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RE: Re:my intro and quest for the Greater Kan and LI - Alexander

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First let me say thank you to everyone who took the time to read my story and

reply with insight and words of encouragement.


I would also like to say thankyou for the sites with the information, I am in

the process of reading the safty one.


This is good information because, was right, the awakening that Glenn J.

Morris had was a Very Difficult awakening.


In response to the question of am I also doing the Budo.


The truth is I have been seeking to be taught by the proper teacher, the

martial art that is known as, " Hoshin Budo Jutaijutsu " .



Not Hoshin Roshi Ryu, because this branch has strayed from the Esoteric side of

Martial Arts in favor of focusing mostly of the physical side of the Martial



I wanted this martial art knwon as, (Hoshin Budo Jutaijutsu), because it

focuses much more on the Esoteric side of martial arts and the far east.


And also because it not only speaks and teaches about the Lesser and Greater

Kan and Li, but it also requires one achieve the lesser and greater Kan and Li

in order to achieve certain ranks.


In other words, " NO One " , moves up beyond a certain rank in the system until

they have achieved the Lesser and Greater Kan and LI.


I searched around, and after a long time discovered a man who teaches, " One on

One " classes in this martial art who is about an hours driving distance by car

away from me. I thought, " This is the kind of mentor I have been looking for " .


Unfortinatly, because I am not and never have been a liscensed driver, and

because my jobs have always been minimum wage jobs I have never had the means to

get to this man.


I have also sought out a master of Ninjutsu as I thought this martial art

taught a lot of Esoteric techniques in it.


After searching long and hard I discovered someone with a low profile who

taught this art locally. However when I went to enroll in his class he refused

to accept me as a student and would not give me a direct explanation as to why.


Not only would he not except me as a student, he had one of his top students

order me to leave before class began because he did not want any spectators.


I even sought after a local teacher of, (Taoist Esoteric Yoga), but

unfortinatly the closest teacher seemed to also be about an hour away by car.


Glenn Morris and Jou Tsung Hwa were my main inspiration for these as they led

me to beleive that you need to know the right techniques if you were to awaken

your healing energies, your body, mind and spirits highest energies, and

progress upward to the highest state of enlightenment.


I got some of Mantak Chia's books on Taoist Esoteric Yoga, but I found them to

be very hard to understand.


Another person refered me to the books written by, " Tom Brown Jr. " . I read his

book, The Tracker, The Vision, The Journey, and picked up some knowledge from



He was a little more up my ally for learning from books.


What I mean is that he wrote a lot of his books in a story manner which was

very inspiring and yet included the lesson's both in techniques and also in

philosophy into the story at the proper times after he told of how he discovered

the lessons. He also mentioned how effective the lesson he learned.


For some reason most written instructions have been very difficult for me, but

when someone writes a story with great inspiration and includes the lessons in

the story at the right times, it almost seems like the story is comming to life

and speaking directly to me. In other words, it is like the story then becomes a

living Guru and speaks to me


Another author that inspired me on my quest for the Greater Kan and Li is the

author, (Ram Dass), who wrote the book, " Remember Be Here Now " .


From his book I truly learned an important lesson I could not seem to learn any

other way. That lesson was to learn to live in the present time and yet not be

dragged down by the desire for instant Gratification.


In other words I have learned to live in the present, not in the past or

future, yet at the same time to be patient enough to be in it for the long run,

not just the quick and easy results.


This has helped me to keep focus and in so doing has Greatly helped me on my

Quest for the Greater Kan and Li.


is right I need to work on forgiveness much more. One of the things I

had become very good at was forgiveness.


However when I had my time of falling from Grace, I became a strong Grudge



I am currectly working on this and am happy to say that as I re learn to take

control of my emotions I am relearning to forgive others unconditionally,


Not only am I relearning to fogive, I am also relearning to take control of my



By learning to take control of my life I do not mean I am becomming more

selfish, what I mean is that I am learning to break free from my oppresive EGO.


This was and still is very important because one thing I have learned is Anger

and refusal to forgive only keep a person in pain and this is not good for

anyone trying for the greater Kan and Li.



However I still have a way to go on the emotional front concerning overcomming

my fears... But I am convinced that Faith, Love and Will are the keys to

overcomming my fears.



I am also working on getting back into shape because Glenn J. Morris claims the

negative side effects of the Great Kan and Li are less intense if one is in good

physical shape.


If I were to describe my present situation of first seeking the Greater Kan and

Li then the highest state of enlightenment.


I would describe myself as the Fallen Angel Empath type.


In other words, I feel that something was happening and I was doing real well

in my late teens and early 20's but at some point I allowed myself to get

distracted and in so doing caused my wings to be cliped.


But I never lost my ray of hope, I know I am still alive and that if I try hard

enough I will surely get back to were I was and get even further than before and

yet be stronger on that path than ever before.


I have set this in motion and it is happening slowly but surely.



I need to make more time to meditate and need to meditate more deeply so to



I have found that I meditate best when I start out using deep and slow

breathing into the lower abdomen and then gradually allowing my breath to become

more shallow and in so doing I lose conscience of my breathing while meditating

and seem to gradually, but surely go deeper into my meditative state.


Does anyone else use this kind of technique? Is it normal to breath not only

slower but more shallower as you relax more into the meditation?


I am curious, has anyone in here tried Mandalla Therapy for achieving higher

levels of the Greater Kan and LI, AKA the permanent Kundalini Awakening?


Does anyone know of anyone who practices anything like what is mentioned in

this e-mail or this that lives in the city of Bradenton, Florida?



I thank everyone for their time and for any information.



Be thee well and in peace,


Alexander Michalski














> Sun, 8 Nov 2009 11:27:50 +0000

> Re:my intro and quest for the Greater

Kan and LI - Alexander


> Ah yes Glenn Morris. I liked him as he was a personable fellow. Are you also

doing the " Budo " Alexander? I have both his books as well but for me I couldnt

get too much out of them as I am not a martial artist. Though many have indeed

received much from his writings and I do honor them and his service as he did

very similar service as what I do.


> His was also a very difficult awakening.


> Nice to read that you honor him and his teachings.


> Yes as others have suggested I would immediately begin a firm practice of the

safety protocols. Daily. I will also suggest that you do not " force " the greater

Kan and Li as this isnt an energy that rewards people in very comfortable ways

when it is forced.


> Keep the tongue up and the eyes up when meditating and your other protocols

are good Alexander. Nice going in your surrendering to the inner communications

and keep this up as much as you can and indeed increase it when you can.


> Bring more depth and time commitment into your meditations. Bring an awareness

of service and love for all creation into a strong expression in how you work

with others and how you interact in your social and physical environments. These

practices will combine to bring you more of a reception into the areas of

phenomena and also will begin to propel you out of the " need " to have phenomena.


> For you my friend some work on the emotional body is being called for. Dr

Morris didnt teach this so much as I recall. I will invite you to work on your

emotional body and its dynamics the same way you would work on your physical

body but by using the " art of forgiveness " as the approach vector.


> I will also suggest that you work on your fears using similar mechanisms.

Fears can be faced. They can be faced with the love of the knowledge that they

are indeed a form of communication to you from the conscious force of the

greater Kan and Li.


> Yes this force is a solitary consciousness composed of dual forces and it will

and does communicate as you have experienced.


> Not always in words but in symbols and situations that are engineered in

giving a person the opportunity to experience something that is needed by them.

Seeing " shadow people " is a good example. This teaches a person to begin the

realization of the existence of other realities that combine within this one.

This can be very important as the eyelids are removed and we begin to interact

with the multiverse in ways that are far more diverse than is currently the

unawakened human standard.


> Reads to me like you are off to a good start Alexander! Keep going and keep

exploring! - blessings to you. - chrism













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