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Pineal Gland

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Third Eye - Pineal Gland




The pineal gland was the last endocrine gland to have its function

discovered. Its location deep in the brain seemed to indicate its

importance. This combination led to its being a "mystery" gland with

myth, superstition and even metaphysical theories surrounding its

perceived function.

The pineal gland is occasionally associated with the sixth

chakra (also called Ajna or the third eye chakra in yoga). It is

believed by some to be a dormant organ that can be awakened to enable

"telepathic" communication.

In the physical body the eye views objects upside down. It

sends the image of what it observes to the brain which interprets the

image and makes it appear right side-up to us.

But the human body has another physical eye whose function has

long been recognized by humanity. It is called the 'Third Eye' which in

reality is the Pineal Gland. It is long thought to have mystical

powers. Many consider it the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision.




It is located in the geometric center of the brain. This correlates to the location of the Great Pyramid in the center of the physical planet. The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the

center of the brain in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland

which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly

behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.

The true function of this mysterious gland has long been contemplated

by philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the

pineal gland to be our connection to the Realms of Thought.

Rene Descartes called it the Seat of the Soul, believing it is unique

in the anatomy of the human brain in being a structure not duplicated

on the right and left sides. This observation is not true, however;

under a microscope one finds the pineal gland is divided into two fine


This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various

biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland

which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the

biological clock that determines our aging process. When the pineal gland awakens one feels a pressure at the

base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced when

connecting to higher frequency. A head injury can also activate the

Third Eye - Pineal Gland.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown

until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long

known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link

between the physical and spiritual worlds. Considered the most powerful

and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal

gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers.

Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this

organ of higher vision.

The third eye can see beyond the physical




as is looks out through the chakrasystem

when we meditate or look for answers from higher frequencies.




The pineal gland contains a complete map of the visual field of the eyes




and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.


There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the

retinohypothalamic tract. It brings

information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus

called the suprachiasmatic nucleus(SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses

travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal

gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these

impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the

hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The

pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important

timekeeper for the human body.


Retinal research done with hamsters demonstrates another center for melatonin production. Located in the

retina, this center implies that the eyes have their own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system is distinct

from the brains body clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found that they could throw the

retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. They also found that they could set and reset the retinal

clock even when the SCN was destroyed.

The retinal clock produces (stimulates the production of?)

melatonin. Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of

this clock in the human eye (and expect to find it). No one yet knows

what the separate clock is for or how it relates to the SCN.








In some lower vertebrates the Epiphysis Cerebri - Pineal Gland - has a

well-developed eye-like structure; in others though not organized as an

eye, if functions as a light receptor. In lower vertebrates, the pineal

gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor

and is considered by some to be the evolutionary forerunner of the

modern eye.

The gland weighs little more than 0.1 gram. The gland is large

in children and begins to shrink with the onset of puberty. It appears

to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals,

metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian

rhythms, sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night), and is

implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The abundant melatonin

levels in children is believed to inhibit sexual development. When

puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.

The pineal gland secretes melanin during times of relaxation

and visualization. As we are created by electromagnetic energy - and

react to EM energy stimuli around us - so does the pineal gland.

When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of

communication with the higher planes. The crown chakra reaches down

until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is

received through this energy center in the head. With Practice the

vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it to separate

from the physical.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the

pineal gland and the pituitary body must vibrate in unison, which is

achieved through meditation and/or relaxation. When a correct

relationship is established between personality, operating through the

pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland, a

magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces interact

and become strong enough to create the 'light in the head.' With this

'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can withdraw

themselves from the body, carrying the light with them.

Astral travel, and other occult abilities, are closely

associated with the development of the 'light in the head'. After


relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland is achieved by staring

at a point in the middle of the forehead. Without straining the

muscles of the eye, this will activate the pineal gland and the 'third

eye'. Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses and the

physical consciousness, the consciousness is centered in the region of

the pineal gland. The perceptive faculty and the point of

realization are centralized in the area between the middle of the

forehead and the pineal gland. The trick is to visualize, very

intently, the subtle body escaping through the trap door of the brain.

A popping sound may occur at the time separation of the

astral body in the area of the pineal gland. Visualization exercises are the first step in directing the

energies in our inner systems to activate the 'third eye'. The magnetic

field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the

midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The

creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of

the mind gives life and direction to this form. 'Third eye' development, imagination, and visualization are

important ingredients in many methods to separate from the physical

form. Intuition is also achieved through 'third eye' development.

Knowledge and memory of the astral plane are not registered in full

waking consciousness until the intuition becomes strong enough. Flashes

of intuition come with increasing consistency as the 'third eye' as

activated to a greater degree, through practice.

The pineal gland corresponds with divine thought after being touched by the vibrating light of Kundalini. Kundalini starts

its ascent towards the head center after responding to the vibrations

from the 'light in the head.' The light is located at the top of the

sutratma, or 'soul thread', which passes down from the highest plane of

our being into the physical vehicle. The 'third eye,' or 'eye of Siva,' the organ of spiritual

vision, is intimately related to karma, as we become more spiritual in

the natural course of evolution. As human beings continue to evolve further out of matter, on

the journey from spirit to matter back to spirit, the pineal gland will

continue to rise from its state of age-long dormancy, bringing back to

humanity astral capacities and spiritual abilities. At certain brainwave frequencies, a sense of ego boundary

vanishes. In the theta state, we are resting deeply and still

conscious, at the threshold of drifting away from or back into

conscious awareness. As the brain enters deeper states, our

consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our 'third

eye' is active, and separation becomes natural. Many native traditions

and mystical practices refer to the ability of 'seeing,' or being aware

of energy fields at higher levels. This abstract awareness is much more

subjective and does not involve the normal level of mundane

consciousness, which is mostly concerned with self-identity. This

'seeing' refers to the sight of the 'third eye'. Consciousness is raised from an emotional nature into an

illumined awareness when the pineal gland is lifted from dormancy. If

the pineal gland is not yet fully developed, it will be in the course

of evolution. When our sense of ego and personality are set aside and

we keep our mental energy intact, we can become conscious of the

non-physical, our inner self, the subconscious, through different

practices to activate the 'light in the head.' From :http://www.crystalinks.com/thirdeyepineal.html



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