverage and stance that one would use if one

was shoving a chopstick through a board. He is breathing carefully,

focusing, applying force and leverage.. and a little bit more. He

doesn't just pick up a chopstick and ease it through the board like a

sharp needle through a banana. All of these things are related and

dependant on an understanding of the physics of this reality but the

properly trained adept can be just a little more than the sum of those



You don't need a teacher for that. You aren't ready for a teacher if

you can't see the difference between ki and physics. The first step is

surrender. Let go of what you think you know, what you think you need,

what you think life is, what you think ki, qi, chi is, etc. Train your

awareness by sitting still, breathing carefully and listening to what

is going on around you.


Once you are in a stable place you will be able to see the real forces

at work in your world. The interplay between minds on the street, the

nonlocal information that your mind can gather when it is quieted, the

energies around events and incidents that compose the experience of life.


Without that level of awareness you can't heal yourself or anyone

else. With it you can begin to be a small force in your world, living

carefully and impeccably, with mindfulness. Eventually you will see

and feel and develop your own conscious expression of these energies.


Have you noticed that most of the people who are capable of these

types of expression are healers? Do you know why that is? Is that

compatible with the type of martial expression that you are currently

visualizing? Think about it. Ask yourself " Why do I want to be able to

light a newspaper on fire with my chi? " If you can answer that

honestly, then you can see both your problem and the solution and that

will put you on the right path.


It isn't that martial prowess is " bad " or that being nice and healing

people is " good " ... so think. why is it that these people who can do

these things are invariably healers? Go to any tradition anywhere and

the story is the same. Those with the highest powers are healers..

figure that out and you will actually know something of value to your



Don't dispair and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't capable or

worthy of learning these things. If not you who wants to know, then

who? Be diligent, be motivated, be patient and be honest with yourself

and the opportunities to learn and grow will come and the sublime will

manifest when called to do so.





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11. Kundalin's agenda for one

Posted by: " orvokki21 " orvokki21 orvokki21

Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:58 am ((PDT))


Hi everyone!


When will I know Kundalini's agenda for me? Does it happen when

Kundalini raises to sixth chakra, third eye is opened or at some other

time? I would like to know it soon.


- Anu






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12a. posession* anyone experienced this?

Posted by: " alayafire " ari.reza alayafire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:59 am ((PDT))


My friend bought a coffee shop and he asked me to draw him some plans

for his builders.The shop was like a timewarp. It had 1920 gollywog

mirrors,old weighing pans , a 1930's till ,it was an interesting

pistachio coloured museum. It was named , " The Lido " .


In the kitchen , there was an old roll top desk, nosey as I am

I peeked inside. On looking inside I felt my consciousness dip.

I had been posessed by the old shop owner. Trough his eyes he showed

me his shop in its hayday, busy and lively, his personality its main

attraction.He loved his business, his life. His message was, don't

change my shop, or i'll make it have no luck.

My friend wanted ultra-modern eeks.

All I can say is thank goodness for retro style, a fusion of the two.

The past preserved and a nod to the new. Saved my bacon and saved my

friend some renovation costs...The Lido lives on!



I've experienced possession quite a few times,sometimes antiques,

sometimes places. My strangest one was some quartz crystals. They

were nasty,carried in them someone that wanted to take over me, he

didnt last long.lol..


Have you guys experienced this? and how do you protect yourself

from it?








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12b. Re: posession* anyone experienced this?

Posted by: " djgottlieb " dgottlieb djgottlieb

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:56 am ((PDT))


> I peeked inside. On looking inside I felt my consciousness dip.


> Have you guys experienced this? and how do you protect yourself

from it?





When this happens to me, especially if I feel my consciousness DIP, I

try to establish some boundaries. I usually wipe off my arms as if

I'm discarding some yucky gook that got onto them; then I focus on my

navel center and my third eye and do mantra. I want to experience

me, not the consciousness of other things/people. I may

surreptitiously (or overtly, if there's no audience to freak out)

adopt a defensive martial arts posture. I imagine my energy field

extending around me providing protective armor. Used to be the

energy field came from my navel center -- I've been more recently

experimenting with radiating it from my heart. In any case, I guess

it's my version of the protective circle Elektra mentioned. I try to

carefully distinguish between my own thoughts and those of others I

may be tuning in to.


By the way, I've found that this can happen with incarnate humans as

well, not just disincarnates.


Once boundaries are established, I guess you can decide whether or

not you want to interact. Did he force himself onto you, or did you

just happen to pick up on him because of your sensitivities? If he's

sincerely the old shop keeper and not something else masquerading, it

sounds like he could use some loving help moving on.


On the other hand, it may not be him at all -- if he spent a lot of

time in life at the desk doing work, he probably infused it with his

vibrations and you may have been picking up on this. Just a thought -

- you were there -- only you can say.












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13a. Another fun K. week...

Posted by: " bruce_oom " bruce_oom bruce_oom

Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:25 am ((PDT))


this was a fun one..it started last week with dreams of being

attacked by a polar bear in the ocean, which grabbed my left arm and

mauled it...then, in the same dream, I was hit by sharks which turned

into seals and we were all playing in large powerful waves..


the next day, I slept a lot with a lot of kriya activity in my left

arm and tension in my left shoulder..then another dream..


" I am taking an elevator to the top of a mountain, where I was on a

platuae with many animals. I was camping with friends on a ridge when

lions descended from somewhere above. They were big ones with manes

(males). I was concerned (to put it mildly) that the cats were going

to eat me. They ignored me and ran onto the plaine, where a single

lion charged like a rocket, leapt about 7 meters in the air and

flattened a giraffe, killing it... "


I had been having a lot of crown chakra activity, and the followind

day after the dream, I slept for almost continuosly for two days,and

this week I have constant tension in my neck (I can hardly turn my

head to one side) and have been exhausted, with lots of kriyas and

twitches and the like, and sometimes a feeling like a nail in my

head. I had another dream where I was stuck to the side of the wall

with my head impaled on a nail....(not for the fainthearted..ha)..


today, I forced myself to do yoga (after 4 sun salutations I was

lying sprawled on the floor like a dead rat), then had a very

interesting meditation.something very subtle let go...my sense of

self dissolved and there was just experience arising...radically

liberating...and not an experience..rather..no seperate me...or

everything is arising in me..very simple actually...


I feel okay again tonight.the tension is starting to lift after 5

days of pain...but thankfully no neurotic and suicidal thoughts with

this wave....maybe back on the up...(hopefully..been flattened by K.

as my body gets pushed again and again is fun fun fun..:) Funny thing

is that I enjoy it...I used to push myself to the extreme physically

in teh past in various ways...


...and still having lots of funny energetic squiggles within...oh..and

its been amazing how K always wacks me when I have free time. Last

yeear and the year before, everytime I took some leave or had a break

of a few days, I would get whacked by a severe burst of K. Shakti has

great timing :)


love to all





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13b. Re: Another fun K. week...

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:28 am ((PDT))


Wow Bruce, the way your dreams correspond to your symptoms is quite

fascinating.... Don't like the idea of the nail in the head but I understand

Shakti has her plan.

Wishing you blessings

elektra x x x


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14. Not quite entities but a threat - dreams

Posted by: " Valarie Vousden " vjvousden vjvousden

Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:49 am ((PDT))


On the subject of entities, particularly in dreams, I have lately had

dreams of UFOs. But that isn't the problem. The problem and the

threat is from secret govmt ops (the equivalent of " bad entities " ).

I've had 2 dreams in the last 2 weeks about this. Last night's is



*I'm on vacation with some friends, not sure where but it's green,

treed (definitely not Arizona). My husband, daughter and I are at a

playground. My daughter has found a cool hideout/secret clubhouse

inside some bushes. I go in with her and play her pretend game. But I

look out and up and happen to see a UFO come from far away quickly to

nearly overhead and only maybe 10,000ft. up. I'm not the only one who

sees this, my husband happens to see it too. I wait for his reaction

but he doesn't seem to react, just stares up, mesmerized. I come out

of the bush and see other people congregating and looking up in awe.

It zooms off. Then 3 or 4 more ships come and hover over our general

area. I see more are coming this way in the distance. I'm just

amazed, in awe but not afraid. The other people seem to be the same.

I go toward a little plain white house nearby, like my late

grandmother's home-a pre-world war II wood frame house, the first

cookie cutter homes. Anyway, I go in and see it is like a woodsman's

home, rustic, earthy, wood paneled, deer antlers over the fireplace

sort of thing. Very masculine. I find a nice flannel shirt on the

floor. As I do I hear gun shots and screams from outside. I pick up

the shirt and then see on it's lower half, it is soaked in and

dripping blood! I go to the next room which is the bedroom (it's so

small!) and see an unmade bed (green sheets). The headboard of the

bed is streaked with blood as is the floor! I'm horrified! I hear

more gun shots outside and I know this is the black ops killing

people that have witnessed the UFOs and they just want to shut all

the witnesses up.* <End of dream>


I never felt threatened personally in this dream even as this was

going on all around me. I was there but as if invisible to the

gunmen. Just an observer once I left my family at the playground. But

this is my second dream of this type. Why UFOs? And these black

trench coat, dark sunglasses Gmen? I'm not a big conspiracy type

person though I know nefarious things are going on that I'm not privy



Any thoughts anyone? I do realize dreams are personal to the dreamer

so won't be hurt if no one answers. But if you feel so moved, I

appreciate it.







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