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Sorry. . . Linda. . .

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dear Linda. . .


just some feelings and intuitions that come to me and please if they do

not fit or cause any more discomfort throw them away and know anything

i express is colored by my own expereinces or projections. . . please

know that i am speaking with a soft voice. . . .we are all in this

together and none of us will be finished until all of us reside in the

One Sacred Heart in peace and goodwill for all. . .if you must leave or

if anyone must leave i so pray it is with charity, goodwill, clarity,

with no reside of ill expression towards self of other. . .one of the

great lessons Ma has taught me is stay until there is resolution,

good-byes need to be clean and clear. . . for if not the next door i

knock on or the one after that will be more of the same, and the lesson

will come around again. . .


i sense the intensity of the feelings are an indication you are going

through a powerful surfacing, clearing, cleansing, and evidence of K Ma

at work. . .please remember, just short time ago you surrendered to

Shaktipat and the Holy Spirit with sincere prayer, preparation, and

purity of heart. . .what has surfaced is yours to transform and honor. .

..no one expcept your Higher Self and the " Sacred Of Your HEART " can know

what is right for you. . .perhaps it is to pull you back from a group

that is idolatrous, heretical, schismatic, and potentially dangerous for

your soul. . .or perhaps the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God the Father, and K

Ma is helping you to see that the direct spontaneous loving relationship

of Creator to His/Her children was never intended beliefs a straight

jacket or something that invokes fear and disharmony. . . and maybe

these issues are strong with you because your spiritual purpose has to

do with bringing forth a new voice in this world???. . . One that is

able to have strong vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and also be

embracing and healing of the great division, war, and strife that

religious intolerance has brought into this world from many different

relgions. . .one of the things i pay great attention to is what are the

wounds, for out of the wounds the gifts and purpose emerges. . . kinda

like the lotus through the mud. . . ( as a side note. . .Tiffany that

has been really bopped by Christianity will likely and is likely

becoming a shinning voice for the true essence of Jesus Christ no matter

what language is placed around it. i do not know this but i am watching

for i already see it coming forth in a most courageous way and Linda i

see the same in you, and all of this as a peeling of issues that on the

surface look different but energetically is see Jesus Christ and the

Christ light coming in both of you.)


what you have written here is very insightful and has great potential

for deep clearing and release. . .there are so many places where the K

experience can feel like a baby in the birthing process and the time in

the canal can be a " i want to get out of here!!! " . . .much deeper under

the mental confusion of who said what, and what was misunderstood, and

on and on and on. . .the true revealing from your relationship with Holy

Spirit, Jesus, and K Ma is being shown. . . I believe and have

experienced myself what you have written below and suspect this is what

invariably has to surface as a " faithful Bible believing Christian " . . .

confronted with the frame breaking, glass shattering ways of Kundalini.

.. . Ma is inclusive and big enough for the world. . .


Linda i walked through fundamental Christianity and believe i have been

confronted with many of the same issue that you are now peeling through.

.. .only you and your " Sacred Source " knows what is right for you. .

..all i know K Ma is a journey and where you we are today is not where

you are going to be tomorrow. . .i deeply trust the intent and goodness

of your heart, an the depth of your love and committment to your beloved

Jesus Christ. . .and can so understand needing to take the time to claim

what is right for you. . .time and time again on the journey i have gone

out and sat on a big rock and said in prayer, " lift me to the rock that

is higher, Holy Spirit, bring the Truth you want me to walk. . .

Whatever it takes for me to Love Thee above all others and to be a

vessel for your service please show the way " . . .on the big rock out in

Nature is where i came to claim to the depth of my being, it is

impossible to call on the Holy Spirit and not receive guidance. . .


Linda i had a real issue with the symbol of the snake from the views of

Christanity. . . so what did K Ma do????. . .She gave me an initiation

experience with many big bad snakes all in one day, while i was a

Fundamentalist Missionary " puppy " in the " Dark continient of Africa. "

praying without ceasing to the Holy Spirit in love, surrender and

guidance. . . .and They sent a day as an initiation that unscrewed my

little brain. . .


i so trust that you are much like me and rare is the day in your life

that you have not prayed for guidance and surrender for the Love and

Truth, Guidance, and Strength to endure. . .What brought you to this

group? Was it sacred or was it profane? Would the Father give bad

guidance to a beloved child with such a sincere heart? or is it possible

that like many others on this forum that one of the requirements of

Awakening is that our beliefs and unconscious dogmas based on religious

programming must go through a fire and a power washing? I do not know

the answers of these questions for you dear Sister. . . but some of the

ones i examined along the way. . .


but know my heart is with you and truly respect and honor the courage of

your examination of all that is comming up. . .and deeply trust you will

be guided by the True Souce. . .


this picture reminds me a bit of the after effects of this last

Shaktipat and perhaps our dear through and with grace of K Ma

ran some bathwater. . .and you know kids put them near the water with K

Ma, truly someone is going to get wet. . .lol!. . .







<http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=7953998712530850744 & postID=9\




Linda you are loved, you are beautiful, and you are " in and of " each of

our hearts. . .





Wc/s1600-h/mmc.jpg> May we all keep dancing. . . .




love and respect to you.. . . .


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