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Service - Community comments please

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Happy to read you mentioned " Service " sparrow. Service is indeed one of THE most

important invitations for Kundalini development. As Kundalini is a conscious

action of divine loving transformation upon the five bodies of expression so to

is service a conscious choice and action of love for another person. It is

complimentary I feel. -









-- In , " ordinarysparrow "

<ordinarysparrow wrote:


> Namaste


> Hi Purple. . .


> it is in the wee hours and guess i have what Linda has. . . the last

> two nights have been sleepless. . .but i find the longer i live with K

> Ma the less need for sleep. . .so i end up enjoying the quite hours at

> night. . .


> so hope you do not mind my rambling abit. . . .


> Purple you sound like you are a sensitive and very receptive to the

> energetic world. . .i can relate to that also. . .and often pick up the

> collective realms, in the past week or so the energetic has been really

> intense. . . Purple have you noticed any differences or intensity

> recently " . . .it seems like there are many people dealing with entities

> and psychic attacks these days?. . .


> last weekend K Ma revealed some layers t that reminded me of what you

> said; " i am not good at protecting myself. " . . . can so relate to that

> one also purple. . . came to the same place where i just accepted my

> protection was to not shield but rather to get clear enough that when

> things came in it would just naturally be lifted and released. . .and

> for years that where i put my head space concerning protection. . .then

> this weekend K Ma showed the powerful shield of white light from

> within. . . as she showed, realized why shielding externally had not

> been effective. . .for She had wanted me to develop inward shield of

> infiltrating every cell with white light. . .so strong that it would

> make a brilliant white light mirror. . .then She showed when the white

> light is within it provides a natural mirror that both reflects and

> amplifies anything that is not of like spectrum (white light or love

> frequency) thus bouncing it back to where it came from. . . Purple once

> again i think shielding outside of the body was not right for me for K

> Ma was wanting me to take it inward to the very cells within the body. .

> .


> life became much easier with the realization energetically i functioned

> as a " poison sucker " and was open to the collective, for then i could

> get some objectivity and between the world and my own stuff. . .nowadays

> i can lay back and make a clear distinction between the world coming in

> and personal issues. . .and just let it pass through. . .several times

> this last couple of weeks i rememberd; " I need do nothing " from the

> Course of Miracles. . . and would just ask that K Ma move it up and out.

> . .Have often thought this is an aspect that is common to Kundalini Ma

> awakening, the receptivity of the collective, and know that once the two

> are distinguished it become easier when it is not all personalized. ..


> Purple here in U.S. there has been a lot of collective anger and fear

> that is coming to the surface and spilling over into the culture

> recently and wondered about the experience of others here in the group,

> and have just wanted to send a big hug, and say " this too shall pass " . .

> .and i trust that in the process of it all K Ma is using each child to

> bring clearing and release for the greater also as she transforms

> individually. . .imho. . . and it helps to remember this becoming " such

> as it is " is also selfless service. . .


> i was going to respond to Chrism's question about service, but there

> must be something engrained does not speak of those issues readily, but

> will say i truly think it is one of the most important aspects of the

> spiritual journey and K Ma. . .


> Purple blessings and love to you, and thanks for allowing me to converse

> with you for awhile through the wee hours. .


> love and light

> ordinary sparrow



> ,

> " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > namaste dear sparrow,

> >

> > love to you your awakening was tough , but it must have been in K'mas

> > plans , it made you strong, so you can go deeper, she knew you could

> take it.

> >

> > (**I don't know if what I live with and what I have become is K'ma or

> something else?, But I will use the name in my descriptions as in my

> heart it feels right:)**)

> >

> > got to agree with you about k'ma she for me is most definitely a

> snake!

> > she taught me how she moves in the blood sand and air , i'd see her

> spirals everywhere and in the end , (end??) we morphed together, we shed

> our skin and i was a snake.I am her and she is me with no

> separation.This is where my love of the reptilian lies, i am one now

> after all lol:)

> >

> > I have no love of channelling entities , I find a lot of them a bl@@dy

> pest to be honest , lol! I'm not good at protecting myself and to be

> honest I don't try to because if something happens I'm sure k'ma wants

> me to learn from this. If i block it then lesson lost.Being unattached

> to phenomena is certainly the way to be for me too it has been about

> being deeply deeply emptied.I don't need to know, that's perfect.

> >

> > he, he I just love the way you fish out my foibles sparrow.

> > I was describing a form of healing i was involved with years ago

> > but you described the one I have now that I got gifted when i became

> the snake lol yes I'd describe the one i have now as a poison sucker

> though the term is new for me.

> >

> >

> > much love

> > purple


> > >

> > >

> > > ,

> > > " purple_firefly111 " <purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > channelling, I have had voices talk through me, yes uninvited, yes

> > > without permission. I have now learned to block this.

> > > >

> > > > something Elekta posted about glowing red eyes made me think about

> the

> > > john of god energies.(which maybe toatally offbeat , but its just a

> > > silly rambling thought)Are the energies used of sanat and sanandra

> > > kumara. Sanandra being christ, jesus? The templars call these

> energies

> > > the twin dragons.don't go mad at me im just freethinking here but

> > > imagine if jesus was a reptilian!(i'll duck from the flaming

> pitchforks

> > > now!!)

> > > >

> > > > I once saw the goddess pele, she was a blasted big reptile with

> > > glowing eyes.

> > > >

> > > > Which brings me around to sparrows post:) maybe some reptiles are

> the

> > > good guys too.

> > > >

> > > > As I post this I can feel activity on my crown chakra, and a flood

> of

> > > love enter, the feeling im being given says don't fear the reptile

> we

> > > all have reptilian dna. we are one. Im enjoying the bliss feeling

> its as

> > > addictive as heroin, but yet my ego has its alarm bells ringing

> trying

> > > to warn the firefly.

> > > >

> > > > on a separate but similar thought , does anyone know what the form

> of

> > > healing im about to describe is named as no one talks about it?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Before I was involved with healing children that could not

> physically

> > > speak.I would hold inside of me their spirit (they were alive not

> > > dead!)and then they would be communicated with usually through

> > > kinesiology. Their problems would be worked upon while inside me,

> and

> > > then sent back. I have experienced many entitys leave the energy

> that

> > > was sent inside of me, most would fly off before they reached me and

> i'd

> > > feel the woosh scarper fast lol. Just wondered what it is called as

> I

> > > can still do it , just forgot about it until this post , he he!

> > > >

> > > > purple.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " chrism "

> > > @ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > I do not recommend this form as a way of interaction with

> Discarnate

> > > Entities. I do not even suggest having an interaction with

> Discarnate

> > > Entities. - lol! Yet there are those who do this and do this with

> some

> > > success though how that success is guaged is open to interpretation.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is a group of discarnates that may wish to be channeled to

> the

> > > group members here. The channel herself is having Kundalini symptoms

> and

> > > may need assistance. She gives permission to be taken over by these

> > > beings and I am somewhat concerned that others may see this as a way

> of

> > > activating the Kundalini.

> > > > >

> > > > > What do you as the community feel about this? I would be

> interested

> > > in your thoughts. - chrism

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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