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lamb dream symbology?

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I was reading chrisms post about the shaktipat, and the little bird learning to

fly and this dream I had last night came back to me so vividly..


in the dream I was living on a big farm (similar to my home, but not quite) and

we had lambs (we dont in relaity)..


there was this little young sheep that is having babies, she has twins and they

are such tiny tiny things, I feel so responsible for them, and help them take

her milk and feel

very loving twards them..


the dream shifs and there is a party there, and I am still following these lambs

about, keeping them near the mother. now they are three babies though.


there is all water right beside where we are passing, and in it are some

enourmos water snakes, black and iridescent. they are very beautiful, because

theire scales seem to be almost feather-like, and they are so big.. they are

dangerous too, but they cant leave the water so it is not a problem. there are

many of them.


well, I am a little worried that the lambs will fall in the water, so I make

sure they pass carefully.. but the mom is very determinated to go on the

islands in the middle of all this water (they are connected to land, it's a

marshy like landscape, with the earth coming up in areas).

I follow to help the lambs over but one falls off the cliff in to a big river

below.. I am leaning over the cliff trying to see where he is but I cant find


the others make it over safely and I go back twards home.


well, it was a beautiful dream, those lambs were so warm and cuddly and smelling

milky, and it's the frst time I dream snakes so vividly too :)


chrism I love that what you write is so easy to read.. I have troble focusing on

reading when things get complicated and wordy, but that never happens with you,

even in the longest posts.. I may not understand it all, but it resonates, and

that is what I like most.


hugs to all!!


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