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confused -JUDY -Checkin in and sharing

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This post served a decent sounding board for some of my experiences as

of late. Thankful for the post and grateful that I can share what is resonating

right now. Haven't been active but do stop in to read the posts now and then.

I'm glad to be checking in with the group. Much of what I'd like to share to

talk about only comes out when my communication is intended for a kundalini

reception. The energy of the kundalini, its clarity and healing effect,

accomplish a lot with our simple shares. It helps me to crystallize some if

chaotic or stormy energies into expression, and as always I hope that others

benefit from what I have to offer.


The love I feel is tremendous. It is a love that oversees many aspects

or dimensions of my experience. This perspective is a space in which

inner or personal experiences are acknowledged, collective or

relational personalities are given audience, and a bigger picture

containing all of the above is breathed in. The part of me, that which

I share, and my entire being are within the awareness of spirit. This

spiritual view is what moves me to share my experiences right now.

This intention is also a wish to consciously open to love and merge the

love that I am. For others on the path or for those who's intuition

serves them well, let us all receive this indescribable sense of love. I am,


in that we are all together. May we bring this boundless love to the surface to

put our shares into the highest contextual light.


The energy flows and sensations are always present in one way or

another, and they flux with my choices in collaboration with the

movement of life. I feel the transformation occurring every day. A

great deal of it results in the inward transmutation of suffering.

Much energy is invested in clearing away the cobwebs, and filtering the

confusion that stirs up from the body then out of the mind. It is the constant

inward movements or choices away from lower energies, always back to love right

here and now. This is my

life, here. The living awareness of self, of love.

Survival doesn't speak to the state of my spirit, but the heart and soul

I am nurturing. I understand the relationship between the soul, man,

and our evolution, their importance in becoming the spiritual man. At this

level I feel an evolutionary and biological shift, it is the wind in my sails

but more so a hurricane wind that is pushing the human being into a new order.

The evolutionary leap is felt, the compulsion for the body to let go, break down

the old, and allow a new order to emerge is overwhelming. It is an instinctual

feeling, but an illuminated perspective on our biology and life on earth through

the kundalini reveals the evolutionary step mankind is taking.


The unknown does conjure up the aspects inside that feel surrounded in darkness.

Energy vibrations come up into expression to

try and link into the world. Obviously, they are not representative of

my consciousness. This happens to all of us when our fears within

speak something, anything so our fear can get input on its illusions.

These expressions are like the innocent ploys we use in a relationship

to feel where a friend, loved one, or family members stands

emotionally. I feel so blind when these illusory roles emerge. All of

us can relate to this, and the feeling of dis empowerment that comes

with these expressions. We discover nothing in ourselves or others but

fear, some aspect of our being that isn't surrendered into the security

of what is. So many times I have said the opposite of how I feel

merely to know how opposite others feel in respect to their true

selves. These exchanges have been so painful over the years that I

have clogged my system with huge and unnecessary piles of stagnant or

blocked energy. Too much to process gets stuffed somewhere into the

mind and body, and their releases are jarring and frightening. I

ponder these extreme energies and how they are entangled with the

world, and it seems they are a part of what makes our world go round.

As this kundalini opening continues, I develop more and more

appreciation for the state of the world and how we all go through this

debris together. It is a desire of mine to help the world through

these processes and openings, to be a presence of unconditional love to

others as they let go of their pain. There is a part of me that wishes

to be more consciously involved in such a role or function, but I know

that by going through what I am going through I am helping others.



One size does not fit all. There is an endless stream of healing

modalities for even one individual's transformation. When individuals

are viewed as systems, communities, or cultures, our creativity has so

much inspiration for generating frameworks to work on humanity's energy. As my

eyes open more, I see in these subtle layers

miracles and magic. Blessings from the source come from so many

sources and find their ways through the layers and modalities into

groups and individuals. A divine intention becomes any and

everything to reach the expression of its will. Earlier in my

awakening experience these mysterious ways could terrify me and leave

me in awe at the same time. The balance of my system in expressing my

fears and joy was the dialog that spoke back to the mysterious way.

For those who are now entering the kundalini, my experience has been of

communicating with my self on the levels of fear or joy. Taking things

slow and benefiting from the experience of those who have gone through

it will help you to stay balanced. A balanced system will have healthy

communication with the kundalini and its ways. Going into extremes

will only create an extreme conversation about yourself, in regards to

your fears and joys. All the levels of our being will be explored, but

there is always a context for how our body, mind, and soul will play

the energy out. I cultivate my context through yoga practices and

daily activities like meditation and contemplation. We forge this context with

yoga practices,

spiritual concepts and frameworks, diet and exorcise, and the emotional

quality of our relationships. The safeties, or activities that keep us

balanced, prevent our energies from speaking to the kundalini when drunken with

low energy or blinded by the highs of awakenings or shifts. My insight into

the kundalini is from

direct experience, much gained through the suffering caused by my resistance and

attachments. The

healing modalities that serve to build strengths, cultivate talents or

abilities for service, and develop a rapport with others based on

unconditional love have been lost to me because for so long my body attracted an

approach to deal with my fear, anxiety, and confusion. The energy which helps

to free the system of fear, anger, and confusion can blind us from another

energy we are receiving, which is that of unconditional love.


When the kundalini begins to infuse the nervous system it illuminates

the divine gifts. This can can

be blissful and agonizing because our untamed ego is now at the helm of

the ship, even if it is blind, and there is an unconscious part of

ourselves that is siding with pure love and is at odds with the ego. This

aspect that is merging

continuously with the pure love of the creator is sabotaging the ego,

using the ego as a tool, and connecting vibrationally anyway it can

through the laws of physics to the mechanisms that will weaken the

false self so that love can get behind the wheel and drive. Your true self is

in joyous union with your brothers and sisters, working with them via vibration

and energy

dynamics, yet there is your ego in the front row in a grandiose

theater, alone, watching the epic story of its fall from control. A

divine comedy, indeed. There is something that I think and feel

inside, I tell myself over and over that all of us are in on it. All

of us are being guided by the higher self to clear the confusion and

suffering in ourselves and thus the entire planet. My ego is a frail

one, damaged, on the mend. It wants to breath life into non-sense

everywhere it looks. It even wants to see things that aren't there in

the communication. But on spiritual or psychic levels, where we

communicate vastly greater amounts of information, I perceive an

amazing harmony. There is a partnership between all humans, and for kundalini

awakening and awakened beings it is quite powerful. The

quantum entanglement communicates information for guidance through

divine intuition and inspiration. Because of the nature of our psychological

journey in the kundalini,

and the evolutionary implications it has on the human being, a strong bond

forms. Through just one person, the kundalini can reach the planetary scale.

Then the planetary scale responds

with spiritual communities, modalities, and healers who work as a team

on the individual. Why oh why can't I just get out of my own way and begin to

help others get out of their own way?


My kundalini awakening has brought so many experiences into my life

that I could never fully describe them all in their impact,

synchronicity, and message. Huffing and puffing in the past, I have

blown my house down. When taking on a challenge or moving

fearfully down unfamiliar territory, steps have materialized before my

feet as I walked. Roads, street corners, and cities appeared out

of a flash of light to give a world to my pain so it can be freed.

From my old way of life, I

would not hold out my hand for help and suffer the humiliation of

seeing that no one cared enough to reach down and help me up. In fact,

I would probably scurry forward on the ground with the tense bodily

expectation of someone about to kick me. It probably saved me from a few

lonely instances or kicks to my bottom in highschool, but I don't want to think

about all the times people gathered around me to lift me up

with their love but only saw a scared little thing running or crawling



What I really want to say and how I want to say, based on kundalini 's effect on

my thought processes and communication skills, must be filtered and generalized

into something that makes me coherent in my day to day. What I want to say to

others is impossible because they are not there to hear my expression. This

spiritual process is important to me but there isn't anyone in my life who

understands the kundalini. My kundalini awakening is an important aspect of my

life, and these years that I could be growing are passing me by.


The experience gained through the kundalini, and its energies, like compassion,

are of great value to personal transformation and human evolution, in my

opinion. What was it like for anyone who has ever gone through something rare,

mysterious, and life changing like this, but couldn't find a way to share the

knowledge of your experience and how it may help others.? How did you eventually

attract a world into your life that honored your process and provided an outlet

for your gifts?










Tue, October 20, 2009 4:35:30 PM

Re: confused -JUDY



I will suggest that you go with your own inner feelings and intuitions. For your

clarity discern " how " you are feeling. Are you feeling evil or like you wish to

hurt another? Are you feeling good and loving or that you wish to help people?

" By their fruits shall you know them " is a good measuring device. The fruits in

this case would be your feelings as you experience the changes brought about by

what I feel is your Kundalini.


Those who have accepted certain doctrine within an organized religious structure

with a very specific interpretation of -in this case Christianity- may guide you

from levels of fear or distrust or of what their interpretation of the bible

they may feel is telling them. It isnt always fear or mistrust as I am using

certain bible teachings within this post but sometimes advices can be given in

fear based ways.


This may not apply to you as one size does not fit all in the individual context

of the Holy Fire (Kundalini) infusing the person. These sensations are not

necessarily to be classified as " spirits " or " entities " as the feelings and

sensations of a tactile quality can be brought about by the transformations

given to a person from the Holy Mother(sacred female).


These are " tactile " sensations meaning you will FEEL them on the body and inside

of the body. It is a strange and unknown experience and people are often given

into fear, first from external sources and from within as their reality becomes

challenged by experiences that are not accepted as normal or validated by



A dark area of " the unknown " ignites these fears and we reach out to whom ever

and where ever we can find ANY information regarding our situation.


I am going to give to you what I see occurring for you Judy and you will need to

run it through how you " feel " your experience is manifesting for you.


Due to Pranic Healing techniques and the openings that are created thereof some

entity contact and attachment can occur. This is why I do not give support for

these continued practices as yes this can get more and more involved with more

and more entity or (spirit) attachment. Once the door is opened....lol!


For you though I do feel this is a " Kundalini environment " that is being

created. Therefore even though within that environment yes you may have entity

contact you will also have contact with the very strong divine forces that

accompany and comprise the Kundalini Awakening experience.


So in this context -


No you are not being possessed by Satan.

No you are not being possessed by spirits.

No you are not being deluded or deceived by any one or thing outside of well

meaning friends, family or individuals who do not have information or authentic

personal reference for what is happening for you.


Yes you are having tactile energetic experiences.

Yes you are having an experience that defies belief and validation from almost

everywhere in society.

Yes you are being transformed.

Yes your reality and your expectations of reality are being challenged by the

Holy of Holiness.

Yes inside of this transformation you will grow closer and stronger and with a

far greater intimacy to that divinity within you.


But for your initial concerns Judy I suggest that you be consciously aware of

how you are, and how you feel, and what you think, and why you think it! Let

these become your tools of discernment. Let the enhanced moral guidance give you

new eyes. Yes bring your questions to us here in your Kundalini community. Yes

bring your experiences and bring your gifts of advice and understanding and



We are here to help eachother.


As you progress into your special transformation you will be given many diverse

and unusual tactile and emotional, visual and audio experiences that are not

explained by science and that are not received well by organized religion.


Even so go with your trust and love and honesty and integrity. Not fear. More

often than not we are given the gifts of the divine as individuals not as

organizations. Surrender to your exaltation Judy and let us enjoy the beautiful

path of the mountain together! - blessings, joy, love and a new vision. - chrism


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , junneau wrote:


>I am sooo confused.










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