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Question-anyone - Jessica

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At this time Jessica it is very important for you to not watch the

television or even have it on. Not that " it " is teeming with

entities no that is not the case it is that you are K shifting into

these lower astral areas. The TV is just a handy device.


Right now it is very important for you to demonstrate descipline in

your thoughts. Thats right and yes I know it is harder than we think

it is but this you must do. The entity phase will pass. It always

does when you decide to not give it as much attention. Yes they may

do all sorts of things that you in your expanded awareness will be

able to see and discern. Regardless you stick to the discipline of

your thoughts and and you back up those thoughts up with healthy

physical actions.


Make the actions healthy and helpful for others and yourself. Do not

drift into a reverie as these are the areas where you will have most

contact. Use this as a Mantra:


I am behind my eyes

I am discipline

I am loving mother

I am immune to distraction

I am clear

I am focused

I am sincere

I control what I choose

I choose my path


Over and over but not in a hypnotic way. Part of the issue is what

the drugs have done to the control centers that normally would have

expanded with the initial K infusions. So this will re-assert itself

with some time and focused diligence.


No more television or radio or music or anything that encourages you

to leave the body. Hard and physical work! Hard excersice. Hard

study. Work in the dirt with the garden but do it all day long.

Really feel the sore muscles! Really feel the effort and be thankful

for the exhaustion. Say the mantra as you do the work. No partying

or recreation or social events. No achohol or cigarrettes or drugs

of any kind. Medical drugs must be cleared by an MD for



You know what is right and you know what is wrong. You do not need

to be told by any mere discarnate. You are being tested. Give Eric

final say over what is done. Realize that you are in a process and

the process can be difficult but it will not stop because youy are

weary of it. You must be behind your eyes and in control constantly.


You make a healthy choice and then stick to the healthy choice. Run

it past Eric first. Really work Jessica. In this case the work will

free you from being bothered and manipulated in this way. Stay

hydrated and eat healthy.


Please do nine days of total and complete hard labor.


Write to me or this group at the end of each day detailing what you

did and how you feel. You should be exhausted when you write.

Regardless be lucid and complete. Discipline and endurance dear

Jessica. Make these the guiding priorities inside of the healthy

choices being made. - chrism


Up at five am

to bed at eight pm





, " Jessica "

<jdehne88 wrote:


> Is it possible for entities, helpful or unhelpful, to use


> as a medium of communication?


> I recently have been on the verge of " getting sucked into " the tv.

> Not so fun. It was like the tv was speaking directly to me.

> Sometimes to scare me, other times not. I am in a household of 7


> at times I forget how important it is for me to be in control of my

> environment and programming. I went into fear at times, believing


> I was going insane, and I am thinking now that I was allowing


> to enter my space, and without any conscious awareness of this. To

> the degree that I " heard " that I should starve myself and my baby


> that suffering would end and that I should drown myself to be " born

> again " . At the time I was unable to realize how absurd this was.


> Interspersed were experiences of " i am that " and moving through my

> fears and prejudices I didn't know I had until I was working


> them. In retrospect, it was like a battle for control, and I threw

> discernment completely out the window for periods of time. Thank

God I

> have a fiance who was able to help me see how distorted my

thoughts were.


> I have been experiencing what feels like an expansion of

> imagination/visualization. I am able to visualize myself as part


> the story in the book and so forth. Now I feel it's more important

> than ever to discern which stories I want to take part in! ha!

> Important lesson for me to say the least!


> Can anyone relate to this?



> Love and Joy,


> Jessica


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