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Demonstrate Your Surrender

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Once again.....


Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

you may come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini.


Demonstrate this.....please.


Let us see what you are willing to give up. What you are willing to

leave. What you are willing to expose. Tell me, show me. Demonstrate

what you will surrender. And how you will surrender it.


If you struggle and resist you may have hardship so make the choice

and hold to that decision. Take joy in your decision and then you can

avoid being consumed by that which you refuse to let go of.


Surrender it. Let it go.


Is it guilt? Reveal it. Is it pain? Release it. Is it your truth?

Serve it.


Let me know from what you can give in the deepest and most lighted to

the rankest most depraved aspects of what you hide behind your eyes

and behind your heart. Because when you can go there and breathe a

surrender of your sorrows and your accomplishments your path will

open. Of your shames and your joys and loves and all of those

experiences that you keep private, the exudate of your soul, let it go!


It all gets exposed. Amplified and brought into the plain view. To you

not necessarily to others still in the body but for all of those

without a body it is exposed. All with eyes to see and ears to hear of

and within themselves will know and do know. Nothing is private

spiritually and all these secrets are weighed for contents and

intention and set aside as the useless dross of the ego. Let it go.

Give it up that It may help you clear.


There is no shame.


There is only release and surrender. Open yourself and allow all

aspects of your soul to be given the room to breathe by loosening the

burden of what you hold dear, good or shameful, wretched or loving.

Surrender it all and let the divinity that is starting to express,

breathe the new breath of existence inside the new space you have

created by your surrendering. -


Post Script.................................

Surrender is as much a state of being as it is a state of not having attachment.

The " will " to surrender can be as important as the actual " act " of surrender. By

surrender I am referring to those attachments that may be blocking further

development within the agenda of the Kundalini.


Is your wife helpful to your development? I will suggest that she is.

Is your home and job and car helpful? I will suggest they are.

Are there attitudes and behaviors and possessions that are part of your present

life that are not helpful for your development within the Kundalini? I will

suggest that yes there may be these areas.


Feel your way into it slowly and make a thorough accounting of what you need,

what you want, and what you feel you can surrender at this time. You may find

something or nothing there is no judgment. Do the best that you can do.


Surrendering your job and your marriage and your leg bones are not the

intention. Surrendering ego control over how we " are " is something that can be

looked at by many of us.


I offer these merely as suggestions as I know you are well able to discern that

which is good for you. - c

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I must be like that spider on the mirror with its 16 legs...the multitude of

which still need to let go. Just when I think I've let go with them all, there

are 8 more holding fast onto something seemingly of significance and importance.

These legs are my illusion. Yet my true connection is by an invisible thread and

not by these legs at all.





, " "

<> wrote:


> Once again.....


> Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that


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I am willing, I hope, to surrender my ego.


Let my explain the, " I hope " , part of the above


It is easy to write and even to mean that I am willing give up my ego but to

really do it may be much more difficult than I think it is. So I hope that I

really am up to it.


It is process. I am willing to engage it and I hope that I will continue to the

end. I know that I will face unexpected resistance and challenges.


My most recent bit of unexpected seeing through my ego and the discomfort



My whole life I have known that I am different from most guys in many ways. I

will only go into a few of them here. I am not a sports fan, most guys are.

This separates me from 95% of all men I know. I am not into a " macho trip " in

fact it really turns me off when guys get into a whole big " pissing contest " of

who is the best, biggest, badest, strongest, etc.


There is more but that is enough for now.


I have always taken great pride (ego!) in my differences. I have thought of

myself as better, more evolved, more spiritual/enlightened than most guys who

are just into all of the superficial guy stuff…I am past that…I see through maya

(the illusion) and care about the true, deeper stuff in life…I am better than

that….better than them.


And I am humble about it also. I never told anyone that I was better than them

or better than most other guys. I hardly even ever told myself that. I know

that we are all doing the best we can, we are all developing at our own rate,

working out our karma and learning our lessons as we are ready for them.


Recently I have been feeling (feeling not thinking) that I not any better, just

different! Wow, my ego does not like that. Who want to be different and not even

be better than others? But this is the truth. I must face it and live with it.

I am doing just that, dealing with it. What is next? I don't know but this

insight is mild and easy for me to deal with. Will it get more difficult? I

bet it will so I hope that I will also be able to deal what ever comes next.



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I am willing to surrender EVERYTHING.


Yes, that is my final answer. Sorry my reply is so short =)



-Tiffany S




, " "

<> wrote:


> Once again.....


> Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

> you may come into a full and pure express


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I want more than anything to be able to surrender completely, but I am not alone

in this. I have a family and responsibilities to them. I love my family deeply

and would not want to hurt them in any way. Four years ago when James threaten

divorce, I should have allowed it to take place, I guess. I knew he really

didn't want a divorce,though, but was wanting me to go back to being the way I

used to be. It is hard for people to except change. I didn't go back to the way

I was and they slowly adjusted to the way I am now. It is a slow process.


If I should end up not able to take care of myself or to do my responsiblities

and did crazy stuff on top of that, James would surely have me committed, even

though I made him promise not to ever have me committed no matter what. I don't

trust him to keep his word. How am I suppose to trust him? When I was baptised

by the Holy Spirit, it ended up with him putting a gun to my head. The change in

me was too great of a shock for him.


*sigh* I guess if there was a K community I could run to for help if things went

haywire, I would be willing to take the risk and go for it. I could handle

divorce, but not being locked up, drugged out in a mental hospital.


I don't know what kundalini has in store for me...what will be will be. I don't

even want to think about it, but just take one day at a time. I trust God to

make the way, if a full awakening is for me to experience this lifetime. I

surrender myself daily to His/Her will to the best of my ability. That is all I

know to do.




, " "

<> wrote:


> Once again.....


> Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

> you may come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini.


> Demonstrate this.....please.

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Dear Chrism,

The words that are coming to me out of this post are;

'There is no 'me'.'

Love, Sandra



, " "

<> wrote:


> Once again.....


> Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

> you may come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini.


> Demonstrate this.....please.


> Let us see what you are willing to give up. What you are willing to

> leave. What you are willing to expose. Tell me, show me. Demonstrate

> what you will surrender. And how you will surrender it.


> If you struggle and resist you may have hardship so make the choice

> and hold to that decision. Take joy in your decision and then you can

> avoid being consumed by that which you refuse to let go of.


> Surrender it. Let it go.


> Is it guilt? Reveal it. Is it pain? Release it. Is it your truth?

> Serve it.


> Let me know from what you can give in the deepest and most lighted to

> the rankest most depraved aspects of what you hide behind your eyes

> and behind your heart. Because when you can go there and breathe a

> surrender of your sorrows and your accomplishments your path will

> open. Of your shames and your joys and loves and all of those

> experiences that you keep private, the exudate of your soul, let it go!


> It all gets exposed. Amplified and brought into the plain view. To you

> not necessarily to others still in the body but for all of those

> without a body it is exposed. All with eyes to see and ears to hear of

> and within themselves will know and do know. Nothing is private

> spiritually and all these secrets are weighed for contents and

> intention and set aside as the useless dross of the ego. Let it go.

> Give it up that It may help you clear.


> There is no shame.


> There is only release and surrender. Open yourself and allow all

> aspects of your soul to be given the room to breathe by loosening the

> burden of what you hold dear, good or shameful, wretched or loving.

> Surrender it all and let the divinity that is starting to express,

> breathe the new breath of existence inside the new space you have

> created by your surrendering. -


> Post Script.................................

> Surrender is as much a state of being as it is a state of not having

attachment. The " will " to surrender can be as important as the actual " act " of

surrender. By surrender I am referring to those attachments that may be blocking

further development within the agenda of the Kundalini.


> Is your wife helpful to your development? I will suggest that she is.

> Is your home and job and car helpful? I will suggest they are.

> Are there attitudes and behaviors and possessions that are part of your

present life that are not helpful for your development within the Kundalini? I

will suggest that yes there may be these areas.


> Feel your way into it slowly and make a thorough accounting of what you need,

what you want, and what you feel you can surrender at this time. You may find

something or nothing there is no judgment. Do the best that you can do.


> Surrendering your job and your marriage and your leg bones are not the

> intention. Surrendering ego control over how we " are " is something that can be

looked at by many of us.


> I offer these merely as suggestions as I know you are well able to discern

that which is good for you. - c


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Dear chrism,

surrender seems to be on two fronts... the surrender to the work that K is doing

on and in the physical body and other bodies and the surrender to K in my

everyday life of living.  Hey that is interesting now that I say it...ultimitly

it is probably all the one surrender but I am putting it into two different

boxes!!!  Mmmmm.

I say very often " I surrrender to God, to Truth, to Love to K.. " but I know

the words said do not always carry a conviction or trust in them.  I have

surrendered everything to God and while this was done with absolute sincerity I

am finding that there is an ongoing continious surrender beingt called for in

small matters of my everyday life and these opportunities for surrender are

often ignored by me although I know they are there.  this has to do with

servicing my own needs instead of the needs of others..

I am not being hard on myself here at all, I know that I do take some of the

opportunities offered but I am  doing aort of " a-la-carte " job of surrendering

and that really is not what I am being called to do and I know it!!! 

With the work being done by K in the physical body I have a bigt difficulty

surrendering when it comes to the throat.  I need to swallow a lot and I just

cannot surrender absolutly and allow.  I know I am not surrendering when I

begin to antisipate what is going to happen next  as soon as energy or movement

comes up to the throat area this process starts to happen and surrender is not

fully given at all.  I do not know why this is the case. I find that surrender

is a decision to be made and committed to but it does not " work " with regard to

the throat??  Again it is probably to do with  preconceived notions of what

may occur " after " the throat and not trusting that K will take care of all of

it .  I remember very vividly the ecstacy of my first experience and how long

it lasted... long term ecstasy is not something I desire at all while in this

body and I am very attached to not having it !!    I remember what occured

after that was

abandonment and  complete detatchment, and while non attachment is something I

do work towards, absolute non attachment is not something I would really aim for

while in this body either,  so I have some fear hanging around because of these

preconceived ideas and I seem unable to let them go.  It is possible, but I

cannot say for sure, that I think my throat is the last fortress and I do not

want to have it knocked down.  When I actually voice that it soujnds so silly

and I am not sure if that will read like any form of sense but I want to be

honest.  I know I am with holding full surrender.  I know also that I am being

called to fully surrender but I think I am scared.  Scared is different to

fearful.. ie as I have experienced fearful in the past.  Scared is definitly

becauswe |I do not trust fully.  I think that K knows this and is being patient

and persistant.  However now that you have put the question to me I can see

that I have actually

got quite complacient in  surrendering to some things but not to all. EEEk! 

Comfort zone is shifting.


Ok that is enogh for now. chrism I will need to meditate more about surrender

and if you have comments about my with holding of absolute surrender they would

be most welcome.

Love Julia








Wed, December 30, 2009 12:18:54 AM

Demonstrate Your Surrender



Once again.....


Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

you may come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini.


Demonstrate this.....please.


Let us see what you are willing to give up. What you are willing to

leave. What you are willing to expose. Tell me, show me. Demonstrate

what you will surrender. And how you will surrender it.


If you struggle and resist you may have hardship so make the choice

and hold to that decision. Take joy in your decision and then you can

avoid being consumed by that which you refuse to let go of.


Surrender it. Let it go.


Is it guilt? Reveal it. Is it pain? Release it. Is it your truth?

Serve it.


Let me know from what you can give in the deepest and most lighted to

the rankest most depraved aspects of what you hide behind your eyes

and behind your heart. Because when you can go there and breathe a

surrender of your sorrows and your accomplishments your path will

open. Of your shames and your joys and loves and all of those

experiences that you keep private, the exudate of your soul, let it go!


It all gets exposed. Amplified and brought into the plain view. To you

not necessarily to others still in the body but for all of those

without a body it is exposed. All with eyes to see and ears to hear of

and within themselves will know and do know. Nothing is private

spiritually and all these secrets are weighed for contents and

intention and set aside as the useless dross of the ego. Let it go.

Give it up that It may help you clear.


There is no shame.


There is only release and surrender. Open yourself and allow all

aspects of your soul to be given the room to breathe by loosening the

burden of what you hold dear, good or shameful, wretched or loving..

Surrender it all and let the divinity that is starting to express,

breathe the new breath of existence inside the new space you have

created by your surrendering. -


Post Script...... ......... .......... .........

Surrender is as much a state of being as it is a state of not having attachment.

The " will " to surrender can be as important as the actual " act " of surrender. By

surrender I am referring to those attachments that may be blocking further

development within the agenda of the Kundalini.


Is your wife helpful to your development? I will suggest that she is.

Is your home and job and car helpful? I will suggest they are.

Are there attitudes and behaviors and possessions that are part of your present

life that are not helpful for your development within the Kundalini? I will

suggest that yes there may be these areas.


Feel your way into it slowly and make a thorough accounting of what you need,

what you want, and what you feel you can surrender at this time. You may find

something or nothing there is no judgment. Do the best that you can do.


Surrendering your job and your marriage and your leg bones are not the

intention. Surrendering ego control over how we " are " is something that can be

looked at by many of us.


I offer these merely as suggestions as I know you are well able to discern that

which is good for you. - c









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Hi Chrism,


I will try my best to surrender as much of my ego as possible and my attachments

to old lifestyles and emotional patterns/responses.


As tough as it is, I need a change. The shaktipat has helped me hugely from a

self realization standpoint, but there are still attachments, attitudes and

other garbage that I need to let go of, so that I can move forward.


To do this I need to seemingly be more conscious of my thoughts and reactions

throughout the day and everyday. As tough of a challenge as it will be, I will

commit to trying my best to release those attachments and surrender.


Blessings, love and light,



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I have noticed that we sometimes speak of surrender as if it means giving up our

families, our jobs, and our outer responsibilities. " I would surrender except I

feel I should not leave my family, my job, etc. "


I know it is different for each of us.


For some, surrendering to the Divine may mean remaining with your family,

lovingly caring for them, doing valuable work in the world, fulfilling your

karmic and dharmic obligations, and generally keeping the covenant you made with

your higher self when you agreed to the conditions of incarnation. For others,

as old karmas are exhausted, it may be time to move on to new experiences - that

too is part of your agreement for the incarnation's educational experiences.


As I said, it is different for each person - use your discernment. But

surrender may be an inner release of attachments. It need not necessarily

manifest in drastic lifestyle changes, although it may.


I like to remember the old saw: before enlightenement: chopping wood and

carrying water; after enlightenment: chopping wood and carrying water. When

being done before enlightenment, it is because " I " want to, " I " believe I should

care for my family by chopping wood and carrying water, " I " have an opinion

about this or that. If it is beng done after enlightenment, it is because it is

the harmonious thing to do, in keeping with the flow of the Universe, Tao, etc.

At that point there is no longer an individual judgment about it, just a

surrender to what is. No small " self " doing, just the undulation of the ocean;

this particular wavelet chopping wood and carrying water this particular moment.


I would suggest that surrender does not always require you to " do " anything

differently (although it may), rather to " be " different.





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Sometimes I find that composing and repeating prayers for surrender help me to

deepen my surrender. Messages in dreams help me to find ways to deepen my

surrender. Messages in everyday life, coming in the form of circumstances and

my own reactions/interactions with such circumstances, also show me ways in

which I can deepen my own surrender to the all that there is.


It is an ongoing process. Each day I find little ways in which I cling to fear,

ego contraction, anger, etc., etc. - all the anti-safeties. And try to correct

or release them.


Oh sweet Goddess,

help me to surrender completely.


Help me get out of the way,

that you may radiate through me and

lovingly touch all beings with whom I interact.


Let me be a conduit for your Radiance,

empty of self.


Let me surrender all which prevents this.


I cannot discern that which must be surrendered

nor can I surrender it myself.


Flow through me freely

and dissolve whatever

inhibits your Radiance.


I bow to you and give myself

completely to your loving embrace.


Dissolve me in your Love.


Oh sweet Goddess,

help me to surrender completely.





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Thank you for this beautiful prayer. It moved me deeply when I first read it,

and I have been holding it in my heart all morning, letting it roll around

inside me, loosening, loosening.


When I read these lines in particular, relief flooded me, and I felt a lightness

as the burden of ego-monitoring-ego was lifted from my shoulders.


" I cannot discern that which must be surrendered

nor can I surrender it myself.


Flow through me freely

and dissolve whatever

inhibits your Radiance. "


Thank you so much, David. Your words have brought me much peace.





--- " djgottlieb " wrote:

> Sometimes I find that composing and repeating prayers for surrender help me to

deepen my surrender.

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Thank you David for all your posts. This one had meaning for me as I would never

leave my children behind especially if they asked me not to go. They are grown

now but for 13 yrs of their lives I was estranged from them because of their



They are now 29 + 35yrs old but they still need me and need to be close to me to

help make sense of those missing years. I was also close to a nephew 28 & niece

21, who I brought up and they need me now their own mother has died.


They all called me Christmas day as my ex was spending the day with them all. As

usual he drank to much and upset them all in turn. I am so glad I was easily

available to be a listening ear to them all. I ended the calls asking them to

try and forgive my ex, and wish him all the best from me.


For me to go off to an ashram or community in another country would not be an

act of surrender but an act of selfishness on my part. My future is to be there

for them and other children from difficult backgrounds. I will be there to show

them real unconditional love. I am sure this will not stand in the way of the

work Kundalini wants to do with my mind and body. It can only strengthen it.


With love for all our futures,


Iona x


, " djgottlieb "

<dgottlieb wrote:




> I have noticed that we sometimes speak of surrender as if it means giving up

our families, our jobs, and our outer responsibilities. " I would surrender

except I feel I should not leave my family, my job, etc. "


> I know it is different for each of us.


> For some, surrendering to the Divine may mean remaining with your family,

lovingly caring for them, doing valuable work in the world, fulfilling your

karmic and dharmic obligations, and generally keeping the covenant you made with

your higher self when you agreed to the conditions of incarnation. For others,

as old karmas are exhausted, it may be time to move on to new experiences - that

too is part of your agreement for the incarnation's educational experiences.


> As I said, it is different for each person - use your discernment. But

surrender may be an inner release of attachments. It need not necessarily

manifest in drastic lifestyle changes, although it may.


> I like to remember the old saw: before enlightenement: chopping wood and

carrying water; after enlightenment: chopping wood and carrying water. When

being done before enlightenment, it is because " I " want to, " I " believe I should

care for my family by chopping wood and carrying water, " I " have an opinion

about this or that. If it is beng done after enlightenment, it is because it is

the harmonious thing to do, in keeping with the flow of the Universe, Tao, etc.

At that point there is no longer an individual judgment about it, just a

surrender to what is. No small " self " doing, just the undulation of the ocean;

this particular wavelet chopping wood and carrying water this particular moment.


> I would suggest that surrender does not always require you to " do " anything

differently (although it may), rather to " be " different.


> Love,


> David


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Thanks for this, Chrism,


yes, in the bath two nights ago, it came clear that my souls deepest desire is

to live life from a place of trust and surrender...



I see how my current life situation is a wonderful learning scenario for

that.... and that freed up some resistance and was felt as a liberation.. that

night, I had dreams of writing and passing my exams...


Thank you for your work and your contributions, Chrism...








, " "

<> wrote:


> Once again.....


> Show me and therefore yourself what you are willing to surrender that

> you may come into a full and pure expression of Kundalini.


> Demonstrate this.....please.


> Let us see what you are willing to give up. What you are willing to

> leave. What you are willing to expose. Tell me, show me. Demonstrate

> what you will surrender. And how you will surrender it.


> If you struggle and resist you may have hardship so make the choice

> and hold to that decision. Take joy in your decision and then you can

> avoid being consumed by that which you refuse to let go of.


> Surrender it. Let it go.


> Is it guilt? Reveal it. Is it pain? Release it. Is it your truth?

> Serve it.


> Let me know from what you can give in the deepest and most lighted to

> the rankest most depraved aspects of what you hide behind your eyes

> and behind your heart. Because when you can go there and breathe a

> surrender of your sorrows and your accomplishments your path will

> open. Of your shames and your joys and loves and all of those

> experiences that you keep private, the exudate of your soul, let it go!


> It all gets exposed. Amplified and brought into the plain view. To you

> not necessarily to others still in the body but for all of those

> without a body it is exposed. All with eyes to see and ears to hear of

> and within themselves will know and do know. Nothing is private

> spiritually and all these secrets are weighed for contents and

> intention and set aside as the useless dross of the ego. Let it go.

> Give it up that It may help you clear.


> There is no shame.


> There is only release and surrender. Open yourself and allow all

> aspects of your soul to be given the room to breathe by loosening the

> burden of what you hold dear, good or shameful, wretched or loving.

> Surrender it all and let the divinity that is starting to express,

> breathe the new breath of existence inside the new space you have

> created by your surrendering. -


> Post Script.................................

> Surrender is as much a state of being as it is a state of not having

attachment. The " will " to surrender can be as important as the actual " act " of

surrender. By surrender I am referring to those attachments that may be blocking

further development within the agenda of the Kundalini.


> Is your wife helpful to your development? I will suggest that she is.

> Is your home and job and car helpful? I will suggest they are.

> Are there attitudes and behaviors and possessions that are part of your

present life that are not helpful for your development within the Kundalini? I

will suggest that yes there may be these areas.


> Feel your way into it slowly and make a thorough accounting of what you need,

what you want, and what you feel you can surrender at this time. You may find

something or nothing there is no judgment. Do the best that you can do.


> Surrendering your job and your marriage and your leg bones are not the

> intention. Surrendering ego control over how we " are " is something that can be

looked at by many of us.


> I offer these merely as suggestions as I know you are well able to discern

that which is good for you. - c


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