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Water Dream

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I was going somewhere with a lot of people, several cars full of

people. We stopped to eat at a resturant. As we were leaving this guy

was giving everyone a drink of choice to take with. This guy was a

boy I went to school with. I didn't really like this boy, but looking

back I think he may have liked me. LOL! I just saw him as a dude who

liked to find things to kid you about endlessly..he was more a pest

to me. I just mostly ignored him. I don't know why he was in my

dream. Anyways, I chose a bottle of water. The water tasted weird,

like it had additives. Since being in the resturant a large rain had

come and there was water everywhere. Pulling out onto the street is

was hard to know where to drive, the road was flooded and it was

muddy water... in spots more mud than water. I just drove drove

hoping I was not driving off the curve. I got out onto the street and

was driving though it just fine, but we had to roll up the windows

because other cars where slinging muddy water into the car.


We finally drove out of this and it was sunny and clean again. I

looked back to see if the others had made it through OK. When I

looked back forward the scene change and this part of the dream

changed to black and white. I can only remember dreaming in black and

white a couple of other times in my whole life. In this black and

white part of the dream, I was no longer in the car but was in water,

the ocean, and all of a sudden this huge wave came and I was pulled

under and i was gasping for air, but breathed in the water.


I am not sure what happened next, if I went OBE or what... probably

in the inbetween state. I became aware that something was holding my

left arm down. I had fallen asleep with my Dalia Lama tape still

playing and the headphones on my head. With my right arm I jerked

the headphones off and then something grabbed my right arm and held

it down, as well. Then I had the sensation of a huge snake wrapping

itself around my whole body. Maybe an anaconda snake. My

fear/survival instinct kick in and I woke up. I still had the

headsphones on my head and it was still playing. From the instant I

had jerked the earphones off in the dream/false awakening or whatever

it was, I was no longer hearing the tape, even though it was till in

place and playing.


I try to return so as to surrender, it it was Shakti, but couldn't

get back.



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