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Joyful Struggle

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Engaging the release of the ego consciousness over the control of choices

inside of the Kundalini awakening can be a struggle at first. By the idea of " at

first " I mean to say for at least the first year. These struggles will not be

the same for everyone and will at times be experienced as " Joyful Struggles " as

one encounters " bliss " and its varied control over the emotional expressions.


If you consider that almost everything we do from a " volitional " standpoint

comes from the ego consciousness. You can get an idea of how surprising a loss

of control can be for a person having some of the choices removed. One of the

few examples of how a control is taken over from the " volitional body " would be

in the example of an illness or disease or an autonomic body function such as a

sneeze or cough.


It can be as gentle as the tailbone beginning to move on its own to the

initiations of full blown automatic body positions and shaking as is exampled by

the kriya phenomena. What many people do is to jump to the conclusion of illness

for a lack of any other explanation. Kundalini is no more an illness as the

onset of a sneeze is and it is as natural as a sneeze albeit far more of a

lasting permanent nature.


So we often struggle with the infusion and effect of the Kundalini on and within

our bodies. The degree of struggle can be as a kind of testament to our

condition and the degree of challenge for us within this condition inside of the

dynamics of our lives and of our ability to adjust to this flow of phenomena and

feeling brought about by the Kundalini.


The fact that it has effect upon all of the various bodies of the human

condition simultaneously can be a huge factor in the quality and length of time

one is inside of the initial process of the Kundalini. It can be relentless and

it should be as the ego domination of some of us can be quite strong. As we

surrender to its activities upon us will be able ameliorate our fears about its

presence within us. From this point of understanding can the " Joy " of the

experience be opened to.


Do your best to understand that you are indeed inside of the phenomena of the

Kundalini. Once that determination has been made you can begin to consciously

approach the idea of surrendering to the Kundalini and its agenda of

transformation upon and with in all of the bodies of your human expression.


Do your best to accept the changes as you can. Realize that you are not ill or

sick or unbalanced from a psychological standpoint. It is best to understand

that you are inside of an experience that is not understood by science or

medical authorities. Kundalini isn't recognized by these authorities in most

cases and going to them for treatment can be an action with serious



It is an action that many people do take as the onset of the phenomena can be

terrifying in its effect upon our understandings of reality. As you apply your

expanded information base to your particular expression of the Kundalini the

phenomena itself will often respond to your " knowledge " of its condition in some

way. A flash of intuition can occur or a gentle inner knowingness can be given

that will help a person to understand or at least " feel " that they are loved and

that it is " OK " to be feeling and having these phenomena.


This can decrease the amount of fear or not. Much will depend on how assertive

the ego consciousness is in its control of your actions and feelings. We are all

very different in these areas and this will be reflected in our experience

within the Kundalini. - blessings all - chrism

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