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: Welcome to .

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Welcome Scott! You are in good hands here. I can relate to your symptoms and you

sound like you are on a good path for now.







scott perkins <scottmushman


<-owner >

Wed, December 9, 2009 2:06:10 PM

Re: : Welcome to . Visit




Hello to the group!  Thank you for allowing me to join. My name is Scott and I

am 42 years old.  I live in Washington state on an island near Seattle.  I have

been studying ancient mysticism for 9 years now (on and off), and the book that

set all of that in motion for me was " The Children of the Law of One and the

Lost Teachings of Atlantis " .  I finally found my truth through that book and it

cleared up a lot of b.s. about all of the religions of the world. That led to

many other esoteric readings and soon found myself studying some pretty out

there stuff. To make a long story short, I filtered all of the information

through my intuition and Love and my path is clearly cut for me.  About two

years ago I experienced a very traumatic event in life which forced me to live

in isolation for a period of time with nothing that I knew of comfort or safety.

I was required to be around a lot of people on a daily basis ( I am usually very

hermit-like), and all

of this started to break me down to a core level. I was in prayer a lot, just

asking for help to get me through this nasty time. I had also been meditating

much more intensely at that time, especially doing chakra-color visulization

techniques. One day during this excercise, when I began at the root chakra with

red, I felt a pulse of bliss like energy radiate out from that area and permeate

my entire being. I took the next breath and moved up to the sacral, orange and

the same happened but even stronger.  I was in a group meeting at the time and

was afraid of going any further for fear of making a fool of myself in front of

everyone. I knew if I took another breath of this excercise I would not be able

to handle the energy and would probably lose it. So I stopped it.  I was able to

control the energy.  The rest of the day I felt so happy and more complete than

I ever had before. I've never been able to get back to that again. My life had


soon after that and things just went back to normal. I have always had a rhythm

of being active with spirituality and then going into worldly pursuits. I have

always done this stuff alone and have never joined a group of any sort.  I

believe that I experienced a very mild form of K. awakening. Can anyone verify

this experience as being K.? I live by the " safeties " naturally, it is part of

my spiritual path to do so. Any chance I can be part of the upcoming solstice

scattercast?  Again, my gratitude for finding this site and a chance to evolve

as we are meant to do.


Love and Light,








<-owner >


Tue, December 8, 2009 6:29:22 PM

: Welcome to . Visit today!



Welcome to the group


Hello and welcome! Please give an introduction of yourself to the group and if

you feel comfortable doing so mention your interest or an experience you have

had with regards to the Kundalini.


My name is Christopher Mitchell or chrism.


I am not a Swami or a Rajah, Saint, Reverend, Pastor, Monk, Priest, or any other

exalted individual. I do not claim knowledge of the writings of any ancient or

sacred text. The information received is gifted by the expanded awareness of the

Kundalini. I'm a person without social portfolio. I live in the US and work

amongst the masses.  I teach the Kundalini and activate those who clearly are

ready. So anything I write is just another opinion on your path. The opinion of

a friend and a brother. - blessings and welcome to you my friend - chrism 




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