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Distrubing dream - Linda

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Hi linda,


Thanks for posting your dream. A few things come up for me reading this, and its

more like different snippets of information coming together than and linear,

deductive process, and please feel free to accept or reject anything which I may



I look at dreams as each aspect being a part of the dreamer, and often a

summary of long loved patterns in ones life. What's coming to me is some

information you wrote in earier posts, of always wanting to help with the

neighboourhod kids yet getting crticized for doing that, and if i remember, at

one point your husband said you may get sued if something happened to some of

the kids while you were having fun activities with them. So, holding that idea,

and also the idea (and I may be wrong here) that you have found it difficult to

be heard, and to speak (and consequently do) what is important to you, due to

the constraints of culture or family..


I feel I am treading on tricky ground here, as the type of growth that K has

called me to follow often means i need to look honestly at how i view those I

love most dearly, and whether they are really supportive of my emerging

authentic and individual self. This is partly my issue coming through, as I am

deeply committed to my truth and the (sometimes unpopular.. lol) emergance of my

higher self, the path to which is sometimes the temporary emergence of the

repressed lower self. Being truthful doesnt mean the end of relationships. One

of the metaphors I like to use is that of the part of an extra in a movie; most

of the time the main actor holds attention, yet there are parts in the movie

when an extra comes on. The extra (aka owning the shadow) is essential for the

movie to continue, and the audience is not worried that the main actor (your

usual center of gravity) will be forever lost, and knows that the main actor

will return soon. Yet. for life to conntinue its flow, the extra has to play his

or her part.


Returning to the dream, I see you wanting to help care for children in the

neighbourghood (again, I am aware of my langauge, and its not meant as 'I know

whats going on'.. its just my perspective).

The celebration could be an element of joy you may feel in caring for and

helping others..


The problems in the friends marriage? Perhaps a projection of some aspect of

problems within your own?

Your husband driving the car backwards? I view cars as frames, or beliefs, which

give rise to actions through which we navigate life. Perhaps there are beliefs

about the masculine (resulting from past experience) that you feel hold you

back, or take you backwards in life, taking you back towards places of anger or

hurt or conflict that you want to avoid. Telling your husband may mean that you

feel you need approval from the masculine to do what you want, and him driving

could mean that you feel that you do not have control over how the masculine

directs your life.


The conflict at the friends house - i see this as the projected conflict within

you that you may have towards the masculine, resulting from wanting to do what

you want (in this case projected onto the desire to care for children). There

seems to be a lot of underlying anger fuelling the conflict.


The dead body - perhaps the large size is a reflection of how large and powerful

the pathological masculine has been in your life, and the death - this may be

symbolic of your angry selfs need to annihilate the masculine that hurt you. The

beheading could also be a projection of your own pscholgical trauma, indicating

throat trauma, which may relate to your voice being cut off by powerful

masculine figures.


Both your friends are very nice - on the surface, many of us are nice, yet we

carry wounds that requier healing. The friends husband being a heart doctor - is

there a connection to the masculine which you loved hurting you. IN this there

may be healing; the healthy masculine could bring you emotional healing energy.

I feel power issues are a key in this dream..


Hope these may throw some light on the matter, and blessings and courage as you

do the dirty shadow work.. and once again, if this does not resonate, then thats



love and exploration




, " Linda " <crazycats711



> In this dream I was back in time when I babysitted a friend's two children.

That day she asked me to baby sit them for a couple of hours which I did at my

house. Then I walked them home when the two hours were up and got there just as

my friend arrived home. She asked me if I could babysit again the night and I

said OK. She said they were going to have a family celeration and wanted me to

come, so as help with keeping up with the children. I said I would go check with

my husband and would return. I had the impression her and her husband were

having some problems and was concerned about what would be taking place that

night. He husband did not look as himself but some movie actor that I do not

know his name, but do know his face. He is in some western movies and myabe some

action type. I don't remember what charactor he played either. I tried looking

up the guy on the net, but didn't find him in all those photos..


> I was then where my husband was working and let him know my plans and was

headed back. This person in a car drove up at that point and ask me if I was

like a ride back. I said ok and got in the car. Instead of turning around, the

guy drove the car in reverse all the way up the street. He past by my friends

house and kept going around the block. I asked him where was he taking me? I

said to him, need to go back to go back to my friends house, not my house. He

laughed and then drove back around the block, stopped and let me out. In the

meantime, something had taken place and a huge fight was going on in the front

of my friends house. My friend was trying to break up the fight, which was about

5 or 6 people all bundled up fighting each other. Then I looked over and my

friends husband was lying there on the ground with his head cut off. He still

looked like the movie guy, but was giant size. His head alone was about 5 feet

tall lying there on the ground.


> None of that represented any of how my friend and her husband really are in

realtime life. She is a nurse and he is a doctor in real life. Both are very

nice friendly helpful people.


> Does anyone have any clues what this dream could mean? I sure don't.


> Linda


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