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Channeling - Community comments please

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I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate Entities. I

do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities. - lol! Yet

there are those who do this and do this with some success though how that

success is guaged is open to interpretation.


There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the



What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism

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I think a lot of people think being a channel is somehow boosting their spiritual path, or enlightening them somehow and so are drawn to it, I cannot really tell another person what to do as each case is different. I"m sure in rare occassions there are some good interactions, but the channeling depends on the purity of the person, the less pure in mind body and spirit the more likely to attract entities who are low in vibration (yet may seem to be angels, melchizadeks and such). To be a true channel of higher dimensional information, the way I understand it, is the channel him/herself needs to be very very pure. Eating an incredibly healthy diet, raising their own vibration, releasing all their own personal dross. If you cannot do those things don't even consider it.You must be aware that being a channel can just be a way to boost your own ego, attract

unsavory beings and distract you. In the case of John of God on the other hand he is working with some higher beings for the good of humanity.I guess its up to us to decide for ourselves, personally, I would be very careful about those kinds of things. When in doubt, just say NO! love elektra x x x

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I'm worried that this is happening to me - I'm getting lights and voices but I

really don't want them. They say things like 'we are all one' and 'do not fear

intimacy' but they don't say more and there's a lot of heavy stuff attached.


What can I do to lift and clear them out?






, " chrism " <>



> I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate Entities.

I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities. - lol! Yet

there are those who do this and do this with some success though how that

success is guaged is open to interpretation.


> There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the



> What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism


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Dear Elektra,


I might sound silly but did you mean the book of revelation when you said John of God. I oftern wonder why He wousl refer Jesus to with having burning eyes etc., The very thought terrifies me.


Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you'll help them to become what they are capable of becoming.

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

Elektra Fire <elektra.fireRe: Channeling - Community comments please Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 2:34 AM






I think a lot of people think being a channel is somehow boosting their spiritual path, or enlightening them somehow and so are drawn to it, I cannot really tell another person what to do as each case is different. I"m sure in rare occassions there are some good interactions, but the channeling depends on the purity of the person, the less pure in mind body and spirit the more likely to attract entities who are low in vibration (yet may seem to be angels, melchizadeks and such). To be a true channel of higher dimensional information, the way I understand it, is the channel him/herself needs to be very very pure. Eating an incredibly healthy diet, raising their own vibration, releasing all their own personal dross. If you cannot do those things don't even consider it.You must be aware that being a channel can just be a way to boost your own ego, attract unsavory beings and distract you. In the case of John of God on the other hand

he is working with some higher beings for the good of humanity.I guess its up to us to decide for ourselves, personally, I would be very careful about those kinds of things. When in doubt, just say NO! love elektra x x x

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I see it as a plausible avenue for breaking down walls for self attainment and

understanding of your true being . I do understand that it's not a passage for

everyone and one must be of sound mind to begin this journey , rather then

reading a book and doing works on a whim , with no concern or discernment .


This is one reason i have not been posting here as often as i have in the past .

I understand the safeties are not to be mixed with other works and i have been

practicing ritual magic , including evocations for some time now . It can be an

empowering experience ; not self-exaggerated ego , to actually believe in your

omnipotence and work with spirits , that in their nature is to follow your

commands . As i said , one must be of sound mind and use discernment .



> What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism


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I hear voices too and see lights at times. The voices to me just seem like

random voices floating around in the air waves and are not trying to communicate

with me. I sometimes hear whole senstences and even conversations of two people

a few times. They do not pretain to me, so I just do not pay them any mind.

Hehe! I have enough of my own mind chatter to deal with. I take the hearing of

voices about the same way as the flicker visions I get. They have no meaning to

me. Some of the visions are cool though.


I agree with what Elektra said.





, " amandatflood "

<amanda_chalfen wrote:


> I'm worried that this is happening to me - I'm getting lights and voices but I

really don't want them. They say things like 'we are all one' and 'do not fear

intimacy' but they don't say more and there's a lot of heavy stuff attached.


> What can I do to lift and clear them out?


> Amanda




> , " chrism " <@>


> >

> > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate

Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities.

- lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with some success though how

that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> >

> > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the


> >

> > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism

> >


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on this community comment would like to be placed in Elektra's Amen pew.

.. .


but also really want to honor and give sincere thanks for those outside

forces that serve us so often in the discriminate world. . .


example there have been four times between the ages of 10 and 25, when i

do not think i would be in this life, if it had not been for the

intervention of angelic beings. . . .i want go into explanation here,

but i continue to hold them with great respect and thanksgiving. . .


and since working with Amma there have been two times when a group of

discarnate entities have come along with Amma and performed psychic

surgery. . .the first time i truly believe they removed a blood clot

that had formed in the brain due to the intense and very physical K Ma

energetic weaving and truly both times it was a beautiful experience,

so very loving, there was not one trace of non trust because of the

power of the love. . .no messages left, they just came and did a job

with the skill and professionlism of a top ranked medical surgery team.

.. . .the only frame i could place them in was John of God, so now i

think of them as the Amma of God team. . . .


i feel very similar to Elektra about channeling. . .maybe i should not

say this but in all my years on the journey there has only been one

woman that i deeply sense is the real thing when it comes to channeling.

.. .and each time i have talked with her, i have challenged her a bit

with the question; " Are you sure channeling is coming from outside of

you? for energetically i feel it coming up from her belly rather than

coming into the mind as i often sense other channelers. . . .and it has

the depth and purity that is matched by this woman's walk and

committment for the inner to be the same as the outer. . .


one of my cautions of channeling is i have become spooked by the

externalization of an internal process. . .and everything that is

accessible from the discarnate world is just waiting to be realized from

within, i trust and believe. . . .


channeling is a bit like " standing on the back of a whale and fishing

for a minnow. " once we really realize that the most powerful force in

the Universe and beyond is Love and that door opens from within then the

internal locus of control becomes predominate and the externalization

shows we are grasping, then K Ma has to take us through the suffering of

bending our little fingers back and placing them on our own heart, that

is where the greater light and power resides. . .


please once again this is just my opinion and how i have come to view it

based on one little journey. . .as to what She wants for this child. .

..On a goofy side note. . .when i first met Amma i asked her to bring

forth a channel that would allow me to have connection with the most

high spirtual realms, i wanted a high powered spiritual guide. . .She

showed me an image of an immensely gross dense reptilian dude. . . .

Amma knew about my previous experience of being snared at the New

Thought Church by a head minister that morphed into a reptilian one day

when i was asking him to diconnet from my system. . . i cried for three

days and told Amma she did not want me to know anything of spiritual

significance and she just wanted me to be a dirt daubber my entire

existence. . . then got mad and told her i thought she was heartless to

bring forth that kind of image as the perfect spirit guide for me. .

..lol! my trantrum did not seem to phase K Ma or Amma much. . . .


love and light

ordinary sparrow





, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> I think a lot of people think being a channel is somehow boosting

their spiritual path, or enlightening them somehow and so are drawn to

it, I cannot really tell another person what to do as each case is

different. I " m sure in rare occassions there are some good interactions,

but the channeling depends on the purity of the person, the less pure in

mind body and spirit the more likely to attract entities who are low in

vibration (yet may seem to be angels, melchizadeks and such). To be a

true channel of higher dimensional information, the way I understand it,

is the channel him/herself needs to be very very pure. Eating an

incredibly healthy diet, raising their own vibration, releasing all

their own personal dross. If you cannot do those things don't even

consider it.


> You must be aware that being a channel can just be a way to boost your

own ego, attract unsavory beings and distract you. In the case of John

of God on the other hand he is working with some higher beings for the

good of humanity.


> I guess its up to us to decide for ourselves, personally, I would be

very careful about those kinds of things. When in doubt, just say NO!


> love elektra x x x


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I know i have only been here a short while and i am a baby in my process

but personally i would like to read channelled information. I have been

drawn to channelled texts and one was responsible for me having various

awakenings, powerful happenings from the written word.

Again i dont want to offend anyone but are not various texts in religion from


supposed to be words directly from god, and such are these not channelled texts


before all this happened to me i came from a place where my focus

was channelled positive entitys/ ascended masters/ angels/ spirit guides only

from the light and the information that they offered.

and after all are they not only trying to offer there opinion and

help much in the way that good people do.

Yes how do you tell who is good and truthful over the ones that want

to twist you and lie.

I go regularly to spiritualist churches where the mediums give messages to

people and i allways get positive messages to me from supposed members of my

family dead, about my process and situations

that are troubling me. if these are recently passed spirits, what about those

advanced ones that have learnt much more what fruitfull

information could they provided, or would that just comlicate things more.


many thanks









, " chrism "

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From the dawn time as we know and understand it, people have sought input from

oracles, mediums, shamans, witch-doctors, gurus and just about anyone else they

perceived could answer their questions. Channeling is just another variation on

that age-old theme of communication with and from other levels. Some mediums go

into trance, others use sense or telepathy, others automatic writing, merging

their own energy field with that of the spirit or entity or whatever. While a

concentrated `dose' of given information is considered channeling, is the

intuitive input or voices in our heads, or just knowing as we currently

experience really any different apart from the volume of information given at a

specific time?


For clarity sake take one step back and view as much of the `whole' as you can

from the vantage point of an observer. We are all essentially energy beings,

part of the whole, and have many levels to our being that are maybe not so

immediately apparent in the physical. Information channeled comes from those

other levels. The source? Discarnate entities, spirits or souls of those who

have passed over, our higher selves, higher realms that we cannot understand or

comprehend now due to our limitations, but all part of that collective whole.

From this disconnected vantage point and taking full cogniscance of the nature

of our being is channeling, irrespective of the mechanism used, then in any way

wrong, considering that it is just another form of information flow? I don't

believe so.


Having said that it can be and is seriously abused, and can expose the more

vulnerable amongst us to potential harm. The nature of information given, the

source, the reason for seeking such information, and the interpretation of the

actual information given become critical. Channeling for ego-driven reasons

(the aggrandizement of the medium, one-upmanship for the recipient through

`special' knowledge, seeking detail for personal gain that is not in the best

interests of all comprising the whole etc) is wrong. Lower energy forms may

well try and climb in on this act and cause havoc. Such channeling is wrong.

Again from the observer perspective, such distorted information can be channeled

if the seeker is looking for the wrong things and from a platform of not knowing

what really is out there, what we really are, and how we all interrelate.

Somewhat akin to naively opening the manhole cover to the sewer as opposed to

taking the lift to the upper floors.


Conversely where information given promotes understanding, forgiveness, love in

the unconditional sense, and which information is devoid of ego, it is quite

probable that that detail or knowledge stems from a place of purity. Can such

channeling be wrong? I don't believe so.


The tricky part is how do we discern what is good and what isn't? The safe tack

would be not to channel or participate in channeling. That will not happen in

many cases – many seekers are consumed by the desire to know and that desire is

drug-like in its thirst for knowledge. chrism frequently advises us, quite

correctly, about not storming the gates of heaven but we often still do. In

seeking knowledge through whatever mechanism, we must be very clear re the

purity of our search and the intent we have in terms of how we will use or apply

that knowledge. Channeling does create a bridge between levels, and any move in

that direction must only be pursued with the highest of ideals and guided

completely by our higher selves - both in the approach and interpretation of

information given.


Above all however, know and accept that we are part of that whole and, as such,

we have all the knowledge we seek available to and within us. Therefore seek

within and consider that maybe if the knowledge isn't forthcoming then we

haven't prepared ourselves adequately yet to receive such knowledge, or that we

are not ready yet to understand and comprehend what is given. If through

channeling your intent is to bypass your current limitations then maybe you

shouldn't be considering it! Just my take on it. Blessings all - Jonathan

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channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes without

permission. I have now learned to block this.


something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about the john of

god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a silly rambling

thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra kumara. Sanandra being

christ, jesus? The templars call these energies the twin dragons.don't go mad at

me im just freethinking here but imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck

from the flaming pitchforks now!!)


I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with glowing eyes.


Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are the good guys



As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood of love

enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile we all have

reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling its as addictive as

heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing trying to warn the firefly.


on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form of healing im

about to describe is named as no one talks about it?



Before I was involved with healing children that could not physically speak.I

would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not dead!)and then they

would be communicated with usually through kinesiology. Their problems would be

worked upon while inside me, and then sent back. I have experienced many entitys

leave the energy that was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they

reached me and i'd feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is

called as I can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!







, " chrism " <>



> I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate Entities.

I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities. - lol! Yet

there are those who do this and do this with some success though how that

success is guaged is open to interpretation.


> There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the



> What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism


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dear purple


i will try to clarify. . . .


there may be loving reptilians. . . . i know some people that have had

positive experiences with channeling and reptilian guides. . . .


my personal experience was not with a discarnate reptilian. . . rather i

went through a gosh awful energetic attach by a Ministers from a New

Thought Church after K Ma has ascended to the crown. . .it was a brutal

energetic attack, they had connected the 800 member church into my

energetic and them proceeded to bring about an energetic crucifixion,

nothing i knew to do would release the snare. . .i walked and prayed and

was energetically ganged r & ped for over two years. . .the force of their

lower chakra energies was ungodly as it attempted to raise to the crown.

.. .it truly was a deep learning experience by way of fire. . .at one

time i went to the head Minister and asked him to disconnect from my

system. . . he laughed and said; " There is no way this is not going to

happen. . .then proceeded to roll his eyes back and forth from left to

right and back for about five minutes, then he physically morphed from

the body of a man to the upper body being reptilian and was hooded like

a cobra. .i knew he was trying to intimidate, so refused to show any

sign externally of fear. . . so that is the background of my experience

with the reptilian. . .


so when i asked Amma to connect me up with a channel to my most high

spirit guide (which for me, at that point in time, had lots of ego in

it). . .Amma showed an image of the gross looking reptilian. . .

showing images is one of the ways she communicates with me. . . .Amma is

the one that was able to disconnect me from the energy of the Church

when attempts from all over the U.S. by all kinds of spiritual

practitioner were not able . . . .so she knew about my reptilian ouchie.

.. .


By Amma showing the image, she was giving the message. . " .be careful

what you ask for " . . . .and it was her way of popping my ego and

reminding, The Journey Is Within, at least for me at this stage of post

kundalini awakening. . . . and i do have an inner open question about is

channeling abit antithesis for Kundalini Awakening???. . .and do not

have an answer. . .


Purple i do think that all of it is perfect in the big picture, and

likely there are positive and negative entities in all kinds of shapes

and sizes. . . .the further i go with K Ma the more unattached i am to

phenomena such as channeling, but truly if channeling is right for

others then i have respect and deep trust that each of us opens to is

necessary to bring forth the highest good. . . .


one of the things i did not address is these entities might want to

channel to the group. . . . . and my first thoughts about the K ashram

opening to channeled beings once again seems a bit like an antithesis. .

.. . thought of groups like Heaven's Gate and that New Age guy that is a

psychologist that is sometimes on Coast to Coast, Galactic Federation

group and they are in continuous battle with all kinds of entities from

near and far galaxies. . . .and it is all channeled from the

psychologist. . . not that these beings would be like that, but purple

somethings i don't need to know. . . Another antithesis for me. . .the

deep K Ma process seems to be an ongoing process of creating emptiness

and spaciousness rather then filling the mind with all kinds of mental

images and contents. . .


the core of the issue (for me) has more to do with the K Ma process and

claiming the internal locus of control rather than the external locus of

control . . .and perhaps this background information on my experience

with the blood and flesh reptilian will explain more clearly. . . ( and

i would of never believed there could be such things until there was an

actual encounter, have learned that what i focus on is what i draw to

me, there is just not a lot of need to draw discarnate entities)


Purple just this week i was thinking about the energetic action of K Ma,

how she truly does follow the energetic of the snake. .

..contraction/expansion in order to propel . . . .then i started thinking

of all creation and once again, time and time again, the movement for

creation and the creative is contraction/expansion in order to create. .

.. energetically our heart, our lungs, the waves, the ocean the coasts,

the how we have procreate for both the male and female is

contraction/expansion, how the baby comes through the birth canal, how

the baby sucks, how the Universe is formed, how our beliefs systems

propell us out and then draw us back in, the Shiva linga and the Yoni,

the expansion of the Void and the contraction of the Dark Night, to name

a few. . .all of these are contraction and expansion. . . . the same

movement as K Ma with the symbolism of the snake. . . . the Snake which

is reptilian is Creative and Transformation. . . . can readily see that

the energetic of the entire Creation is contraction/expansion. . . so

can understand you statement of contraction and expansion, creative and

transformation being our very DNA. . .the DNA energetic is very similar

to the biological energetic of K Ma up the spine with the Ida, Pingala,

and central column. . . .


personally these days when it comes to channeling reptilians i feel

abit like Alfafla when confronted about his allegiance to the 'He Man

Woman Haters Club' when he just wanted to swing Darla. . . " Sorry

Spanky i got to live my own life. "


Purple it may also be your path to open to discarnates for guidance

and healing and please know i hold you with honor and truly that choice

is between you and gOd. . . .


love and peace

ordinary sparrow


P.S. Purple in my Native tradition there are healers that are

called poison suckers. . . what you are doing with the children might be

in that category?







" purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111 wrote:


> channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes

without permission. I have now learned to block this.


> something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about the

john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a

silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra

kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these energies

the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here but

imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming pitchforks



> I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with

glowing eyes.


> Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are the

good guys too.


> As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood of

love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile we

all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling its as

addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing trying

to warn the firefly.


> on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form of

healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?



> Before I was involved with healing children that could not physically

speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not

dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside me, and

then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy that

was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me and i'd

feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called as I

can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!


> purple.





> , " chrism "

@ wrote:

> >

> > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate

Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate

Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with some

success though how that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> >

> > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the

group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and

may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these

beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of

activating the Kundalini.

> >

> > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested

in your thoughts. - chrism

> >


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namaste dear sparrow,


love to you your awakening was tough , but it must have been in K'mas

plans , it made you strong, so you can go deeper, she knew you could take it.


(**I don't know if what I live with and what I have become is K'ma or something

else?, But I will use the name in my descriptions as in my heart it feels



got to agree with you about k'ma she for me is most definitely a snake!

she taught me how she moves in the blood sand and air , i'd see her spirals

everywhere and in the end , (end??) we morphed together, we shed our skin and i

was a snake.I am her and she is me with no separation.This is where my love of

the reptilian lies, i am one now after all lol:)


I have no love of channelling entities , I find a lot of them a bl@@dy pest to

be honest , lol! I'm not good at protecting myself and to be honest I don't try

to because if something happens I'm sure k'ma wants me to learn from this. If i

block it then lesson lost.Being unattached to phenomena is certainly the way to

be for me too it has been about being deeply deeply emptied.I don't need to

know, that's perfect.


he, he I just love the way you fish out my foibles sparrow.

I was describing a form of healing i was involved with years ago

but you described the one I have now that I got gifted when i became the snake

lol yes I'd describe the one i have now as a poison sucker though the term is

new for me.



much love





, " ordinarysparrow "

<ordinarysparrow wrote:


> Namaste


> dear purple


> i will try to clarify. . . .


> there may be loving reptilians. . . . i know some people that have had

> positive experiences with channeling and reptilian guides. . . .


> my personal experience was not with a discarnate reptilian. . . rather i

> went through a gosh awful energetic attach by a Ministers from a New

> Thought Church after K Ma has ascended to the crown. . .it was a brutal

> energetic attack, they had connected the 800 member church into my

> energetic and them proceeded to bring about an energetic crucifixion,

> nothing i knew to do would release the snare. . .i walked and prayed and

> was energetically ganged r & ped for over two years. . .the force of their

> lower chakra energies was ungodly as it attempted to raise to the crown.

> . .it truly was a deep learning experience by way of fire. . .at one

> time i went to the head Minister and asked him to disconnect from my

> system. . . he laughed and said; " There is no way this is not going to

> happen. . .then proceeded to roll his eyes back and forth from left to

> right and back for about five minutes, then he physically morphed from

> the body of a man to the upper body being reptilian and was hooded like

> a cobra. .i knew he was trying to intimidate, so refused to show any

> sign externally of fear. . . so that is the background of my experience

> with the reptilian. . .


> so when i asked Amma to connect me up with a channel to my most high

> spirit guide (which for me, at that point in time, had lots of ego in

> it). . .Amma showed an image of the gross looking reptilian. . .

> showing images is one of the ways she communicates with me. . . .Amma is

> the one that was able to disconnect me from the energy of the Church

> when attempts from all over the U.S. by all kinds of spiritual

> practitioner were not able . . . .so she knew about my reptilian ouchie.

> . .


> By Amma showing the image, she was giving the message. . " .be careful

> what you ask for " . . . .and it was her way of popping my ego and

> reminding, The Journey Is Within, at least for me at this stage of post

> kundalini awakening. . . . and i do have an inner open question about is

> channeling abit antithesis for Kundalini Awakening???. . .and do not

> have an answer. . .


> Purple i do think that all of it is perfect in the big picture, and

> likely there are positive and negative entities in all kinds of shapes

> and sizes. . . .the further i go with K Ma the more unattached i am to

> phenomena such as channeling, but truly if channeling is right for

> others then i have respect and deep trust that each of us opens to is

> necessary to bring forth the highest good. . . .


> one of the things i did not address is these entities might want to

> channel to the group. . . . . and my first thoughts about the K ashram

> opening to channeled beings once again seems a bit like an antithesis. .

> . . thought of groups like Heaven's Gate and that New Age guy that is a

> psychologist that is sometimes on Coast to Coast, Galactic Federation

> group and they are in continuous battle with all kinds of entities from

> near and far galaxies. . . .and it is all channeled from the

> psychologist. . . not that these beings would be like that, but purple

> somethings i don't need to know. . . Another antithesis for me. . .the

> deep K Ma process seems to be an ongoing process of creating emptiness

> and spaciousness rather then filling the mind with all kinds of mental

> images and contents. . .


> the core of the issue (for me) has more to do with the K Ma process and

> claiming the internal locus of control rather than the external locus of

> control . . .and perhaps this background information on my experience

> with the blood and flesh reptilian will explain more clearly. . . ( and

> i would of never believed there could be such things until there was an

> actual encounter, have learned that what i focus on is what i draw to

> me, there is just not a lot of need to draw discarnate entities)


> Purple just this week i was thinking about the energetic action of K Ma,

> how she truly does follow the energetic of the snake. .

> .contraction/expansion in order to propel . . . .then i started thinking

> of all creation and once again, time and time again, the movement for

> creation and the creative is contraction/expansion in order to create. .

> . energetically our heart, our lungs, the waves, the ocean the coasts,

> the how we have procreate for both the male and female is

> contraction/expansion, how the baby comes through the birth canal, how

> the baby sucks, how the Universe is formed, how our beliefs systems

> propell us out and then draw us back in, the Shiva linga and the Yoni,

> the expansion of the Void and the contraction of the Dark Night, to name

> a few. . .all of these are contraction and expansion. . . . the same

> movement as K Ma with the symbolism of the snake. . . . the Snake which

> is reptilian is Creative and Transformation. . . . can readily see that

> the energetic of the entire Creation is contraction/expansion. . . so

> can understand you statement of contraction and expansion, creative and

> transformation being our very DNA. . .the DNA energetic is very similar

> to the biological energetic of K Ma up the spine with the Ida, Pingala,

> and central column. . . .


> personally these days when it comes to channeling reptilians i feel

> abit like Alfafla when confronted about his allegiance to the 'He Man

> Woman Haters Club' when he just wanted to swing Darla. . . " Sorry

> Spanky i got to live my own life. "


> Purple it may also be your path to open to discarnates for guidance

> and healing and please know i hold you with honor and truly that choice

> is between you and gOd. . . .


> love and peace

> ordinary sparrow


> P.S. Purple in my Native tradition there are healers that are

> called poison suckers. . . what you are doing with the children might be

> in that category?






> ,

> " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> >

> > channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes

> without permission. I have now learned to block this.

> >

> > something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about the

> john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a

> silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra

> kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these energies

> the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here but

> imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming pitchforks

> now!!)

> >

> > I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with

> glowing eyes.

> >

> > Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are the

> good guys too.

> >

> > As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood of

> love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile we

> all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling its as

> addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing trying

> to warn the firefly.

> >

> > on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form of

> healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?

> >

> >

> > Before I was involved with healing children that could not physically

> speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not

> dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

> kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside me, and

> then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy that

> was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me and i'd

> feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called as I

> can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!

> >

> > purple.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " chrism "

> @ wrote:

> > >

> > > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate

> Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate

> Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with some

> success though how that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> > >

> > > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the

> group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and

> may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these

> beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of

> activating the Kundalini.

> > >

> > > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested

> in your thoughts. - chrism

> > >

> >


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I personally don't feel like I am in a position to discern these things yet so I

would most likely not do any channeling. Only channeling I do is towards my

higher self and to the all.


Other than that I will have to wait until a later time to answer haha. If other

people see that as something they wish to do... more power to them. It's just

not for me. My gut says NO WAY.


-Tiffany S


, " chrism " <>



> I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate Entities.

I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities. - lol! Yet

there are those who do this and do this with some success though how that

success is guaged is open to interpretation.


> There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the



> What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism


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Amen.Elektra Fire <elektra.fireI guess its up to us to decide for ourselves, personally, I would be very careful about those kinds of things. When in doubt, just say NO! love elektra x x x

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Hi Purple. . .


it is in the wee hours and guess i have what Linda has. . . the last

two nights have been sleepless. . .but i find the longer i live with K

Ma the less need for sleep. . .so i end up enjoying the quite hours at

night. . .


so hope you do not mind my rambling abit. . . .


Purple you sound like you are a sensitive and very receptive to the

energetic world. . .i can relate to that also. . .and often pick up the

collective realms, in the past week or so the energetic has been really

intense. . . Purple have you noticed any differences or intensity

recently " . . .it seems like there are many people dealing with entities

and psychic attacks these days?. . .


last weekend K Ma revealed some layers t that reminded me of what you

said; " i am not good at protecting myself. " . . . can so relate to that

one also purple. . . came to the same place where i just accepted my

protection was to not shield but rather to get clear enough that when

things came in it would just naturally be lifted and released. . .and

for years that where i put my head space concerning protection. . .then

this weekend K Ma showed the powerful shield of white light from

within. . . as she showed, realized why shielding externally had not

been effective. . .for She had wanted me to develop inward shield of

infiltrating every cell with white light. . .so strong that it would

make a brilliant white light mirror. . .then She showed when the white

light is within it provides a natural mirror that both reflects and

amplifies anything that is not of like spectrum (white light or love

frequency) thus bouncing it back to where it came from. . . Purple once

again i think shielding outside of the body was not right for me for K

Ma was wanting me to take it inward to the very cells within the body. .



life became much easier with the realization energetically i functioned

as a " poison sucker " and was open to the collective, for then i could

get some objectivity and between the world and my own stuff. . .nowadays

i can lay back and make a clear distinction between the world coming in

and personal issues. . .and just let it pass through. . .several times

this last couple of weeks i rememberd; " I need do nothing " from the

Course of Miracles. . . and would just ask that K Ma move it up and out.

.. .Have often thought this is an aspect that is common to Kundalini Ma

awakening, the receptivity of the collective, and know that once the two

are distinguished it become easier when it is not all personalized. ..


Purple here in U.S. there has been a lot of collective anger and fear

that is coming to the surface and spilling over into the culture

recently and wondered about the experience of others here in the group,

and have just wanted to send a big hug, and say " this too shall pass " . .

..and i trust that in the process of it all K Ma is using each child to

bring clearing and release for the greater also as she transforms

individually. . .imho. . . and it helps to remember this becoming " such

as it is " is also selfless service. . .


i was going to respond to Chrism's question about service, but there

must be something engrained does not speak of those issues readily, but

will say i truly think it is one of the most important aspects of the

spiritual journey and K Ma. . .


Purple blessings and love to you, and thanks for allowing me to converse

with you for awhile through the wee hours. .


love and light

ordinary sparrow




" purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111 wrote:



> namaste dear sparrow,


> love to you your awakening was tough , but it must have been in K'mas

> plans , it made you strong, so you can go deeper, she knew you could

take it.


> (**I don't know if what I live with and what I have become is K'ma or

something else?, But I will use the name in my descriptions as in my

heart it feels right:)**)


> got to agree with you about k'ma she for me is most definitely a


> she taught me how she moves in the blood sand and air , i'd see her

spirals everywhere and in the end , (end??) we morphed together, we shed

our skin and i was a snake.I am her and she is me with no

separation.This is where my love of the reptilian lies, i am one now

after all lol:)


> I have no love of channelling entities , I find a lot of them a bl@@dy

pest to be honest , lol! I'm not good at protecting myself and to be

honest I don't try to because if something happens I'm sure k'ma wants

me to learn from this. If i block it then lesson lost.Being unattached

to phenomena is certainly the way to be for me too it has been about

being deeply deeply emptied.I don't need to know, that's perfect.


> he, he I just love the way you fish out my foibles sparrow.

> I was describing a form of healing i was involved with years ago

> but you described the one I have now that I got gifted when i became

the snake lol yes I'd describe the one i have now as a poison sucker

though the term is new for me.



> much love

> purple


> >

> >

> > ,

> > " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> > >

> > > channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes

> > without permission. I have now learned to block this.

> > >

> > > something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about


> > john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a

> > silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra

> > kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these


> > the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here but

> > imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming


> > now!!)

> > >

> > > I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with

> > glowing eyes.

> > >

> > > Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are


> > good guys too.

> > >

> > > As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood


> > love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile


> > all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling

its as

> > addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing


> > to warn the firefly.

> > >

> > > on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form


> > healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?

> > >

> > >

> > > Before I was involved with healing children that could not


> > speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not

> > dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

> > kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside me,


> > then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy


> > was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me and


> > feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called as


> > can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!

> > >

> > > purple.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " chrism "

> > @ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with


> > Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with


> > Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with


> > success though how that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> > > >

> > > > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to


> > group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms


> > may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these

> > beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way


> > activating the Kundalini.

> > > >

> > > > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be


> > in your thoughts. - chrism

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Namaste brothers and sisters,


This is, as many of you say, a personal choice.


I wouldn't recommend it either - but if it wasn't for what seemed to me

'entities' - beings without physical bodies - I would be on the floor somewhere

in a straight jacket - or dribbling into my wheat bix.


All I can say it, do your very best, to do what you think is best. In your

heart, you know what that is - and this is the right path for you. I wish you

all much love and strength for your journey.


, " chrism " <>



> I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate Entities.

I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities. - lol! Yet

there are those who do this and do this with some success though how that

success is guaged is open to interpretation.


> There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the



> What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism


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hi Folks,


personally, I would be suspicious of channeling. I feel that one of the goals of

spititual development is to learn to be a guide to oneself, to learn how to find

the way along ones own unique path, always praying, always seeking, always

listening to the voice of the Higher Self. Much of that journey is learning to

discern between the egoic voice and the higher self voice.


That said, the Higher Self can speak in many ways, and perhaps through someone

gifted with an ability to channel and an ability to do that withouty too much

egoic contamination. I have been to pscyics and channels around three times in

my life, and each time an interesting set of events has lead me to them, or I

have felt a tremendous need for guidance and I found them. Each time they were

immensely helpful.


The trap, though, imho, is for the ego based consciousness to project its needs

for certainty, and to disown its power, through always seeking for wisdom from

another place. Perhaps before seeking channels we should seek ways in which we

disown our own potentials for recognizing guidance. We should find ways in which

we give away our power to others, or ways in which we take power from the world

so we can feel good, and the same for love. I sense that understanding our

energy dynamics is essential in the journey towards wholeness and freedom, and

this may be difficult, as so many of the driving forces for these dynamics are

buried within the subconscious.


God is our deepest center, everyones deepest center. Therein lies the True

Source, not without. Knowledge of that brings with it the willingness to live in

continual uncertainty, grounded in the trust of the unknown. Understanding that

uncertainty is the Way was a tough lesson for me. (and by uncertainty, I mean

not knowing what will happen, and living from a place of trust, not control.)


Love and earnest prayer



, " angelikdementia "

<angelikdementia wrote:


> I personally don't feel like I am in a position to discern these things yet so

I would most likely not do any channeling. Only channeling I do is towards my

higher self and to the all.


> Other than that I will have to wait until a later time to answer haha. If

other people see that as something they wish to do... more power to them. It's

just not for me. My gut says NO WAY.


> -Tiffany S


> , " chrism " <@>


> >

> > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with Discarnate

Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with Discarnate Entities.

- lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with some success though how

that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> >

> > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to the group

members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms and may need

assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these beings and I am

somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way of activating the


> >

> > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be interested in your

thoughts. - chrism

> >


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Hi sparrow I enjoy it talking to ya in these wee hours, I'm usually never asleep

at these hours too, 3am is my time , everything just melts

into one big cover of darkness that connects to everything. I need the peace of

these hours , when everyone is sleeping and i can be just me with my shakti and

these days a visit to this list too.


poison sucking, i carry peoples physical and emotional pain, and sometimes i

even manifest physical illness. When my mother had bowel cancer I actually bled

with her, had her pain, felt her fear, but in the end I got to take her from her

fear to a vision of her Jesus, she went toward death with huge courage after

that ,in-fact seeking death.

I manifest even the silly things like a cut finger sometimes too , not the blood

for that but definitely the same indentations and marks

which i feel as they do.

So my answer is definitely yes , people are afraid , very afraid.


So why do we feel if not to help. why are we allowed to see if not to do and



Earlier in my life I learned about the government , I learned how they damaged

children on purpose for profit. I protested long and hard , i was in the news ,

on , TV , radio you name it i squealed it .In the UK a led the first 800 parents

into court with evidence but it was in vain, no one cared that there is mercury

inside every vaccine,

no one cared that there is formaldehyde, no one cares still , why ?

because they still allow the fear to grip them, slightly mention swine flu and

they break into a cold sweat before your eyes.

When people look at life tainted with fear coloured spectacles they will and

have even given up their right to be a human.


hmmn now that was a look at one aspect , whoosh now up we come and pull out of

that vibe...clear ...and lets examine it.


sparrow we had to go through the trials we faced , true.

I had the race problem too , mine from being white in an Asian world.


The cards no matter where I turned were staked that it was my time to take a

walk through hell with Kali ma, as did you.

It was d@mn tough wasn't it. That pressure gave us our diamonds didn't it.So

they too must walk on their hot coals, they too must go through

their rites of passage. Looking back would we want to be helped ourselves?


We could do but whom would listen to us , only the others like ourselves, and

they already know.


we have no choice in our selfless service, either we help or we physically

suffer ourselves, leaving us in the place where we

truly do love another as ourselves.


my Mind is traveling to Mexico, a Mexican wave of people opening to k ma,we feel

the pain as we are among the first, all people will go through this alchemy. so

for now we must bear it

as anima sola does.


The Anima Sola is taken to represent a soul suffering in purgatory, usually, if

not always, a woman. The woman has broken free from her chains in the midst of a

prison (barred doors) and is surrounded by flames, representing purgatory. She

appears penitent and reverent, and her chains have been broken, an indication

that, after her temporary suffering, she is destined for heaven.



much love sparrow



, " ordinarysparrow "

<ordinarysparrow wrote:


> Namaste


> Hi Purple. . .


> it is in the wee hours and guess i have what Linda has. . . the last

> two nights have been sleepless. . .but i find the longer i live with K

> Ma the less need for sleep. . .so i end up enjoying the quite hours at

> night. . .


> so hope you do not mind my rambling abit. . . .


> Purple you sound like you are a sensitive and very receptive to the

> energetic world. . .i can relate to that also. . .and often pick up the

> collective realms, in the past week or so the energetic has been really

> intense. . . Purple have you noticed any differences or intensity

> recently " . . .it seems like there are many people dealing with entities

> and psychic attacks these days?. . .


> last weekend K Ma revealed some layers t that reminded me of what you

> said; " i am not good at protecting myself. " . . . can so relate to that

> one also purple. . . came to the same place where i just accepted my

> protection was to not shield but rather to get clear enough that when

> things came in it would just naturally be lifted and released. . .and

> for years that where i put my head space concerning protection. . .then

> this weekend K Ma showed the powerful shield of white light from

> within. . . as she showed, realized why shielding externally had not

> been effective. . .for She had wanted me to develop inward shield of

> infiltrating every cell with white light. . .so strong that it would

> make a brilliant white light mirror. . .then She showed when the white

> light is within it provides a natural mirror that both reflects and

> amplifies anything that is not of like spectrum (white light or love

> frequency) thus bouncing it back to where it came from. . . Purple once

> again i think shielding outside of the body was not right for me for K

> Ma was wanting me to take it inward to the very cells within the body. .

> .


> life became much easier with the realization energetically i functioned

> as a " poison sucker " and was open to the collective, for then i could

> get some objectivity and between the world and my own stuff. . .nowadays

> i can lay back and make a clear distinction between the world coming in

> and personal issues. . .and just let it pass through. . .several times

> this last couple of weeks i rememberd; " I need do nothing " from the

> Course of Miracles. . . and would just ask that K Ma move it up and out.

> . .Have often thought this is an aspect that is common to Kundalini Ma

> awakening, the receptivity of the collective, and know that once the two

> are distinguished it become easier when it is not all personalized. ..


> Purple here in U.S. there has been a lot of collective anger and fear

> that is coming to the surface and spilling over into the culture

> recently and wondered about the experience of others here in the group,

> and have just wanted to send a big hug, and say " this too shall pass " . .

> .and i trust that in the process of it all K Ma is using each child to

> bring clearing and release for the greater also as she transforms

> individually. . .imho. . . and it helps to remember this becoming " such

> as it is " is also selfless service. . .


> i was going to respond to Chrism's question about service, but there

> must be something engrained does not speak of those issues readily, but

> will say i truly think it is one of the most important aspects of the

> spiritual journey and K Ma. . .


> Purple blessings and love to you, and thanks for allowing me to converse

> with you for awhile through the wee hours. .


> love and light

> ordinary sparrow



> ,

> " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > namaste dear sparrow,

> >

> > love to you your awakening was tough , but it must have been in K'mas

> > plans , it made you strong, so you can go deeper, she knew you could

> take it.

> >

> > (**I don't know if what I live with and what I have become is K'ma or

> something else?, But I will use the name in my descriptions as in my

> heart it feels right:)**)

> >

> > got to agree with you about k'ma she for me is most definitely a

> snake!

> > she taught me how she moves in the blood sand and air , i'd see her

> spirals everywhere and in the end , (end??) we morphed together, we shed

> our skin and i was a snake.I am her and she is me with no

> separation.This is where my love of the reptilian lies, i am one now

> after all lol:)

> >

> > I have no love of channelling entities , I find a lot of them a bl@@dy

> pest to be honest , lol! I'm not good at protecting myself and to be

> honest I don't try to because if something happens I'm sure k'ma wants

> me to learn from this. If i block it then lesson lost.Being unattached

> to phenomena is certainly the way to be for me too it has been about

> being deeply deeply emptied.I don't need to know, that's perfect.

> >

> > he, he I just love the way you fish out my foibles sparrow.

> > I was describing a form of healing i was involved with years ago

> > but you described the one I have now that I got gifted when i became

> the snake lol yes I'd describe the one i have now as a poison sucker

> though the term is new for me.

> >

> >

> > much love

> > purple


> > >

> > >

> > > ,

> > > " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes

> > > without permission. I have now learned to block this.

> > > >

> > > > something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about

> the

> > > john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a

> > > silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra

> > > kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these

> energies

> > > the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here but

> > > imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming

> pitchforks

> > > now!!)

> > > >

> > > > I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with

> > > glowing eyes.

> > > >

> > > > Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are

> the

> > > good guys too.

> > > >

> > > > As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood

> of

> > > love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile

> we

> > > all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling

> its as

> > > addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing

> trying

> > > to warn the firefly.

> > > >

> > > > on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form

> of

> > > healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Before I was involved with healing children that could not

> physically

> > > speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not

> > > dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

> > > kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside me,

> and

> > > then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy

> that

> > > was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me and

> i'd

> > > feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called as

> I

> > > can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!

> > > >

> > > > purple.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " chrism "

> > > @ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with

> Discarnate

> > > Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with

> Discarnate

> > > Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with

> some

> > > success though how that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to

> the

> > > group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms

> and

> > > may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these

> > > beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way

> of

> > > activating the Kundalini.

> > > > >

> > > > > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be

> interested

> > > in your thoughts. - chrism

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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blessing dear Purple


good reading you. . . . and there is a place where the suffering ends.

.. . i give thanks every day for all of the journey and K Ma's release.

.. . like you state it was a bit rough at times. . . (said with a smile

the feel of light that now dances in the eyes). . .truly we have all

been graced by K Ma and the gift of transformation. . .


this evening am laying back listening to some old Kate Wolf songs,and

feel great tenderness and a little bliss, and only thing that could make

it better would be to have the K group in one place together with a big

group hug. . .We could place The Wild One. . . .


love and peace Purple and all. . .

ordinary sparrow




" purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111 wrote:


> Hi sparrow I enjoy it talking to ya in these wee hours, I'm usually

never asleep at these hours too, 3am is my time , everything just melts

> into one big cover of darkness that connects to everything. I need the

peace of these hours , when everyone is sleeping and i can be just me

with my shakti and these days a visit to this list too.


> poison sucking, i carry peoples physical and emotional pain, and

sometimes i even manifest physical illness. When my mother had bowel

cancer I actually bled with her, had her pain, felt her fear, but in the

end I got to take her from her fear to a vision of her Jesus, she went

toward death with huge courage after that ,in-fact seeking death.

> I manifest even the silly things like a cut finger sometimes too , not

the blood for that but definitely the same indentations and marks

> which i feel as they do.

> So my answer is definitely yes , people are afraid , very afraid.


> So why do we feel if not to help. why are we allowed to see if not to

do and heal?


> Earlier in my life I learned about the government , I learned how they

damaged children on purpose for profit. I protested long and hard , i

was in the news , on , TV , radio you name it i squealed it .In the UK a

led the first 800 parents into court with evidence but it was in vain,

no one cared that there is mercury inside every vaccine,

> no one cared that there is formaldehyde, no one cares still , why ?

> because they still allow the fear to grip them, slightly mention swine

flu and they break into a cold sweat before your eyes.

> When people look at life tainted with fear coloured spectacles they

will and have even given up their right to be a human.


> hmmn now that was a look at one aspect , whoosh now up we come and

pull out of that vibe...clear ...and lets examine it.


> sparrow we had to go through the trials we faced , true.

> I had the race problem too , mine from being white in an Asian world.


> The cards no matter where I turned were staked that it was my time to

take a walk through hell with Kali ma, as did you.

> It was d@mn tough wasn't it. That pressure gave us our diamonds didn't

it.So they too must walk on their hot coals, they too must go through

> their rites of passage. Looking back would we want to be helped



> We could do but whom would listen to us , only the others like

ourselves, and they already know.


> we have no choice in our selfless service, either we help or we

physically suffer ourselves, leaving us in the place where we

> truly do love another as ourselves.


> my Mind is traveling to Mexico, a Mexican wave of people opening to k

ma,we feel the pain as we are among the first, all people will go

through this alchemy. so for now we must bear it

> as anima sola does.


> The Anima Sola is taken to represent a soul suffering in purgatory,

usually, if not always, a woman. The woman has broken free from her

chains in the midst of a prison (barred doors) and is surrounded by

flames, representing purgatory. She appears penitent and reverent, and

her chains have been broken, an indication that, after her temporary

suffering, she is destined for heaven.



> much love sparrow


> purple

> ,

" ordinarysparrow " ordinarysparrow@ wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Hi Purple. . .

> >

> > it is in the wee hours and guess i have what Linda has. . . the


> > two nights have been sleepless. . .but i find the longer i live

with K

> > Ma the less need for sleep. . .so i end up enjoying the quite hours


> > night. . .

> >

> > so hope you do not mind my rambling abit. . . .

> >

> > Purple you sound like you are a sensitive and very receptive to the

> > energetic world. . .i can relate to that also. . .and often pick up


> > collective realms, in the past week or so the energetic has been


> > intense. . . Purple have you noticed any differences or intensity

> > recently " . . .it seems like there are many people dealing with


> > and psychic attacks these days?. . .

> >

> > last weekend K Ma revealed some layers t that reminded me of what


> > said; " i am not good at protecting myself. " . . . can so relate to


> > one also purple. . . came to the same place where i just accepted


> > protection was to not shield but rather to get clear enough that


> > things came in it would just naturally be lifted and released. .


> > for years that where i put my head space concerning protection. .


> > this weekend K Ma showed the powerful shield of white light from

> > within. . . as she showed, realized why shielding externally had not

> > been effective. . .for She had wanted me to develop inward shield of

> > infiltrating every cell with white light. . .so strong that it would

> > make a brilliant white light mirror. . .then She showed when the


> > light is within it provides a natural mirror that both reflects and

> > amplifies anything that is not of like spectrum (white light or love

> > frequency) thus bouncing it back to where it came from. . . Purple


> > again i think shielding outside of the body was not right for me

for K

> > Ma was wanting me to take it inward to the very cells within the

body. .

> > .

> >

> > life became much easier with the realization energetically i


> > as a " poison sucker " and was open to the collective, for then i


> > get some objectivity and between the world and my own stuff. .


> > i can lay back and make a clear distinction between the world coming


> > and personal issues. . .and just let it pass through. . .several


> > this last couple of weeks i rememberd; " I need do nothing " from the

> > Course of Miracles. . . and would just ask that K Ma move it up and


> > . .Have often thought this is an aspect that is common to Kundalini


> > awakening, the receptivity of the collective, and know that once the


> > are distinguished it become easier when it is not all personalized.


> >

> > Purple here in U.S. there has been a lot of collective anger and


> > that is coming to the surface and spilling over into the culture

> > recently and wondered about the experience of others here in the


> > and have just wanted to send a big hug, and say " this too shall

pass " . .

> > .and i trust that in the process of it all K Ma is using each child


> > bring clearing and release for the greater also as she transforms

> > individually. . .imho. . . and it helps to remember this becoming

" such

> > as it is " is also selfless service. . .

> >

> > i was going to respond to Chrism's question about service, but there

> > must be something engrained does not speak of those issues readily,


> > will say i truly think it is one of the most important aspects of


> > spiritual journey and K Ma. . .

> >

> > Purple blessings and love to you, and thanks for allowing me to


> > with you for awhile through the wee hours. .

> >

> > love and light

> > ordinary sparrow

> >

> >

> > ,

> > " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > namaste dear sparrow,

> > >

> > > love to you your awakening was tough , but it must have been in


> > > plans , it made you strong, so you can go deeper, she knew you


> > take it.

> > >

> > > (**I don't know if what I live with and what I have become is K'ma


> > something else?, But I will use the name in my descriptions as in my

> > heart it feels right:)**)

> > >

> > > got to agree with you about k'ma she for me is most definitely a

> > snake!

> > > she taught me how she moves in the blood sand and air , i'd see


> > spirals everywhere and in the end , (end??) we morphed together, we


> > our skin and i was a snake.I am her and she is me with no

> > separation.This is where my love of the reptilian lies, i am one now

> > after all lol:)

> > >

> > > I have no love of channelling entities , I find a lot of them a


> > pest to be honest , lol! I'm not good at protecting myself and to be

> > honest I don't try to because if something happens I'm sure k'ma


> > me to learn from this. If i block it then lesson lost.Being


> > to phenomena is certainly the way to be for me too it has been about

> > being deeply deeply emptied.I don't need to know, that's perfect.

> > >

> > > he, he I just love the way you fish out my foibles sparrow.

> > > I was describing a form of healing i was involved with years ago

> > > but you described the one I have now that I got gifted when i


> > the snake lol yes I'd describe the one i have now as a poison sucker

> > though the term is new for me.

> > >

> > >

> > > much love

> > > purple

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ,

> > > > " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited,


> > > > without permission. I have now learned to block this.

> > > > >

> > > > > something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think


> > the

> > > > john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its

just a

> > > > silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and


> > > > kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these

> > energies

> > > > the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here


> > > > imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming

> > pitchforks

> > > > now!!)

> > > > >

> > > > > I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile


> > > > glowing eyes.

> > > > >

> > > > > Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles


> > the

> > > > good guys too.

> > > > >

> > > > > As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a


> > of

> > > > love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the


> > we

> > > > all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss


> > its as

> > > > addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing

> > trying

> > > > to warn the firefly.

> > > > >

> > > > > on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the


> > of

> > > > healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Before I was involved with healing children that could not

> > physically

> > > > speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive


> > > > dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

> > > > kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside


> > and

> > > > then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy

> > that

> > > > was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me


> > i'd

> > > > feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called


> > I

> > > > can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!

> > > > >

> > > > > purple.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " chrism "

> > > > @ wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with

> > Discarnate

> > > > Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with

> > Discarnate

> > > > Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this


> > some

> > > > success though how that success is guaged is open to


> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be

channeled to

> > the

> > > > group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini


> > and

> > > > may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by


> > > > beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a


> > of

> > > > activating the Kundalini.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be

> > interested

> > > > in your thoughts. - chrism

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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