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Kundalini dreams

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Hi everybody. I want to share my dream experiences and hopefully get some

feedback. A couple of days ago I had a dream about crocodiles. It has been at

least over a month since I see them in my dreams. This time I flipped out and

did not find the courage to grab a hold of one. They were chubby little babies.

Anyways, soon after I was dreaming that I was on my couch sleeping and Kundalini

was being activated. I did what I could to surrender. I remember seeing the

diagram of a human body with a crocodile inside with all the chakras. Then the

scenery changed and I was in a dark alley. At a distance, as I walked, I saw a

white snake. It was still. Then I started walking back but turned around to

growl at it so it wouldnt follow me. This is when the white snake was starting

to dance. Coiling up and down...possibly with another snake. But the thing is I

started to walk back again and it just dashed towards me. I was afraid of being

bit so I jumped to the air and started flapping my arms to elevate myself in to

the air. This is when the snake just rose from the ground up to were I was

passing right through me. The white snake had a red beanie in her mouth. (I had

been looking for my red beanie all day) After this, I woke up, really exited

that I had such a cool kundalini dream. At some point during that same dream I

was also in this setting where me and 3 friends were sitting outdoors on a

bench. A miniature white tiger walked by as we were conversating. I just stared

at it and felt happy. Then some sort of flower, or bush, came by floating in the

air as we all stared. It went up to my friends face, gently. She exclaimed...Oh

my god this is beautiful! In a tone filled with innocence. We all started

laughing incredibly hard. Well, that was my first set of dreams that day. Upon

waking up, I chose to fall back asleep. This time I was dreaming that I was

asleep on my couch and somebody knocked on the door. I went there in my boxers

and semi opened the door. This creepy lady wanted to push her way through in to

my place. I was out and did not let her in. I locked the door inconspicuously as

I stepped out to talk to her but as I tried closing it she held it open. Her

energies were super strange. I was scared. This lady was imposing and

overpowering and I did not feel like being manipulated. I looked in to her eyes

and realized she only had one eye! The thing is it would switch from one eye

then she would move it to the same and become two eyed again. I was horrified.

This is when I pronounced a mental shout out to archangel Michael to keep me

safe. From the oustide of my apt. I looked out and saw an elephant walking by.

The elephant had a drawing of a human embryo on its thigh. So apparently me and

this creepy lady started heading over there. I then realized I had a black dog

on a leash. Any idea what this lady is? A superhuman...or some sort of entity?

Its not the first time that people who do maintenance for apts. come in two my

dreams with creepy, imposing, and manipulative energies. Last night it was that

lady and before that it was some guys from the light department. Okay, so that

was that day. Right now, I just woke up after having kundalini dreams again!

This time it was just me on the couch. I had passed out after doing some

kundalini prayers. In my dream I was lying down feeling K in my base chakra. In

my dream I continued to pray and surrender. I told the Goddess to make its way

through my body. It sure did! This time I totally surrendered and was very

determined to go through it all. I felt the snakes coiling upwards within my

body. It went for 3 rounds. After it would stop I would pray and surrender for

more. I think I even prayed to the virgin mary. It was intense! I had never had

Kundalini working on my body for that long. So apparently, a kundalini awakening

is comming very soon. Am I right about this? I have also been having dreams

about eggs and native americans blowing fire. One of the eggs had 33 freckles in

it. And the other night in my dream I simply woke up from sleeping to head in to

the kitchen of my first house. There I saw my mother and the maid who worked

for us. I reached in to the cabinet and broke an egg accidentally. Please let me

know what you have to say about all of this. I am kind of confused as how to

fully activate my K.Surrendering works...but I have a feeling maybe I should do

more to make it rise on my own. Ideas,comments, anybody? Thank you very much. I

know its a long post.

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