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Greetings to all,


I think I *might* be experiencing awakening of Kundalini, but I am not

sure. It is something that has been happening for quite some time and

it is quite confusing. So I joined this group to look for information

and support.


So far there are many things I've found on the net that match

experiences I'm having. These have ranged from sudden jolts through my

body that shake me during meditation, the feeling of crawling up my

spine, a feeling of expansion in the head (that can often turn into a

nasty headache...) and other similar physical sensations of heat,

shivers, and a strange tapping at the base of my spine.


I have also been feeling it on an emotional level with wild mood

swings. There are these states where I see a kind of fabric that

connects us all as one -- it is so beautiful, it makes me cry. In

these moments, even the way a pigeon sitting on the subway platform

puffs its feathers sets me in tears. And just as quickly, I can be

plunged into a state of completely bleak despair.


The thing that is most confusing for me is that there is a sexual

energy that is present much of the time.


I found it interesting that I saw root vegetables mentioned in the

safeties. Recently, I have taken to eating raw beets on a daily basis.


The other thing I've noticed is an awakening of intuition. I've always

been intuitive, but lately it is stronger and clearer. I get

impressions from people as they come near me. And when I ask them how

they are, they address the exact impression I have just had. For

example, a friend of a friend approached me at a social event. The

thought came in my mind, " She just had a miscarriage. " When I asked

her how she was, she shared with me that she had just had a miscarriage.


I guess what I'm looking for is an answer. Am I experiencing a

Kundalini Awakening? I think it would be pretty hard for anyone to

advise on this over the net to a stranger! But maybe you can share

with me some ways that one can tell. How do you know? How can I tell

whether this is what's happening or whether this is some weird figment

of my imagination based on readings of spiritual texts? A wanting of

the ego instead of genuine experience?


I am grateful for your help.





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