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Kundalini Induced Suicide - Jessica

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Good work with the reversals Jessica,

Keep doing them for every

negative that you feel by even feeling it you can recognize it and

honor it and balance it with a positive thought, feeling or

remembrance. This is your balancing.


Remember that the Kundalini will cause the adrenals to hyper

express. This can lead to those feelings of paranoia or that someone

is watching or following you so do not buy into it. Know it for what

it is and dismiss its importance the same way you would dismiss an

itch on your foot.


Realize this and allow yourself to move through it. Everything gets

amplified with the Kundalini and this will include our hidden fears

and suspicions about yourself and our surroundings. As you have

written these kinds of symptoms can be balanced by simple

recognition and reconciliation of the issues that come to the



Self worth issues are often that of our child selves feeling

unworthy in some way. So do the reversal and show that inner child

just how precious she is by doing a service for another.


She will see this and then you can also allow a service to be done

for you. She will see this as well. Worth is built from the little

things on up to the larger things and helping her, your little girl

within, to understand this can provide very helpful influences to

the inner balance of our selves.


So good going Jessica! Keep going, as we are far more blessed with

you being here! - chrism

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