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Shaktipat ramblings....

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Just some Shaktipat ramblings from my journal....



We are points of light. Radiating.

I see a lot of eyes and flames in waking vision. For a moment the Christmas

tree was a burning bush, blazing golden light!



Sat down, immediately went into deep stillness. Doing soham mantra, then

Lakshmi mantra. Also just long pauses after the exhalations, sitting empty.

Sat down, wote Om Shreem Lakshmiye Namaha once. All sound stopped, but a high

pitch in the left ear.

Just sitting down and giving the Goddess her time, a moment, She delivers Grace.



Start all things new.

Tibetans, alternate nostril breathing, Shakti prayer, stillness. Yet buzzing

and humming in my ears; body feels electric.



Many dreams. One where I see numerous astrological symbols floating by. Start

paying attention to astrology?



Happy Solstice! Happy Shaktipat!



Visions in which I am feminine. Also, a swarthy girl, playfully tackling me

(woman version of Shakti tiger?). Other times, I am a woman, straddling Siva.

Sweet Goddess, I surrender.


Generally lots of intense inner stillness. Lots of moments after the breath

exhales where I just go into another state between the breaths. If the eyes are

open, all appears fluid, made of light.


My love to all!



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