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Buddha Boy - parts 1-5

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My thoughts are a " threefold death " ...greed, attachment, anger, and hence

necessity as a collective one to walk the road to center= truth.






, " "

<> wrote:


> What are your thoughts?


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvpwk4iIDCA & NR=1

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR_GUrXpSZ0 & NR=1

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmivO5FpcKM & NR=1

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1wbUSBN48g & NR=1

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG45M4ORrWQ & NR=1


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Woops...was that you that posted these...Well thank you to you then

too...and again I reiterate ... Go Buddha Boy Go! (:



, " "

<> wrote:


> What are your thoughts?

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Boy could be a fraud or a genuine Yogi,God only knows.In India you feel you are

experiecing a miracle but  it is not so.There are some herbs known to Himalayan

yogis by consuming those you need not eat or drink for an year.If you read

Patanjali's Yoga sutra verse 31 chapter 3 ,by performing sanyama on

gullet/throat pit mastery over hunger and thirst can be obtained.Glands located

in throat pit secrete that causes sensations of hunger and thirst..Sayama on

glands situated near manipur chakra can enable yogi to have total control on

hunger and thirst. Some sadhus from Jain religion do not eat or drink for 40



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Kindly refer to chapter 46 of Autobiography of a Yogi.Giribala never consumed

food or any thing from age 12 years 4 months till her



--- On Wed, 26/8/09, <> wrote:




Buddha Boy - parts 1-5


Wednesday, 26 August, 2009, 6:50 AM







What are your thoughts?


http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=wvpwk4iIDCA & NR=1

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=gR_GUrXpSZ0 & NR=1

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=nmivO5FpcKM & NR=1

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=a1wbUSBN48g & NR=1

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=yG45M4ORrWQ & NR=1


















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I understand you are ref.Bhagvan Raman Maharshi?.................shrikant


--- On Wed, 26/8/09, jezzwhizz <jezzwhizz wrote:



jezzwhizz <jezzwhizz

Re: Buddha Boy - parts 1-5


Wednesday, 26 August, 2009, 4:55 PM









Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , shrikant phule

<shrikantphule@ ...> wrote:


Nan yar nan yar?

Where is not Buddha?


Oh what a beautiful Soul





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, shrikant phule

<shrikantphule wrote:


Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.









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>Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.<


He may have been drinking his urine as this seems to be a common

practice in certain parts of the world. There is a woman in my

building that drinks entire glassfuls and she has been doing it

for years, looks great and does not seem to age and is into

holistic healing of many people.


Best, Angelina





-- In , " jezzwhizz " <jezzwhizz



> , shrikant phule

<shrikantphule@> wrote:


> Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.




> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >


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Re: Buddha Boy


physical, emotional, mental ,spiritual bodies transcended,

does it matter if he used botanical means to achieve this?


I think that after a time there comes a secretion from the brain that travels to

the roof of the mouth and it is nourishment.Ambrosia..or soma i think it is

named? It causes the urine to be re-absorbed into the body. The bbc got some

scientists to hold a yogi in a lab for many months , and it was proven to be



Would this be the mythical philosophers stone?


It is a remarkable feat, but I wonder why do we still need to experience



I have discovered that everything we can say or do in the duality

of the physical is un- true! The moment we teach we fall again into duality. In

the end I learned maharishi gave up talking as

anything he said he felt it was untrue.


Truth is we are nothing..the nothingness of dark matter.


i watched this a few years ago, at one point he vanishes , disolves..

for me he became nothing, returned to the void.


He understood his nothingness and disolved it, then re-emerged again.

In his re-emergance he would have to reform himself again, from the multitude of

forms he knew he could have taken.


for us to understand it we simply have to have a slight shift of perception,

from seeing ourselves as a solid to seeing ourselves as matter from the dark



I often wonder if at that point we could transcend death , as it seems death is

the ultimate illusion.


My husband says death must come to us all,so i should set about making my peace

with my end but i can't deny within me is the dream of the death defier :)






> , " "

<@> wrote:

> >

> > What are your thoughts?

> >

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvpwk4iIDCA & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR_GUrXpSZ0 & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmivO5FpcKM & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1wbUSBN48g & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG45M4ORrWQ & NR=1

> >


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I agree with you.Such siddhis or psychic powers are obstacles in samadhi or self

realization.Kindly ref.verse 37 chapter 3 of



--- On Thu, 27/8/09, purple_firefly111 <purple_firefly111 wrote:



purple_firefly111 <purple_firefly111

Re: Buddha Boy - parts 1-5


Thursday, 27 August, 2009, 11:15 AM







Re: Buddha Boy


physical, emotional, mental ,spiritual bodies transcended,

does it matter if he used botanical means to achieve this?


I think that after a time there comes a secretion from the brain that travels to

the roof of the mouth and it is nourishment. Ambrosia. .or soma i think it is

named? It causes the urine to be re-absorbed into the body. The bbc got some

scientists to hold a yogi in a lab for many months , and it was proven to be



Would this be the mythical philosophers stone?


It is a remarkable feat, but I wonder why do we still need to experience



I have discovered that everything we can say or do in the duality

of the physical is un- true! The moment we teach we fall again into duality.. In

the end I learned maharishi gave up talking as

anything he said he felt it was untrue.


Truth is we are nothing..the nothingness of dark matter.


i watched this a few years ago, at one point he vanishes , disolves..

for me he became nothing, returned to the void.


He understood his nothingness and disolved it, then re-emerged again.

In his re-emergance he would have to reform himself again, from the multitude of

forms he knew he could have taken.


for us to understand it we simply have to have a slight shift of perception,

from seeing ourselves as a solid to seeing ourselves as matter from the dark



I often wonder if at that point we could transcend death , as it seems death is

the ultimate illusion.


My husband says death must come to us all,so i should set about making my peace

with my end but i can't deny within me is the dream of the death defier :)






> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " "

<@ > wrote:

> >

> > What are your thoughts?

> >

> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=wvpwk4iIDCA & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=gR_GUrXpSZ0 & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=nmivO5FpcKM & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=a1wbUSBN48g & NR=1

> > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=yG45M4ORrWQ & NR=1

> >



















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hi Angelina , my sister-in-law is Russian, and we had a conversation once about

russians drinking urine in georgia hospitals, they discovered inside urine

something named bacteriophages.She tells me that they have lost the funding so

this finding will be lost..


Bacteriophages are viruses that attach to the surface of bacteria and inject

viral DNA into the bacteria. Each infected bacterial cell produces multiple

copies of the virus which eventually burst from the bacterial cell, killing the



They reduced the urine to tablets.


What i find interesting about this is that nature through her wild pendulum

provides the answers to our puzzles of what to do when anti-biotics are



here is an animation model of the creature!

(hope this link works :))


I love to watch the structure of things, how it came to be , this looks like a

constellated flower of life to me, the male form that grows out of the female



I think in medicine we could find many new cures for our ills by studying the

stucture like this.


Colloidal silver too has this spikey constellated surface that pops the bugs...I

guess time will tell...






, " gypsyeyes_101 "

<gypsyeyes_101 wrote:


> Hi,


> >Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.<


> He may have been drinking his urine as this seems to be a common

> practice in certain parts of the world. There is a woman in my

> building that drinks entire glassfuls and she has been doing it

> for years, looks great and does not seem to age and is into

> holistic healing of many people.


> Best, Angelina

> -




> -- In , " jezzwhizz " <jezzwhizz@>


> >

> > , shrikant phule

<shrikantphule@> wrote:

> >

> > Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > �

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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, shrikant phule

<shrikantphule wrote:

>There are some herbs known to Himalayan yogis by consuming those you need not

eat or drink for an year.


This thought facinates me shrikant.I was once once drawn (dragged by spirit if

im honest:)) to a substance , not a plant from the Himalayas named shilajit. It

is produced in the mountain itself. I found it to be a form of colloidal earth ,

and i set about making my own.


Firstly I charged the water for one month in the moon, vortexing it and then

placing it in magnatite canisters.(the things i do for shakti lol)I knew it was

ready when a spiral of light appeared suspended in it.


then I put it into the earth and spin mixed it , what came up was a colloidal

earth. A bit rubbery in texture. It was amazing for growing

plants . Annuals didn't die in the scottish winter, and boy are we cold.

The plants were huge and wery vigourous with no illness. and i mean really



Imagine the real substance brought out of the himalayas itself.Where the

altitude builds in soma to the plants.


I have an e-mail friend, that has what he calls fire clay, it is native american

in origin and white colour. He took it to Africa to work with leprosy

victims. He has found this clay to have intelligence as it will cure

or amputate a persons limbs by its own choice!! He has pics of flesh and bone

regrowing, actually re_animating where there was a stump before...imagine

fingers re-growing...astounding no!!


could this be shakti as she lives and breathes within minerals..

I wonder...

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Yes Purple,I have read about few plants that have wonderful healing power.Once

an arm of a man was cut off in a jungle..He was running with his arm that was

cut off;when he met a tribal.He asked him to wait,Tribal fellow ran in the

jungle brought few leaves of a tree only he knew.He crushed those leaves applied

it to the the place where arm was cut.Within few hours the arm that was cut was

as if it was normal.No signs of stitces or any marks of injury remained.We dont

know the powers that exsist on this earth.Shilajit we get in India is to

revitalise physical powers sold by some nomads but it is bogus, not effective at

all;they sell it at high price.............................shrikant


--- On Thu, 27/8/09, purple_firefly111 <purple_firefly111 wrote:

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messege regarding drinking if nectar is from



--- On Thu, 27/8/09, gypsyeyes_101 <gypsyeyes_101 wrote:



gypsyeyes_101 <gypsyeyes_101

Re: Buddha Boy - parts 1-5


Thursday, 27 August, 2009, 6:42 AM









>Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.<


He may have been drinking his urine as this seems to be a common

practice in certain parts of the world. There is a woman in my

building that drinks entire glassfuls and she has been doing it

for years, looks great and does not seem to age and is into

holistic healing of many people.


Best, Angelina



-- In Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " jezzwhizz " <jezzwhizz@.

...> wrote:


> Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , shrikant phule

<shrikantphule@ > wrote:


> Many yogis can live by drinking the nectar in a hole in the palate by the

practice of Khechari Mudra. The body is maintained by drawing in cosmic energy,

or energy of the sun.




> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >



















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Wow Purple,

Would love to see this on youtube too!

So if you're ever up to vortexing under the moon again maybe you'll make a

video? (:(:(:(:(: And if your friend ever does please let us know!

Thank you - sounds beautiful!

Debs (:


, " purple_firefly111 "

<purple_firefly111 wrote:


> , shrikant

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Hey Debs , you'll never guess where i caught the moon beams for the water.... on

my trampolene lol


love purple..


updates of course..



, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Wow Purple,

> Would love to see this on youtube too!

> So if you're ever up to vortexing under the moon again maybe you'll make a

video? (:(:(:(:(: And if your friend ever does please let us know!

> Thank you - sounds beautiful!

> Debs (:


> , " purple_firefly111 "

<purple_firefly111@> wrote:

> >

> > , shrikant


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