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Greetings Beloveds


The following is the full practice for

each of the seven days of Shaktipat.

Each day will also be posted individually.


Everyone can participate, even if you

are not involved in the actual Shaktipat.

Also remember that you will be experiencing

the Sitepat from the members as they are

involved this week, through the postings.


Have a blessed week everyone. And post any

questions or concerns.


Love, dhyana


The Pattern for the Week


One chakra per day starting at the base

of the spine and moving upward in a format

of Shaktipat and exercises practicing with

the chakra.

We start at the first.

Then the first and the second.

Then the first and the second and the third

and so on.


Please do not mix any other systems into this

period of time. Please follow the instructions

exactly. Do not be afraid and feel free to

ask questions along the way. -c


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Monday - WEST....Tuesday - EAST

(according to YOUR time zone)




Wear the color RED


*Chakra breathe into this first chakra 21 times,

three separate times on this day.

First chakra all day, burning and tingling at the

tip of the tailbone, pressure or heat, movement



Spin clockwise as in first Tibetan 21 times,

in three separate sessions, only this

Tibetan on this day, nurture this, open to this.


Meditate for no less than 21 minutes, or more if

possible, directly after spinning.


**Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess of your

choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken in you, No

less than three times per session, three times during the




*Chakra Breathing*


Chakra Breathing


Breathe into the areas where you know the chakras are. Base

of the spine, the navel or slightly below, the solar plexus,

the heart, the throat, " stay away " from between the eyebrows

and the top of the head with this technique. (Severe headaches

can come)


Touch the area or lightly pinch it and using that lasting

sensation,breathe into that point. As you breathe feel the

air come and go from your nasal and throat areas and

consciously transfer or double the sensation to where you

have touched or pinched the skin. This should feel as if

you are breathing from the point you have selected.


It is best to start from the base of the spine to the

throat. Bottom to top. Do not over do this and do not

spend too much time in one area. If you are going just

for the opening or energizing of a chakra this is

effective but the Kundalini can burst through if you

are too persistent. Be absolutely certain you are

prepared for this.


** Shakti Prayer**


Earth air fire snow

To the Goddess I now go

With my love I ask of thee

Release the holy fire in me

Release the holy fire in me

Release the holy fire in me



p e m a n e n t l y "


Repeat prayer three times.


* * * *


Second Day - Second Chakra


Tuesday - West.....Wednesday - East


Wear the color ORANGE


As we progress into the next area -

Creativity, sexual reproduction, joining with

the opposite, water, heat.


A First and Second chakra breathing 21 times each -

in three separate sessions for at least three times

per that day or night and add the second Tibetan rite

to the first. Three (3)separate sessions.


Meditate at least 21 minutes after each tibetan session .

Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess of

your choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken

in you, no less than three times per session.


All day focus on your first and second chakras see

orange and red and do actions and think thoughts of

security and creation or creativity. Feel the flow

like hot water in your spine not painful but a

definite presence.


* * * *


Third Day - Third Chakra


Wednesday - West.....Thursday - East


Wear the color YELLOW


Feel the power of the solar plexus. Focus on this

Add the previous instructions, three sessions of

chakra breathing into all previous chakras and adding the

third. 21 complete breaths each, three separate sessions.


For third day - Third Chakra stimulation - add the

third Tibetan to the first and second concentrating

on the first, second, and third chakras. Focusing on

the Fire and the connections in all creation. Feel the

connectivity with all creation. x three separate sessions

meditating for no less than 21 minutes, longer if possible,

directly after each Tibetan rite session.


Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess of

your choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken in you



* * * *


Fourth Day - Fourth Chakra


Thursday - West......Friday - East


Wear the color GREEN


Add previous instructions.

Focus on all aspects of Love

for self and others and God


On the fourth day - fourth chakra stimulation -

Chakra Breathing into the first, second, third,

and now the fourth,

21 complete breaths each, x three separate



Practice love, love of self of others of life of

connection or creativity of security bring love

into all the previous qualities. Add the color

green to your meditations and thoughts and



Add the fourth Tibetan to the previous three

and do them no less than three (3) times in

the twenty four (24) hour period.


Meditate for no less than 21 minutes directly

after doing the Tibetans. Prayer to Shakti or

a prayer to the God/Goddess of your choice

for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken in you,

No less than three times per session.


* * * *




Friday - West......Saturday - East


Wear the color BLUE


Add previous instructions.

Chakra breathe into 1,2,3,4 and now 5th chakra,

twenty one complete breaths for each chakra, times

three separate sessions. Focus on communication

with body, with soul, with Divinity.


On the fifth day - fifth chakra stimulation - Add

the fifth Tibetan to the preceding ones, three times

that day. Meditate for at least 21 minutes per

complete five tibetan session, x three.


The color is blue. The thoughts and actions are

those of all the preceding qualities plus the aspect

of communicating these qualities...to yourself to

others to God to life and creation.


Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess

of your choice for the blessings of Kundalini to

awaken in you,

No less than three times per session.


* * * *


Sixth Day - Sixth Chakra


Saturday - West....Sunday - East



Wear the color INDIGO or dark blue


Add previous instructions


Focus on Intuitions and Knowing,

receiving knowledge


On the sixth day - sixth chakra stimulation - do the

five Tibetans three times that day and meditate for

at least twenty one minutes directly after when done,

three separate times


Chakra breath all the five chakras and the sixth

chakra three separate times, 21 times


Sit in mediation and open yourself to reception.

Look up at the brow of points or right between your

eyebrows. Just allow the preceding energies to flow

there - don't force it allow it.


Breathe the *compression prayer.


Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess of

your choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken

in you, three separate times.


~ How to " s ~ One of the Safeties




Breathe in through he left nostril with right

nostril covered or blocked Breathe in with the

mantra for example " The love of Christ " or " Krishna "

" Buddha " or " Allah " or " I am one with the all that

I am " Find one that works for you but do not leave

out a recognition of God however God is to you.


Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times

upon the intake of the breath through the left

nostril. At the top of the breath, Hold and say

the mantra three times again. At the beginning of

the exhale switch nostrils by covering the left

and opening the right and exhaling through the right

with the mantra " the love of god " three times, timing

the sequence with a " love of God " at the beginning of

the exhale and the third one at the end of the exhale.

This also applies to the inhales.


Now with the left nostril covered and the right

nostril open,inhale with the mantra three times

through the right nostril. Hold say to your self

the mantra three times and then switch nostrils

and cover the right and exhale with the mantra

through the left nostril. This equals one cycle.

This is called Triangular breathing.


Looks like this:


(right nostril blocked)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ......

The love of Christ "


(Holding at top of breath)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ......

The love of Christ "


(Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling out

the right)

" The love of God...... .The love of God......

The love of God "


(Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through the right)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ......

The love of Christ "


(Holding at top of breath) Repeat

" The love of Christ " x 3


(Switching nostrils and exhaling through the left)

" The love of God " x 3


And so forth for 15 cycles to start.


* * * *




Sunday - West..........Monday - East


Wear WHITE or a crystal or nothing.


On the seventh day - for seventh chakra stimulation -

Three separate times just meditate as long as you can

eyes up, tongue up, fingers locked, and Breathe the

compression prayer and allow what is, to be.



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