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I am new to this and wanted to share my experience for others to discuss

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My story comes from a position a gay man of no particular faith, I had never had

any ongoing mental health or addiction issues and was not religiously inclined

or following a particular dogma, I had never heard of Kundalini or the

awakening, and wasn't particular interested in conspiracy theories, aliens or

other beings, but did feel we are all connected and spiritually attuned, due to

strange personal synchronicities in the past.

I do have an openness to there being more than just this and a healthy

analytical questioning approach to all information, and after a year I feel I

am being guided to put it down in writing.

The black feather warning.

In June/ July 2007 I was in the bathroom and my window was shut, but there on

the window ledge inside, was a single black feather. I instinctively saw this as

an omen, sure enough the same day I lost my job with a mortgage brokerage

without warning, just as I signed over the deeds to purchase a new property.

I got into another brokers straight away but the market was already in decline

however this feather incident stayed in mind and seems to have a relevance to

dates in the future.

The economic decline

In Nov 2007, the market was starting to slow down, and we were trying to hold on

hoping it would turn around, and me and my boss agreed it seemed like the market

was being manipulated downwards. We both thought it was strange how quickly the

market was turning but also how the news wasn't making sense anymore., Strange

occurrences, ufos, earthquakes, people turning on each other, it was all doom

and gloom.

In early April 2008, it was becoming obvious the market was in serious decline,

and something very weird happened, a lenders representative was telling us about

their deals, and I heard a voice say this is bulls@@t, its happening

deliberately. I heard the words, end game and end of days, mass manipulation,

its all a conspiracy, and mass paranoia, and I had increased mind chatter, with

odd words, and phrases and new information coming in, such that it was like a

flood gate had been opened.

I instinctively knew this random mind chatter wasn't my brain working overtime,

it was like the messages were being channelled, it was coming from elsewhere, I

heard the phrase you can fight it or go with it, but don't be afraid. I then

heard myself sternly asking WHAT IS THE TRUTH, STOP THE LIES and AND IF I AM


I calmed my self by talking with the mind chatter, and having a logically

conversation, was I losing my mind, had I lost touch with reality, or was I

being shown stuff for a reason. Each time I got the answer you are not losing

it, this is a journey, be open, be aware and just observe.

As a word or phrase came through I immediately researched it on Google, and as I

went to certain pages, the page would disappear, or stranger still it would

appear to change the words as I was reading, I would favourites the pages to

find some no longer existed, and then Google brought up strange messages which

gave the impression a particular page was being observed, by someone or some


My laptops started malfunctioning or taking forever to load a page, and I kept

feeling charges of electricity , from my fingers to the laptop, eventually both

laptops crashed as the hard drive was burnt out completely.

Strange synchronicities would happen, whilst watching TV, I would think a word

or scenario and then see it repeated on a programme, such that I felt I was

writing the script. I would hear a tune on the radio, and immediately feel the

words were being directed to me personally, and I would start crying for no

reason in some cases blubbering away uncontrollably.

I was given the information they are watching, its all a game, and I became

aware I was having a strange increase in paranoia, but kept hearing, don't be

afraid, you are going on a journey, be observant look and listen and learn, but

keep asking questions.

I started researching religions, end days, revelations and googled and found a

site Ronald Weinland.com, I read his online book in a day, and thought there was

lot of bigotry, and hatred in his writings, and if this was the end of days,

what happens to all those people who were non Christian, or didn't meet his gods

ideals, and it didn't resonate with me. My mind chatter started becoming more

clearer, if it doesn't resonate it isn't YOUR TRUTH.

I then started hearing other words like big brother, and carried on googling, I

then came across David Icke, a person who I remember many years before being

dismissed and ridiculed, what he had to say started to make sense and all of a

sudden the mind chatter stated to make some sense. All the words and phrases I

had been hearing were within his pages or links to other sites, and It was like

ok, you brought me here, but WHY?.

I asked how can we find who we really are, if the truth is concealed by lies ,

misinformation, conspiracies and untruths

Then the information started coming in thick and fast, Zeitgeist, Aliens,

Bluebeam, Chemtrails, Davinci Code, Illuminati, NWO all things I had hear, seen,

noticed or dreamt independently were there in print for me to corroborate and


Whatever this channelling was doing, it was confirming that there is an agenda,

there are an elite group and there are some other hidden forces, both good and

bad, and I was now being given a choice.

I remember saying to the mind chatter, Ok, I believe there is something more

than what is, I am open to what I need to be shown, and put my trust in this

higher force, GOD, Spirit, Consciousness whatever, providing I am on a positive

path and my journey will be protected from the darker forces that I know exist.

I made a choice!

The night I made that choice in my mind, I remember dreaming of being in a room

with a family, and meeting all these individual characters, all offering help

and giving me reassurance. I Knew I was asleep but could here a conversation

between all these characters , he's ready, now!, and I felt like I was in a

strategic meeting, observed by these characters and taking on the task in hand,

almost like a scene from the greek gods and the human, like Jason and the

Argonauts or clash of the titans.

I remember waking up , feeling refreshed, invigorated alive and extremely happy

and positive, and unable to tell anyone what I had experienced.

The very next morning, I went to work as usual, turned on my computer and POW, I

was hit by this almighty electric surge, my fingers were tingling, my heart was

racing, at one point I thought I was going to die, but kept hearing a calming

WATCH and oBserve You will be OK.

My mind and body then seemed to split into two halfs, I could visualise it

clearly, and I felt my right side was the positive side, and the left was full

of negative energy, and I was hiding a secret, the left side was trying to get

to, but the right side was preventing, I could feel my brain and the left side

energies reaching the centre of my brain and being blocked by a brick wall, with

a cool calm effect on the right side.

I thought I was being zapped by some sort of negative force, that was trying to

read my thoughts on the right side, and wanted to find out what was discussed by

the characters in my dream the night before, but was being stopped and was

getting more and more angry.

I remember seeing internet pages turn over, new words appearing and me feeling

like I was in the middle of some war. I then felt my body tense up and I could

visualise a game of saving or taking souls the darker forces taking , the

positive saving. And kept hearing remember it is only a game.

I was visualising l was in the centre of a game and both forces were

competing with me as the controls. Every time the darker side kept trying to get

to the secret, WHO ARE YOU, I would mentally change to a new character, I

remember feeling as if I was a chameleon constantly changing, and it was like I

had walked into an argument and all this energy was being targeted at me for a

choice I had made, and like someone was reading my mind.

I then felt a sensation that I can only describe as an out of body experience, I

saw my catatonic body, and could hear my work colleagues talking and it was as

if they were also in on the game, reading my mind and targeting me. I knew it

wasn't real but felt real, like I was in a parallel dimension, where there was

mass psychosis, mass hysteria and mass paranoia and I was observing. I remember

smiling inside knowing I had been prepared prior that something was going to


All day this torrent of negative energy kept targeting me, I didn't do any work,

but still felt this game was ongoing, and kept getting reassurance I heard the

mind chatter say don't worry, " there are consequences for the first strike " .

I got home that evening and watched Deal or no deal, but this time the rules

were completely different, I was very confused as this is a familiar and

popular game, and I was seeing the number of souls gained or lost in that first

battle!!! I was still in the parallel dimension!

My partner came to see me and saw I wasn't well, I looked physically white and

drained. I tried to explain I had the weirdest feeling all day, but couldn't

explain the events above, nobody would have believed me.

That night I couldn't sleep, and came downstairs and started to read a films

magazine, and the sensation of reading and the words changing like the butterfly

effect, happened again, this time though text for certain films were being

highlighted, and there was a passage about David and Goliath that kept jumping

out at me. Other things like the POPE must DIE, and a strange significance to

OZ, wizard of OZ, Australia kept coming up. There in black and white was a line

I had heard earlier in the day " there are consequences for the first strike " .

I immediately resonated as David, fighting Goliath, I was told to build my

immunity up, drink and gorge for the next battle coming up, and to call on my

guides and spirit friends. I was naked and covering myself in olive oil, like a

warrior, i was almost in an hypnotic trance.

Then it happened the negative energy came back as if being beamed from my

stereo, and I could feel and visualise these characters pressing down on me,

making me choke, humiliating me, and torturing me to vomit, defecate and

mast@@bate on the carpet for their pleasure. I was being overseen by roman

legionnaires and I could feel my head being pushed into the mess on the floor.

I kept asking am i seeing the crucifixion scene, am I with Jesus, despite no

previous drawing to or thorough belief system. I heard the words ADAM is gone,

new man is evolved, the missing link is here.

I could feel this incredible surge of defiance and anger come from elsewhere,

through me and out towards these entities, with the stern YOU were warned the

consequences of First strike, and I immediately felt at peace, loved, and

surrounded by a light, that gently lifted me, comforting me.

As I stood eyes shut arms outstretched and the music playing, the most

incredible calmness came over me, I saw past present and future at a single

point in time, and an elastic band being plucked and instead of a beautiful

tone, it was a deadened note, due to a knot or kink, the position of the kink

was NOW and the lies and falsehoods (KNOT)of the past had to be unravelled in

order for past present and future to exist. (I then later relistened to Kate

Bush big stripey lie, and rubber band girl and aerial for inspiration).

I saw two characters in my minds eye, dressed in red and blue and was told they

were the twins of justice and truth and they were now on their way out of me to

the world, like two stars, and I was to look out for them, they would be

unravelling old lies and mistruths.

I then was tipped backwards in time with the music, and slowly pushed down the

sofa and into the ground, the pain from the crushing of my head was so much I

was screaming in agony, but kept hearing it will be okay , watch the journey you

are safe, images were then flashed which later made sense.

I was shown a vision of a child at home alone, playing computer games, in a

world of mass paranoia, where nobody went out of the doors. This child suddenly

realised he was alone and terrified, his parents were dead, as were most adults

and he was playing a game, this boy was called JOSH. (A few weeks later I saw

Wargames again and the computer was called Josh)

I was told without real truth the future did not exist, and instead all that

would exist would be a memory or echo.

I was shown how we are all connected past present and future. I was shown a

future consisting of gameshows and I was connected to this future, the

contestants were not real they were a computer simulation, just like in the

matrix, a memory or echo, it was obvious they had not experienced life as they

were stalling for time as if trying to remember, and I heard ITS ALL ABOUT THE


I saw a " hunt the chosen one " , where individuals would try to connect with the

messianic personality chosen one, and once connected a mass of negative energy

would be targeted, with others then latching onto and increasing the telepathic

frequency in the aim of trying to destroy this Messiah, who if he continued

would take all and everything.

(I saw this connection phenomenon on several gameshows later, and all the

people in the audience stared at the camera but in the meantime it felt they

were trying to read my brain for the answer. To experience this in real time on

a Saturday evening, being aware of a parallel dimension, but unable to tell

anyone is very disconcerting).

AS each vision faded then it slowly turned me over and I saw the earth the moon

and the stars, and saw the universe going backwards like the film contact.

Again I asked am I witnessing Jesus and the resurrection and if so will I be

put through more pain and the cross, I heard my inner self saying I will work

with you, and me saying my heart couldn't take it, being soothed and saying we

will take it in stages as you are ready " TRUTH is being revealed " .

My body was moved to a position where My left leg was forced down as if being

broken and my body was bent forwards until it was crushing my ribs, but at no

time was I fearful, as I could feel this tremendous love and compassion. (I saw

a vision of Tutankhamun, and later found out his body had been crushed and his

leg broken when he fell of his chariot).

I was picked up again and this time I was spun violently around the wall whilst

standing, like when playing blindmans buff, I could feel the energy moving my

body into positions that were unnatural to me but not painful. I heard Mark,

Alexander, Michael, Amy, Raphael, Peter, Paul, Gabriel, Egypt.

(I later saw a car with the number plate Raphel in front of me, and on

researching found St Mark, is celebrated on the same days as my birthday, in

Egypt, St Mark was the first Pope of Alexandria. there was also suggestions

Alexander the great and Mark were one and the same.) I was being shown we have

all been here before.

I was then shown a wave and a pulse and recognised the energy as if returning

home, and felt two lovers being reunited, the lovers being the earth and the

universe. I felt the earth was returning home and the sadness and pain it was

experiencing was coming to a close. The whole journey travelling the universe

lasted for over an hour, as I could hear the cd was still playing.

(Later I experienced several synchronicities with Pulse, at work, in the doctors

surgery, on adboards)

I heard My journey was almost complete, I felt my body coming to earth again,

and from a broken man earlier, I arrived back in complete blackness, (the lights

were on however and it was coming to daybreak). I felt myself being lifted again

and saw this tremendous light coming out of me and immediately felt reborn and

at peace. I felt a connection with something spiritual and loving.

As I felt my body being positioned as if in Islamic prayer, I woke up facing a

picture of flowers by EVE. (My flatmate at the time was Adam, and my partner was

Michael). I saw a half crescent moon

The whole experience had lasted from 2am to 7am, and I felt blessed and thankful

at the end of it. I spent an hour cleaning the mess from earlier in the evening.

I went to bed but I was guided into a chair and felt my neck and head being

pulled backwards and tightened as if being garrotted or hung. I then went to

sleep, only to be woken an hour later by a call from a tenant, and immediately

feeling a great sense of paranoia, and confusion. I felt I was no longer in the

parallel dimension but back in reality. I went back to bed and slept allday.

This epithany, spiritual opening or rebirth was so powerful and real, I knew I

had experienced it for a reason, and felt I was shown or told a truth that more

and more people are awakening to.

The mind chatter went to reasoned conversation, and I kept seeing The twins of

red and blue (truth and justice)I had seen in my vision, on tv, especially on

live news broadcasts , and instantly got the message watch, truth is coming out

and history is being rewritten, justice is being done.

I felt these entities were now released and flying worldwide rewriting

falsehoods and misinformation, and indeed rewriting history as it was not as

interpreted. News stories were coming out all the time that were challenging old

facts and knowledge.

A few nights later I was half dreaming half awake I was over NEW York and saw

this orange energy pouring out of my body, it was a huge eruption of anger, and

it was aimed directly at WALL STREET, " the corruption will now end " , I heard,

and these flaming orange fireballs were raining down, on all the financial

institutions, I could hear my mind chatter saying, things were going to get

worse first but will change. I felt as if I was being asked for permission to

open the channels so this anger and orange fireballs could rain down.

A few days later the major banks Lehmans , and others all started reporting

major losses and collapses. I saw the orange fireballs raining down again this

time on tv.

It was explained to me, the elite were now panicking and corruption was going to

be exposed, we then had the mps expenses , politicians scandals and other

exposes, over the last 12 months.

I was told had stepped between dimensions and had seen a world of mass

paranoia, and somewhere in the future, a future human, maybe my future self was

coming back to unkink the lies and misinformation from the past, in order the

future can progress and continue.

I felt this presence of girls and boys crying tears and pain and It was the

last generation, I wept uncontrollably but felt the tears were cleansing and not

from me.

I was shown our future selves coming back, and warning us, we needed to change

and our generation were the last to do so, as the younger generations will be

manipulated to stay indoors, become insular and antisocial and hooked

This child called Josh was playing a computer game, and had suddenly realised he

was alone.

I decided to drive to my parents, to try to discuss and make sense of the events

and experiences, and heard a message drive to your grans instead, when I

arrived, my parents were there, I walked in and almost collapsed as I wasn't

expecting them.

As they sat and listened I saw a vision of the last supper, or sitting with the

gods or sharing a room with angels.

As a lowly undeserving man, I was questioning why me, why have I been shown all

this. I knew my my parents and gran were present, but felt this power emitting

an unconditional love and compassion and understanding, that was not from them,

that made me break down and sob like a child.

I came back to my parents just as I heard the dj on the radio announce well we

can say Michael has shown he has a soul, good on ya fella. I thought the message

was aimed at me and again broke down sobbing. I had been touched by something,

and has given great peace.

After these events, I opened up to removing the veil and started to experience

regular and numerous synchronicities., I felt i would allow myself to be steered

and guided by this higher force, and keep watching.

I saw the words Hollywood Bow ( the l was missing), and saw films seem to take

on a new meaning, as if events had moved so rapidly, the endings seemed rushed

or had been changed, as if my life was now completely synchronised with other

creative beings, and until I had woken up the endings would have been

different.(The writers strike happened just as these events were starting)

I saw a lorry with the words MARK. Slogan JUST in time, pass by on the way to

work, I saw clouds metamorphose before my eyes, into various characters from

Jesus, to Abe Lincoln, including humpty dumpty and a BLACK SWAN.

I heard conversations and protection incantations from my panel of characters

After a few weeks I started to see lights especially green, purple magenta and

blue as I closed my lights and saw black shapes moving on the ceiling like

shadows .

All the time I felt no anger, depression, but a knowingness that I had

experienced something surreal but very real, and a connectedness to the source.

Upto this point I cam imagine people thinking this boy has flipped, he is

suffering acute psychosis, schizophrenia, or a serious mental health problem,

and I would have said the same, except for this unshakeable belief that what

happened was for a reason and was real.

In July 2008, The final part of my journey happened. I had gone out with friends

and wasn't really drinking, I had this feeling I was going to experience

something major, and my synchronicities were going into overdrive.

I was told you are going to see stuff that will terrify you, be prepared, I

wanted to leave the area and come home, as I was seeing strange images or

visions and felt myself slip into the parallel dimension raised awareness mode,

but this time I had someone with me, who wanted to observe with me.

As I made plans to go home, I heard people shouting SAM wheres SAM, (my

initials are MAS) , and then a voice said MARK YOU MUST STAY. I knew I was going

to be ok, but something dramatic was going to happen, I could feel this mass of

paranoia, but almost as if I was seeing it in the third person.

After visiting several pubs, we walked into the last one and I immediately

collapsed and fell to the ground, (my friends say it looked like I floated

down), I felt the other self say I will need to borrow your body for a while,

and it was as if I was in the other dimension. My mind was alert, my body was

not my own, and I was observing as an outsider.

It was as if the other self had stepped into my body, to experience for itself

the hurt and pain , and I was conscious, I was listening to my friends and the

paramedics, but the other self was experiencing rage and anger, the parallel

dimension was being shown to my other self, whilst I was striding both at the

sametime, fully aware, but observing as an outsider.

Not surprisingly they took me to a hospital and I saw a psychiatric doctor, who

did tests and found nothing wrong except a very low potassium level, all the

while I am experiencing real life and the parallel dimension in one body at the

same time.

I was let out of the hospital, returned home and later that day was visited by

my parents and the psychiatric nurse and a " star worker " . I immediately

thought I was in heaven. But again conscious in reality I heard my father say ,

those Egytians landed you on your head !WHAT!!!, he doesn't remember saying it,

but thats what I heard.

I heard lone star, dark star and kept hearing of stars falling and thought i

was in a heaven dimension hearing as above so below. I saw visions of Princess

Diana, Michael Jackson, and even my father, and thought I was now being healed.

I knew I wasn't going to die, and whatever I had experienced was for a purpose.

I then saw a metal drain grid and the words EARTH Rod, I realised I was actually

a conduit or antenna aerial for a energy force that was coming from outside of


I was referred to a psychiatrist for observations, he had diagnosed a psychotic

episode, but there was no cause, no ongoing symptoms, no past history, and no

brain pattern irregularities like strokes or epilepsy, so he could only put it

down to stress. I wasn't stressed and he could not understand how resigned and

at peace I felt.

Several months later,I experienced what can could only be called a fantastic

light show in my head, and a loud pop.

Only later as I continued my research did I find the Kundalini description and

experiences and the opening of the pineal gland.

Having had this truly incredible experience, I found a whole new world of

synchronicities and unveilings, that came at incredible rates, and i am still on

a journey, looking for answers, but realise there are others experiencing

different things but similar in some way.

What do you all think.

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