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Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts or Not

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Hello Kundalites out there...


Guess what time it is????

No running no hiding no deleting...Hey keep that cursor away - I see you...



So what do I want to talk about tonight...well last time if you remember my

annoying rant I was wondering if there was another " All that Is " and I see noone

jumped on that so I'm guessing I'm the only one who wonders such crazy

things...I can hear you say...How can there be another " All that Is " when " All

that Is " is " All that IS " hahaha

Or IS IT???? (:


And some buuuuwaaaahhhhh thoughts...what if to add to my randomness one day

(**** no such thing as time damit!)

well go with me, what if one day you (not the ego you) but YOU turn into your

own " All THAT IS " and have to make universes upon universes and worlds upon



can I just say I only want to make happy rocks...but if its any indication of

whats inside by what I've created (or I) in this life and in this

awakening....SHEESH Somebody better stop me...I have some shadows...

What are your shadows???

What would you create?

I really like to think it would be just jetpacks and sillystring but....

I think we would make for some freaky " twilight zone " episodes...


Oh and you know another weird BUUUWAAAH thing...I keep seeing these buuwaah eyes

- its me you know looking into my car rear view mirror and seeing my eyes and

top of head - so I know its me but those eyes are so kinda buuwaahhh....and they

are looking at me as I am looking at them and they are so intense looking - very

kinda powerful - kinda scary actually - I surrender but if thats the I then

again its that power I seem to be afraid of - but if I've learned anything its

to surrender even in my fear - so I do - one day that fear will just vanish; but

it sorta gives me the buuwaaawaaahhs


Oh and here is another Deb Randomness...You know what I really don't like to

see? I don't like seeing when bugs attracted to the light - go to the light and

get zapped! WTH? Which leads me to my unveiling of deep fears...or fears I had

and am over with (and I have land to sell you in ...ha)

Before when I was a kid I use to be afraid to die...not that uncommon...but now

I am not afraid to die (well I am putting in my order to just gently float out

of my body and zoom around flashing your lightbulbs on my way out) you know no



anyway but lets get to my fear...so remember the bugs going to the light? well

my fear was I would too and then again forget all of my life and people that

have meaning and forget it all and just be back in a soup without any me

anymore. I know the ego for sure gets in the back seat...I'm okay with

that...but its the forgetting everyone and thing that happened...just like I

forgot everything when I came here...I mean I remember a past life scene here

and there but you know what...and remembering that past life, was that my life I

was remembering or was that just part of the soup, someones life that I

resonated with and claimed it for my own???


Now I know we could talk entity situations here to tell me that we retain our

memories...but honestly those haven't moved on yet...could talk more entity

stuff but skipping (:


and even though I'm saying this I don't believe it - I mean what would be the

point to always forget?? Right? But if you dig in deep to Deb - you find that

little suggestion there...


and when I'm in that place of peace...honestly I don't care anyway so I guess

its just my ego that has this...but there you have it...


Which brings me to the next point...I know you are wondering if I ever shut up

.... but i really do!


You ever meet someone that you feel something so strong that you know you know

them but you can't remember how ... and then you talk and realize you could not

have known them...and yet there is such a connection and its so very " grab you

by the shirt and yell wake the hell up...you know this person " and ... its



I love when that happens and it has not happened many times in my life but still

would like to remember...


Do enlightened people know these things...or some things...


I mean if you are enlightened and you met this person walking down the street

and you felt that connection - would you remember why?

I'm guessing still probably not...and I suppose you are in that enlightened

stage where nothing really matters in the sense that this is all an illusion so

you just accept and smile


I hear what you are thinking right now...(not really ) this is the lesson

surrender and accept not knowing....


The me that goes in deep does...


The me that types these words does not always...ha


How many bets enlightenment will be in about 2 million more lifetimes for




Okay theres my Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts...the randomness never ends...

quick gotta go I see a bug headed for the lamp!



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hey lady :

well i can not relate to all of what you are saying and if i start i will not

stop in my ramblings so i will just say it is nice to know that you free

associate as i do - can i say without hurting your feelings that you make me

laugh with your ramblings - i do not want to allow myself to get started for i

would go on and on and on - and you do such a good job of it -


so keep up the flow of words - and someone will respond when the words hit a

chord - i seek the joy juice you seem to be on - can you bottle it and send me

some -


i watched a number of roswell episodes and really enjoyed them - i saw

connections to K - one in particular where the kids were told that the dreams

they were having were learnings for them - just like our dream teachings - they

give us ways to look at things in real life -


blessings Deb-

catch you tomorrow somewhere -


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Hey Girly,

You mean you can't relate to my rantings? No worries...neither can I!

Why do you think I can't wait to jump into that silence...I'm safe from myself

there (:

And quite the contrary...glad to think I'm putting a smile on your face and I

too love shows like Roswell...When I'm doing my thing tomorrow and focusing on

the K Community and all the good for everyone here it really gives me

encouragement to know you found a great job...so I'll be thinking of you

tomorrow and focusing on everyone loving your ess! Oh oh I feel a ramble

coming on...what if they love you soooo much you need a can of bug spray to keep

them away...suppose thats not so nice - perhaps an open can of tuna will do the


Much love to you!



, " " .



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Dear Deb..... I love your deep thoughts.... I sooooo enjoyed reading your " all

that is " deep thoughts.... you are soooo articulate in your rendomness(your word

not mine lol) that you kinda worked it through! 

 Your sat night deep thought session is my sunday morning get up late and just

hang day.... so I am still in my pygamas... well I put them on to come down


To Saturday night live deep thoughts or not I say yes from this time zone!

Re those eyes.....

This time in Kundalini I have not experienced those eyes myself..looking back

out at me. ... but I did experience them over 2 years ago... I would be startled

by them in the car mirror too.... I think that was because all that I could see

of my face were my eyes and they definitly were not ones I recognised from

before...something else was present.  I was freaked out at first but then when I

looked furthere I could see love looking back at me too.   I learned that the

presence looking back at me could see me exactly as I am, and then there was no

more fear for me.....  I could not " pull the wool " over those eyes!!!!! lol.  

Soooo having forgotten about that....   I am going to check later on when I get

into the car and look into the mirror....are those eyes still there?  have they

gone?  am I just used to seeing them and have stopped being aware of them?  

..........MMmmm....Maybe I integrated the message for me and integrated those


Mmmm... maybe not..... MMmmmm.... I love it...a big thank you for sharing those



Ok my time at the computer is now over for now.... I am being called here by

others and needs must be met... so bye for now.... I will be back and would like

to consider those bugs being zapped by the light.... Mmmmm.

Lots of love to you, Julia.






flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:09:39 AM

Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts or








Hello Kundalites out there...


Guess what time it is????

No running no hiding no deleting...Hey keep that cursor away - I see you...


So what do I want to talk about tonight...well last time if you remember my

annoying rant I was wondering if there was another " All that Is " and I see noone

jumped on that so I'm guessing I'm the only one who wonders such crazy

things...I can hear you say...How can there be another " All that Is " when " All

that Is " is " All that IS " hahaha

Or IS IT???? (:


And some buuuuwaaaahhhhh thoughts...what if to add to my randomness one day

(**** no such thing as time damit!)

well go with me, what if one day you (not the ego you) but YOU turn into your

own " All THAT IS " and have to make universes upon universes and worlds upon



can I just say I only want to make happy rocks...but if its any indication of

whats inside by what I've created (or I) in this life and in this awakening...

..SHEESH Somebody better stop me...I have some shadows...

What are your shadows???

What would you create?

I really like to think it would be just jetpacks and sillystring but....

I think we would make for some freaky " twilight zone " episodes...


Oh and you know another weird BUUUWAAAH thing...I keep seeing these buuwaah eyes

- its me you know looking into my car rear view mirror and seeing my eyes and

top of head - so I know its me but those eyes are so kinda buuwaahhh... .and

they are looking at me as I am looking at them and they are so intense looking -

very kinda powerful - kinda scary actually - I surrender but if thats the I then

again its that power I seem to be afraid of - but if I've learned anything its

to surrender even in my fear - so I do - one day that fear will just vanish; but

it sorta gives me the buuwaaawaaahhs


Oh and here is another Deb Randomness.. .You know what I really don't like to

see? I don't like seeing when bugs attracted to the light - go to the light and

get zapped! WTH? Which leads me to my unveiling of deep fears...or fears I had

and am over with (and I have land to sell you in ...ha)

Before when I was a kid I use to be afraid to die...not that uncommon...but now

I am not afraid to die (well I am putting in my order to just gently float out

of my body and zoom around flashing your lightbulbs on my way out) you know no



anyway but lets get to my fear...so remember the bugs going to the light? well

my fear was I would too and then again forget all of my life and people that

have meaning and forget it all and just be back in a soup without any me

anymore. I know the ego for sure gets in the back seat...I'm okay with

that...but its the forgetting everyone and thing that happened...just like I

forgot everything when I came here...I mean I remember a past life scene here

and there but you know what...and remembering that past life, was that my life I

was remembering or was that just part of the soup, someones life that I

resonated with and claimed it for my own???


Now I know we could talk entity situations here to tell me that we retain our

memories...but honestly those haven't moved on yet...could talk more entity

stuff but skipping (:


and even though I'm saying this I don't believe it - I mean what would be the

point to always forget?? Right? But if you dig in deep to Deb - you find that

little suggestion there...


and when I'm in that place of peace...honestly I don't care anyway so I guess

its just my ego that has this...but there you have it...


Which brings me to the next point...I know you are wondering if I ever shut up

.... but i really do!


You ever meet someone that you feel something so strong that you know you know

them but you can't remember how ... and then you talk and realize you could not

have known them...and yet there is such a connection and its so very " grab you

by the shirt and yell wake the hell up...you know this person " and .... its



I love when that happens and it has not happened many times in my life but still

would like to remember...


Do enlightened people know these things...or some things...


I mean if you are enlightened and you met this person walking down the street

and you felt that connection - would you remember why?

I'm guessing still probably not...and I suppose you are in that enlightened

stage where nothing really matters in the sense that this is all an illusion so

you just accept and smile


I hear what you are thinking right now...(not really ) this is the lesson

surrender and accept not knowing....


The me that goes in deep does....


The me that types these words does not always...ha


How many bets enlightenment will be in about 2 million more lifetimes for



Okay theres my Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts...the randomness never ends...

quick gotta go I see a bug headed for the lamp!











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One of your sentences pushed me to respond.

The thing that made me become more disciplined in my practice, is the fear

of all of this happening again, of not dying.


I can't stand the constant round of events. Part of me is so sick of the

happy, the sad, the reactions, the changes, the bitchiness, the intention,

the fake, the hate, the stones. I'm so tired of it all. I feel like I've

experienced enough. Buddha says we can stop the wheel of samsara - as far as

I know, its the only way to stop it all. Then, you think, but, what about

everyone else. So, then you have boddhisatvas. Enlightened beings who delay

their union with all that is to help others - in their compassion.

can we just leave everyone? If you become enlightened, do we just leave

everyone? I feel sick at the thought, and yet, I feel sick thinking I have

to be a part of all this - indefinitely.


I'm tired. I've been working on detachment for some time now. Its my button.

Its my call word when things get a bit too tough. Its a relief, but your

words, your fear of not dying, I felt part of my shell crack.


2009/7/12 flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777





> Hello Kundalites out there...


> Guess what time it is????

> No running no hiding no deleting...Hey keep that cursor away - I see you...


> So what do I want to talk about tonight...well last time if you remember my

> annoying rant I was wondering if there was another " All that Is " and I see

> noone jumped on that so I'm guessing I'm the only one who wonders such crazy

> things...I can hear you say...How can there be another " All that Is " when

> " All that Is " is " All that IS " hahaha

> Or IS IT???? (:


> And some buuuuwaaaahhhhh thoughts...what if to add to my randomness one day

> (**** no such thing as time damit!)

> well go with me, what if one day you (not the ego you) but YOU turn into

> your own " All THAT IS " and have to make universes upon universes and worlds

> upon worlds...


> can I just say I only want to make happy rocks...but if its any indication

> of whats inside by what I've created (or I) in this life and in this

> awakening....SHEESH Somebody better stop me...I have some shadows...

> What are your shadows???

> What would you create?

> I really like to think it would be just jetpacks and sillystring but....

> I think we would make for some freaky " twilight zone " episodes...


> Oh and you know another weird BUUUWAAAH thing...I keep seeing these buuwaah

> eyes - its me you know looking into my car rear view mirror and seeing my

> eyes and top of head - so I know its me but those eyes are so kinda

> buuwaahhh....and they are looking at me as I am looking at them and they are

> so intense looking - very kinda powerful - kinda scary actually - I

> surrender but if thats the I then again its that power I seem to be afraid

> of - but if I've learned anything its to surrender even in my fear - so I do

> - one day that fear will just vanish; but it sorta gives me the

> buuwaaawaaahhs


> Oh and here is another Deb Randomness...You know what I really don't like

> to see? I don't like seeing when bugs attracted to the light - go to the

> light and get zapped! WTH? Which leads me to my unveiling of deep fears...or

> fears I had and am over with (and I have land to sell you in ...ha)

> Before when I was a kid I use to be afraid to die...not that uncommon...but

> now I am not afraid to die (well I am putting in my order to just gently

> float out of my body and zoom around flashing your lightbulbs on my way out)

> you know no pain...


> anyway but lets get to my fear...so remember the bugs going to the light?

> well my fear was I would too and then again forget all of my life and people

> that have meaning and forget it all and just be back in a soup without any

> me anymore. I know the ego for sure gets in the back seat...I'm okay with

> that...but its the forgetting everyone and thing that happened...just like I

> forgot everything when I came here...I mean I remember a past life scene

> here and there but you know what...and remembering that past life, was that

> my life I was remembering or was that just part of the soup, someones life

> that I resonated with and claimed it for my own???


> Now I know we could talk entity situations here to tell me that we retain

> our memories...but honestly those haven't moved on yet...could talk more

> entity stuff but skipping (:


> and even though I'm saying this I don't believe it - I mean what would be

> the point to always forget?? Right? But if you dig in deep to Deb - you find

> that little suggestion there...


> and when I'm in that place of peace...honestly I don't care anyway so I

> guess its just my ego that has this...but there you have it...


> Which brings me to the next point...I know you are wondering if I ever shut

> up ... but i really do!


> You ever meet someone that you feel something so strong that you know you

> know them but you can't remember how ... and then you talk and realize you

> could not have known them...and yet there is such a connection and its so

> very " grab you by the shirt and yell wake the hell up...you know this

> person " and ... its forgotten...


> I love when that happens and it has not happened many times in my life but

> still would like to remember...


> Do enlightened people know these things...or some things...


> I mean if you are enlightened and you met this person walking down the

> street and you felt that connection - would you remember why?

> I'm guessing still probably not...and I suppose you are in that enlightened

> stage where nothing really matters in the sense that this is all an illusion

> so you just accept and smile


> I hear what you are thinking right now...(not really ) this is the lesson

> surrender and accept not knowing....


> The me that goes in deep does...


> The me that types these words does not always...ha


> How many bets enlightenment will be in about 2 million more lifetimes for

> me...hahaha


> Okay theres my Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts...the randomness never

> ends... quick gotta go I see a bug headed for the lamp!


> Deb








Tiffany Jones





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Dear Deb and everyone.... I can only stay again for a short time.... so much for

Sunday hang out time.... not happening today!


I  find it difficult to understand how we can forget everything from a past life

and we are to have learned from living that past life....  I am puzzeled too as

to why we would  agree with others before we are born to behave in particular

ways so as to give them and us  the experience needed, and yet to remember none

of that, .....I am not saying that it is not so... maybe it is   because I was

not reared in that thought system, or belief system tht I am ignorant of how it

could be so.  


I have read some about it and I have experienced things that could be of past

lives.  I think I am more inclined to think that these expeeriences are of a

collective consiousness... we are part of the all, part of the one, the one

body... I guess I am saying that as we  are  one.... the all,,,, the one body

..... that we know.... of things.... that our brains find difficult to  process

in linear time???...yikes that is also puzzeling!    


 I have said this before in a previous post.... I think?... I believe?.... I

know.?...I assume..?  I project..?  ect..  that we have only one experience in

this mortal body....we are spiritual beings within a human body... we are born

into a particular culture, particular country, particular circumstances and we

have absolute freedon of will and freedom of choice as to how we will be while

we walk this earth....  I think?... I believe.?.... I know...?  I assume..?... I

project..?..ect..that there is life after mortal earth and how we experience the

next stage of our existance  will be is influenced by how we live while are here

on earth..... 


Seeing the light....Enlightenment is for all.... a rare few begin and finish

that here in their mortal bodies.  Most humans begin it here and probably do not

become enlightened on this earth. Moments of knowing and moments of

enlightenment are revealed to us all during our lives....... I have not been

able to hold those revelations for long....  

I remember 2 years ago when I went to my experience of the void, and then

 living my life in absolute bliss and esctacy for some time.....I was unable to

continue to live my life like that... to hold that.....I definitly was not

enlightened either.      I remember also in my experience of the

void..experiencing absolute nothingness / void / vacum... words are hard

here..If I say aloneness I do not mean in an emotional way lonliness...

aloneness in that I alone existed.. I was.  I hope this won't sound compleatly

off the rails... yea it probably will.... but that was the experience before God

created the world. 

But God  did create the world and we are all connected .... we all know ..... (

yikes I am actually going to make a definite, this is what I think statement!! )

we will not in the next life experience forget, what we actually all ready know

of here, we will remember what we have forgotten of  what we knew before we came

here..... we return home to our God, our master and creator.        

Ok... that could read like nonsence and I have gone way off here with randomness

but let it be so... 

Deb and everyone... needs must be met here again so I will finish now....love

and deep thoughts back at ya.. much love Julia.





flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:09:39 AM

Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts or












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Hi Julia,


Thank you for describing your eyes also. I like what you said about theres no

pulling the wool over those eyes! hahaha I know!! Right?!?!


And Julia what you wrote about the void and experiencing your bliss and how you

could not hold it...Loved that! How does one function in society like that and

what then is enlightenment? Oh you gotta read what Skoogle just wrote too! The

experience before God created the worlds or the unmanifested...very cool

Julia!!! The thing is it seems such a short existence this life to base how or

experience will be after this life if in that after there is no time, I mean to

some extent but really this life seems so short here - I don't know what I'm

trying to say other than ... is there really judgement other than our own, is

there any individuality left?


Well thanks our beautiful hearted friend -

enjoy your Sunday - live right? (:



, Julia Ahern <jajahern



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Dear Tiffany,


Thank you for your honesty - I too have had that feeling...I don't want to get

thrown back on the wheel here again...the feeling I have had was shoot I want to

do this right so I can pick a happier place to go to...cuz I'm not coming back

here - or should I say I don't want to come back here - why its beautiful and

everything - well think I'll meander if I can to the happy rock instead! haha

And while I'm laughing - really I'm not...but then again that leads me back to

is there any individuality? is the me the you left at all when we get to that

level in our evolution so to say?

Reading Skoggles writing I am wondering this even more?

And it feels good to hear that I am not the only one with those thoughts -

Much Love to you too Tiffany!!

Hope your Sunday is crazy beautiful!!! If you get thrown off the wheel as you

are flying in the air - grab me, will ya? ha





, Tiffany Jones

<Tiffany wrote:


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Hi Deb,

I'm laughing a bit now, so thanks for that.


Earlier this year, I read something that helped me change my perspective.

And that was, be grateful for all the things you don't like and don't want.

Because they help you to know what you do like and you do want.


A simple example is a mother yelling at her child. I see it, and I know I

don't want that. It helps me to see that very clearly. the problem comes in,

when we start to judge the other one. that's not what I'm talking about

here. I just mean - looking at orange juice or apple juice and knowing you

don't want orange. Knowing you want apple. But we don't hate or judge the

orange, for being orange.


And that has helped me easy my pain. Its helped me ease my every day of

existence. That its not my responsibility. :) (Big ego this one!!)


It feels like creation. I feel like we are creation. Every moment we choose.

Make choices - until we are so far ONE - that we are - and then, its not a

choice any more - it just is - it just is - it is... like Skoggles. :)


Love Deb!


2009/7/12 flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777




> Dear Tiffany,


> Thank you for your honesty - I too have had that feeling...I don't want to

> get thrown back on the wheel here again...the feeling I have had was shoot I

> want to do this right so I can pick a happier place to go to...cuz I'm not

> coming back here - or should I say I don't want to come back here - why its

> beautiful and everything - well think I'll meander if I can to the happy

> rock instead! haha And while I'm laughing - really I'm not...but then again

> that leads me back to is there any individuality? is the me the you left at

> all when we get to that level in our evolution so to say?

> Reading Skoggles writing I am wondering this even more?

> And it feels good to hear that I am not the only one with those thoughts -

> Much Love to you too Tiffany!!

> Hope your Sunday is crazy beautiful!!! If you get thrown off the wheel as

> you are flying in the air - grab me, will ya? ha

> Deb


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Tiffany Jones





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You put this so well - thats why I try just to laugh because honestly what else

can we do - well we could mope but that doesnt seem to help any! And what you

wrote about it not being our responsiblity - that feels so good - feels so

freeing - and Tiff...don't you love feeling free - like when a dog puts its head

out the window and lets the wind blow in its face - free like that (but I'm not

sitting behind that dog - why am i thinking of dog slobber slobbering me in the

face?) shoot more randomness coming on (although I'd gladly get slobber if I had

to sit there while you grab me off the wheel! ha) - better go!!- ha

Thank you Tiff!!!!!!!!!

much love to you girl!




, Tiffany Jones

<Tiffany wrote:

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Just some quick comments on the past life questions. From what I understand,

to remember the past lives would interfere with the experience that we chose

this time. So the veil of forgetting is placed upon us. But we do carry

forward what we learned, it is embedded so we don't need to consciously

remember. Like walking, you don't think about walking.


And to be placed in others paths in this life and vice-versa, and then to

forget the reason why...without the " confusion " our learning experience

would be stifled... limited. If we were always told by our parents what to

do we wouldn't learn. We would always be looking outward for guidance. So we

are allowed to make our mistakes in our confusion, and to keep moving

forward. Sometimes with one step back, and then two steps forward.


In one of my healing sessions, " intolerance of intolerance " came up for me.

It gave me a good laugh. But sometimes I would get frustrated by the

ignorance of some and not appreciate their perspective. I have come to an

understanding that they perhaps have not experienced what I have (a variety

of past lives; and hence many experiences), and therefore do not understand.

They have yet to chose that path of experience. That perspective has given

me more tolerance and patience for others.

The negativity provides an experience, has a purpose. I remember that the

little girl in yesterday's u-tube link chose her life, chose to be there.

Not to say that we don't share our love with her.




2009/7/12 Julia Ahern <jajahern




> Dear Deb and everyone.... I can only stay again for a short time.... so

> much for Sunday hang out time.... not happening today!


> I find it difficult to understand how we can forget everything from a past

> life and we are to have learned from living that past life.... I

> am puzzeled too as to why we would agree with others before we are born to

> behave in particular ways so as to give them and us the experience needed,

> and yet to remember none of that, .....I am not saying that it is not so...

> maybe it is because I was not reared in that thought system, or belief

> system tht I am ignorant of how it could be so.


> I have read some about it and I have experienced things that could be of

> past lives. I think I am more inclined to think that these expeeriences are

> of a collective consious





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Hi again Deb.... At last..... I can stay here for a while.... What a hectic busy

busy day.... Hard to stay in the now at times.  anyways.....


i agree absolutly, life is so short here!  You asked if there is really

judgement other than our own, is there any individuality left?  

I would love to know for sure the answer to that..... As a christian I was

taught many things about judgement and the final judgement of God.  What to

believe? What to know?..... one thing I am very certain of is... that many of

the ways in which I was taught, and many of  things. and the " truths " I was

taught actually reflected the knowing of the teacher... do you know what I

mean?  sometimes I find it very hard to find the words to express what I want to

say!  Anyways I can say a bit about what I think might be the story of when we

die and it reflects my own interpretations and life experiences and struggles

and I am not claiming anything more than that.....and I do this tentatively....

as I am not sure at this point of exactly what I am about to write!!! 

 Ok... if I am a christian... and I would state that I am... with a catholic

upbringing..... I do not believe in reincarnation. (that does not mean that I do

not explore the possibilities of it or that I do not want to understand how

others view re incarnation) I have heard lots and lots and lots about judgement

Deb, really scarey stuff.... however I choose to listen to those that speak

about mercy rather than judgement.  Words again might fail me here!  Judgement

is a very different thing to mercy... and I think along the way from ancient

scripts to recent times maybe the word mercy got lost in translation ?  I have

experienced mercy in this Kundalini awakening and it is so real.  So I do

believe that their is mercy once we leave our mortal bodies.... I think we see

the light and we ourselves thenl   " know " and judge ourselves.... however God in

his mercy will not be as hard on us as we would be to ourselves.  In his mercy I

do trust. (the keys

on this NEW lap top are now going ga ga too .....and the type takes ages to

appear on the screen, just like my old computer?????? what is that about??)   I

believe we are one, but I really do not believe that we all merge into one

consiousness... well I do, sort of.... ( this is where I struggle with the words

consciousness, unity, union, one ect  )I believe we all have a unity that can be

difficult to experience in this mortal body.... when we die and leave our bodies

I think we will experience a tremendous sence of unity with God, but I thinkthat

we retaian our own personhood.

I think we become like on to God and therefore we too will be united with

everyone else... yet totally  distinct.... and I really do believe we will be

totally distinct, and retain our own personhood.  I think this is the christian


 I do not think that we will merge into a consciousness that is God.  God is God

and I am that I am...  I have experienced myself as being loved by God at the

depth of my being....I am not that which has loved me to the depths of my

being.     I still  find it difficult to face the truth though and recognise

that I am often outside of  his will and I do not aline my life to God.  I have

also experienced his mercy and his compassion at all my confusion....  so I

think...actually  I believe that soup we are not.   Dear deb, I hope that did

not sound like a crock of sh7t..... words are weird and wonderful and the same

word can mean so many things!!

I am not going to re read this or I probably would not post so here we go...

with much love Julia.




flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Sunday, July 12, 2009 4:34:09 PM

Re: Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts

or Not



.........The thing is it seems such a short existence this life to base how or

experience will be after this life if in that after there is no time, I mean to

some extent but really this life seems so short here - I don't know what I'm

trying to say other than .... is there really judgement other than our own, is

there any individuality left?


Well thanks our beautiful hearted friend -

enjoy your Sunday - live right? (:



Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , Julia Ahern

<jajahern@.. .> wrote:










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Dear carla, thank you for taking the time to explain.... It does make sense,

what you say about a veil of forgetting being placed upon us.... I think I

believe that also but from a different perspective. 

I am stuck in the bit about the little girl choosing her life though....( I am

full of contradictions because I knew my 5th child was waiting to be born

through me, I had a v ery clear vision of it !)  Anyway to get back to my

difficulty/ confusion about the little girl choosing her life.... I have heard

people let perpurtrators off the hook by saying so and so agreed to that before

life therefore the perpertrator is only performing a requested action.  Have I

just listened to people who are not expressing the correct thinking or

perspective?  I would really like if you could say a bit more so that I could

understand the perspective of a person who believes in past lives on this

earth.... if you do not choose to reply further Carla that is ok too... I can do

some further research and see will my own understanding change.  Much thanks for

your reply.Love Julia.

PS.... where did this purple ink colour come from!!!






Carla & Patrick <bowenhealth


Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:26:26 PM

Re: Saturday Night Live Deep Thoughts

or Not








Just some quick comments on the past life questions. From what I understand,

to remember the past lives would interfere with the experience that we chose

this time. So the veil of forgetting is placed upon us. But we do carry

forward what we learned, it is embedded so we don't need to consciously

remember. Like walking, you don't think about walking.


And to be placed in others paths in this life and vice-versa, and then to

forget the reason why...without the " confusion " our learning experience

would be stifled... limited. If we were always told by our parents what to

do we wouldn't learn. We would always be looking outward for guidance. So we

are allowed to make our mistakes in our confusion, and to keep moving

forward. Sometimes with one step back, and then two steps forward.


In one of my healing sessions, " intolerance of intolerance " came up for me.

It gave me a good laugh. But sometimes I would get frustrated by the

ignorance of some and not appreciate their perspective. I have come to an

understanding that they perhaps have not experienced what I have (a variety

of past lives; and hence many experiences) , and therefore do not understand.

They have yet to chose that path of experience. That perspective has given

me more tolerance and patience for others.

The negativity provides an experience, has a purpose. I remember that the

little girl in yesterday's u-tube link chose her life, chose to be there.

Not to say that we don't share our love with her.




2009/7/12 Julia Ahern <jajahern >




> Dear Deb and everyone.... I can only stay again for a short time.... so

> much for Sunday hang out time.... not happening today!


> I find it difficult to understand how we can forget everything from a past

> life and we are to have learned from living that past life.... I

> am puzzeled too as to why we would agree with others before we are born to

> behave in particular ways so as to give them and us the experience needed,

> and yet to remember none of that, .....I am not saying that it is not so...

> maybe it is because I was not reared in that thought system, or belief

> system tht I am ignorant of how it could be so.


> I have read some about it and I have experienced things that could be of

> past lives. I think I am more inclined to think that these expeeriences are

> of a collective consious




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thank you for this saturday night live thoughts... it is touching chords I

didn't even know I had..

julia, thank you for posting this.



, Julia Ahern <jajahern


> I think we become like on to God and therefore we too will be united with

everyone else... yet totally  distinct.... and I really do believe we will be

totally distinct, and retain our own personhood.  I think this is the christian


>  I do not think that we will merge into a consciousness that is God.  God is

God and I am that I am...  I have experienced myself as being loved by God at

the depth of my being....I am not that which has loved me to the depths of my

being.     I still  find it difficult to face the truth though and recognise

that I am often outside of  his will and I do not aline my life to God.  I have

also experienced his mercy and his compassion at all my confusion....  so I

think...actually  I believe that soup we are not.   Dear deb, I hope that did

not sound like a crock of sh7t..... words are weird and wonderful and the same

word can mean so many things!!

> I am not going to re read this or I probably would not post so here we go...

with much love Julia.

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Oh darn, I have eight minutes to get dressed for work and make my lunch, I

can't really reply right now, except to say, no one gets " off the hook "

Paramahansa Yagananda, author of " Autobiography of a Yogi " wrote a phrase

that stuck with me... " Karma works with mathematical precision "

Bye for now,



2009/7/12 Julia Ahern <jajahern




> Dear carla, thank you for taking the time to explain.... It does make

> sense, what you say about a veil of forgetting being placed upon us.... I

> think I believe that also but from a different perspective.

> I am stuck in





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Hi Julia,

Sorry for the late reply, it was a busy week. Sometimes it's all I can do to

just keep up with reading the emails. But I enjoy everyone's contributions

so I make it a priority.


Anyways, regarding choosing your life, your question was.. " I have heard

people let perpetrators off the hook by saying so and so agreed to that

before life therefore the perpetrator is only performing a requested

action. "


I have thought many times about this perspective, about how we chose all

this and how best to react to others experiences. My conclusion thus far is

to respond with love and compassion. I do believe that we choose our

experiences to fulfill a desired lesson. It may not feel joyful, but when we

have greater perspective it all makes sense. It is positive. However, I do

not go into a place of coldness for anyone experiencing pain because of this

belief of choosing.


I know I chose a painful lesson with my abusive ex-husband, but it was love

and compassion from others that helped me to heal. It was a lesson I did not

learn in a previous life with him, to value myself enough to leave the

situation. I got it right this time around.


Knowing how important the love and compassion was during that painful time,

I will share that with others as well. Belief in the choosing perspective

does not mean that I have stopped caring for others while in their

experience. But it does help me be strong and centered so I am able to

assist, if called upon to do so.


Just my perspective, my truth, for this moment.





2009/7/12 Julia Ahern <jajahern




> Dear carla, thank you for taking the time to explain.... It does make

> sense, what you say about a veil of forgetting being placed upon us.... I

> think I believe that also but from a different perspective.

> I am stuck in the bit about the little girl choosing her life though....( I

> am full of contradictions because I knew my 5th child was waiting to be born

> through me, I had a v ery clear vision of it !) Anyway to get back to my

> difficulty/ confusion about the little girl choosing her life.... I have

> heard people let perpurtrators off the hook by saying so and so agreed to

> that before life therefore the perpertrator is only performing a requested

> action. Have I just listened to people who are not expressing the correct

> thinking or perspective? I would really like if you could say a bit more so

> that I could understand the perspective of a person who believes in past

> lives on this earth.... if you do not choose to reply further Carla that is

> ok too... I can do some further research and see will my own understanding

> change. Much thanks for your reply.Love Julia.

> PS.... where did this purple ink colour come from!!!


> ________________________________

> Carla & Patrick <bowenhealth <bowenhealth%40gmail.com>>


> To:



> Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:26:26 PM

> Re: Saturday Night Live Deep

> Thoughts or Not







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