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The Kundalini Social Wilderness

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We walk with predators. We also walk as predators. We are predators with

everything from acquisition of food to social acceptance. It goes beyond mere

survival and into the areas of emotion and self acceptance. We are hunters and

gatherers still as we gather our needs and strive towards that which is

understood as needed for survival. We are this way as a means to continued

existence in this world.


This is the underpinning of the five expressive bodies of the person. Just as a

show of size and ferocity is a common factor for dominance in the wild so do we

create that which allows us to have dominance in the many other areas of the

" social wilderness " we live in.


One of these areas is that of self worth and the associated validations of what

it means to be alright with whom and how we are as individuals in society.

Kundalini people are often challenged in these areas as our personal validation

of experience will often come under attack from those with in our social sphere

who do not or cannot understand what it is the Kundalini person is experiencing.


From family members to close dear friends can these invalidations occur and not

necessarily from maliciousness or any kind of abusive context but quite often

from a context of " having no context " in their experience for such an event or

events to occur for themselves or anyone.


This is why an attitude of forgiveness is so useful for the Kundalini gifted.

It can be seen as an experience that though all people can have from the natural

expressive potential of the body yet from the context of probability of that

expression there will not be that experience in this life for many if not most

of the populations.


The populations won't be able to relate to what is being experienced and it may

become as a frightening and strange event for them which can lead to fear, which

can allow for the survival mechanism of protection to be initiated by them upon

the Kundalini or upon the person having the Kundalini. Fear of the unknown is a

common experience for the Kundalini gifted from the inner to the outer

expressions of self and others.


This fear response can be expressed in many ways.


Devaluation of the Kundalini experience is a common method of minimizing the

signs and symptoms of the Kundalini activating person. This can immediately put

the individual into a state of uncertainty and personal distress feeling as if

they may be coming under the influence of an illness or mental condition. This

approach of devaluation is common among the medical authorities of the western

societies as in these populations there is very little known or accepted of the

Kundalini experiences and the associated symptoms and expressions.




From these positions are life changing events introduced that can alter the

reality and self worth of an individual inside of a Kundalini experience by

introducing drugs and other forms of " therapies " designed to treat and eradicate

symptoms which are natural expressions of the Kundalini as it makes its circuits

and connections within the body.


This is a common vector of the compulsion towards fear and dominance within some

of the social structures in the west.


Another form of predation is to control the actions of a person without regard

to their interests and goals in life but merely to use them as an extension of

the dominating individual. Employment experiences can sometimes be experienced

in this way. Managers of others can sometimes use their power and position over

others in ways that are not helpful rather holding their employees in a form of



In other areas the Kundalini awakened individual can walk with predators on an

equal footing without partaking of some of the more vicious approaches to

predation. We can choose to partake of life without succumbing to the primal

urges towards violence and dominance. Though these qualities are not eliminated

as expressions the expression of them can be determined by factors that are from

a perspective that isn't based upon the harm or destruction or enforced

servility of another person or groups of people.


The Kundalini presents other options for social discourse. Enlightenment offers

clear understanding of social dynamics among the various population groups in

expression at this time on this world. It offers another way of interaction.

Kundalini is this first step.


As the enlightenment process continues within and radiating outward from the

individual the perspective of life and its interrelationships can transformed

from the experience of the " Unity Consciousness " that can form. From this

perspective do other avenues of approach and interaction become open to

alteration from some of the more basic predator based aspects of social



Even though violence in its basic forms may not be the expression of choice

neither does the Kundalini awakening person need to allow for these predator

perspectives and actions to become inflicted upon them without taking certain

actions that are as a form of " Tough Love. " This can be very necessary for many

individuals especially for the children of the west.


In some ways these actions though from an exterior point of view or experience

may seem to be as a way of domination they can in reality become a gift of

discipline for the child of the west. A teaching in how to live in ways that

will allow for them to make the most of their opportunities in ways that help

them to come into a balance that is best suited for them at the point of

development they are in. These actions can be very helpful for many in the

processing of life choices though for the Kundalini person due to the increased

sensitivities the introduction of these measures can be disturbing at first.


As you begin to understand and move with in these areas of activity with

knowledge of what is occurring this becomes an active school of enlightenment

for the individual. We begin to understand the reasons and in these

understandings the lessons begin to flow. This level of understanding will often

signal the completion of that particular learning strand inside of the many

learning strands of the Kundalini transformation.


There is always a give and take of energy here in the physical based systems. No

judgment merely a give and a take of the tides of inception and reception. As

you begin to understand this your everyday experiences will begin to take on

completely new and blessed meanings for you. This will prepare your way of joy

and bliss inside of the everyday masterpiece of life. – Blessings to all of you

- chrism

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