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Multiple Readings offers new insights...

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Just want to suggest to all that you read chrism's articles and posts a number

of times. I carry them with me and read them over and over and always I see new

perspectives. I learn different things at different times. Each reading offers

me new learning as I am able to digest them.


We all learn at different speeds - me - I am a slow learner I need multiple

exposures for things to sink in and I am also a very visual lady - so reading

the words over and over helps me.


I have been doing this for the past two years and reading the articles is like

visiting with chrism. I hear his voice - the inflections - the tone - the

seriousness and his laughter. For those of us far away from out teacher it is a

nice way to say hello and make a connection.


Not all of us see or experience the chrism energetics as Deb does. That is a

unique experience for her. Some others may also see and experience the

energetics of chrism in other ways.


I just want the new members to know that this is not always the case. So we can

find ways to see and experience the teacher in our own unique ways.


For me it is through the writings. As an issue comes up I go to the writings to

find some information and I also search the posts. There is a wealth of info on

the site written by other members. It is the combination of chrism's words and

those of the members that gives me a more complete view of an issue.


I sometimes go to other sites yet I find they do not have the same appeal for me

as my own teachers words. To me it is like reading an instruction manual on how

to put the machine together- if I go to different manuals I will have one very

strange machine. But this is my method - you need to find your own way of



Enjoy the journey and read all you can by whoever resonates with you...



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