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Psychic Protection - Tiffany

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Hello Tiffany,

From what I am seeing you are a dear sweet and

considerate person who is engulfed in a loving fire. And you are

correct about the qualities of helpfulness.


The 30% of suicides are in the populations who do not understand or

know that they are inside of a Kundalini awakening. Not everyone is

told or if they are they ignore the information due to its lack of

cohesion inside of their societal realities and expectations.


Many will refuse to seek Medical help which is just as well. But

eventually these dear souls perish. If one doesnt know anything

about what is occurring then there is little recourse for them.

Kriyas are pretty hard to ignore and as they can resemble seizures

it can get pretty ugly with regards to the choices one sees without

knowing about Kundalini. This is the reason our group even exists.

Or that I teach at all as it wasnt something I was planning on



Kundalini activated innocent people are in severe need of people

like you Tiffany.


Please let me state that you are a Kundalini survivor so in my book

you are doing pretty well!


Armor of the Lord is already part of a person is it not. As we are

incarnate reflections of divnity awakening to that state? And what

are we armouring up against? There is plenty! Robbers molesters

rapists thieves liars and so forth.


But these are not always part of the learnings. Armor of love and

surrender I feel is great but armor and surrender seem like

opposites to me. For me its the surrender which is the armor I

guess. - lol!


The Shakti eating folks is actually a quite literal experience. The

symbolism is only aprreciated after the meal. As the giant snake

looms over you with its huge fangs and tongue its easy o become a

bit " concerned " lol! Same with the spiders and the tigers and lions

and dogs and monsters. It is a fear test. The goal is for you to

have the courage to trust and allow yourself to be eaten.


Same thing with a dismemberment exeriences where the Shakti comes

and begins to pull body parts off and kindly lets you know not to

worry as they will come back to you better than before!


This can take some adjustment lol to see your heart being pulled

out of your chest or an arm being dragged off or a leg. These are

all needed and real experiences and come as compressed modules of

really dense information and activity and transformation but the ego

person can really get scared! But its all good and there is no pain

in any of these scenarios. Unless the ego person manifests it and

even then the Shakti will often step in a remove it. She's a MOM.



Please continue to be the helpful person you are. I know that it is

indeed a divine imperative. You are a gift to many. Its easier to

start a fire with a firebrand. So light it up!


I realized as I would help others that there are gifts to suffering

that in many cases cannot be taken and shouldnt be taken out of the

individual experience. We learn from pain very important lessons.

Same with fear. I feel your ways dovetail nicley here and I look

forward to reading you Tiffany.


I may step in here and there and it is never to hurt or rap knuckles

or anything of the sort. We must all watch our ego as we interact

and realize the process that all are inside of when we communicate

in this very limited format. (words)


So please know that I am appreciative of you and am sensitive to

your situation. - blessings Tiffany. - chrism





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