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12-18 Dream

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Thank you so much Denny and - both your letters really touched me

and brought me immense comfort. This is a great help for me, as I needed the

help in understanding what is happening. I am finding that all of my beliefs

(the old outdated conditioned ones) and even the newer (what I thought were more

evolved ones) are being challenged. Not so much challenged, but more like shown

to me as incorrect.


I have to share this dream I had last night. It was amazing. One of those

spiritual dreams and I love it when those happen instead of the scary ones.

First some background (or the dream won't make sense.) My husband had a heart

attack right in front of me two years ago and I thought he was dead and I kept

shaking him and finally got him to come to. Since then, every time he is

sleeping too sound, I freak out and start shaking him to make sure he is okay.

One time, not long ago, he even pretended to be " dead " because he knew I would

freak, which I did. He thought it was funny but I did not and got somewhat

angry with him about that.


Some more background: There is this lady at work who kind of drives me

crazy. I don't hate her or anything, she just irritates me a lot. She can be

very judgmental towards others and kind of obnoxious and pushy at times, but of

course, she has her good qualities as well. A couple of months ago, we went to

lunch together and stopped at a store and she bought a package of white socks

that were on sale.


Now the dream:


I was with my husband and his sister and we were on some exotic island

where the water was richly blue and the waves were fairly strong. I dreamed

that I went over to the edge of the sand and scooped up some beautiful rocks. I

made the comment, " Why don't we have such beautiful water and beautiful rocks

where we live? " We live close to the Gulf of Mexico and where we are, the water

is brown and there are no beautiful rocks like that, and rarely big waves, with

the exception of Katrina (which wiped out our home and community.) I think I

probably mentioned that three years ago when I was here before.


In the dream, I watched the water run through my fingers as I admired the

stones and I said, " Look, they are so pristine. " (When I woke up, I had to look

that word up because I couldn't even remember exactly what it meant. It means

" pure. " ) I could not get over the beauty.


Next, I began to realize that the water was getting deeper and the waves

were getting stronger and they were moving our way. I saw dolphins. They were

HUGE and jumping up and there were three of them. They kept jumping up in the

number three and getting closer and closer. I stepped back and told my

sister-in-law that we needed to get out of there because it was getting to be

too much. She agreed.


I saw my husband sleeping on the beach and noticed that he was covered with

a thin " blanket " of sand. I wondered if he would be sunburned. I started to

wake him up and he wouldn't wake up. I freaked out again and started shaking

him, and then he eventually did wake up. I fussed at him and told him not to do

that to me and that we needed to get out of there because the weather was

getting stronger and we must leave. So he got up and the three of us left.


Next scene, we were in a store shopping. She showed me a package of white

socks that were on sale. I thought how clean and white they looked. Then we

were off doing some other things and I realized that we were spending way too

much money. I told my husband and his sister that we MUST stop spending money

like this and said that my mother-in-law was going to freak out when she got the

credit card bill. I remember they were spending $300.00 at a time. $300.00

here and $300.00 there. One time $600.00 was in the dream. (My mother-in-law

is extremely frugal with her money and rarely spends it on anybody. She would

never turn us loose with her credit card! LOL!) But, I do understand because

she needs it to live on.


They finally agreed that they better stop spending money and then I woke



I looked some of this up in a couple of dream books and it hit me clearly

that one dream book was spiritually evolved in its interpretations and another

one was not. (I keep them because I have such vivid dreams.)


Where I come from, the work Kundalini has never even been spoken by anyone.

I seriously doubt if anyone I know has ever even heard of it. Except my husband

because I have told him a little about it and he tells me to " stay away from

that stuff. " So, it is important to me that my family and especially my husband

doesn't think I am losing it. So this is the ONLY place I can speak honestly

about what is happening. Yet, I want to share with my husband, but it is not

easy because he is very skeptical and I think he would also find it frightening

or possibly something " not of God. " I have had those fears myself.


The dream also brought into my awareness my judgment of the lady I work

with. I judge her as being too judgmental! LOL! Ironic, I know.


Sorry this is long, but I shared every detail, as I thought it was

important. Also, I did hear stories of similar dreams in the wav files I

listened to last night with talking and I thought, " I usually have the

spider dreams. "


When I remembered that this morning, I thought, " No way could these people

be getting inside of my head and influencing my dreams! " There HAS to be an

Intelligent Force behind this.


Pretty wild, huh? Thanks again for all of the support and clarifications.

Very much appreciated.





















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