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weird problems - carl - entity stuff so no need to read unless its an issue

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Hi Carl,

(I think it may just be kundalini - but prepare for a long post!)


Well I'm not sure if this is just kundalini or if its an entity - although there

are some signs and immediate things you can do if its an entity. First energy is

what feeds them if its an entity. I've noticed many feed on emotional

energy...very much candy to them. They are also able to trigger the emotion in

you so they can enjoy the bounty so to speak. haha If you go into a movie

theater that has a movie playing with alot of despair causing much emotional

energy you will find them enjoying themselves. These I notice usually go right

for the head. So a couple things - first you can make the choice not to allow

yourself to go into despair or anger or these things. I mean don't repress but

allow it to float away - turn your attention on something other - something

pleasant - something peaceful - stay in the now - you can try also learning

something like a language which will help you change the focus - anyway for

immediate relief although this is going to sound strange...(:


If its on your head - the ones I have found that do this do not like cold

temperatures or being wet so much. During the winter when this all happened to

me and I was not in a place emotionally to handle it - for immediate relief I

would run outside and pack snow on my head! hahaha One night I did this for

every 20 minutes for 3 hours - thats how long it took to get rid of it. Although

I didn't understand that my emotion at the time was not helping matters!(well

actually I did but was not in the place yet to feel I could handle this)


So snow is great! Ice bags are great also but you will find you need a large

one for it will move around to find a spot. Another really good way for

immediate relief is taking a bath in baking soda. A box of that in the bath and

submerge yourself. Don't rinse off when you come out. Don't blow dry your hair -

let it stay wet. These are just quick fixes of course for the moment. One person

told me to imagine a knob and when you turn it - allow the " feeling " level to go

up or down - in this case down so it doesnt hurt. Of course that won't work so

well if you are feeling a lot of emotion. And honestly even if not - sometimes

in the relaxed state this can happen. Under those circumstances when that light

comes to you in your minds eye or above your body if you can go into it - what I

mean by that if you are tired and don't want to mess around with the ice and

baths - try going into that place of complete stillness - the light will help

you - seems to do something there that helps. Also either walking away from all

practices for a time or if you do want to continue then go into that stillness

more - each time you do you are having access to something that seems to make

you stronger and its easier than next time and time after to get there quicker -

if that makes sense. My friend who had some entity interaction - although not

the kind you are speaking of (there are various forms) did self-inquiry

constantly " who am I? " until he was able to get to that place deep within and

then be able to keep going there and never again did he ever have another



Look at the post on keeping oils in your house - Sparrow just wrote something to

me recently about oils and making her monster spray! (:

But oils, flowers, clean house - happy healthy pets! (:


I don't know if you get excerise or not - but you will notice a big difference

if you start this. This helps cultivate feelings of strength too, and start

telling yourself you are strong - that whatever you believe in is strong within

you. One night at the beginning when I was kinda having a hard night I just all

of a sudden yelled out with much intensity I AM STRONG! And bam they all stopped

scared in their tracks. Another time I used the waterfall - imagine it cold cold

water coming from God like Niagra Falls with force and it pouring all over you -

at least I got em to my feet that night.


But in the long run it seems to help best for me to again cultivate feelings of

strength - excercise - feel good about myself completely - no guilt for anything

- know that this will get better - find a joy in life - get out of my problems

by putting my attention on helping someone else (although I would be careful

here just for the time being - I mean if helping someone makes you feel their

despair I would suggest another form of helping just for now ) try cheering

people up, I stumbled upon that one on accident. I noticed in my day to day

really cultivating this just having fun with people and trying to brighten their

day in turn seemed to help my entity stuff - kinda a sweet surprise.


Again going into that peaceful place of stillness, nature, and perhaps doing

something that grounded me - taking classes ect something for you to look

forward to in your own life - happy music - acting goofy -


I'm not saying there are no entities for me - but for some strange reason they

are turning into more of like a mosquito - they don't hurt - I also just stopped

putting my attention on these things in general - No power then for them - after

my initial first few months I then stopped the salt baths and if one was up

close and personal I would just shout Illusion and try to laugh about it - and

go do something where my attention would not go into emotion - although you

sound like you are doing a lot better than I was!haha And honestly I think you

are probably just having some work done from the kundalini so no worries - try

Chrisms video he just made for head pressures and see if that helps.


Another choice is those that seem to do some of the martial arts - not the

fighting kind here more of the chi kung and tai chi and energy balls ect learn

how to be in charge of their energy field. As I mentioned before Mantauk Chias

books which will also cause the kundalini in you more - but teaches you energy

cultivation. His book microcosmic orbit and then iron shirt. Also everyday start

letting that waterfall cleanse you as you go about your day loving yourself as

if touches you and all your internal organs - inner and outer aura. Just takes a

minute really.


Having said that mouthful this probably really is kundalini - because it does

work inside the head ( alot of it) so whatever you do if you could do it from

the " ho hum attitude of whatever -

But it may just be that which is a great thing of course. And anyway its

probably better to just cultivate that everything happening is a good thing -

smile away at yourself. No need to focus on something that probably isn't

happening...you know?


I personally did not want to receive any healing energy from anyone for many

reasons, which may have been my paranoia but I didn't want to go down that

route. However I will be honest if I was still in that as much as I was - I

would have thought about pursuing other forms of learning how to deal with these

more. I would have got really into Mantauk chia's book or in the files section

there is a link to Clairvision.org I believe. There they have people that can

train you to deal with this stuff. I personally would only do something where

someone was teaching me how to deal with it, instead of someone just fixing me,

because sometimes receiving more energy is the last thing you need. But things

are much better for me and I don't really want to put my attention on it because

I notice that too gives them strength. And thinking of them as illusion weakens

it. So staying in your heart has been the best thing for helping me it seems!


If we bring that to us by attraction in some form - well all around whether it

be for kundalini or life in general - we will feel better to just let go and

allow and know that things always work out for us for the divine is in charge

now - kinda a nice feeling not having to feel like we need to control this or

that or do this and that - just hand it over to God and be - and cultivate a

sense of happiness and ease and if one day you are angry or whatever then thats

fine too - no guilt let it flow and later you just laugh about it. I don't think

emotions are bad its just that when we HOLD on to them, you know?


The Shakti symbols...try putting that in the search engine in case I forget, but


Snake, blue people, eyes, tiger, (I think all cats like lions ect)

big dogs, wolves, I've had bears but I'm not sure that is a symbol but they were

helpful to me, spiders, symbols, bees, birds, crickets, humming sounds,

Basically if it comes at your Shakti time which for me was always 3:00am even

when not sure I just surrendered. Then bliss would usually follow.

Although in a way I think even these entity are part of learning not to resist

in some form - perhaps not in the moment of an entity encounter but more in

general terms. I notice the less I resist to my life - to how I feel about

myself and all - letting go of control and just letting it all be - letting

whatever the divine brings - allowing without attachment and really feeling that

no matter what it must be for a higher purpose and that means more joy not less

- less suffering ect - in general this attitude seems to also have a direct

impact on entity interaction - a letting go and yet a cultivating of joy -


Speaking about chilling with those spiders - you know at first I wasn't so happy

about those things(especially crawling up my body)...and I grabbed one by the

leg, felt completely solid to me - so beside seeing it here I was holding its

leg and could feel the bone and hair - such strangeness - anyway the more I was

freaking out by them crawling on me (resistance again) their legs started

feeling like a crab crawling on you - kinda pinching into my skin and after I

grabbed it I started hearing this Asian woman laughing kinda crazy like in my

ear - of course then I realized it was a Shakti symbol and let go and just

kept repeating I surrender over and over and those pinch feelings turned into

bliss and they all went away. haha

Thats why usually I just surrender first now and see what happens...don't know

if thats good advice or not so don't listen to me, just what you feel inside.


My guess is its kundalini - so sorry for being so long winded - my typing

chakras are now activated. ha


Much love to you - give those spiders a little pat for me -(:



, " cargoyle " <cargoyle



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