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please confirm, you smile and crown chakra opens?

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From a Kundalini context no, smiling will not open the crown. The crown chakra

has many nodes or micro chakras upon it. " The Thousand Petaled Lotus " as it is

written of in some scriptures. Each of those chakras will have a meaning and a

responsibility and action upon the five sheaths of the human equation. Smiling

may stimulate one or more of these chakras and in that sense yes aspects of the

crown are being stimulated but not opened within the Kundalini context where

every single crown node or micro chakra is being vivified causing an actual

opening of the Crown. Only Kundalini or Divine Will can do this. Nice to read

you Joshua! - chrism


-- In , joshua bourke

<psalmistry8 wrote:

I was told recently when you smile it opens up the crown chakra and when you

frown it closes it down, can you confirm this?

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