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Kundalini Community

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I have felt and do feel that a Kundalini based community would be very

beneficial for those who are wanting to tread or are already treading this path.

A place to live for a time or permanently as the transformations are given. A

place to visit when and if the person decides to go out into the world of the



A place of understanding and support based upon authentic conditions and



This is a worthy and very helpful goal and not just here in the USA but anywhere

in the world where this (these) communities can be given a chance to develop.


Anywhere in the world.


Kundalini is worldwide. So can her communities be. My thoughts. - blessings -


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I too would love to see communities where Kundalini is accepted and honored in

all ways - a place where one is accepted for the divine within us to share and

learn from others on the same path - to support each other in all ways - to

learn new techniques for healing - to offer healing to those who come and to

learn to live in harmony - with each other and the environment -


the white house has a kitchen garden - we could have a K garden with healing

herbs, fresh seasoning herbs and lots of fruits and vegetables - maybe some

inventive gardening methods under canopies or on the roof tops depending where

the community is nestled-


oh yes - i too think on this often and with intent...



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And don't forget dancing in the moonlight!


, " " .



> - we could have a K garden with healing herbs, fresh seasoning herbs and lots

of fruits and vegetables - maybe some inventive gardening methods under canopies

or on the roof tops depending where the community is nestled-

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this would be awesome! I wouldn't feel so alone and isolated. Sometimes I wonder

if I'm getting cabin fever. My heart lights up at the prospect...hopefully soon





, " chrism " <>



> I have felt and do feel that a Kundalini based community would be very

beneficial for those who are wanting to tread or are already treading this path.

A place to live for a time or permanently as the transformations are given. A

place to visit when and if the person decides to go out into the world of the



> A place of understanding and support based upon authentic conditions and



> This is a worthy and very helpful goal and not just here in the USA but

anywhere in the world where this (these) communities can be given a chance to



> Anywhere in the world.


> Kundalini is worldwide. So can her communities be. My thoughts. - blessings -



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Very interesting! I would definitely support something like this.


There are some intentional communities/spaces, based around


principles I frequently visit in Brooklyn. They are very interesting and the


are all very friendly and it definitely breaks the isolation that a lot of


feel in today's society.





On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:57 AM, chrism <> wrote:




> I have felt and do feel that a Kundalini based community would be very

> beneficial for those who are wanting to tread or are already treading this

> path. A place to live for a time or permanently as the transformations are

> given. A place to visit when and if the person decides to go out into the

> world of the unawakened.(lol!)


> A place of understanding and support based upon authentic conditions and

> experience.


> This is a worthy and very helpful goal and not just here in the USA but

> anywhere in the world where this (these) communities can be given a chance

> to develop.


> Anywhere in the world.


> Kundalini is worldwide. So can her communities be. My thoughts. - blessings

> - chrism







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I definitely agree, it is something that I dream about all the time. Everyone

around me is trying to pull me into their world or their perspective, and when I

try to participate in their perspective they end up being pulled into my world.

It's like there is a tension between our perspectives. I'm grateful for my life

and all of its challenges, it has afforded me the opportunity to be alone and be

still within myself. But now, it would be really great to be in a group of

people in the day to day who support each others awakening process.






kundaflame <kundaflame


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:26:56 PM

Re: Kundalini Community






this would be awesome! I wouldn't feel so alone and isolated. Sometimes I wonder

if I'm getting cabin fever. My heart lights up at the prospect...hopefull y soon




Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " chrism " <@

....> wrote:


> I have felt and do feel that a Kundalini based community would be very

beneficial for those who are wanting to tread or are already treading this path.

A place to live for a time or permanently as the transformations are given. A

place to visit when and if the person decides to go out into the world of the

unawakened.( lol!)


> A place of understanding and support based upon authentic conditions and



> This is a worthy and very helpful goal and not just here in the USA but

anywhere in the world where this (these) communities can be given a chance to



> Anywhere in the world.


> Kundalini is worldwide. So can her communities be. My thoughts. - blessings -











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So happy to hear from so many of you that are up for doing these

" prayer/mediation/focusing " on Sundays! There is so much we can do together for

the good of all here and the good of all...I shall do this right upon waking and

late at night...


Perhaps we could post about it either before Sunday - just a post saying " IM IN "


or something like that and/or after so we help each other to keep on keeping on

with it! Wouldnt it be amazing - WHOA as I am typing these words I swear to you

the strangest thing is happening to me....my right ear is popping and making the

strangest sensations - weird sensations ... movement and like someone is working

on it (I've had that feeling like a screwdriver being turned in there but not

like this feeling....) OMG This MAKES ME REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!


OKay - its still going....I hope this is a divine sign that this venture of ours

is acknowledged and supported by a higher good!!!


Love you guys!



PS - Watch out George of the Jungle...here we come....(:



, Zack Nemeth

<karmaburn8 wrote:

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Hi Craig,

Thank you too for your enthusiasm and for all your great posts and meditation

tips. I have enjoyed them so. There is something you wrote here about feeling

alone and isolated that resonated with me and I've been thinking about you.

Forgive me if I sound too " heavy " - you will probably be thinking at the end of

this post ... " Dude, I was just looking forward to hanging out a bit with some

like-minded people "


But anyway I've been feeling the need to write this perhaps more for myself or

you or someone reading it...


While it is true I've felt the most incredible feelings of love and connection

and unbelievably blissful moments over the last couple years; I've too also felt

at times such a deep longing (don't know how to exactly describe it) in my heart

at times. Feelings of being so alone or this aching can creep up on me and while

its not always there - when it is, well its very painful. We were writing also

about the full moon and how at least for me everything seems to intensify. (No

worries we got it covered next month though!)

It seems a very dark place I can get into. I really don't understand it, I can

be around many people, good people, and still it seems to come. And then of

course I get upset with myself because I think of all the people in the world

who really are having it horribly; you know like whats my problem??? (: I have

been struggling a bit with this on and off and actually am trying to not push it

away (well actually I can't if I tried) perhaps trying to accept it - accept

that dark place of myself - honor it instead of feeling so bad about myself, you

know? The picture I posted was taken a short time ago during one of these moods

of mine - a major full moon madness (:

Kinda my way of putting it out there lately to accept it and who knows perhaps

move through it easier. Although Rich posted some great tips about helping to

release such things! Thank you Rich! So I will begin to work with these. So why

am I writing this? Hmmmm....


I guess I just want to tell you that you sorta helped me. I've felt that wave

come over me and I thought of your short little post here and I thought about

you feeling this too. (well hopefully not so much! ha) And I have this friend

that has felt that too and I remember them saying it was like a spiritual

sickness/longing feeling. And I've wondered about that. Is this just my stuff

coming up to be cleared? Is this something that was always there but now it can

feel more intensified because we are waking up as they say? Is this perhaps that

feeling of separation from the ego? The yearning for enlightenment for the

divine? You know sometimes I can begin something new like working out or meeting

someone new or the million of little things we do to fill that space. And it

does seem for some time to not rear its head then. But alas...life changes and

it comes creeping back for me. The longing of fulfillment I suppose that

everyone at some time feels and we have our ways of covering that or distracting

ourselves. And then there are times when we do something creative or something

that makes our hearts sing by helping others in some way...by getting out of

ourselves in some way and then it is but a whisper on the wind.


Anyway I wonder when people become self-realized if this feeling is just gone -

you know a complete feeling of fullfillment inside. Or now here thinking of

doing this meditation on Sundays for this Community, for the well-being and

beautiful wishes for all the members here, and for the world...well honestly is

giving me that feeling of fullfillment. To take part in a group effort for the

good of all here and out there. ha Its making me feel good too. Its helping that

feeling in my heart so to speak. And when that wave just slightly came I thought

about your post here, that feeling of being alone sometimes, and I thought about

you and my other friend and about others on this list and then I sorta just

filled myself with love for all of you and a prayer of that fullfillment in your

hearts, souls, and life and honestly I felt so good. I felt the kundalini

moving, spreading across my backs and those beautiful tingles up my legs and it

was very beautiful. So thank you for acknowledging and sharing that little bit

you did, and know that now I and we all " have your back " or shall I say " heart "

the next time those feelings come in and that we are all sending out that

support to each other and I know you guys are also to me.


The thought of it is making me feel so much lighter. The thought of us focusing

together and creating a community for those in need and want is making me feel

fullfilled too in my heart. And a funny thing...I have been stressing over

finances lately and since we started talking about this and I wasn't even

thinking so much about this part of it, I have been finding money in strange

places. Today I found $150 just rolled up in my drawers between my shirts...How

strange is that? I started to laugh thinking of all of you or maybe its just

that I believe now that we have each others highest good in our thoughts that

I've lightened up about it and Shakti is just showing me to get out of my way in

a fun way. Anyway its silly but thought I'd share.


But mainly just wanted to tell you thank you and know now that I and WE and the

divine are supporting you and if you ever get that feeling again - know that we

all are praying for your fullfillment, joy, love, peace and wonderful blessings.

You are in my prayers and thank you because you have helped me with this!!


Much love to you and all of you,


P.S. oh and I'm for sure gonna EFT tap on it and put it on a platter in my

surrender to the divine ....


Don't want you all to think I'm always gloomy...but it does sometimes sneak up

or Roar up...(:




, " kundaflame "

<kundaflame wrote:


> this would be awesome! I wouldn't feel so alone and isolated.

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Deb - so happy you are feeling validation for this new venture for the KAS

group. It is fitting that we start this Sunday when Shaktipat begins. If you

want I can do a reminder that comes up every Sat to remind all to meditate and

intend for the group on Sunday or you can.


I will be sending prayerful intentions for all the group members on Sunday and a

special sending to the Shaktipat participants that they have a loving and

gracious time with Shakti all during the week.


Thank you Deb for spearheading this - your enthusiasm is contagious.

Blessings and may all KAS members receive what Shakti offers graciously and

lovingly in all ways always...



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I'm In!


Bliss :)


, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:




> Perhaps we could post about it either before Sunday - just a post saying " IM

IN "

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Dear ,


Thank you for your kind words. You warm my heart girl (:


That would be great if you could do the reminder on Saturdays - sometimes that

day is not always easy for me to get online. But whenever I can, I will too give

a shout out because I really think we can do great things together!

Love you !

And Thank you!



, " " .



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Oh and ...been thinking about you and your search for a job and sending

you beautiful wishes and prayers that Shakti help you find the most perfect job

with beautiful happy people, lots of abundance in a beautiful enviornment

surrounded by people who are just adoring the heck out of you girl! And just

think all the people here who are going to do this too will be sending all their

good energy to you too! Doesn't that make you feel good??? And all the members

out there reading these posts knowing we are all sending each other such

blessings! Beautiful stuff!



You know what else...beside finding money rolled up in my drawers, I also today

received some checks I wasn't even expecting! And I got invited to a party for

one of my most favorite aunts that I love so dearly! All today in my mailbox!

And all these tips I'm receiving here with just my sort of challenges I face and

loads of fun people ... so just what I needed! And to think we havent even

officially begun yet!!!


I don't know Chrism...I sure am liking the idea of you looking for that land! (:


Love you guys,


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Wow Deb...looks like all your posts have netted you a lot of spiritual graces

not to mention some material ones too..yeah! count ME IN on the sunday group


love & bliss,







flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:15:06 PM

Re: Kundalini Community






Oh and ...been thinking about you and your search for a job and sending

you beautiful wishes and prayers that Shakti help you find the most perfect job

with beautiful happy people, lots of abundance in a beautiful enviornment

surrounded by people who are just adoring the heck out of you girl! And just

think all the people here who are going to do this too will be sending all their

good energy to you too! Doesn't that make you feel good??? And all the members

out there reading these posts knowing we are all sending each other such

blessings! Beautiful stuff!


You know what else...beside finding money rolled up in my drawers, I also today

received some checks I wasn't even expecting! And I got invited to a party for

one of my most favorite aunts that I love so dearly! All today in my mailbox!

And all these tips I'm receiving here with just my sort of challenges I face and

loads of fun people ... so just what I needed! And to think we havent even

officially begun yet!!!


I don't know Chrism...I sure am liking the idea of you looking for that land! (:


Love you guys,










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I know...whats going on here! Right? hahaha

So glad I can count you in Edgar - we're gonna be zapping you with lots of good

stuff my friend...prepare (:

Much love,



, Edok Ananda

<edok.ananda wrote:


> Wow Deb...looks like all your posts have netted you a lot of spiritual graces

not to mention some material ones too..yeah! count ME IN on the sunday group


> love & bliss,

> edgar





> ________________________________

> flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


> Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:15:06 PM

> Re: Kundalini Community






> Oh and ...been thinking about you and your search for a job and sending

you beautiful wishes and prayers that Shakti help you find the most perfect job

with beautiful happy people, lots of abundance in a beautiful enviornment

surrounded by people who are just adoring the heck out of you girl! And just

think all the people here who are going to do this too will be sending all their

good energy to you too! Doesn't that make you feel good??? And all the members

out there reading these posts knowing we are all sending each other such

blessings! Beautiful stuff!


> You know what else...beside finding money rolled up in my drawers, I also

today received some checks I wasn't even expecting! And I got invited to a party

for one of my most favorite aunts that I love so dearly! All today in my

mailbox! And all these tips I'm receiving here with just my sort of challenges I

face and loads of fun people ... so just what I needed! And to think we havent

even officially begun yet!!!


> I don't know Chrism...I sure am liking the idea of you looking for that land!



> Love you guys,

> Deb



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Can I look in your drawers??? Wonderful to have abundnace flowing in from all

areas- nice...


Thank you I certainly am blessed to have folks thinking of me and my job search.

And all of us will benefit from the sending in whatever manner we need help or



You seem to be flying - guess bliss does this yes??? You remind me of me when I

am in touch with things - I just fly high and get involved in things - of late I

am more tired work and the cold/allergies is wearing-


I will post the reminder - it is an automatic listing so it will go out every



Yes a community would be nice for all who want the sharing and there is much

that can be done - it will happen I feel things are changing for the better for

chrism and the group...I like the feeling and relish in it all the time.




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I'm in. Deb







flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Thursday, June 18, 2009 5:15:07 PM

Re: Kundalini Community






So happy to hear this Lucia, Thank you!!!!!


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " lari.lu " <lari.lu

> wrote:


> I'm in Deb!










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So happy to hear this!!! So great that we can do this!! Will be thinking of you!

Much love!



, inkong Flrr

<inkong08flrr wrote:


> I'm in. Deb

> ty

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  • 2 months later...

" Do you think if enough people awoke it would catapult more and more and how

different would society look then? What would society look like if everyone

could bring love in their hearts -


YES INDEED I DO think the more that are activated the more there will be and

that will onl bring good for all...


Wonderful ramblings dear DEb...



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Debs..enough already!! i can't take it anymore!!!can we just fly in our jetpacks

and stay in this place?


much love,







flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:57:30 PM

kundalini community





Keep thinking about this k community. Can you imagine such a place where

everything you ever wanted to learn of a spiritual basis could be had? Can you

imagine a place that even if you did not go there physically - perhaps there

could be videos with teachings of every subject. Can you imagine having the

resources necessary to send people if we didn't know these things to go to where

they could learn and come back and train everyone. Thinking of the robert monroe

facility here. Can you imagine people teaching about sungazing and learning how

to live on prana? Can you imagine our Tiffany teaching us about her chi balls

and painting the wall and people lined up beautifully doing the five tibetans,

tai chi, and gigong and learning how to navigate in the void - teachings of the

safties - teachings of the now - teachings of kundalini and all the many gifts

given to those of healings or gathering to do global meditations for the welfare

of all - drumming and

flutes and music and fires and shaking and moving and learning about living off

the land - how to have homes based in complete alignment with nature - using

alternative energy sources - clean water - learning how did that guy move those

big boulders - a place to learn how to use energy in ways we (ok not chrism) may

not be aware of - whatever suits your fancy as long as it is for the highest

good - I suppose there are all sorts of things from remote viewing to chanting

to learning symbology - herbal teas - fresh veggies/fruits - people doing all

sorts of artistic ventures - beautiful spiritual paintings - statues - music

that fills the soul -

learning about the nature of reality - a place where we leave behind the

limitations and idea of lack that bumps into us every day in society - a place

where we realize we are unlimited free beings - a place of self-realization -

enlightenment - shaktipats - shaktipating the world - a place where it doesnt

matter if you do not have money - a place where we create abundance and

prosperity - healings and vitality - Can you imagine such a place available to

people in some way...whether it be through videos, visits, retreats, or

living...a place to learn how to catch rainwater and have it used properly - a

place where food grows and is meditated upon for the highest nutritional value -

a place where people could have a little place off to themselves in the forest

yet able to come together too - a place where you could have a time to schedule

yourself in for some time in your birthday suit in the forest or up on a rock

knowing you were safe - but mainly a way

toward this self-realization - higher self - where people could kriya out or

bliss out and feel completely free and natural to do such things - where all

this knowledge is available to everyone - to awaken those who hear the calling -

no more secrets of this practice or that practice - awakening more and more

people - what would the world look like if we all knew we really are one, we are

all connected - what would the world look like if more and more people awakened

to this love - what would the world look like if people had the resources and/or

support to follow their heart in their lives - can you imagine the fruits that

would bring to all? Do you think if enough people awoke it would catapult more

and more and how different would society look then? What would society look like

if everyone could bring love in their hearts -


What would it look like if everyone was spending their time doing that which

came naturally to them - that which brought them joy ?


Okay and don't forget the treehouses, silly string, and jetpacks (:


More Saturday Night Live Ramblings... hope you'll think of some of these things

tomorrow (woops today during your meditations/ prayers and for the well being

for all here on our healing site and everywhere -


I'm hoping to do some major jetpacking in my dreams tonight. If you see someone

whizzing by your window - give me a shout out! I'll have a smile on my

face...and shoot some colorful string at you on my way...if you hide under your

covers it'll find you! (: BUHWWAAAHHH hahaha (:(:(:


Much love,

Debs (:









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It is a beautiful idea Debs, and how I wish I knew the answer! The key points I

saw in your description are " a place to learn how to use energy in ways we (ok

not chrism) may not be aware of - whatever suits your fancy as long as it is for

the highest good " .


All paths lead to the same place as long as they are directed for " the highest

good " !


Also, the community would have to have public transparency. No secrecy, and

with rules only to help govern the physical existence of the community (Money,

labor, donations, etc.)


Keep your heart alive, keep intending your ideal community into place! Maybe

you could share your secrets of jetpacking with me ;)



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