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Kundalini and fear - A long Astral Journey Yesterday

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Thanks Chrism, much of what you said here was very much helpful for me today and

what I have been through the last day or so.


I am finding it hard where to began in writing this down. The last post I made

in response to Sarita's reply to my " House Burning Dream " , I mentioned my head

had begun to hurt. Well the headache grew worse and even worse. For the next 24

hours I was in a lot of pain. I could not stand to hear sounds (those birds

chirping outside really got to me after a while) or have lights on, even the

light from my computer, I could not tolerate. The head pain has not completely

left yet, but is there only in the background now. It feel a little numb and

heavy today. The computer brightness is still bothering me somewhat and is a

little hard to be here. For those 24 hours or so I had to stay in a dark room

with no lights or sound. I didn't sleep much that whole time. I thought I was

coming down with a virus at first, but then I thought maybe it was just K and it

would soon pass. I finally fell asleep for an hour or so and when I woke back up

the pain was even worse and my lip was doing this funky jerking/contracting

thing. The thought went through my head that maybe what was happening was that I

was having a stroke. I got up and took an aspirin just in case. LOL! The aspirin

didn't change anything. I was concerned rather I should be getting to a doctor

or what. I really could not think very clearly, what I should do. Then after

several more hours I remembered back when I use to get migraine headaches and I

realized I was having one, but it was worse than any I had ever had before. I

went and drinked a Dr. Pepper for some caffiene and within about 30 minutes or

so the pain subsided, so I knew for sure it was a migraine headache. I am so

glad that is over with. I was so relieved it was a migriane and not a stroke. :)

I cannot believe I went that long without realizing it was a migraine.


Now for the good part! LOL! After the pain went I decide to listen to some music

and see if I could meditate. I looked through my CDs and found one I had never

listened to before. It was a guided chakra meditaion that Shiva K. gave us some

time ago. I have never cared much for the guided metitation type CDs, I prefer

just music, but the music part on this CD was nice. Anyways, I had only listened

for the first 3 or 4 minutes when all of a sudden I found myself at this astral

resort/spa place and the lady on the CD became my astral guide and she was

guiding me through the safeties, bringing up scenes from past stuff that I had

totally forgotten about. A lot of emotional events and such. At one point, she

took me into a building and gave me a massage/healing type thing. Afterwards, I

had put my blouse on inside out, but did not realize it until sometime later

when I was out in the public. I looked around to see where I could go to change

my blouse and I saw this ally and went there. I ask my guide to try and shield

me while I changed my blouse back right. I turn with my back to the opening and

was taking my blouse off when I hear a noise. I turned my head to see what was

happening and there stood this huge kong fu guy and he had takened his robe off

and was using it as a tent to give me privacy. LOL! I was a little startled, but

thanked him and finished changing my blouse. :)


Then I was out on beach with my guide and we were just setting there on the sand

enjoying the sun's warmt. My grandson was there and he was over in the mud bath

having a blast! Then all of a sudden this greasy stinking stuff was coming down

from the top of one the buildings and was splattering all over us and the beach

area. I got up and ran down the beach and my guide and grandson followed me. The

running felt so good I just kept running for a long time down the beach. Then

things changed after a while and intead of running on the beach we were up on

top of one of the tall building and we were running along this two foot ledge.

When I realized where we were, I looked down and got dizzy and almost fell. It

looked about 40 or 50 feet to the ground. :) The guide told us to be care and

slow down. My grandson was in the lead and holding my hand and he did not slow

down. :) When we got to the end of the building he just kept running right off

the building. Instead of falling we floated down, but I was going head first

still holding his hand, but even so it was fun.


Then we were back on the beach and my guide was talking to someone who's voice

seemed familar to me. I turn and looked and it was one of my best friends from

my past. When I had become a christian she was very upset over it and had shut

me out of her life and would not have anything more to do with me. I did not

realize until that moment how hurt I was from that and had never grieved her

loss. It was great seeing her agian and she asked my forgiveness from treating

me that way. It was a great reunion. I came back to my body soon after that just

when the CD was ending. I don't know how long the CD was, probably about an

hour. I was out that whole time. I guess I could have fallen asleep and all that

was just a dream, but it seemed so very real, like it really happened. There is

a lot of parts that I did not write here or give all the details. I was very

aware of all that was taking place that whole time, except with the instant

changes of scenery. There did not seem a time space in between the instant



Sorry I missed you interview yesterday, Chrism. My astral journey was taking

place at that time. I did listen to it last night before going to bed. There was

someting I wanted to comment on but now my mind is a totaly blank. Maybe later I

will remember.


Thanks again for the right on spot post this morning and all else that you do

for us. I woke up about 5:10 am this morning and remembered the scatterfield

being placed. :) I think your presense woke me up.




, " chrism " <>



> Hello and welcome. Have no fear of being open

> about the skills and experiences. Though what the Kundalini brings

> and does is a real and viable phenomenon, it isn't for those who

> have a locked five sense mentality. Neither is for those merely searching for

phenomena. It is not until one becomes directly

> involved with the Kundalini does one begin to have an understanding

> of just how broad and diverse the expanded reality truly is.


> Knowledge about the Kundalini is a way of controlling the fear that can

sometimes come from its infusion and activity upon the five body's of


> When a person injects copious amounts of fear into an activation of

> the Kundalini, the creative and expansive process will bring those

> fears into a seemingly real form. Typically this is experienced

> as visions or waking dreams. This can move into real time experiences.

> Real as waking life to you.


> Because the fear and therefore the imagined reality is so

> strong the visions will be amplified by the power of the Kundalini

> and can be experienced as a real life event. They are not but they will

> seem to be. So control of fear is a meaningful and needed teaching.


> These fears can carry over into the physical sensations as well. Making one

> leap to the conclusion that something is wrong with the body and

> waste a lot of money, as I did, in discovering it is just part of

> the process. So it is very important to control and understand what

> fear is to this process and how to move through these areas without

> succumbing to it.


> When a person continuously operates from a point of love, and I mean

> by that a multi-faceted, multi-platformed aspect of love indicating

> strength and compassion and patience and diligence and discipline,

> honesty and integrity, and forgiveness one will understand the frail

> qualities of what fear truly represents. Attachment. Attachment to

> things and power and many other things that

> we " attach " importance to.


> When we begin to adjust our attachments some of the first

> aspects of fears to be understood are the " fear of loss " and

> the " want of gain " . When you can begin to adjust these programs you

> will soon understand that there is nothing to lose and nothing to

> gain. Everything you need you already have. Everything that is

> attachment is under your control.


> So in many ways this comes down to choice. You choose to be inside a

> belief structure that supports fear. Fear motivates and fear

> controls and fear answers.


> Kundalini gives a person the opportunity

> to see and directly experience a different approach. When activated,

> in many cases, one is introduced to some very deep and significant

> spiritual experience and instruction such as deep love of God and creation.

> These instructions and experiences show the person how to navigate through the

programs of fear that are so basic to the world and reality we live in.


> Divine guidance is another way to describe it. Yes this is where

> incredulity can seep into the equation for those of us attached to the

scientific method. We are raised and educated to not have an appreciation for

this type of experience.

> But it is a real thing and it is there whether we choose to believe it or


> Physical bodies are only the evolutionary beginning not the end. In our

struggles we can be seen as the end product of self imposed

> conscious, blind, expression. Yet we continue to grow despite our limitations.

A big step in this growth is the Kundalini and its maturation within a person.


> We are a convergence between the divine world and

> the physical world. Kundalini is the bridge between these realities.


> Due to the social programming of our society and

> how we view ourselves and our world we can become dependant on the

> physical for everything. We can find ourselves ridiculing any

> other formats that may have influence but because of our

> limited belief structures, not allowed

> to have influence. And yet the Kundalini comes. All by itself or

> from a practice or person who activates it.


> And we are left, here in the western societies, with a special

> problem. How to understand a phenomenon that occurs to people who

> we label as " disturbed " and yet is happening for people who

> are not disturbed and yet exhibit symptoms that contradict our chosen

> beliefs as to what is normal.


> So the doctors inject the drugs and we take the pills and yet it

> still keeps happening and a bit worse in some cases. Some people awaken

> Kundalini but have pre dispositions and positive experiences that are not


> It is through these people that the knowledge can be distributed

> without having to stretch our paradigm to thin.


> So embrace this quality with in you and

> begin to practice the safeties " daily " and with conscious intent to

> do so. This will begin to condition your response to the phenomena

> of the Kundalini -


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