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Astral Projection Troubleshooting

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Hey everyone,


Since the K awakened in me last spring, I seem to be having a reoccurring

problem with my exits when I try to astral project. This morning I experienced

the same thing but it was a little bit more dramatic.


Basically what happens is, when I try to make an exit, the gravity from my

physical body seems to drain all the energy from my astral body. That's why I

try to get out of the room as quick as possible so I do not experience any

interference and can have a successful projection. If I want to draw energy to

my astral body at a later point to make the experience clearer, I use Robert

Bruce's technique to look at my astral hands until they start to melt. This only

works if my astral body is far enough away from my physical body.


Lately what has been happening is as soon as I exit, I immediately loose all my

energy until I can't move and just drop to the floor, or I just get shoved back

in my body. This morning I fell forward and had enough energy to leave the room.

As soon as I started to move forward to leave the room, I felt like something

literally just yanked me and threw me back in my body. It almost feels like I am

being quarantined or something. When I got back to my body I saw a weird blob

out of the corner of my eye but I am not sure what it was. I did not get the

feeling that it was something negative.


Any ideas of why this is happening or any possible solutions? Its been going on

for months now. However, during the summer I did experience a few clusters of

pretty heavy experiences in the astral, and a possible initiation I think at the

Akashic records, but those were spontaneous, like I didn't actually try to have

those experiences, they happened on their own.




- Matt

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I don't have much experience with conscious astral projection, but here are some



What is it you seek on the astral plane?


Perhaps you are trying too hard. If K wants you to stay in your body for

whatever lessons you currently need, then stay in your body you will.

Struggling against Her would be unwise. I'm not saying this is the case - you

need to determine this yourself. Perhaps pose some of the questions you ask in

your post to yourself inwardly, addressing them to the Goddess within. Then

keep a journal of your thoughts and revelations and see what answers She



If the draining of energy that you speak of is carrying over into your physical

life, I would recommend you either take a break or try a different approach.

Ask Shakti why it is happening, keep on practicing the safeties, and see what

answers arrive.


Ask for guidance; ask for help. Be sure to direct your requests to Shakti or

others who would work only for your highest good. Then relax and be patient.


To me, frustration and a sense of struggle, along with draining of energy, are

signs that my approach is not in harmony with whatever (the K, the Universe, the

Tao, etc.) and that it is either not the right time or I need to look at

different angles.





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Thanks David,


The energy draining that I am talking about has to do with the gravity of the

physical body to the astral body. When your astral double splits from the

physical body supposedly there is a cord that feeds energy into into the astral

double. This allows you to move and fly around etc... When you hang around too

close to the physical body sometimes this causes interference with that flow and

not enough energy goes to the astral double, so then basically it eventually

causes the astral double to loose energy until your consciousness goes back to

your physical body. It does require a certain amount of energy to astral

project, but unless you spend really long periods of time out of body it does

not seem to cause any problems with energy draining in normal life.


Recently there have been a few things I wanted to accomplish out of body, so I

thought it would be appropriate to get back into my trance practice.






- Matt

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