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Stage Fright during Yoga??

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I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this phenomena!?


I am in the middle of yoga teacher training right now. I've even given a few of

my own classes prior with co-workers that have gone swimmingly. However,

something new popped up during last night's class where I was to perform the

easiest of poses (for the first time in this class) Mountain pose to a partner

in front of the rest of the group who sit and watch. Mind you this issue never

popped up during my yoga teaching with those that I've worked with so far. So I

can only guess that it's due to all teacher eyes on me without them

participating as well. As I started to go through the mountain pose last night

my body started to shake almost uncontrollably. You know that fear you feel if

you almost get in a car accident and your body just shakes. It felt like that.

But I couldn't find any conscious reason for it. So for it to occur and me not

to be able to control it was upsetting to me. Hence why I then rushed right

through the pose. I started to notice it almost go into my voice. This is all

new to me. I couldn't believe how intense it got so fast! Has anyone experienced

this before with you?


In times past if I have all eyes on me my face may get red (even if I'm not

embarrassed!). So again a hint to what occurred last night.

Maybe a past life regression or hypnotist can help! :) I want to make it through

this year-long training and the asana's without having to stop due to

uncontrollable shaking. lol! (That would be funny though. Okay maybe not at the

time.) I've given small classes for years so maybe this is why they've always

remained small??


Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!




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