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What is this death? to Diane

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Hi Diane... as I read your commentary I could not help but feel your isolation

with society. You are not alone in this experience. Many of us here have either

dealt with this prior or are just beginning to go thru this as well...maybe just

learning how to just  name this experience. It is OK to hold back...most people

do anyways...that's one of our protective mechanizems that appear naturally to

us. Unless the other person are either empaths or naturally intuitive they would

not have a clue on what you are thinking let alone how you feel/sence unless you

inform them of such. It has been my experience to allow ourselves the moment

within...what I mean is...to be as truthful to ourselves and know we do not need

to explain to others what we are thinking, or why we do things we do out of the

whole goodness of our hearts. That is our original intent to begin with. Let up

on yourself...don't be so hard on YOU. Allow yourself to LOVE YOU and know your


expectations are limited just as everybody elses are. When others can not

relate to you...remember this, they are not there (where you are)  YET. Your

vibration and inner knowings have surpassed them. Humanwise you may be on the

same level but spiritually you are on a higher path they they are right now. It

will be understandable for both persons to not understand each other. Different

wave lengths don't merge. Much Love and Kindness to you. 


Your KAS friend,







Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen


Fri, December 18, 2009 3:06:50 PM

Re: What is this death?





--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen@ > wrote:




InAdditionToEarlier PostINeedToClari fyWhatIMeanInReg ardToBeingAuthen


AlienatedFromOthers :


ItIsAMatterOfIntegr ityToMeThatIBeTr ueToWhoIAm, ButThatDoesNotMe anIHaveTo

RevealEverythingAbo utWhoIAmToEveryO ne.ButGenerallyS peaking,IHaveBee nOpen

AndHonestWithThoseC losestToMe, AndHaveFoundThem ToBeVeryPuzzledB yMe,AndAs

ChrismHasSaid, TheyRevealByThei rResponsesThatTh eyCan'tRelateOrD on'tWantTo

RelateToWhereIam. AsAResult, IHaveFocusedOnRe latingToThemAndW hatIsImportantTo

TheirLives;ieBecomi ngALayCounselorF or8HoursAWeekAnd AWomensSupportGr oup

FacilitatorAtMyForm erChurch( After2yearsTrain ing).ButIHaveAlw aysFeltEitherUnk




AnyCommentsBothNega tiveAndPositiveA reWelcome








Diane Baugh <cdgbdronningen@ >

[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] What is this death?

Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1

Friday, December 18, 2009, 12:04 PM




DearBeautifulDaniel le:ComputerProbl em;SpaceBarWon' tWork,ButPleaseR eadAnyway!


SinceAge3OBEIHaveWa ntedToDieBecause ThisLifeHasBeen " Foreign " ToMe,


WhatYouAreExperienc ing.IAmNotSuicid alEither, IJustWantToLiveL ifeCreatingOnlyG


Karma,LiveThroughTh eKarmaICameIntoT hisLifeToFace, AndForgiveWhenNe


TheEndOfEachDay. IThinkKundalini, SinceItAmplifies ,HasDugDeepIntoM


ResultThatThePainOf LifeCircumstance sHasLeftScarsWit hinMe,EvenAsIAmS


Forgiven,AndThoseSc arsHelpToDisenta ngleMeFromThe " Dance " OfEngagema


SoThatICanSeeMoreCl earlyNotOnlyMyOw nMotivationsAndI ntentions,


AsWell.TheEndResult OfAllOfThisIsTha tIAmWearyOfTheDa nce,AndAsISaidIn AnEarlier

Post,WantToGetOffTh e " StageOfLife " AndLeaveThe " MaskOfPersona " BehindAndReturnT


GodFromWhenceWeAllC ame.ICanRemember TellingMyParents AsAVeryYoungChil dThat

IWishedIHadNeverBee nBorn;(ThisWasAf terMyOBE) .IHaveNeverFeltU nderstoodOrAccep


ByAnyone,BecauseByB eingTrueToMyExpe rienceOfLifeIHav eApparentlyAlien atedOther

People,WhoCouldNotR elateToMe. ItHasBeenALonely Existance, ButItIsOfTheUtmo st

ImportanceToMeToBeA uthenticAboutWho IAmAndWhatIAmAbo ut.


MyLoveToYouBeautifu lDanielle, IHopeYourExperie nceContinuesToDr


ThatYouDoNotHaveToE xperienceTheAlie nationI'veExperi enced.






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