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Why do you wish to have Kundalini?

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Nothing... For nothing.... And nothing else really matters. My prayer



" The lord God of my being recognises that I AM a manifestation of which

you are - use me so that I WILL manifest that which you have sent me

to do thus WILL we grow in one totality. "




Please feel free to use this prayer also if you feel it may help on

your Path.


Kundalini found me..............


Blessings - jeremy


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -

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I wish to have the Kundalini because I would like to communicate with Shakti. I would like to pray and to hear a response. I want to be one with Shakti. I believe that I am willing to do anything, give up anything, be anything for the privilege of being one with the divine. For me this world is counterfeit and what I am looking for is real. The One Spirit. Thanks PeggyLife should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW AOL.com.

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ok at first because it's cool! but deep inside because i want a strong

force to guide me to live life to the fullest possible and be able to

help others when it's needed. The funny part is that before some hours

i was thinking of you making this question...and you did it! hehe

:) Smile! it's contagious (:

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Since I really did not seek this path now that she is here I want to

give all that I have,all that I am all that I will become to follow

whatever road my Kundalini lays out for me.


I never felt this way before for anyone or anything but I am willing

to give my life as it is here. And I know that is what is required -

a giving totally of the self- the life as I know it - stepping back

and allowing the K to consume me.


I feel I have a long ways to go to surrender completely the melding of

this reality and the others is not always an easy road. Am I up for

it? At times I do not feel I am at other times it is who I am.


May all of us find the strength to follow our dreams and the strength

to accept what K lays out for us




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transformation into the divine reality..this makes me want;enlightenment is what i need..awakening is speciality for us..love...ali

2008/11/27 chrism <>





What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

let me know. -





-- A.Arslan

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I feel that awakening the kundalini and then also holding it while

moving into higher expressions is the reason i am here in this

physical reality . I believe that by doing this it will not only

effect me but also all that is in this physical reality . Living by

example as the kundalini express outward into this ocean of energy , i

believe will have a positive transformation in this reality .






> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


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I don't think that it is a " want " for me, it is something that

I was called to. I still have my moments of flip flopping

about it. lol! But they're not as frequent now. Its more of a

continuation of following Christ where He leads me, and

surrendering to the higher Will.


Love, dhyana


, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


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I have been attracted to K for a long time (30 years).


I received Shaktipat from Amrit Desi…nothing much happened in terms

of lasting results.


I met Muktananda…nothing happened


I received Shaktipat from the Spiritual Unfoldment Network…again ,

nothing much.


I have searched far and wide for many many years for a

group/teacher/method that feels right. I found nothing until a few

weeks ago when I found this group. This group, this approach,

chrism, feels right. I do not take this lightly.


But I have not answered the question yet, here goes,


Kundalini awakening is one of the goals behind the goals of most yoga

practices. I have been involved in yoga for 30 years and am

frustrated with the incredibly slow spiritual development. I have

tried many approaches other than yoga and still I am very

frustrated. Kundalini, I hope, will put me on track.


This may sound like just more ego, " I want more, faster, better " , but

I really do want what I feel that I have been promised by every path

I have explored, transformation, resolution of limits/issues,

insight, peace, oneness, etc. I know that the Kundalini path can be

full of pain, discomfort and all kinds of unexpected uncomfortable

changes but that is just how it is. I would love instant permanent

enlightenment/bliss but that is not real/reality. So K seems like a

real viable path. It seems to be what I have been looking for for

over 30 years now. I am tired of paths, techniques, practices, etc

that either don't work or will only work if I devote 10, 12 or 20

hours and day to the practice for 20 or 50 years or perhaps for a few

dozen lifetimes.


I would do the upcoming Shaktipat but wife has a vacation planned for

us the day before it is being done here. To be jet lagged, in

another country, away form my supports…well it is just not the right

time. I am little disappointed but I also trust that everything is

just as it should be and I will receive Shaktipat when it is right.



Love and blessings




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened?


> let me know. -


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I wish I could give a positive answer to that question but it was so

long ago I'm not sure of the reasoning why in the beginning, I'm still

searching for that answer. I wouldn't want it to be another way.


, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


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I finally got tired of believing in what other people told me, this is

how it is, this is god, this is truth, this is the way it always will

be. I got tired of all the suffering, of all the lies, of all the

deceit. I know now that nothing of this world (possessions, belief

systems, another person) can make anyone happy. I've learned and have

had glimpses that life, love, joy, creativity, peace are all aspects

of my true nature. I'm ready to go beyond the limitations that other

people, and myself, have set on me. I'm ready to be free, I'm ready to

be love, I'm ready to be truly who I am: One with the Infinite. I

don't want this to be just a belief anymore, I want to awaken. I want

to be of true help to people.





, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


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The K wasn't something that I sought out, but now that I am on this path I can't imagine being anywhere else. The road has not always been easy, nor do I expect it to be, but there have been so many blessings. I am more *awake* and conscious of what I do and it's ramifications. Things that I wouldn' t have given a second thought to before are now serious considerations. Although I was already on the path to forgiveness I have gone so much deeper than I ever dreamed I could!

I feel I have no choice to be anywhere else. I don't mean that a gun is being held to my head, I mean that I crave being where I am, and continuing to discover what is around the next corner. Even though it is difficult being around many people in this state of being and having certain knowledge, I would not want to go back to being asleep.

Many thanks to for providing such a safe place to learn and grow.


, "chrism" <> wrote:>> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please > let me know. - >

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Hi chrism…


Myself asking for K has been accidental… I was lead here

by my guru…

But what I would expect out of K has been more selfish to be truthful….

I have been having childish expectations of experiencing power

and energy… and visualize things out of curiosity.

Some there’s a silver lining shines asking me to ask for

goddess ….

I have always been devoted to her and I ask for experiencing her

and get salvated J




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Oh arrogance, conceitedness, selfishness', and self obsession do I

offend thee?

I here publicly ask for forgiveness, for I am not who or what I

appear to be, and even in these words I continue the façade.

In my attempted meditation today only tears rolled from my eyes like

a child.

Why would I want Kundalini? Before it magnified my neurosis, led me

close to psychosis, and has left me obsessed and possessed by Her.

Yet it is all I yearn for in the hope that by embracing her, even if

I lose my mind, She will free me.

Oh arrogance, conceitedness, selfishness', and self obsession do I

offend thee? and even in these words I continue the façade.


In Love - jeremy




> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened?


> let me know. -


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To see clearly and to know the truth and to build on the promise of a

brave new world where that harmony may exsist as the rule.



will that do




That I can I have it NOW?


After all is it not my birthright??????????????????


chrism :P I know you know that i know that you know.



John .M




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened?


> let me know. -


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, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


May sound selfish but just want to be a better and good Soul for

this trip around and not go backwards.



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I felt that God/higher self was pushing me towards it, I think the K wishes to HAVE ME and not the other way around, even though now I seem to wish it with all my heart without fulling knowing what IT is!heeheehee.Also, I wanted to become whole, I always felt a little broken. Shakti helped me to "fix" ME.Much loveelektra x x x

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I think I have written in a previous post that I didn't feel that the

awakening of this energy is something that I consciously wanted.

Rather that it has been something that I seemed to have no choice

about. I'm not sure whether the Kundalini energy began to awaken in

me because of my years of searching for my spiritual identity or if my

excursions through many meditation techniques etc were merely a way of

trying to make sense of what was happening to me.


In the past I spent periods of intense spiritual activity but could

not maintain it . I think there was a fear of surrendering whatever '

independence' I thought I had. It's interesting that once I reached

the point where I said to myself that I couldn't fight it anymore and

would simply surrender to whatever happened to me no matter what,

things have become much easier and happier in my life. My outlook and

attitude to life is changing quite dramatically, my dilemma now is a

profound feeling that there is something I should be doing with my

life, or a new direction I should be heading in, but not knowing yet

what that is. I guess I am on a need to know basis, and all will be

revealed in the fullness of time :-).


Thank you and everyone for your inspiring words. This really

is a very special group.

Many blessings




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -


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Hello Martin,Let me echo those words about and this group, my sentiments too!You mentioned being " on a need to know basis " - " before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood and carry water " . As regards the " profound feeling that there is something I should be doing with my

life, or a new direction I should be heading in " , there is, because you are not moving forward to be directed. It is easy to direct or turn a moving stone or a car. Takes a lot of effort to get it moving, maybe you need (heaven forbid) something to " bump " you out of where you are and get you moving.

It is said that when we go forward on a good errand (maybe you prefer God's work) we are direct further on our course and onwards to its conclusion.This is my 2 cents worth, had to be " bumped " myself. In fact I was regularly " bumped " in the last years, now trying to stay ahead of the curve and be ready to catch the wave as it comes.

Think you are in a good place but be easy on yourself. Do move into whatever you heart directs you.Tkare,Daniel2008/11/28 Martin <martinj108






I think I have written in a previous post that I didn't feel that the

awakening of this energy is something that I consciously wanted.

Rather that it has been something that I seemed to have no choice

about. I'm not sure whether the Kundalini energy began to awaken in

me because of my years of searching for my spiritual identity or if my

excursions through many meditation techniques etc were merely a way of

trying to make sense of what was happening to me.


In the past I spent periods of intense spiritual activity but could

not maintain it . I think there was a fear of surrendering whatever '

independence' I thought I had. It's interesting that once I reached

the point where I said to myself that I couldn't fight it anymore and

would simply surrender to whatever happened to me no matter what,

things have become much easier and happier in my life. My outlook and

attitude to life is changing quite dramatically, my dilemma now is a

profound feeling that there is something I should be doing with my

life, or a new direction I should be heading in, but not knowing yet

what that is. I guess I am on a need to know basis, and all will be

revealed in the fullness of time :-).


Thank you and everyone for your inspiring words. This really

is a very special group.

Many blessings



, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What are your reasons for wanting this energy to be awakened? Please

> let me know. -






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To not have any choice can be a pretty solid opportunity for

surrender. We come to the Kundalini and it comes to us. A meeting

point in the time of our existence that extends even beyond our

existence. When we meet the divcine on the mountain and it tells us to

walk with and within it. There is no real choice. There is only

surrender. - blessings Martin - chrism

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Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Yes I feel you can be these things John Ommmmmmmmm and

I feel that once they are with in so will they be without. -

Ommmmmmmmmmmm blessings and brilliance to you John The d'Plumber! -


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