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Introduction--Lorree from the L.A.Seminar with

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lorree000 <lorree000


Sun, 6 Sep 2009 17:11:10


Introduction--Lorree from the L.A.

Seminar with Chrism







Hello to this wonderful group!


My name is Lorree, and I am persently attending the L.A.seminar that is

teaching, and how beautiful it is with its unfoldment of each participant. I

hope that all of you at some time in the future, if you have not attended, get

an opportunity to attend this magnificent seminar...it is a wonderful

opportunity and a blessing to meet such a real heart-felt teacher, as is.


I was divinely guided to having gone through and going through the

Kundalini awakening. I had actually contacted a yoga community to get guidance,

once I figured out what was going on, then an e-mail arrived stating that a

" Kundalini " seminar was taking place. Divine guidance and orchestration...no



I think the active awakening has been going on a few months ago, but in

retrospect, I had many of the precursors for years prior and attempted to treat

it with different modalites such as Homeopathy and TCM (traditional chinese



My story is that I have been into metaphysics forever, a yoga therapist, do

alternative health with a variety of modalities such as Homeopathy, EFT, etc and

earn my living in more traditional healthcare. I intentionally did not see any

clients this year for alternative treatments, did not teach or go outside of

myself much, while I focused on my own healing, my own transformation (I did see

patients that are in traditional healthcare.






So I know alot in this realm, but it was not until I committed to spiritual

discipline with the Universal Spiritual Principles 10 mo ago, as reveals

to you all, that the transformation started to occur.


I was relatively new to the city, so I decided to just work and use the year to

really shore-up my spiritual foundation: I gradually started to get rid of TV

(now I really don't watch it), especially the news and the negativity that it

holds, started to consciously listen to only music that was spiritual and I was

drawn to, read only spiritual books, did not hang out with anyone that was into

drama and negativity, became connected with a spiritual center I resonated with,

started to take spiritual classes and learned how to pray(at the spiritual

center I attend) and seek spiritual guidance for my spiritual unfoldment, and

did a WHOLE LOT of FORGIVENESS WORK of SELF and others which opened up my heart

space/chakra. From this I was able to release my past, and really live in the



Well, with every big release of a negative belief systems that was either

picked up from family or culture or was Karmic in nature, I ended up receiving a

huge amount of energy (I did not know it was Kundalini at that time). I got

physical releases, big creative energy bursts and would write things that I know

came through me, and not of me. I got a very deep knowing, clarity of who I

really was, the Truth of my Being, a deep knowing/intution of certain things for

self and for others in my energy/healing field, and messages to some people from

Spirit...like I could see inside them...the blocks that needed releasing and

their gifts.


I had the tingling sensations that started in the pelvis and went around my

body (stopped mostly at the heart level) mostly the front of my body. My senses

became magnified, especially with hearing, sight, smell. Things just were

amazingly beaufiful. I understand the saying now " before I was blind, and now I

can see "


Unfortunately as I was not grounded...with this great feeling of ectasy, came

over 20 lb of weight gain, insomnia, decreased ability to deal with real life

stuff like bills, and increased body pain as I refused to SURRENDER to the

process, as I was scared and in fear, so had alot of resistance. Thus came the

blockages due to my own resistance.


So now I am coming back down to earth, becoming much more grounded in my

spiritual discipline, and I ebb and flow in and out the above intial awakening

symptoms, but says this is normal, as one reaches one plateau, getting

ready to expand to the next...


Now I am trying to get my DIVINE VISION, my purpose....what that is, what it

looks like, and how will I use this POWER given me to benefit others....


I can testify that if you follow the SAFTIES WITH THE UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES, you

will unfold in Divine time and order, with KUNDALINI lighting your path.


Peace and Blessings for a ease and grace in your awakening!


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