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This is a post I did about one year ago when I first joined the group-

some may find it helpful – I have edited it some but the premise is

the same…


Welcome from a fellow newbie- if you are here you are suppose to be

here – your k led you here to follow chrism and his open, loving,

service oriented method of awakening or guiding KUNDALINI. This site

and the discussions can be intimidating, scary and cause one to

ask " What the hell am I doing here? " chrism would say – no worries,

no problems!


And he is 100%correct. I have only been here for a few weeks and in

that time I have learned many things and have many more questions. I

want to assure you there is a reason for you being here and a reason

for all that is to be followed.


The group that is on the list have all been moving at rapid speed it

seems to me – they are way out ahead of most mortals in their path-

at least that is how it seems to a newbie. When they talk about

astral surfing(OBE), dismemberment( a necessary process- not a

literal dismemberment but a repositioning of your body make up – not

body parts, vivid dreams, super duper meditations with all this

insight, interpreting of these- well to be frank – it scares the

beegeebies out of me – then to read about demons on earth and in the

astral space – well it takes one with some big kahunas to stay on

this path – but please – stay right here – as a newbie/ beginner we

are not there yet – some of us anyway – everyone moves at a different

pace – " slow is good " according to chrism.


So read about these and repeat the mantra- " I am not afraid " that is

what I do – keep the end in sight – the paths are all different – we

will all experience differently and some things we will all

experience. Just take one day at a time and follow the safeties…


Safeties- these are just what it says – safeties to keep you safe as

you follow the path of k. chrism has garnered this method of passage

from many readings and experiences. When he says to practice them

daily – ok what does this mean? I read and reread them and they made

no sense to me – I knew I was honest, loving, said thank you, was a

trusting person – so what does it mean to follow these daily?


There are the physical safeties that are easily understood- tongue

up – fingers locked- eyes up – the food listed – lots of water –

exercise-movement –(dance is listed – I exercise in the pool and do

yoga (20 minutes in the morning) walking is good – belly dancing –

whatever movement you enjoy k will enjoy.


Forgiveness- the biggy for most – make a list of who you need to

forgive, and who needs to forgive you – you will work on this list

and it will change as you remember more and more people that you have

hurt- and oh yes – you need to forgive yourself (big one here)

One of the members suggested this:

1 picture the person you need to forgive –

2 ask yourself " what have I learned from you? "

3 state " you have taught me… "

4 say to this person: " I forgive you/I release you/go in

peace "


There are other ways -find your way -what works for you – do maybe 3-

4 /day or one.


Recapitulation- try to see the other persons point of view – the old

adage put yourself in their shoes and forgive – all peoples and

yourself – this is a hard one for me – it is a step beyond ordinary

forgiveness – you can forgive but then you need to accept the other

and yourself with love and tolerance (my understanding)


Inner joy – think of a moment when you felt extremely happy – as

chrism says write post notes so that you can think of this moment of

joy when something bad happens – like dropping the mail, a birds

shits on your head, the car will not start- all very frustrating

times BUT if you turn each negative moment into an inner joy moment

you become that moment – so what if a bird shits on you – you are

washable – the car can be towed, etc.

You are alive – you are on a beautiful path – you got it going…


Trust – this is not trusting your fellow man/woman – it is trusting

your inner k that you will be taken care of – that all will go as

planned – that you are doing the right thing


Surrender – another biggy – you are not surrendering to chrism or a

group – you are surrendering to the inner goddess/god – to your k –

if you feel worried or scared say the mantra – " I surrender-I

surrender " it actually works – you will read about surrendering in

terms of having pain or bad dreams or visitors whatever – " I

surrender " powerful words. You may find that you want to do a formal

surrender – this is made to chrism as the representative of the

guides of k here on earth. You are not surrendering things – you

will surrender the attachment to them. You will, however need to

surrender your entire being- k has an agenda for you – k will remake

you in all five bodies – you will become a new and different person

so you need to surrender your old life and way of doing things and

embrace a new life and way of doing things.


Honesty – believe that what you are doing is right – be honest with

yourself – you are doing what is best for you- or better k is doing

what is best for you – k knows you better than you know yourself -

this is your path- your destiny.


Love – oh yes – where would we be without love? Love is the basis

for all the universal consciousness – you need to love what is

happening – love the fact that you are brave enough to accept this

path – love yourself – your inner goddess/god the love will emulate

from you- in the end we are all striving for the Divine Love…


Gratitude- be thankful for the k – be thankful for your path – be

thankful for the opportunity to work with chrism and this community

in this love based method to awaken k – " I am blessed " that is the

mantra I use


Prayer – all we do can be offered as a prayer – each day is a new

prayer of all the above safeties – I read from two meditations books –

one called `the goddess companion " another a daily book – each

offers a quote and then a reading – I am not used to praying so this

is a good way for me to prayer. BUT as I said each day is a prayer

in action.


Meditation- another hard one for many newbies – I had only meditated

in yoga classes never really on my own – I try but it is hard.. For

me to sit and quiet my mind is torture although I am starting to

really get into being still. I read that one should allow the

thoughts to come in and just " wirness them " as they leave. This has

helped me. Soooo all the safeties can be looked at during this time

or just clear your mind and see what happens. As a beginner you may

not experience all the neat and unusual things the group presents.

That is ok – your meditation is yours – you do not have to have

fabulous insights or wild moments – accept what comes to you – if it

is just sitting quietly then that is what you need to do .


Scatterfields- find the definition on the main site list but my

understanding is this is a protection layer of energy sent by chrism

to all those who are participating in Shaktipat. If you sign up and

chrism agrees that you are ready then you can participate – you must

be doing the safeties religiously daily for there to be any effect.

The scatterfield monitors what you will receive according /based on

your practice of the safeties. This event takes place 4x's/year.

Scatterfields are sent out 9 days before and left in place 9 days

after the event.


Shaktipat- a one week time when chrism offers his energy to

guide/assist those in shaktipat to awaken the k or to enhance the k

already flowing – this is a wonderful gift that chrism offers us –

with his help and guidance we are guided safely through what can be a

very difficult and dangerous journey. The virgin group is open for

those going thru this – there will be lots of questions all are

valid – there will be lots of help – those who have experienced the

shaktipat often repeat it - the seasoned k's will help answer ?'s-


K buddies- this is a new group where the seasoned k's mentor a

newbie – if you are new I suggest you get a mentor if chrism ok's it –

some of us have to work on safeties first – do not be discouraged if

you seem to be out in left field from the others- each of us has a

path to follow – trust chrism to know what is best for you- trust

your k to know what is best for you.

This does not mean that you cannot question chrism – this is your

path – if you disagree with something he suggests – talk with him

about it. If the suggestion does not feel right to you – discuss it

and remember you have free choice. Each of us is unique we each have

different needs. chrism is very good at deciphering our needs yet

you/your k know yourself better than anyone. is not on an

EGO trip here – he wants what is best for you. At times you may need

to tell him what that is- trust your inner k.



Here is a list of the five groups I have found so far. All are

listed on the main group site under " links " To join any of these

groups you need to request to join. I think the second and first

listing is open to the public but I have been to so many places I


chrism monitors all the groups – he is always there – no worries…




main site – has lots of information all written by chrism– read

slowly and not all at once –when a word comes up it will probably be

found here- i read these artcles over and over each time garnering

new info and understanding.



This gives you access to two of the groups


Group one – the main group – open to all- this is where you will be

able to ask ?'s and receive answers from chrism and the other group

members. If you have a specific ?- put chrism's name in the title of

the post…

Group two – a healing/prayer group open to those interested in

healing or those who need healing



Group for those newbies going thru Shaktipat (4 times/year)



Holy fire of Christ group



Read the description under " links " at the group one site


My take on things – if you have questions be trusting enough to ask

them – the group may appear intimidating but they are all very nice

folks on their path just as you are. You can always take a ? off

list to a group member if you are more comfortable.


I have been here as I said for nearly a year. At times I feel I am

going backwards in the flow – I still have doubts and fears, yet I

have learned so much – there are many experiences I have not had and

many I may not have. We each have a unique path that will be

dictated by k.


I still consider myself a " newbie " a " newbie " who now has an

understanding of the process and what is required of me. Remember

this – you are in good hands in this group with chrism and his fellow

travelers. As our dear guide chrism says often " no worries. "



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