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signs in the blood and HI V. .

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Namastedear vibrant Electra Fire. . .i find your sharing intriguing and am amazed at the depth of your dream symbols. . .there is much richness in the dreams you share. . .Electra would like to share where my mind went as i read. . . i so trust your depth and Kundalini Ma to bring forth the truest reflection of your soul's theater of art and creativity for awakening. . .these are a few places and questions that your dream took me and will share. . .what i am trying to say is that i am not deluded into believing i do justice to the interpretation of your dreams, but perhaps will ask if i may join in the dance on this one?. . ."Now, those who know me here know about the fear I had for years that I had H I V."when i read the mind did not go to HIV as in Aids, but rather the mind went to HIV as in High V & gina. . .and thought what a rich name for the second chakra. . .i have often thought that Kundalini Ma teachers us we have not only a High Heart but when i read H I V realized we could also say Ma teaches we also have a High V & gina. . .sacred literature and sacred texts from each of the great religions is rich in the symbols of the sacred s & xual and the sacred prostitute and know you know that. . . hope you embrace this fully and enjoy Her beautiful allowance. . . for many this is part of the blessing, richness and transformation along the way. . .in 1991 i began the experience of what i called at the time the internal marriage and for several years there was such sweet loving within. . . made the decision to become celibate until i was "right" with myself, and thought it would be for a short while. . .but soon found by honoring the internal marriage process of the dance between the yin/yang that in planes of. . . emotional. . .spiritual. . . and physical. . . an overall well-being and balance began to emerge. . .and was experiencing depths of intimacy with others i had not known from the world of "coupledome" and "PVT" (p & lvic v & ginal thrusting). . . .in the dream and your relating it. . ."Where I live in China to get a residence permit you need a health check and blood test done.". . . .hmmm?. . .could this be dream indication there are places in the psyche that feels the over riding authoritive restrictive society at large would want to regulate the High V & agina?. . . and might not even issue a permit. . .also the bold testing. . .i often think of female with the issue of blood. . .?. . .. Are there forces outside that have been given hold external authority of your expression of s & xuality?. . . .either at the mundane or spiritual levels?. . . .my own experience is we carry not only our suppression and repression, but we also carry within us the ancient past of the suppression the the sacred feminine. . .(please hope this does not sound like a ranting female, for men also carry both the male and female blocks of patriarchal spirit of domination , but i think it is closer to the surface with women. . .) "My husband just got his, all clear really except for something very very minor.". . .. good news there is something going on here that is minor?. . .something going on with your "personal" masculine that is very minor?. . .Electra i have a tendency to view dreams in a Jungian manner with each element in the dream being apart of the dreamers psyche. . . ."Since then I had been having a nightmare, I go to get a blood test and

the doctor tells me I have all these incurable diseases. I say "but my

husband was clear?" is this an indication that the dream material is coming from

the shadow?. . .in other words the great unconsicious collective with its subconscious

programming that often filters into our pysche as " the gospel, the

authority (the medical doctor as the weighty collective masculine). .

.. of how we are suppose to be as sexual beings in the world, and

expecially how women are suppose to express there s & exuality. . .?.

.. " but my husband was clear.". . .there seems to be the part of you that really feel your are personally okay with the HIV, but maybe a part of you believes it needs validation from the greater collective. . .?. . . .from my own expereince i do not think humankind has evolved to the place where the dominate society either secular or the dominate conventional religions can grasp, approve or give permission to Ma and Her HIV. . ."Since then I had been having a nightmare, I go to get a blood test and

the doctor tells me I have all these incurable diseases. I say "but my

husband was clear?" the doctor just stares at me and shrugs. I wake up.. . . "is this an indication that the dream material is coming from the shadow?. . .in other words the great unconsicious collective programming that often filters into our pysche as " the gospel, the authority (the medical doctor as the weighty collective masculine). . . of how we are suppose to be as s & xual beings in the world, and expecially how women are suppose to express there s & exuality. . .?. . . also " the doctor just stares at me and shrugs". . .yes, in truth they do not have a clue!. . .and the most they can do is shrug and like indicated in the correspondence yesterday all too often place a psychiatric label on you and rachet it down with meds when possible. . .and collect a hefty sum of money just to be told you are crazy. . . .then a really nice ending. . .I WAKE UP!. . . .cool Kundalini Ma is about that last line. . .i might have shared this before, a line of poetry from Joy Harjo; " I dreamed that i was being dreamed in the mind of a huge snake and when i woke up, i jumped out.". . .that line really speaks to the kundalini process. . .for it seems to me that Ma takes us into the heart of all the illusionary maya programming that the mind has absorbed and then takes us through the peel. . . She shows us that rather than being in the mind of God we are born into the mundance world that seeps into us in our slumber and dreams us?. . . .Electra. . .i am so happy your dream has a HAPPY ending dear sister. . . and you truly are waking up. . for goodness and forever. . .thanks for the dance sister. . . and sharing a V dialogue with me. . . i so hope i caught all the words?. . .5 cent Lucy (ordinary sparrow)P.S.Electra i am also going to post something i found very interesting about our HIV. . .a friend sent this to me and would like to apologize if it offends anyone in the exploration and bit of the symbolism of the yoni. . .this addresses the symbolism of the HI V and Mary. . . i hope the pictures come up. . .for it will not make sense without the pictures. . . WARNING: Some of the images presented in this essay may be considered offensive to some viewers.*Make sure to give the page a few moments to fully load. There are several graphics files.*

______________________________The "V & GINAL" Mary - Proof Of Subliminal Advertising In Sacred Art And Iconography From Pagan Times Throug_________Human

beings are unconsciously influenced by primal religious imagery and

simply do not know it. Seemingly obvious and benign images featured in

religious sanctums and used during sacred rituals are laden with

conflicting subliminal messages, directions, and suggestions and by

their very nature are most potent and active when the "secret" of the

Image remains completely hidden to the viewer.In

this essay, I will uncover the "secret" of one very powerful religious

image to illustrate how we have been unconsciously manipulated by

forces both of conscious and unconscious intent for various reasons

including mass mind control and individual indoctrination.Images

and apparations of the Virgin Mary have had a profound effect on the

psyche of human beings for many centuries, and indeed the hidden power

of this striking image dates far back to the pre-Christian mystery

cults which worshiped many variations of the goddess including Isis,

Aphrodite, and Anu - all bearing the same overall shape and

configuration as the current Virgin Mary imagery.This

intensely feminine icon of the goddess, because it uses our instinctual

recognition of the female v & gina - itself a potent archetypal symbol -

suggests a deeper mystery and elicits an instinctual response that can

be experienced simply by viewing the external form and manifestation of

the goddess herself, while subliminally encouraging us to associate it

with the sacred portal of our arrival here into this material world -

the woman's v & gina.First seen in the "nature" iconography of

the ubiquitous pagan goddesses which ancient venerators found on tree

knots and in recessed rocks, sometimes with springs issuing life giving

water from the basal opening, and then again in the Goddess's more

recent incarnation as the Virgin Mary - this v & ginally shaped motif has

acted as a talismanic representation of the potent power of the Sacred

Feminine and has been very successful in holding us in rapt and

attentive submission for many millennium.


highly charged iconic image connects us to a deeply rooted sense of the

invisible and eternal Divine in it's most fecund and generative

feminine aspect, and engenders a whole array of instinctual responses

from within the depths of our most ancient and fundamental human psyche

- most namely the immediate and urgent desire to venerate it - as

demonstrated by the many cases - past and present - of people gathering

around around the v & ginal image to stare at it and experience the

tremendum of a spiritual manifestation of the highest significance.


is no wonder that we hear of new reports of visible "apparitions" of

the Goddess or Virgin Mary constantly appearing from all ends of the

earth; it is simply one of the most powerful symbols found in our

archetypal repetoire and is therfore constantly demanding and

generating new expression and recognition from the human collective.


we have reports of this potent v & ginal symbol appearing within caves,

dark holes, stone grottoes or any kind of unconsciously suggestive

"feminine" receiving place, and wherever we see crowds of people

huddled together and praying to apparent manifestations of this v & ginal

symbol on dimly lit sides of buildings, on vague reflections seen at

specific angles within huge plate glass windows, or even inside of

fruit or on other edible materials such as toast or pastries - we can

clearly discern that the motif they are venerating bears the classic

v & ginal shape of the archetypal "Goddess" of pre-Christian history.And

just like any healthy, functioning, generative human v & gina, we have

testimony and purported physical evidence of our v & ginally shaped

statuary or paintings bleeding (suggesting menstruation) or secreting

clear fluids (suggesting fertility and receptivity), sometimes

collected as oily tears which always seem to emenate from the most

suggestively v & ginally shapped features on our own faces - the eyelids.Some additional exposition: (added 3/1/2006)


of the "Virgin" have been appearing in office windows and on the sides

of buildings and inside loaves of bread and rice cakes for decades now

(actually the phenomenon goes back thousands of years as pointed out in

the main essay above - so maybe what I should say then is that the

image of the "Virgin/Vulva" has re-captured and resurfaced in popular

imagination in the last half century - especially after the amazing and

mass experienced apparitional appearances of the "the Lady from Heaven"

at Fatima, Spain in 1917) - but what most people don't realize is that

the PSYCHOLOGICAL REASON that this very specific image of the Virgin

Mary is so powerful to us is because of our instinctual recognition of

the barely hidden image of the female v & gina that is actually being

recognized and activated on the level of the Unconscious.The

combination of awakening this innate archetypal template signature

while reverently gazing at and contemplating a masterful work of

religiou art is thus doubly reinforcing - and this unconscious

stimulation of two potent and merging archetypal energies can very

readily explain why the masses of people who gather to observe and

venerate the wide range of Marian apparitions - no matter where they

appear; under an interstate bridge overpass or in the dirty window of a

condemned building about to be demolished or on a piece of freshly

toasted bread - have such profoundly ecstatic and moving subjective

spiritual experiences when the sacred image is recognized and

apprehended.This archetypal image - however - now of the Virgin

Mary but once of Mother Nature's v & gina' - has been with us for many

ages however, in fact, the Pagans of antiquity saw them on trees and on

rocks and in the earth and in the sky (as the Milky Way Galaxy

overhead) as the Great V & lva of the Goddess and believed that any sap

or dew (or rain - the manna motif) that issued from such a sweet spot

was absolutely magical and held life renewing potential.Many

Pagan shrines were constructed around these naturally occuring v & ginal

manifestations - but it might have taken a leap of insight from some

brilliant medieval artist - who will probably remain anonymous to

history -who must have had the "A-ha!" insight of being able to see a

way to transform and SUBLIMATE the Pagan adulation and worship of these

nature v & gina's into the iconic image of the Virgin Mary that we know

today - using the very same recognizable shape as the nature v & gina -

and re-manifesting the vulva of the Old Goddess - into the haloed and

hooded image of the Virgin Mary as a venerable figure imbued with

sacred energy from head to toe in soft, flowing robes parted along the

center, sometimes with her hands held to her chest in prayer (perfectly

matching the anatomy of the v & ginal labia).And voila! The once

forbidden Pagan icon of the 'nature vagina' is now transformed and

re-integrated right into the new Christian experiece as Mary, the

Mother of God herself! So rather then destroy and blot out such heathen

spots of Pagan veneration and upsetting and inciting outrage and

rebellion from the unbeliving masses, the Christian missionaries, on

their wide-ranging journeys to spread the Faith throughout the

barbarian hinterlands can now allow former Pagans to keep venerating

such natural phenomenon, but only after changing and re-defining

exactly what it was they were "seeing" in the natural formations....> > > > Where I live in China to get a residence permit you need a health check and blood test done. My husband just got his, all clear really except for something very very minor.> > Since then I had been having a nightmare, I go to get a blood test and the doctor tells me I have all these incurable diseases. I say "but my husband was clear?" the doctor just stares at me and shrugs. I wake up.Now, those who know me here know about the fear I had for years that I had H I V. This blocked my sacral chakra dramatically. Even though I have been tested its still in my sub conscious.> > And so, today I went to get my health check, I'm sure its an important healing task for me to get this done and that the nightmares will stop after :-)) Happy Dayz.> > love and health elektra x x x ever joyful!> >>

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