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A Christmas meditation to share with my friends

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Hi Julie,


I am always on the lookout for new meditations and this one is quite

beautiful and very easy to follow. I've read it twice and will be

able to visualise it all clearly without having to stop mid-way to re-



Thank you.

Skydancer x


, " Julie Stalker "

<jewelport wrote:


> As you find yourself standing before the doorway of the great

> cathedral of your heart, you feel the call. You must answer from

> within. So beloved ones, step through the door. As you step into


> cathedral of your own glorious heart, the first thing you see is


> magnificent Twin Flame, waiting as a being of Light, open, alive,

> fully present for you, and you rush forth to join and remember how


> feels as one heart with two glorious energies, ever singing thanks

> for this Love. One shared heart that is the laughter of the cosmos,

> as the joy bubbles up from within you.


> Together you kneel in worship at the altar, wrapped in My presence

> and filled with this life, aware of the great rush of Love as it

> moves through this great cathedral of your heart and rushes out the

> doorway into the world as the flow of life itself. As you kneel at

> the altar, you are washed in that flow. Great flows of radiant


> flowing from the pinnacle of Creation and rushing through you and


> into the world. As your heart rises in gratitude for sharing this

> wonder, Love, rays of Light shine forth and you are bathed within


> Light illumining everything.


> The Light calls you upward. It begins to lift you higher to Me. You

> find yourself rising as a beam of Light, every electron dancing in

> joy, wrapped together as a helix of living Love rising, rising


> into the glorious Light of God I Am. As you rise, all images of the

> world fall away and you are completely illuminated, pure Light


> your consciousness, washes through your being, shoots forth from


> great Twin Flame heart and shines out on all Creation as you are

> alive in Me, alive at the center, heart in the heart of All That Is.


> As your consciousness opens outward, it opens inward at the same

> moment and suddenly, you are everywhere, everywhere at once, and


> there is no time or space. There is just the continual never-ending

> circle, the cosmos, the hologram of living Love, and you are the

> Light at the center, the living Christ heart of God. Breathe in


> Light, beloved. Breathe it in until every electron of your being is

> radiant and alive, endlessly reflecting the Light I Am now.


> You are a million – million million parts of Light – shining in


> dimension and your consciousness is endless as it circulates and

> touches all that is alive in the cosmos and brings the Light again.

> You can feel the Lights shining forth, exploding outward and inward

> and all around everywhere, as you become that living explosion that

> is Creation illuminated now. The Moment of Creation is you and you

> are the shining heart of the One, the one life I Am.


> Let there be Light ! Now ! Let there be Light that is you. The

> Light is endless and it is alive, full conscious, present,


> in its radiance. As you feel yourself becoming the Light, feel the

> rays of movement expanding you as your being slips silently to the

> edges of the cosmos and fills everything with particles of diamond

> Light, refracting, dancing, in every dimension everywhere, lighting

> up the living whole in the great explosion of life, life,

> illumination, the radiant power of Love.


> Your being that is Light expands and the living cosmos grows now

> within you. The great rays of Light that are gold and white are

> mixed, illumined, explosive and becoming greater through you. As


> stretch outward, I Am reaching through you, bringing life to more


> All That Is, expanding the essence we share, expanding the Light I

> Am. The Light that we name the Christ. The Light that is you. The

> Light that is All That Is. Ever more of itself. Now.


> And now, follow the Light as the great rays follow the movement of

> the explosion of consciousness and Love that is Creation knowing

> itself. Now, let the flow go inward as well as your consciousness

> slides down the rays to the center and discovers the feeling of


> heart.


> At the center of all the illumination if the hum, the pulse, the

> feeling of the great ecstatic union that is the movement of all

> Creation Making Love. You are all that Love focused as a Twin Flame

> heart of God. As you feel the deep powerful feeling of the

> possibility of Love exploding, you understand in an instant all


> possibilities that I Am extending through you. In tenderness I


> you the gift of the living heart presence and ask you to give this

> gift forth and to dream a new creation into being in perfect


> with Me.


> Deep in your heart you can feel the seeds of this creation planted.

> You feel the awareness of your Twin Flame, reflecting the beauty of

> this gift of Love through you. As you take it in and nurture it in

> the heart that is the womb of Creation, I name this creation


> Love to be made manifest through you as a bridge for the world to

> accept the truth of the Love that we share. I ask you to focus on

> this seed and dream a bridge world of Love into being.


> I place a gift within your heart as well and ask you now to focus

> gently on the center of your Twin Flame heart and the seeds I have

> planted there. As your consciousness moved now inward and touches

> that seed, it is shining, luminous, white and gold. It is a

> reflection of your Twin Flame heart perfectly and as you follow it

> inward, it is an opening, an opening through dimensions and as you

> look, you are looking now upon the world, upon life on the bridge

> world of Love.


> You are gazing, beloved, from a star studded sky, looking down on a

> world that is peaceful and perfect and feeling the holy communion


> every life with Me. A great ray of Light bursts forth from the


> at the center of your heart and on that ray you are sliding down


> the world, the world together we are creating… as a beautiful Twin

> Flame couple in bodies of pure Light and Love, sliding down the


> beam of Light until your feet touch the bridge world of Love. You


> standing in a field in the night that is the night when the Christ


> born. Born as you, and as every precious heart, whole,


> perfect.


> As you look out into the world, you see Light shining, sparkling

> hearts illuminated joyously, Light everywhere, bouncing off each

> other, amplified and lighting up everything. Every heart remembers

> its purity and the radiant splendor it is, as the living Light of

> God, born into the world now. Every breath that you breathe lights


> every electron of energy until the whole world is radiant,


> alive, perfect, and a great Light extended from the world outward


> the cosmos in waves of Love and giving.


> As you stand, you witness the dawn. Let there be Light ! and there

> is. And you can feel My presence in every life and consciousness,


> Love I Am in every heart. Every electron is radiant. The world is

> restored to innocence, purity and perfect Love.


> Holding this feeling in heart and consciousness, aware of the seeds

> planted and grown, as you turn, you see your cathedral and feel it

> calling you back through the doorway in the sun and as you walk,


> dawn spreads its Light, butterflies dance all around you, birds are

> singing in harmonies sublime as you walk into the cathedral of your

> heart and feel the call back out the door in which you came, the


> back into the world where you began.


> As you walk past the altar you are bathed in the Light and take a

> moment to feel the truth that says in your heart, " I Am the Light.


> Am the Christ, the heart of God and I go forth to light the world. "

> You place on the altar a gift, a gift to this Love we share, and


> receive a gift of the Light that you will carry to remind you of


> seeds planted, nurtured, brought forth as the Light of God in the

> world.


> Now, carrying that Light alive within you, radiant, powerful, never

> ending, Light from above, from within, Light everywhere, Light to

> light up with world… and holding the resonance of the bridge world


> perfect Love, innocence, illumination, you walk to the front of the

> cathedral and open up the doorway, emerging into the world that you

> left and yet, everything has changed. You can see with your heart


> Light is born in every heart and consciousness. While as yet it may

> not be extended, it is there. The whole world is shining.


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