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Kundalini and Diet

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Digestive system problems are common with kundalini awakenings because

the energy and enzymes are being diverted away from the digestive

system and into the transmutation/substantiation process. So it is

harmful and counterproductive to overburden the digestive system

during the years in which metamorphosis occurs.


Some reasons for digestive disturbance during kundalini are:


Metamorphosis is largely an immune activity, thus the immune system is

not as available for digestion (leukocytosis). Immune system is

compromised by the stress hormones of the peak.


Kundalini initiates radical sympathetic/adrenal activation, while

digestion is a parasympathetic activity. Even hyper-parasympathetic

phases upset digestion.


Extra stress hormones, and sex hormones and growth hormone are pumping

through and need to be conjugated by the liver.


The liver has a lot more work to do with recycling cells, and from the

disrupted digestion.


The demand for the antioxidant Glutathione steals glutamine from the

small intestine thus thinning the GI tract.


Overworked immune system allows candida yeast over-growth that can

cause irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut.


Direct blissful flow of kundalini through the neurons of the GI tract

creates fermentation. This is probably due to activation of the

histaminergic and serotonergic activation of GI tract nerves.


Kundalini may also alter friendly bacteria populations due to pH and

EMF changes.


Changes in nitric oxide production may interfere with peristalsis and

gastric secretions.


The huge demand for enzymes during kundalini no doubt reduces the

enzymes resources available for digestion and allergen control.


Occasionally kundalini energy moves directly through the digestive

neurology causing digestion to becomes gurgley and bubbly with

fermentation. I find this happens around the full moons of September

and October. When there is bliss in the lungs and digestive system and

your lips start tingling during an awakening it's best to just revert

to fresh squeezed juice. Any food you eat while kundalini moves

through the digestive system will just ferment and won't actually

provide you with nutrition. Once the food is fermented it will require

extra resources and energy to protect the body from toxicity and

eliminate the useless food. Antiseptic and antibiotic herbs and spices

like those listed for candida in the " More Supplement Suggestions "

section at the end of this book will help reduce the fermentation and

toxic load. This condition of kundified digestive system only lasts

about a week so it's the perfect time to go on a juice fast.

White blood cells have the most enzymes of any cells and if one eats

cooked food leukocytosis occurs. That is white blood cells rush to the

digestive system to protect, clean up and digest the heat-damaged

molecules. Thus leukocytosis takes energy and enzymes away from the

metamorphic process and so evolutionary progress is disrupted by

eating heavy cooked food during active kundalini. Stimulating the

immune system with every cooked meal means that there is less cleanup,

repair and regeneration going on. Most people's bodies don't even

clean up between meals let alone repair and regenerate. But one of the

main problems with cooked food is the radical overworking of the poor

liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas etc...It's just a lot of extra

work for " nothing " --whereas that energy would have gone into the

development of the spiritual body. Raw food however and especially

sprouts provide adequate enzymes to ensure proper digestion while

supporting the metamorphic process itself.


Although adopting a largely raw diet will tend to bring on a kundalini

awakening, converting to such a diet while in the process of an

awakening might cause digestive disruption if a lot of bulky fibrous

material is eaten when the digestive system is not used to such

cellulose intake. By use of raw juices, raw soups, wheat grass and

careful use of high antioxidant fruits, we can avoid the problems that

chowing through pounds of vegetables and unsoaked nuts and seeds will

inevitably create. The fact that the digestive system is already

compromised by the kundalini itself means that we have to be twice as

mindful and intelligent about our diet.


Adopting a raw diet often brings on a kundalini awakening through

derepression of vital energy. Whereas the cooked diet usually usurps

most our energy in the digestion and detoxification processes, and so

we have little energy and materials for repair, optimization and for

building the spiritual-body. When we go raw this suppression is lifted

and nature suddenly brings us up to the speed of our more Universal

Self. Since we often use food as an escape mechanism to reduce the

vividness of reality, returning suddenly to our full physical and

spiritual senses can be extremely disorientating. It can take many

years to integrate greater aliveness and to embody our full Presence

and full senses. Because a kundalini awakening is already

destabilizing I would not advise people to suddenly adopt a 100% raw

diet during a full-on awakening...the adjustment would be too great

for most people and negative coping mechanisms or digestive imbalances

might result.


Raw food will cause the fastest evolution, however you may find winter

to be a challenge on raw, especially for the first two years.

Sensation really increases, and that includes the sensation of pain as

we emerge from the numbness most of us live under. A good all round

book is Living Food For Optimum Health by Brian Clement of the

Hippocrates Institute.


Metamorphosis must indeed be the highest energy function in human

experience. Because metamorphosis demands energy and enzymes and

because the body's elimination channels must be free to enable a high

degree of detoxification during the changes, it is advisable to not

weigh the body down with a lot of heavy cooked food or substance

addictions. A " quality " light, raw-sproutarian type diet with

superfoods instead of " quantity " is advisable.


" When the inner nectar travels down to the gastric fire in the solar

plexus, it spreads through all the nerves. This nectar nourishes the

body so that it is not necessary to consume much food. " P.40 ~ Swami

Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life


The quantity of food one consumes need not return to normal until the

anabolic or building phase of substantiation. In fact the

transfiguring body needs less food because the senses are fulfilled

with bliss, higher energy and consciousness is conveyed and the body

is catabolically recycling its own tissues. It is advisable to

maximize metamorphosis and assist purification by eating a diet of

high nutritional and life-force value.


If we are in fear and resistance there may be a tendency to try and

maintain continuity with one's former self, and to put the reigns on

the transmutation process by overeating. Over filling the stomach to

may tend to dampen the intensity of the awakening, but it will also

create dullness, unresponsiveness and generally make one ill equipped

to handle the alchemy and one's life. Also belly breathing is one of

the best adaptive tools to use when kundalini is heightened and a full

stomach prevents this deep and natural breathing.


Because metamorphosis assumes precedence over other life processes it

will continue by drawing energy from other functions. Thus we are our

own worst enemy if we try and put reigns on the process by eating

heavily and using up our energy in excessive sex etc...The ego will

tempt us with these consolations and comforts, because the alchemy can

threaten the ego's sense of control and the known. Until the ground of

the Self is well established, the ego feels threatened by the sense of

groundlessness that emerges as the dissolution of former conditioning



If kundalini is out of control and there is a need to slow down the

process because it's too intense, then it is suggested that a cup of

food be slowly eaten every three hours. This takes energy away from

its present firey purification function and into the digestion of

food. Gobi Krishna who awoke without the aid of a teacher resorted to

this method to ease his distress from an extreme extended awakening.



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Lisa , your article is interesting as this is similar to the problem

pathways of adhd, and schzophrenia,


The body cannot make enough gluthione , and it cannot be supplimented

directly , only way is to take a prouct called sAME to increase cyclic



I'll look out some info for you ..




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