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today is my birhday...

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On this day i think of the past year and all that has transpired. It

It certainly has been an interesting year. This time last year I was

in Gallup New Mexico with chrism on the way to Ca - 3 1/2 months in Ca

then off to Florida spending 3 months and now in NC - a fish out of

water - a no woman - a homeless child - I ask myself often " What are

you doing? " And I have no answer. A year ago I thought the path was

clear then my ego and scared child decided -no- too risky - so here I

sit still not sure what I will do - where I will land.


I have always been a very practical lady - taking few risks, few

chances then Kundalini entered my life and my life was turned upside

down in all ways- my path actually has been easy compared to others

yet difficult for me - I am the one who has lost all I knew and it

amazes me that I have not lost my mind thru all of this( feel I have

come close). Have been told by many that I am a strong lady - I have

inner strength. I feel this is true yet it seems to be buried

somewhere deep inside waiting to be free.


There is much more to my story as there is to all of our stories, but

I will leave it in my memories.


I feel very fortunate to have found chrism and this community. Had I

had to go it alone well I would probably be in a mental hospital.


I want to welcome all the new members and please know that each of us

has a unique journey with Kundalini. There are some similar events

that will occur yet you will have your own special tests and joys as

will I. Here on the KAS group you will find the support, love and

encouragement you need. Yet remember that your Kundalini is inside of

you - your answers are within you- working with chrism and the group

is a prelude to working with your own Divine presence within you.


I have been with the group for a little over a year and am still

learning-always learning.


You and I have been given a precious gift from the Diivine- the

opportunity to explore and enjoy Kundalini in this lifetime. Not

everyone has been given this gift this time around. So we who are

within the Kundalini journey need to be very aware of the magnitude of

the gift- the rarity of the gift and we need to always- always serve

others who are on this journey and others who are not. That is we

need to offer all we have and who we are to serve the world we are

part of. Those with the greatest gifts have the greatest responsibility.


So on this my birthday I pledge to do my best to help others on their

path in any and all ways I am able to. We never know how long we have

on this earth so every moment is precious - every moment is a gift-

every moment is an opportunity to serve with love.


Happy Birthday to me - I am older you see and there are still some

things I don't know- but I do know that I am right where I need to be

with all of you... thank you for making my journey less scary and more




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