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Hello Group

I'm new here and I want to ask about a experince that I had back in 2000.I hope

to share other experiences also.

I had been deep in prayer over if I would be chosen to adopt a baby who was a

patient of mine and was a ward of the state( I used to be a Pedi. Nurse.) After

getting up from my knees and turning around I saw 2 golden glowing balls of

light, one on top of another about 2 to 3 inches apart. As I stared at these

they then changed form each into an arrow and they began to move down the wall

near the ceiling, they traveled down that wall and turned and traveled down 2

walls through the kitchen and then back down a wall into the living room(these

2 rooms connect in a L shape). I had a photo of this child hanging on that wall

that they last went to and they went into the picture frame and sat there

glowing and I stared in amazement, Then the golden arrows turned to black and

they left.

Well, the child was not given to me, but to another couple whom had also applied

for him.

Anyone here offer thoughts on this?

Shanti, Pamela

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