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Greetings, all.


I'm recent newcomer to the group, I've posted a few times but now here's my

k-resume :) just so y'all know who's lurking about.


Let's see, I've experienced spontaneous kundalini events several times over the

last 14 years. The most recent cycle of activity I can now trace back 3 years,

during the midst of a stream of illnesses one after another, some things that

couldn't be diagnosed, and some events that now I identify as chakra

disruptions(?) if that's the correct term--feeling a punch in my stomach that

doubled me over, as well as stabbing pains in my left pectoral muscle and what I

thought was cardiovascular issues, and muscle twitches. Made a few trips to the

emergency room to find that nothing was wrong, physically (yeah they think you

crazy, right.) This was a period of experiencing amplified deep resentment in

current relationships, as well as having a storehouse of resentments/fears from

the past which I did not know how to resolve.


About a year ago I asked for spiritual help and was guided on a path of learning

how to forgive, release anger, resentment and fear, and adjust my thinking

patterns. The fruits of which has blessed me with increasing peacefulness.


My family has a heritage of intuitive gifts/perception (from my mother's side),

and over my lifetime my experiences have increased in scope and intensity

especially when linked with the kundalini experiences. The most recent surge in

perceptive activity started up about 6 months ago, around the time I became more

consistent with yoga practice and joining a meditation/healing circle. The palms

of my hands become hot when I practice yoga, qi gong, meditate, or with mantra

practice. In groups of people especially my perceptions will increase, for

example seeing auric colors, clairaudience, empathic connections.


At this time I acquired a salt lamp. Not long after I noticed that the layers of

carving on the lamp created the image/outline of a woman's torso and head, about

3/4 profile, her 'face' looking toward the wall to the side. A few days later, I

notice her face in the carving is now facing in my direction, as if she's turned

her head to look at me. So a little " sign " indicating to me that some feminine

personage would be entering my sphere soon, though I wasn't sure what form this

would take. Around this time I asked the 'Universe' for a mantra that would be

appropriate to practice at this time--that same day I received a periodical and

a catalog which both featured the " Om Namah Shivayah " mantra in their pages. I

added the feminine seed to the Shiva mantra which made it feel more complete to

me: " Om shrim klim namah Shivaya " .


Recently have had heat and movements travelling up my back, which awakes me

usually in the early morning hours, also hearing music, singing, chanting. So,

here I am ready to roll! The night the scatterfields were given, as I was

trying to fall asleep an immense blue-white flash occurred in my mental field of

vision, since then have had what I've read is the golden helmet effects,

tingling cascading from my heart and crown areas, fluttering my my third eye

area and right ear. Also a feeling of warm comfort enclosing me, a loving safe

feeling, which is really awesome. interesting dreams of late as well as the

introduction of Ganesh into my meditations as a guide, which I'll post



I'm enjoyed reading the group's posts here, and appreciate the opportunity to

become better acquainted, and to participate in what is sure to be a " third

eye-opening experience. " Oh, yeah--I love puns. Sorry, shoulda warned Chrism

first... too late now :0






" As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may

work miracles. And since all things exist in and emanate from the ONE Who is the

ultimate Cause, so all things are born after their kind from this ONE. " ~The

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

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