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What is it you want?

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Good question, I'm not sure I really even know to be honest, I just follow the signs GoD gives me and don't ask too many questions, I just trust and have faith S/He knows whats best for me.I can compare it to the pide piper, I hear this mystical magical music and i follow it obediently.love elektra x x x

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 want luckiness,happiness,Goddesss...2009/8/6 Elektra Fire <elektra.fire







Good question, I'm not sure I really even know to be honest, I just follow the signs GoD gives me and don't ask too many questions, I just trust and have faith S/He knows whats best for me.I can compare it to the pide piper, I hear this mystical magical music and i follow it obediently.

love elektra x x x



-- A.Arslan

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With what I like to call a seekers perception and this perception being highly

subjective , I no longer see kundalini as an separate entity . I see it as a

part of that I am and has always been , of course there can be no truth to this

, as my subjective perception of truths can crumble to ruins .


As so , i wish for kundalini to continue in open the gateways within me , in

passage to that I am -Godhead , for me to say that I even remotely understand

what this passage entails and how many lifetimes it will consume would be absurd




> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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Ha ha.. good question..


I feel Kundalini and I want the same thing... we want to go all the way

together.. more love in the world... more wisdom in the world.. more laughter..

more freedom... more fun.. less suffering.. do things never done before...

create a never before done ride..


levitation will be cool...





, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I didn't ask to meet her. At least I thought so. But I didn't realise, at the

time, asking questions like 'what is it all for?' brings it on.


So - I started off wanting answers. What I got was way more than I could

understand with a rational mind.


I had to give that up - toss it to the wind.


What do I want from K Ma now? I want to stay clean inside and out so I can be of

service. That's all.

What do I feel K Ma wants from me? To stay as clean as possible to be a conduit

for her energy. Why - because the love that comes from her spreads out and we,

humans, need it. We need it manifest on this planet now.


I want to post a beautiful poem that I'm borrowing from OS' vast vault of

knowledge of love and peace - I love it -


Wage Peace

by Judyth Hill, September 11, 2001


Wage Peace with your breath.


Breathe in firemen and rubble


Breathe out whole buildings and flocks of red-wing blackbirds.


Breathe in terrorists


Breathe out sleeping children and fresh mown fields.


Breathe in confusion and breathe out maple trees.


Breathe in the fallen and breathe out life long relationships intact.


Wage peace with our listening: hearing sirens, pray loud.


Remember your tools: flower seeds, clothing pins, clean rivers.


Make soup.


Play music; learn the word " thank you " in 3 languages.


Learn to knit: make a hat.


Think of chaos as dancing raspberries.


Imagine grief as the outbreak of beauty or gesture of fish.


Swim for the other side.


Wage peace.


Never has the word seemed so fresh and precious.


Have a cup of tea and rejoice.


Act as if armistice has already arrived.


Celebrate today.


, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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What i wish to have from Kundalini?. . . .less of me and more of Thee


What do you feel Kundalini wants from you?. . .everything i call me. . .



somewhere along the way the path changed, and realized in the big

picture there is nothing in it for me. . . .


if it was about me, i would likely be rocking babies and lovers on my

lap and taking long gentle walks in Nature communing with Shakti Ma ,

as a career would of be a mid-wife birthing babies as they emerged wet

and wiggly from woman's womb. . . .throw in a few bunnies, butterflies,

and good friends and i would be on permanent purr with K Ma. . . .


what K Ma wants from me? to allow the personal egoic dominance to slowly

dissolve like a salted slugg. . . to surrender and dissolve the egoic

and this vessel into an emerging consciousness where K Ma transforms the

consciousness of " hu-man " and truly raise it to " humankind " . . .so more

can live the potential that is truly possible on this inexpressible

bountiful garden creation. . . . i do hold a gentle vision for K Ma's

children in this generation and the coming generations. . .and from

these eyes i see, feel, and know it is in process and as each one of us

go through the process of removing the blocks of love through the grace

of K Ma then the real rEvolution is LOVE. . .and i have signed up for

that ONE. . . .


and of course the only way i know how to be part of K Ma's rEvolution

of LOVE is to do the personal and deep work of transformation, removing

the blocks, just like dear Deb chopping wood and carrying water for K

Ma's alchemical dance and release. . . .once the release into LOVE it is

no longer my business, but gOd' bussiness as to what S/he wants to do

with this life. . .But when this life is over, know one thing for sure;

i will be the first to clap my hands with a giggle and glee, surely

the first thing i will say; " Let's do it again, Ma " . . . .


thanks Chrsim for asking this question, i love to play and thinking

about these questions keeps me wanting to play. . . .


love and light

ordinary sparrow




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini

wants from you? - lol - chrism


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I want to know more about my complete self from Kundalini.But Kundalini, only sheds me off to show that I do not exist.Skoogle

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , "chrism"

<@ ...> wrote:


> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini

wants from you? - lol - chrism





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I was pondering last night, during meditation, and i was thinking how everyone

who i know that has Kundalini, their experiences with Kundalini are completly

different. Steton, he said that his Kundalini increase his sex drive and made

him or sexually inclined; Ken, he said that his Kundalini was extremly painful,

and that it made him a monster; Salem, his Kundalini was also extremly painful,

but he said that he managed to get wings, and talk to animals; and me, my

Kundalini was wonderfull, it was pure bliss, and my kundalini gives me knowledge

to any question i may ask, sometimes it gives me a straight answer sometimes it

says " your path has been written in such a way that this answer will come soon,

you must wait for it now, be paitient. " and I cant but realize that everyone's

Kundalini is different, it's like your Kundalini may allows you to use force

lightning, wheras his Kundalini may allow him to use force heal. Everyone's

Kundalini is different, because i think everyone thinks different, thus the

affect of their Kundalini will be different depending upon who they are.


What do you think about this? tell me if you think im right or wrong.




, " Chris_H " <chghes1



> With what I like to call a seekers perception and this perception being highly

subjective , I no longer see kundalini as an separate entity . I see it as a

part of that I am and has always been , of course there can be no truth to this

, as my subjective perception of truths can crumble to ruins .


> As so , i wish for kundalini to continue in open the gateways within me , in

passage to that I am -Godhead , for me to say that I even remotely understand

what this passage entails and how many lifetimes it will consume would be absurd




> > What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants

from you? - lol - chrism

> >


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Hehe! I have already experienced levitation, it's not such a big deal. flying is

a lot more fun. :)


All I want is to just get closer and closer to God, as much as I can stand. If

it take kundalini awakening to get there then kundalini awakening is what I







, " Tiffany " <Tiffany



> And! Lots of money and I'm with Bruce on this one - levitation!! That would be

SO awesome and I would be soooo worshiped as THE ONE - yeah for the ego. :D


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Hi chrism...


For myself, I can only assume that I came into this life for some reason. Did I

come here for Kundalini? I mentally have no idea. The K is just the only thing

that I've discovered so far, that has the appearance of legitimacy to me. I

want something real in my life - not just a glimpse of the infinite that happens

in an OBE every 6 months or so, but an unchanging reality that manifests in all

areas of my life. So far, this sounds like the K to me. I've asked for

guidance on this, and I'm hopeful that at some point, things will become

clearer. But more than this, I'd like to get off of my proverbial spiritual a & &

and make some progress in some direction - whatever direction my soul or higher

self dictates. If this involves the K, then I would like for the show to begin.

In return, I would think that the K would wish for me to be a clear channel for

truth, in all it's many forms. Don't misunderstand, this is not meant as a

complaint - I know that the responsibility for my spiritual advancement is mine.

But in answer to your question, this is mostly all I ask of life.. something

real, something enlightening - truth.


Many blessings to the group...




, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I want to have flexibility, choice of reaction and the ability to be more and

more in the moment and to deal better and better with my gremlin :). I think k

wants me to be me without my judgemental thoughts running the show :)


but I guess we'll see!



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I think Linda, you are cart-wheeling, kriaying, levitating and flying your way

there - seems you're taking the " fun " path there - lucky girl! (;

Lotsa Love,

Deb (:




> All I want is to just get closer and closer to God, as much as I can stand.

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I think we both want nothing, but I'd like to take the long road to get there as

the flowers here are wonderful :)





, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I feel my Kundalini (from being guided to the Presence Process) wants me to

rescue my child self from its imprisonment of the " past " and free this aspect of

my Being into the present, and to feel (with my full compassionate attention) my

pain and discomfort (physical, mental, emotional) that for so long I had tried

to sedate and control, and allow the healing power of my Inner Presence to heal

these scars in my emotional body. So far it's been doing wonders :)






, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I have to say, at this point, I do not know. For both those questions. I'm open

to possibilities though.



, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I also had really bad experiences. and also good ones I think it is a way we clear our old karma. If you had a beautiful experience may be you didn't have bad karma. So you are blessed.


Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you'll help them to become what they are capable of becoming.

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, wondering_one123 <enlightend_one123 wrote:

wondering_one123 <enlightend_one123 Re: What is it you want? Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 1:41 PM

I was pondering last night, during meditation, and i was thinking how everyone who i know that has Kundalini, their experiences with Kundalini are completly different. Steton, he said that his Kundalini increase his sex drive and made him or sexually inclined; Ken, he said that his Kundalini was extremly painful, and that it made him a monster; Salem, his Kundalini was also extremly painful, but he said that he managed to get wings, and talk to animals; and me, my Kundalini was wonderfull, it was pure bliss, and my kundalini gives me knowledge to any question i may ask, sometimes it gives me a straight answer sometimes it says "your path has been written in such a way that this answer will come soon, you must wait for it now, be paitient." and I cant but realize that everyone's Kundalini is different, it's like your Kundalini may allows you to use force lightning, wheras his Kundalini may allow him to use force heal. Everyone's

Kundalini is different, because i think everyone thinks different, thus the affect of their Kundalini will be different depending upon who they are.What do you think about this? tell me if you think im right or wrong.-Ashton. , "Chris_H" <chghes1 wrote:>> With what I like to call a seekers perception and this perception being highly subjective , I no longer see kundalini as an separate entity . I see it as a part of that I am and has always been , of course there can be no truth to this , as my subjective perception of truths can crumble to ruins .> > As so , i wish for kundalini to continue in open the gateways within me , in passage to that I am -Godhead , for me to say that

I even remotely understand what this passage entails and how many lifetimes it will consume would be absurd . > > > > What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from you? - lol - chrism> >>---

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What do I want from the kundalini? Initially I sought enlightenment,

self-realisation and ultimately divine communication. I still do. However I

find that I now see that objective in a different perspective and one that is

`evolving' constantly. In the first instance I was trying to find `me' and

`refine' myself to be that which I believe possible. With time, learning and

personal experiences that `evolution' has shown me how we are interconnected and

linked. In seeking those original objectives I find that my focus has expanded

from finding me in isolation, to trying to do it within the context of the

greater whole i.e. how best do I achieve it in conjunction with everyone else.

I accept that we all have different paths and, because of that, we will all

progress differently at different rates. However I find that while I am being

opened more and more to the wonderment of our being, and seeing sacrifice and

unconditional love in places I never saw before, I am also becoming very much

more aware of the ego-driven `holes' that so many people are getting themselves

in to, and I find that I am being `pushed' (for want of a better way to express

it) to help and guide others onto the correct track. The irony of it all is

that the more I learn and `know' the less qualified and worthy I feel to be able

to guide others who are well off track. I so want to help but also know that

they must learn their lessons without interference. It's a fine line and I find

myself struggling as to whether I should get involved or not. As a result I

tend to observe more but on some occasions the internal message and drive is so

strong that I feel that it is coming from somewhere so much higher and I cannot

hold back. So in summary – what do I want - I would very like to see everyone

(and I do mean everyone) become one with that divine source in every way.


Kundalini specific - I initially perceived the kundalini as the only gateway or

door to ascension and those objectives spelled out above. I now believe that it

is very much an integral part to the ascension process but by no means the only

path. I do strongly believe that the safeties as taught and advocated by chrism

are all-encompassing and should be followed irrespective of the kundalini path

or not. Re questions arising from my last comments I am following the kundalini

path. Blessings - Jonathan

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I want to be me..

I want to be the real me..

I want to be the man that i am destined to be..

I want to be whole..

I want to be one with the ONE..

I want to fulfill the promise, the purpose of my incarnation..

K ma wants the same from me..

She wants me..

She wants my body..

She wants my heart..

She wants my strenght,

She wants my soul..

She wants my whole being..


I give it to Her...





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What do I want? Good question!


I have thought about it. What I want is to be my full potential. I want to look

past the " supernatural " and get to a point where I see all of reality as it is.


I want to lose all of the lies. I want to be empowered to live as I am supposed

to live. I want all illusions to step aside so the fog clears and I am all that

I am.


I want to be in control of what I can be in control of. I want to love in the

deepest and realest way possible. I want to be a beacon of light to those that

are lost to help them find their way (If I am ever in a position in the future

as now I am not quite there)


I want to lose all unnecessary fear. I want the energy to flow freely through

me. I want everything!


In closing that is my answer. I want everything. =)


-Tiffany S


, " chrism " <>



> What do you wish to have from Kundalini? What do you feel Kundalini wants from

you? - lol - chrism


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I once thought I wanted a goal I had heard of called enlightenment.


Now I just want to ride the waves of love-bliss. Which includes being able to

discern them and to surrender to them when they come. To let the Goddess have

Her way and take me wherever She will, with no resistance from my illusory self,

to follow the journey wherever it goes without end. To seek out and boldly

place myself in transformative energy fields. To dissolve and transform and

dissolve and transform, each time growing lighter and Lighter....





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