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Bird Situation

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This was really erie. Today when I went out to go to the store, it was unusally

quiet out there. Haha! No bird had pooped on my car. I looked around and there

was not a bird to be seen or heard anywhere. I drove through the neighborhood

and I still did not see even one bird. There were lots of butterflies, though.

No bird at all. I did not see one until I came close to Walmart and then only

saw a couple. Around Walmarts and the Mall there is usually tons of them. When I

went for a walk later, there were a few here and there, nothing like it had

been. Did writing the post last night cause them to stopped congregating in my

front yard? Another weird thing is I have another bad headache today. I have not

had one since early summer when the bird thing started. I woke up this morning

with stingings all over my body, like I was being stung by bees. Did anyone get

stung by bees this monrning?





, " danceswithcats999 "

<crazycats711 wrote:


> Thanks you so very much Deborah, I like your real name. All that you are

saying in yoour post resonates with me a lot. I have lot of dreams that have to

do with children,too. It would probably be safe saying at least half of them are

about chilren. The same with the OBEs I use to have a lot..most of them were

about children. All my physical life has been about children actually. My

dealings with them have been the most important part of my life. I have always

been a worry wart about one of them chocking. That would be the greatest of

horrors to me. I think some of that fear has rubbed off on my daughter too,

because she is also concerned with everything being a choke hazard. It is

something that is always on her mind like it is with me. Mother like daughter.



> Some of the visuals that come up in dreams are really amaging.


> I had a long OBE one day about 20 minutes long and the time in the astral was

a couple of day. I visited my astral home. You would not believe how many

children I have there of all ages. It made me think of the nursery rhyme about

the old woman who lived in a shoe, had ao many children she did not know what to

do. It wasn't like that in my astral home though. I had this hugh house that was

built with children in mind. It was very child safe and loads of fun things for

them to do. Even the floors were made of this soft cushioney material, so that

if one the little ones fell off the bed or whatever it would not hurt. I walked

into this one room and this little baby who loved to climb, had climbed all the

way to the top of the climbing wall. In the climbing room the floor, the walls,

and all there was made of bouncy material. If she had slipped and fell while

climbing she would have just bounced around a bit. She was having a blast, doing

what she loved most.


> It would take several pages to write about that whole OBE trip. I have never

written it all down, but it is all still there in my mind, just as if it

happened yesterday.


> I think I do know now what the meaning of the phone thing was all about.

Thanks for writing this post and telling about your experinces, it has help me

in undetstanding my dream much better, Deb.


> I especially enjoyed that about your higher self's sense of humor. I take it,

that it is our higher self that creates all these funny and scarey visuals and

such in our dreams.


> Anyways, this astral home visit is my favorite dreamtime experience, although

the one where I flew right through that cow's head was great, too. Both of them

ended with me seeing my higher self or astral self. Not real for sure which it

was or if they are the same thing. I know my high self looked much like a dream

self of me as a native healer for my community in another dream. I think that

may have been a pasted life dream. I am not for sure of that either though.




> I have been having a problem with the birds in my neighborhood most of the

summer and even still going on. They are using the limb right above my car as a

rest stop or should I say my car as a rest stop. Hehe! It doesn't matter where I

park. If I move over to the other side of the driveway, they use the limb above

there. A couple of weeks ago I got this idea to throw a tennis ball up into the

tree to get them to move on somewhere else. There are plenty trees around that

are not right over a person's driveway. One night I threw the ball up and it

never came back down. We have had several windy days since, but still no sign of

that ball.


> Anyways, that next day was a rainy day, and everytime it stopped raining that

day the birds came and pooped. Between rains, I washed the car off 3 times that

day and the next morning, it was horrible. I think every bird in town came and

pooped my car.


> A couple of nights ago I dreamed about throwing that ball up into the tree and

when I did it turned into hundreds of little snakes that fell all over me. Hehe!


> I have ask the bird in a nice loving way to do their pooping somewhere else

and sent them loving thoughts. I think it all began that day when I had a bad

headache and all the birds, thousands were all gathered around my house in the

trees and bushes, everywhere and they were soooo loud, it was making my head

hurt worse. It was like that movie of long ago, " The Birds " . It was a little

scarey, because most of them where those loud black birds. I went out and

clapped my hands and screamed for them to go away, but they would not. I went

back inside and coverd my ears and cried.


> I am trying not to let paranoid about this get to me, but it still seems like

I am being cursed. First the creature cat visits, then dogs attacking, and now

this with the birds! I have cut several of my bushes down and thinking seriously

of cutting down my trees, at least the one that is near my driveway. But it is

really the neighbor's tree that covers my driveway the most, so it probably

would not do much good. There has to be something to this, when James parks his

truck in the driveway right next to my car, they never poop on his truck.


> The bird poop near the end of summer, when everything was so dry, was like

gloobs of yellow glue, it was very hard to get it to wash off.


> Bird pooped all over,

> Linda


> , " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi Linda,

> >

> > Wow...I too get these kind of dreams...I suppose only you can feel what

resonates with you but I'll share some of what I now notice in my dreams. I get

a lot of children that I always am taking care of.


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