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70% to 80%............(cross post from healing group)

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Sorry everyone,

Let me rephrase it for better clarity. When I

suggest that you:


" Look into your past "


I mean that by doing so you can come into balance with it so that it

is merely a part of your experience and not a controlling factor in

your present time expression. Forgiveness is one way of doing this.

We can honor the past traumas and events in our lives without

becoming so attached to them that we live in the present as a

defacto expression of that long by gone past event(s).


Forgiveness isn't always needed in the way that most people

understand it to be. Forgiveness in how I am applying it to this

situation is as much an intentional and intellectual and emotionally

balanced way of " letting go " of the volatility of the event. The

memory is there. That doesn't change. The energetic " charge' of the

event across the bodies of expression is what is allowed,

consciously allowed, to recede in its strong attachment.


This is where a person has choice in these matters. Events happen to

us and for us and by us and many combinations of those afore

mentioned dynamics. We will experience them and we will experience

emotional, mental, psychological(ego), physical, and spiritual

charges because of them.


In time we let them go and they become a part of the learning's we

have engaged in. We do not cling to the horror or the pain or the

damage or any of the severe dynamics of these events. We do not

restructure our lives around these events thereby keeping them

alive. We learn yes. But we also release from the methods and

attachments of those lessons.


In so doing are we able to embrace the " present time " without an

interfering appendage of a past event that often carries a heavy

load of fear. So one needs to discern a course of learning that

appreciates the past without attaching to it.


In the idea of attachment I am refering to a way of " holding on " to

a specific event(s). Worst case - A severe remembrance of an event

to such a degree that it is continuously present in many forms

of " present " time behavior based upon that initial event.The life

expression is dominated by that past time event.


This can happen. And it can be so severe that it becomes needed that

a conscious intention of " forgetting " to a degree, that will allow

present time events an opportunity to begin to heal the wound(s).

There are as many dynamics to this as there are injuries.


So the bottom line is to end an attachment to an old event and look

into your life to see what and where that attachment has caused

certain behavior patterns to exist. And if they are fear invoking or

hurtful or in any way an anchor to that event we change those

patterns of behavior. By doing this one has embraced the present

time and from the " present time " there are no illnesses from the

past. And if there are no illnesses from the past in the " present

time " expression there is no illness in the present time expression.


This attitude can have a cumulative and sometimes immediate effect

upon a person.


This was what I meant when I said to " look to your past " . -


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