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Entities, Discarnates and the Kundalini - Glen and all

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Hello Glen,

Ha! you express yourself very well Glen and may I take this moment

to publicly thank you for your design and creation and maintenance of the KAS1

website. You are a blessing to many my friend!


I see the entity interactions as part of the blend. Like wading into water we

become at once part of the water ecosystem and at the same time part of the dry

land air breathing ecosystem as we are in both at the same time. This also

occurs with the blend from the five sense limited understandings into the

broader context of the interpenetrating spiritual environments. In this case the

lower astral areas.


Same with the entities of the dense frequencies that are just out of perception

for most people. These over lap into the physical expressions. As we wade into

the spiritual areas of creation we can become simultaneously less dense

physically and conversely find ourselves in the regions of stronger densities in

the astral.


I see these entities are mere flora and fauna of these astral areas and like a

shark in the water or mosquito's on land when they smell a certain frequency of

mental and emotional expression they can be attracted to the source of that



As they come into the Kundalini persons range they begin a process of education.

Not always consciously on their part but some of them do know this. We as

awakening people have the opportunity to overcome our phobias and fixed ideas as

to what constitutes appropriate creation. We may see them as monsters and such

and this is mostly due to our fear education from our societies and our limited

five sense ability to understand and discern.


So we often struggle for a time as we try to bring this " new reality " into an

understanding. For a time we will scare and jump and flinch at the new phenomena

we will drive round for hours at night vainly trying to ward off sleep in order

to not have these interactions and yet sleep will come and with sleep the

interactions will continue.


It can be painful as well. Yet even so there is always a way of learning how to

manage it once the initial fear is overcome.


This is a fine education really. Its one thing to sit at the computer and read

chrism going on and on about not fearing. But when it happens! Oh my God! What

the F* & % was that?!!! And then you know the difference between reading and

contemplating and actually experiencing. Experiential education is much quicker.


As a person struggles I agree with you Glen the actions of the struggle and the

recognition of of the reality that is being experienced will indeed feed the

dynamic of that reality if that is what you are suggesting.

By giving strong attachment of an emotional nature yes Glen the bonds of

interaction are strengthened. It can become a closed circuit for a time feeding

itself as the equation is explored and experienced by the entities and the

Kundalini person.


This begins to fade however as one begins to understand what the new rules are

about and how to accept those aspects of creation that are far different than

what has been given as a possibility for creation here in the physical.


Like scuba diving life in the astral is full of strange and wonderful beautiful

and frightening examples of creation. Even though they fall outside of what a

person considers possible they are none the less there and in your face and upon

you as you so accurately described Glen.


This doesnt happen for everyone. It happens for about half of those coming into

the expression of the Kundalini and of that half not everyone gets the full

force of say your experience Glen. But many do.


I do not hesitate to explain this during Shaktipat. It is part of the landscape

and to ignore it or to downplay its possible entry into a persons experience

would be irresponsible. Entities exist of many many stripes and characteristics.

They fly and crawl and float and walk, swim, run, and play.


It is the natural environment for them and it is the Kundalini persons newly

awakened consciousness that is invading their environment. Yet it is natural for

us as well. So it is also our environment and it is merely that we have not been

told or allowed to know of these areas. Fear has most often been used to steer

us away. Fear is the great prize in this field of accomplishment. The " control

of fear " or the control of our thoughts to be precise.


This is a way of controlling the ego. It is the ego that fears this environment.

It is the ego that only wants the familiar and the known aspects of creation to

be recognized and honored. Ego will demand this and ego will work to keep one

from accepting what it is witnessing and experiencing. Ego will drive one to the

MDs in order to get some drugs to make this all go away!!


Ego has the fear.


What will often happen is that night after night and experience after experience

the encounters with the lower astral flora fauna will become commonplace. It

will no longer surprise and in that lack of surprise fear will diminish. When it

becomes boring one moves out of that frequency of experience completely having

passed through those gates of ego conditioning.


Yes we can always go back. But as you said Glenn - Why?


This area is a needed area to experience for many people as they will not do it

any other way. By that I mean they will not instill controls on how they " think "

or how they allow the ego to " think " without these educational experiences.


It can get really strange. People have had encounters with many of the

mythological beasts and fantastic entities from ancient cultures now long dead.

Yet even though the culture is long dead their energetic constructs in the

astral are still quite alive and wandering around. These are " thought forms "

another kind of common entity.


Like the Tibetan Tulpa and other forms of human created energetic structures

they are there and they have agenda's that they are compelled to complete. From

the Zoroastreans to the Romans, Greeks, Maya, Aztec to the early Christian and

the Sumerians and Egyptians ancient Chinese, the peoples of India and aboriginal

people. All of these human expressions have created thought forms that still



Even the awakening Kundalini person only partakes of a certain quality of astral

experience that is crafted by their Karma and the guidance that they have in

order to condition the ego towards its control of fears.


" We do not see or experience the full range merely that which we need to

experience for the task to be completed. "


So this is natural. It is part of the Kundalini awakening experience sometimes.

Just like kriyas and elevated s & xual responses and waves of energy climbing the

spine. Just like the knowing that merely comes to a person without studying.

Just like the Unity Consciousness that we become " at one " with. Just like bliss

and ecstatic supreme love the encounters with entities are merely another aspect

of the path up the mountain. I know you know this Glen but others do not. Nice

to read you my friend! - blessings Glen and all - chrism



, " gleno " I would like to

supplement some of your information with additional observations....

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