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What is this death?

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SinceAge3OBEIHaveWantedToDieBecauseThisLifeHasBeen " Foreign " ToMe,SoIunderstand





Forgiven,AndThoseScarsHelpToDisentangleMeFromThe " Dance " OfEngagemantWithOthers



Post,WantToGetOffThe " StageOfLife " AndLeaveThe " MaskOfPersona " BehindAndReturnTo

















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--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen wrote:

























Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen

What is this death?


Friday, December 18, 2009, 12:04 PM







DearBeautifulDaniel le:ComputerProbl em;SpaceBarWon' tWork,ButPleaseR eadAnyway!


SinceAge3OBEIHaveWa ntedToDieBecause ThisLifeHasBeen " Foreign " ToMe,


WhatYouAreExperienc ing.IAmNotSuicid alEither, IJustWantToLiveL ifeCreatingOnlyG


Karma,LiveThroughTh eKarmaICameIntoT hisLifeToFace, AndForgiveWhenNe


TheEndOfEachDay. IThinkKundalini, SinceItAmplifies ,HasDugDeepIntoM


ResultThatThePainOf LifeCircumstance sHasLeftScarsWit hinMe,EvenAsIAmS


Forgiven,AndThoseSc arsHelpToDisenta ngleMeFromThe " Dance " OfEngagema


SoThatICanSeeMoreCl earlyNotOnlyMyOw nMotivationsAndI ntentions,


AsWell.TheEndResult OfAllOfThisIsTha tIAmWearyOfTheDa nce,AndAsISaidIn AnEarlier

Post,WantToGetOffTh e " StageOfLife " AndLeaveThe " MaskOfPersona " BehindAndReturnT


GodFromWhenceWeAllC ame.ICanRemember TellingMyParents AsAVeryYoungChil dThat

IWishedIHadNeverBee nBorn;(ThisWasAf terMyOBE) .IHaveNeverFeltU nderstoodOrAccep


ByAnyone,BecauseByB eingTrueToMyExpe rienceOfLifeIHav eApparentlyAlien atedOther

People,WhoCouldNotR elateToMe. ItHasBeenALonely Existance, ButItIsOfTheUtmo st

ImportanceToMeToBeA uthenticAboutWho IAmAndWhatIAmAbo ut.


MyLoveToYouBeautifu lDanielle, IHopeYourExperie nceContinuesToDr


ThatYouDoNotHaveToE xperienceTheAlie nationI'veExperi enced.






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Your words evoke in me my own longing to connect with that greater whole, to go

back Home. Back to the Unity which underlies all things. Peeling back the layers

of illusion and time and separation. At times that urge to peel away the

illusion has me purging my closets, giving away the ego adornments and identity

accessories, and wanting to walk away from all of it so I can be closer to the

Divine - as if God would be waiting for me only in an empty closet! Haha!


In practice, though, I think the urge to merge with God, to die and join with

the Divine, requires that I immerse myself more fully in life. To give, to

serve, to observe, to bear witness, to notice, to celebrate, to appreciate, to

revel and roll in the wonder which is Life - Life, which is God made manifest,

shining at us in all things, winking at us in the mirror.


You are peeling, peeling. So peel. Sing the Peeling Song. Dance the Peeling

Dance! Immerse yourself in the peeling. Dive into the feelings of dying and

letting go. Suspend your breath and feel the vibration of love hanging in the

in-between. Open your mouth, inhale the waters, and know that that, too, is God

smiling at you. And those radiant eyes in the mirror? That's God gazing back at

you. Die to those eyes, die to those eyes, die to those eyes, and you will never

die again.





--- <iamwaitingmoon wrote:


It feels like I'm further than ever from the Divine, and yet have that oh so

strong pulling to connect. What is this declination-this variance that leaves

me this inbetween and pulling to " die " ?

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There was talk here a few days ago about the water baptism. In a sense it could

be seen as a type of cleansing, but the way I see it, the immersion in water is

symbolic of death of our natural self or ego self. The coming back up out of the

water represents being reborn, raised up as the new spiritually alive self in

Christ. We are told in another verse to pick up our cross daily and follow

Christ. This dying to our ego is an ongoing thing as long as we live in this

world of duality. Also, our living our life each day in service to others is an

ongoing thing. The ego self does not actually die, but I have found that as one

grows stronger spiritually the ego also grows stronger. The frictions between

the two keeps us ever growing and transforming as we learn to overcome the

natutal beastly tendencies by summitting them to Spirit for purification. The

baptism by fire of the Holy Spirit (Shakti) I see more as the purifying agent,

which comes after the commitment to die to self and choosing to live one's life

in service to others.


Some moment when the stress of this world is strong, I long for the release by

death so as to return home, but then the next moment I am grateful that I am

still here having this chance to serve, grow, and evolve.




, " iamwaitingmoon "

<iamwaitingmoon wrote:


> All~

> This is a difficult topic, as it often leads to concern for others.

> It's not really something I can chat about with my friends over lunch.

> I'm wondering about death. > Love and thank you.

> ~Danielle


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Dear Danielle,


I always enjoy reading your posts and often feelings you are having resonate

with things I have experienced or given great thought to. We are all your

friends Danielle even if we are apart from you at this time. As I read this post

I did so with tears running down my cheeks. They were hot tears that seemed to

burn valleys down the sides of my face.


The feelings you are having are feelings that cross my mind many times. I have

tried to follow through more than once when times had been hard, but they were

more like cries for help, for someone to lift me up from this earthly pain and

take me to a place where I could rest & never feel pain again.


As I have come to realise more and more that we are all connected as part of one

whole, these feelings rear again. I see other peoples pain and unhappiness and

realise it is also my pain and your pain, but as one person this earthly pain is

overwhelming. Then like you, I see the beauty in nature and the taste of the

seasonal vegetables which are giving my body the strength to see this winter

through, and things feel a little better.


Yes it is the deep yearning to meet and become part of the divine (whatever it

may be). The feeling of finally coming home after a long, arduous, cold & lonely

journey and to sit by the fire and be embraced by those who 'truly' know us. But

we must trust in this higher being because if it was our time, Danielle, we

would be told. I do hope your mind and heart can soon be rested, as I too pray

for rest and also deeper understanding.


Blessings, Iona x


, " iamwaitingmoon "

<iamwaitingmoon wrote:


> All~

> This is a difficult topic, as it often leads to concern for others.

> It's not really something I can chat about with my friends over lunch.

> I'm wondering about death. I experience the " need " to die so often, and it

usually is a pulling that is so difficult to describe. It comes after a major

breaking, shattering away or unpeelling of a layer. My mind gets confused about

the feeling and the longing type of feeling, as i already struggle with feeling

out of place with talking up residence on this beautiful planet earth. I don't

anticipate that it is my Danielle death, but honestly I cannot tell sometimes. I

don't feel depressed or hopeless...the contrary, and have boughts of grief-but

that's of healing and release. It's puzzling trying to discern such. I would

guess it's what you have referred to as an ego death, but how frequently does

this occur? Is this repeated over and over, and a newbirth experienced as like

what has been so for me on a few occasions now? Or is this supposed to be a one

time ordeal that leads to transformation, and I happen to be stuck on repeat?

I'm at a place of disconnect from my prior dream teachers/guides and many

people; I seldom recall any dreams; I have difficulty meditating; Kriyas have

come and gone (with the exception of the whale calls few days ago); I'm

captivated by natures beauty as always, and long to crawl under her soil

blanket, or lounge upon the moon. It feels like I'm further than ever from the

Divine, and yet have that oh so strong pulling to connect. What is this

declination-this variance that leaves me this inbetween and pulling to " die " ?


> *let me reiterate that there are no concerns about me wanting to take my

life...just trying to understand the rawness and pull of such in relation to



> Love and thank you.

> ~Danielle


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