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2012 Apocalypse

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At 09:43 AM 10/4/2008, you wrote:

Apocalypse end of the

collective shadow,

And yeah, i agree that an apocalyps is just

the fall of a mask, or the end of something, the end of civilization


as we know it.

The problem is that the word " Apocalypse " has so much baggage.

As a former fundamentalist, for me, that word just conjures up the scary

business. And I mean scary. It's irresponsible to be teaching children

the sort of things I was taught about this stuff imnsho. So I avoid the

word " Apocalypse " . I do feel we are heading for transformations

in the next few years, but when hasn't humanity been heading towards


I have seen some wild ideas floating around, and a lot of them smack of

fantasy wish-fulfillment to me, both positive and negative. Me, I'll

settle for some real love-based leadership in my lifetime. That would be

miracle enough.


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> The problem is that the word "Apocalypse" has so much baggage. As a former fundamentalist, for me, that word just conjures up the scary business. And I mean scary.

Thats why I think we should re-claim it back to its intended meaning , a covering a mask a veil, thus the lifting of the veil.Taking the seals off of the chakras. It's a bit like the word swastika and it's nazi connotations but swastika really its a blessing...by reclaiming the words the fear is dispersed..

also they translated the end of the eon as the end of time, they mean different things , the end of the eon means the end of the age, the age of pieces, then the next age begins aquarius..

real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.

more than agree to that :)


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> real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.


Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what

we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips

instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better

do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina


, " alayafire "

<ari.reza wrote:




> > The problem is that the word " Apocalypse " has so much baggage. As a

> former fundamentalist, for me, that word just conjures up the scary

> business. And I mean scary.


> Thats why I think we should re-claim it back to its intended meaning , a

> covering a mask a veil, thus the lifting of the veil.Taking the seals

> off of the chakras. It's a bit like the word swastika and it's nazi

> connotations but swastika really its a blessing...by reclaiming the

> words the fear is dispersed..


> also they translated the end of the eon as the end of time, they mean

> different things , the end of the eon means the end of the age, the age

> of pieces, then the next age begins aquarius..


> real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.



> more than agree to that :)


> P~


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I've seen them all and some..

ask yourselves this how come these guys are allowed to talk and give

their message free and clear, but scientists that have made fuel

from algae , or water etc, have been bumped off , murdered? you

learn of one and bingo he's been done in!


In the uk we have david icke , if we even stand with a camera near

the queens palace without permission, we'll be in jail for terrorism

before our feet hit the floor.He goes every where saying

everything , why ?

because hes selling you lies to keep you fearful..enough truth to

believe in them.All they have is your fear, and your obedience.


any earth magnet will ruin that rfid chip, but I bet everyone just

keeps on obeying the master, and you will make your own slavery,

by your own choice.My votes with the k.






> > real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.


> Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what

> we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips

> instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better

> do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina


> , " alayafire "

> <ari.reza@> wrote:

> >

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Angelina, what makes you think that "Endgame" is reality? There are as many theories out there as blades of grass. Why adopt a negative one? I prefer to believe that whatever is coming, we will rise to the challenge and make lemonade out of any lemons.


, "gypsyeyes_101" <gypsyeyes_101 wrote:>> > real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.> > Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what> we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips> instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better> do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina

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, " alayafire "

<ari.reza wrote:


> I've seen them all and some..

> ask yourselves this how come these guys are allowed to talk and


> their message free and clear, but scientists that have made fuel

> from algae , or water etc, have been bumped off , murdered? you

> learn of one and bingo he's been done in!


> In the uk we have david icke , if we even stand with a camera near

> the queens palace without permission, we'll be in jail for


> before our feet hit the floor.He goes every where saying

> everything , why ?

> because hes selling you lies to keep you fearful..enough truth to

> believe in them.All they have is your fear, and your obedience.


> any earth magnet will ruin that rfid chip, but I bet everyone just

> keeps on obeying the master, and you will make your own slavery,

> by your own choice.My votes with the k.


> paula..


Be the Super Ego Paula, don't just stand there and look at it. In

almost all of these movies weren't the people with special powers

considered the bad guys. Could you ever believe that in the future we

will be the destroyers of the world? Think about that first before

responding, people going through an awakening are not the majority of

the norms. A life filled with K involves a closeness and respect of

nature and a devotion of changing the world to a non-mechanical

system. That makes us the outcasts the un-suitable for social

cohabitation. Am I getting to a war of good and evil here?


Think of it, back in the 60's there was a first wave of social change

and revolution. Sort of started out make love not war but it was a

war and there was blood shed. But look at us now we are over 30 and

we are the establishment and little has changed. From my teen years

in the early 60's to now I have learned a few things about governing

and a most important point is that mostly people are sheep in need of

a Shepard. Else wise I wouldn't have been able to form a cult so long



You mentioned energy products and why haven't the people that have

created a better way of doing things never heard of again. Money is

that answer, as when I finished hi-school and was working in a

Phillips petrol station I knew this engineer from Phillips that drove

an Jaguar XKD 12 cylinder that was pretty high performance because he

built and designed the fuel delivery system for his auto. On the

other side of this high performance auto he said it could also

average well over 50 miles per gallon. The price of petrol here in

the U.S. at that time was .07 to .19 cents a gallon in some places.


We have an inner-dependant network on manufacturing and financial

structures, change just one thing and like in the butterfly effect

the whole house of cards comes falling down. Money is the milk, oil,

flow of this whole system and if you stop the flow there is hell to

pay. Products and toys are symbols of money in that spiraling flow of

energy. And within most of the new toys, cars, cell-phones, and all

smart electronics there are RFID chips. You try telling me that

putting a rare earth magnet next to a RFID chip and it will disable

it, not so, put one up to your cell-phone, it will still work, but

doesn't a cell-phone have magnets in it already?


There isn't much need to create unnecessary fear or fear based ideas

to create a need for RFID all one has to do is look out their window.

My sister-in-law has a RFID company

http://www.satellitegpscentral.com/ and they can tag your car and

tell you where it is anywhere in the world. A lot of credit cards are

RFID cards. So if you want to get out of RFID get rid on the TV, the

Car, credit cards, the cell-phone, all electronics that are smart and

shut off all electrical power lines as they can be used by the WWW

net connections. This isn't a paranoia thing, just a reality check

because you are in the system, the matrix, hahaha.


In a not too far distance we will go off a monitory system, to obtain

anything you will have to be implanted or other things. Like right

now I only see a small percentage of the money I make the large

portion is electronic. When this tidal wave of awakening to K energy

comes and people again revolt against the statuesque.


I do have an opinion about 2012, as it is a celestial equinox, we are

at a passing point in the galaxy going from one hemisphere to the

other. My opinion is based on Sci-Fi and along the lines of writer

Poul William Anderson's story of Brainwave:



Brain Wave


A tale about a true hero-that happens to be wrong about who that hero



Brain Wave

By Poul Anderson

http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?s=Poul+Anderson & gwp=13


First published 1954




By Adam-Troy Castro

The time is the mid-20th century. A rabbit caught in a trap figures

out how to work the lever that sets it free. A young boy doodling

with numbers invents differential calculus before breakfast. A simple-

minded farmworker named Archie Brock is suddenly overcome by his

first appreciation of the size of the universe.


Physicist Peter Corinth goes to work one morning to find everybody he

encounters, from his colleagues at the university to the elevator

operator who had previously been beneath his notice, having what

seems to be the sharpest day of their lives. Everybody's a little bit

smarter; everybody's having bright ideas they weren't intelligent

enough to consider before. He thinks little of it at first, but then

the average IQ leaps several hundred points in a matter of days,

affecting all forms of animal life. Domestic animals achieve

sentience, men of below-average intelligence become geniuses, and

savants like Corinth become super-geniuses, causing shock waves that

ripple throughout the entire civilized world.


Before long, an explanation becomes clear. A vast region of space,

including Earth's solar system, had previously been affected by an

energy-damping field that impeded the nervous system. Evolution had

compensated, giving all life on Earth a level of intelligence

sufficient to provide adequate thought capacity despite the influence

of this field. When the solar system traveled outside of the field,

every form of life with a brain now finds itself functioning without

handicap. Civilization totters as menial workers find themselves no

longer content to do what they now consider brainless work, as

domestic animals revolt against their exploitation, and as the great

thinkers find their ambitions outstripping their simple human

passions. The change will soon take humanity to the stars-but the

story's true heart lies in the limited ones who must still remain



All I want to suggest is that maybe we are what will be considered

something not to be and won't be, the ancient ways are returning. The

mind will clear.

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At 02:53 PM 10/4/2008, you wrote:

> real love based leadership

, That would be miracle enough.

Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what

we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips

instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better

do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina

I see what you are talking about, and I'll dream on with Paula



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Hi Sarita,


> I prefer to believe that whatever is coming, we will rise to the

> challenge and make lemonade out of any lemons.


Yes, you are right and it is best to remain positive on this

matter ~ Angelina



, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:



> Angelina, what makes you think that " Endgame " is reality? There are as

> many theories out there as blades of grass. Why adopt a negative one?

> I prefer to believe that whatever is coming, we will rise to the

> challenge and make lemonade out of any lemons.


> Sarita



> , " gypsyeyes_101 "

> <gypsyeyes_101@> wrote:

> >

> > > real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.

> >

> > Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what

> > we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips

> > instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better

> > do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina


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At 08:14 PM 10/4/2008, you wrote:

You mentioned energy products

and why haven't the people that have

created a better way of doing things never heard of again. Money is

that answer,

Free the world! Power to the People! ... NICE BMW!

In a not too far

distance we will go off a monitory system, to obtain

anything you will have to be implanted or other things. Like right

now I only see a small percentage of the money I make the large

portion is electronic. When this tidal wave of awakening to K energy


comes and people again revolt against the


The idea of being chipped is considered horrific by most fundamentalist

Christians I know. Gawd bless them on this one. I don't believe it is the

" Mark of the Beast " but if they do and they use that to keep

these disgusting things out of our bodies then I'm right behind



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Yeah I'll admit that there's quite a few pretty far fetched ideas out there, mine included no doubt hehe, but i definitly agree that some love based leadership would be most wonderful indeed :-3I have seen some wild ideas floating around, and a lot of them smack of

fantasy wish-fulfillment to me, both positive and negative. Me, I'll

settle for some real love-based leadership in my lifetime. That would be

miracle enough.,_._,___

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speaking of big brother, there's a really good book called little brother that gives i think a very realistic dipiction of what could happen in the near future (almost present really) and it's well written, an awesome story line, and great character development :-3. Good book overall, if not a little unsettling because of how realistic it seems.--- On Sat, 10/4/08, gypsyeyes_101 <gypsyeyes_101 wrote:


Dream on Paula, watch the movie Endgame and you will see what

we are really in store for ~ bread lines, slavery and chips

instilled in everyone. Big Brother to the Max! Better

do our exercises while we still can ~ Angelina



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Since 1999 I have received numerous visions and dreams and I have no fear or

pessimism what-so-ever, I have been shown that the kingdom of God is upon us and

we are indeed going home.

However the outer world looks right now is nothing compared to what is coming in

reality. It will hit us in the heart like a firework and lift us all up in the

beat of a butterflies wing.

I believe in what God shows me inside not what others show me.

False Evidence Appearing Real....or..... Heaven On Mother Earth.


Have faith, we are going home

love elektra x x x

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> Be the Super Ego Paula, don't just stand there and look at it. In > almost all of these movies weren't the people with special powers > considered the bad guys. Could you ever believe that in the future we > will be the destroyers of the world? Think about that first before > responding, people going through an awakening are not the majority of > the norms. A life filled with K involves a closeness and respect of > nature and a devotion of changing the world to a non-mechanical > system. That makes us the outcasts the un-suitable for social > cohabitation. Am I getting to a war of good and evil here?

We have to work intensively with the clear purpose of eliminating our undesirable elements.Here im proactive :) If we don't eliminate , we will fail and become the miscarriage of the cosmic mother a failure. If a K. person truely works on themself to awaken consciousness they can integrate with divinity, where there is a code there is a code breaker, no chip or prison will stop this.This is a path beyond good and evil.When a thing suits us it is good and when it does not it is evil .There is much virtue in the villian and much evil in the virtuous.We are the destroyers of this eon but the torches to the next.

The only road is the razors edge , a path filled with perils both outside and inside.Evil is dangerous and good is dangerous this path beyond good and evil is quite cruel...the best thing to do is forget our attatchments to our yesterdays and go forward in the spirit of good grace, and goodwill to all we meet.. paula

Think of it, back in the 60's there was a first wave of social change > and revolution. Sort of started out make love not war but it was a > war and there was blood shed. But look at us now we are over 30 and > we are the establishment and little has changed. From my teen years > in the early 60's to now I have learned a few things about governing > and a most important point is that mostly people are sheep in need of > a Shepard. Else wise I wouldn't have been able to form a cult so long > ago...ben

born in the 70's :( a stroppy gen x..and believe in self responsiblity, for health, wealth etc , be a sheeple get fleeced! but see you point..The most amazing image I have seen from that era was the monks in tibet, that were set on fire, and sat there meditating, on I am the field of consciousness until they burned to death gaining instant enlightenment, astounding times..some made it...paula

> We have an inner-dependant network on manufacturing and financial > structures, change just one thing and like in the butterfly effect > the whole house of cards comes falling down. Money is the milk, oil, > flow of this whole system and if you stop the flow there is hell to > pay. Products and toys are symbols of money in that spiraling flow of > energy. And within most of the new toys, cars, cell-phones, and all > smart electronics there are RFID chips. You try telling me that > putting a rare earth magnet next to a RFID chip and it will disable > it, not so, put one up to your cell-phone, it will still work, but > doesn't a cell-phone have magnets in it already?ben

> we are in a fiat currency backed not by gold but by fresh air.For every £1 of signitory debt a bank can create £9 of virtual monopoly money, it's not that food , gas etc are getting more expensive but that currency is becomming worth less, when it hits zero the Amero will appear..It can only crash it has no where else to go. It's time to pay hell, face the shadow and do the work within.

rfid.. lol, I bought a wooden monopoly game and a pack of seeds the other day it was all rfid inside :) All of my credit cards and my passport is rfid tagged, what I mean is , I don't worry about it. paula

> By Adam-Troy Castro> The time is the mid-20th century. A rabbit caught in a trap figures > out how to work the lever that sets it free. A young boy doodling > with numbers invents differential calculus before breakfast. A simple-> minded farmworker named Archie Brock is suddenly overcome by his > first appreciation of the size of the universe. ben>

With all of their new capacity for knowledge and understanding, I'm sure the built a loving and fair new society..having mastered themselves by putting down the demon of desire, the demon of evil will and the demon of the mind attaining perfection...paula

All I want to suggest is that maybe we are what will be considered > something not to be and won't be, the ancient ways are returning. The > mind will clear. ben

I guess the K. awakened when they have liquidated within all the aspects of good and evil values , they become someone that no-one understands , being the flame of universal spirit of life. Always being put through the lens of psychology as either the saint or the sinner.When in truth he is beyond both. paula


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I love the lyrics of this old enigma song...feel the spirit..



Love, Devotion

Feeling, Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to Innocence

If you want then start to laugh

If you must then start to cry

Be yourself, Don't fake

Just believe in destiny

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up

And miss the chance

To return to Innocence

That's not the beginning of the end

It's the return to yourself

The return to Innocence.

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Mmmm sounds good elektra and i belive it will be much like you have

seen. However I belive earth may feel to be like home I dont belive

that it will ever be. " the son of man has no place to rest his head " .


, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Since 1999 I have received numerous visions and dreams and I have no

fear or pessimism what-so-ever, I have been shown that the kingdom of

God is upon us and we are indeed going home.

> However the outer world looks right now is nothing compared to what

is coming in reality. It will hit us in the heart like a firework and

lift us all up in the beat of a butterflies wing.

> I believe in what God shows me inside not what others show me.

> False Evidence Appearing Real....or..... Heaven On Mother Earth.


> Have faith, we are going home

> love elektra x x x


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Brandi you already have the number that allows you to sell and buy

(do commerce) that is the social security number or tin number.

They will only be able to chip persons, though the people who know

who they are, the financial institutions will only be able to chip

there birth certificates.


, Brandi Jasmine

<jazztalk wrote:


> At 08:14 PM 10/4/2008, you wrote:

> >You mentioned energy products and why haven't the people that have

> >created a better way of doing things never heard of again. Money


> >that answer,


> Free the world! Power to the People! ... NICE BMW!


> >In a not too far distance we will go off a monitory system, to


> >anything you will have to be implanted or other things. Like right

> >now I only see a small percentage of the money I make the large

> >portion is electronic. When this tidal wave of awakening to K


> >comes and people again revolt against the statuesque.


> The idea of being chipped is considered horrific by most

fundamentalist Christians I know. Gawd bless them on this one. I

don't believe it is the " Mark of the Beast " but if they do and they

use that to keep these disgusting things out of our bodies then I'm

right behind them.


> Brandi


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Fiat money i suppose that means they the fed res can create as much

as whats needed. interesting they cant create enough to stableise the

exsisting economy. Interesting that was the promise they made when

the disabled the gold system . interesting and i have been wondering

what the current economic climate is about. Interesting i think you

answered it for me and that it is about bringing to fruition the

amero' Interesting but do you know that the peoples labour is the

backing to what is known as the current fiat system. this for the

people is much more valuable than gold. Because the people are the

real creditors. yet the wool has been pulled over there sheeple eyes.


, " alayafire "

<ari.reza wrote:



> > we are in a fiat currency backed not by gold but by fresh air.For

> every £1 of signitory debt a bank can create £9 of virtual

> monopoly money, it's not that food , gas etc are getting more


> but that currency is becomming worth less, when it hits zero the


> will appear..It can only crash it has no where else to go. It's

time to

> pay hell, face the shadow and do the work within.


> rfid.. lol, I bought a wooden monopoly game and a pack of seeds the

> other day it was all rfid inside :) All of my credit cards and my

> passport is rfid tagged, what I mean is , I don't worry about it.



> > By Adam-Troy Castro

> > The time is the mid-20th century. A rabbit caught in a trap


> > out how to work the lever that sets it free. A young boy doodling

> > with numbers invents differential calculus before breakfast. A


> > minded farmworker named Archie Brock is suddenly overcome by his

> > first appreciation of the size of the universe. ben

> >


> With all of their new capacity for knowledge and understanding, I'm


> the built a loving and fair new society..having mastered

themselves by

> putting down the demon of desire, the demon of evil will and the


> of the mind attaining perfection...paula


> All I want to suggest is that maybe we are what will be considered

> > something not to be and won't be, the ancient ways are returning.


> > mind will clear. ben


> I guess the K. awakened when they have liquidated within all the


> of good and evil values , they become someone that no-one

understands ,

> being the flame of universal spirit of life. Always being put


> the lens of psychology as either the saint or the sinner.When in


> he is beyon both. paula



> >


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i dont know why people still want to have a leader.

Reminds me of a song from the late sixties

they sing will they ever learn



, " alayafire "

<ari.reza wrote:




> > The problem is that the word " Apocalypse " has so much baggage. As


> former fundamentalist, for me, that word just conjures up the scary

> business. And I mean scary.


> Thats why I think we should re-claim it back to its intended

meaning , a

> covering a mask a veil, thus the lifting of the veil.Taking the


> off of the chakras. It's a bit like the word swastika and it's


> connotations but swastika really its a blessing...by reclaiming the

> words the fear is dispersed..


> also they translated the end of the eon as the end of time, they


> different things , the end of the eon means the end of the age, the


> of pieces, then the next age begins aquarius..


> real love based leadership , That would be miracle enough.



> more than agree to that :)


> P~


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As long as we can dance, and make and listen to music where ever we go and whatever happens, then i'm all for it :-3 no matter where, what, or who makes it happen.--- On Sat, 10/4/08, johndplumber <jaganatha wrote:johndplumber <jaganatha Re: 2012 Apocalypse Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 8:40 PM


Mmmm sounds good elektra and i belive it will be much like you have

seen. However I belive earth may feel to be like home I dont belive

that it will ever be. " the son of man has no place to rest his head".



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so what would you want instead? Anarchy? *gasp!* hehehehe. As much as i'd love to live to see the day when anarchy works (folk anarchy to be specific, that's my personal preference) there's no way human society will be able to function in an anarchist state. That's not to say it's not a good goal to have in mind, an ideal to strive for, but like any ideal it's just an ideal and will not work exactly as planned in real life (a good example is the diffrence between little c communism and big C communism. Lennon's idea worked on paper, but not nessisarily as well in real life). So people are probably going to have to have leaders for a while. I for instance don't mind the fact that we have leaders right now even though i'm an anarchist although i would like to see good leaders in place... But who's good and who's not is all

subjective really :-P.--- On Sat, 10/4/08, johndplumber <jaganatha wrote:johndplumber <jaganatha Re: 2012 Apocalypse Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 9:31 PM


i dont know why people still want to have a leader.

Reminds me of a song from the late sixties

they sing will they ever learn




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My favourite group Paula. Amazing !! I have all their albums and DVDs

& I have put in a request for the new one out next month. I find it

is great to meditate to as it takes me to wonderful places.


Skydancer x


, " alayafire "

<ari.reza wrote:


> I love the lyrics of this old enigma song...feel the spirit..



> Love, Devotion

> Feeling, Emotion

> Don't be afraid to be weak

> Don't be too proud to be strong

> Just look into your heart my friend

> That will be the return to yourself

> The return to Innocence

> If you want then start to laugh

> If you must then start to cry

> Be yourself, Don't fake

> Just believe in destiny

> Don't care what people say

> Just follow your own way

> Don't give up

> And miss the chance

> To return to Innocence

> That's not the beginning of the end

> It's the return to yourself

> The return to Innocence.


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I have studied the financial system for a few years now. In adopting

a fiat-money system the 'reality' of money was surreptitiously

transferred from the physical to the astral... it IS in fact governed

by laws but they are not intuitive in the same way as a physical

currency system. I don't pretend to 'secret knowledge' of the

operations, just take the opportunity to point out that if you believe

in or are sensitive to what we would consider a 'higher' reality, it

might surprise you to further explore the concept of what " money " is.


incidentally your comments about the backing being the labor of the

people is, I think, fairly accurate. now if you want to become a real

conspiracy nut, consider that the US government is going to own the

mortgage deeds on a ton of homes lived in by its citizens as well as

their insurance policies, in addition to extending the powers of the

(once-independent) Fed to oversight and control of credit markets.

what system of government does that look like to you? keep your eyes





, " johndplumber "

<jaganatha wrote:


> Fiat money i suppose that means they the fed res can create as much

> as whats needed. interesting they cant create enough to stableise the

> exsisting economy. Interesting that was the promise they made when

> the disabled the gold system . interesting and i have been wondering

> what the current economic climate is about. Interesting i think you

> answered it for me and that it is about bringing to fruition the

> amero' Interesting but do you know that the peoples labour is the

> backing to what is known as the current fiat system. this for the

> people is much more valuable than gold. Because the people are the

> real creditors. yet the wool has been pulled over there sheeple eyes.

> John

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Brian I am no nut. Aloidial title went out with the gold system when

you might ever get hold of you land title it will show that you are

only a tennent yes you are just a surf paying rent to your lords.

though you must come to understand there is always a need for the

system to supply a remedy did you not learn of the A4V4 remedy of

commercial redemption yet.


1 , " a_seventh_son " <a_seventh_son wrote:


> I have studied the financial system for a few years now. In


> a fiat-money system the 'reality' of money was surreptitiously

> transferred from the physical to the astral... it IS in fact


> by laws but they are not intuitive in the same way as a physical

> currency system. I don't pretend to 'secret knowledge' of the

> operations, just take the opportunity to point out that if you


> in or are sensitive to what we would consider a 'higher' reality, it

> might surprise you to further explore the concept of what " money "



> incidentally your comments about the backing being the labor of the

> people is, I think, fairly accurate. now if you want to become a


> conspiracy nut, consider that the US government is going to own the

> mortgage deeds on a ton of homes lived in by its citizens as well as

> their insurance policies, in addition to extending the powers of the

> (once-independent) Fed to oversight and control of credit markets.

> what system of government does that look like to you? keep your


> open.


> -brian


> , " johndplumber "

> <jaganatha@> wrote:

> >

> > Fiat money i suppose that means they the fed res can create as


> > as whats needed. interesting they cant create enough to stableise


> > exsisting economy. Interesting that was the promise they made


> > the disabled the gold system . interesting and i have been


> > what the current economic climate is about. Interesting i think


> > answered it for me and that it is about bringing to fruition the

> > amero' Interesting but do you know that the peoples labour is the

> > backing to what is known as the current fiat system. this for the

> > people is much more valuable than gold. Because the people are


> > real creditors. yet the wool has been pulled over there sheeple


> > John


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dear mr crazy go nuts

No! Anarchy does not exsist when kings of rule are about. if you take

responcability for your self you will be a king as well. Site pat is

very strong and if I was you i would be wary because as you hang out

with this group things will rub off on to you. until then you may be

under control of ecclesiasties law where as people become persons and

gave up there birth rite


, Steve Lynch

<mrcrazygonuts wrote:


> so what would you want instead? Anarchy? *gasp!* hehehehe.  As much

as i'd love to live to see the day when anarchy works (folk anarchy

to be specific, that's my personal preference) there's no way human

society will be able to function in an anarchist state.  That's not

to say it's not a good goal to have in mind, an ideal to strive for,

but like any ideal it's just an ideal and will not work exactly as

planned in real life (a good example is the diffrence between little

c communism and big C communism.  Lennon's idea worked on paper, but

not nessisarily as well in real life).  So people are probably going

to have to have leaders for a while.  I for instance don't mind the

fact that we have leaders right now even though i'm an anarchist

although i would like to see good leaders in place...  But who's good

and who's not is all subjective really :-P.


> --- On Sat, 10/4/08, johndplumber <jaganatha wrote:

> johndplumber <jaganatha

> Re: 2012 Apocalypse


> Saturday, October 4, 2008, 9:31 PM






i dont know why people still want to have a leader.


> Reminds me of a song from the late sixties


> they sing will they ever learn




> John




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At 02:32 PM 10/4/2008, you wrote:

> The problem is that the

word " Apocalypse " has so much baggage. As a former

fundamentalist, for me, that word just conjures up the scary business.

And I mean scary.

Thats why I think we should re-claim it back to its intended meaning , a

covering a mask a veil, thus the lifting of the veil.Taking the seals off

of the chakras. It's a bit like the word swastika and it's

nazi connotations but swastika really its a blessing...by reclaiming the

words the fear is dispersed..

I understand that line of reasoning and I think there are some words so

tainted by association that they can never be reclaimed. You always risk

being misunderstood or triggering someone when you use them.

" Apocalypse " is one of those words for



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