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Post by chrism...

I would suggest that the three day fast start two days before the first

Shaktipat day so that the third fast day is on the first day of the Shaktipat.

- blessings – chrism



First rule of fasting is to be medically able to do one. No low blood

sugar events, no hypoglycemic reactions.


If this is your first fast then supplement your fluid intake with

lemonade that is made from fresh real lemons and molasses if you can

get it or another natural unprocessed sugar. Honey may be used.


If you have trouble with the lemonade then hot vegetable broth can

replace that.


Please be as prayerful and as spiritually motivated as you possibly

can be as much of the time as you can be. Recite prayers every hour or

chant or listen to spiritual music. Recite the Shakti prayer as much

as you can.


Meditate and allow the sharpening of the fast to extend into your

mind. For first time fasts a level of detoxification will become the

most significant response. Some clarity of mind that hasn't been

available can be noticed.


If you become overwhelmed with the desire for food or become dizzy or

develop a really bad temper - break the fast. Eat something and be OK

as it is a first time thing and perhaps can be entered into as a 24

hour fast at first.


Sometimes a fast is not indicated for the above reasons and reasons

of general health so be sure and be healthy before embarking on one.


For the Shaktipat the fast is a time of purification and the

releasing of the previous expressions of desires and sharpening of

intention and surrender.


Being spiritually focused as much of the time as possible and from

there being focused on receiving the Shaktipat is the most important

aspect of the mind and body and emotions during the fast.


Begin to increase these qualities now so that when you reach the time

of the fast one isnt scrambling to find a pattern of spiritual

response that is comfortable. Now is the time to develop this.


Stay well hydrated but do not supplement water for food. Be gentle and

keep track of your body and its sensations and if a problem develops

break the fast as that problem can become a distraction.


Sharpening focus is the goal. Focus on God and Goddess. Focus on

Kundalini. Focus on the tenets of the safeties and the reception of

the gift. Allowing for surrender to become a constant companion.


Once again be careful and be attentive to what is occurring. -

blessings all. – chrism




For optimum results Let the twenty first day be the one day or the

third day of a fasting spiritual personal retreat for you. If you

can safely do this. If you are sensitive to sugar levels

(hypoglycemic) then don't do this. Only if you can safely do it. The

Shakti will come regardless. - Just some thoughts - blessings to

you all - chrism


Make sure that if you fast that you can do so without medical danger

to yourself, and if you do the three day fast that you commit

yourself to much prayer and meditation and a strict focus upon the

practice as this can put it into a stronger form.


blessings all - chrism

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